Disclaimer: Any content/characters you may recognize DO NOT belong to me. This is a Fanfiction, done purely out of entertainment, and as such I do not make any profit whatsoever out of this. Harry Potter belongs to the wonderful JK Rowling, and Katekyo Hitman Reborn is in the rightful ownership of the equally wonderful Akira Amano.

Warnings: This story contains SLASH, meaning boyxboy action, if this bothers you please don't read this, or bitch to me about it.

Author's note: I will be posting a warning pertaining to every chapter, though this story probably won't have much in the psychological/gory/foul language category. Though I might just post some smut in the upcoming chapters. I will mark it, though, so you may skip it if it bothers you. This story won't be very long, 2-5 chapters at the most. This is it for now, so enjoy!

When Dino saw him for the first time, he was embarrassed to admit he went a tad bit doe eyed. He caught himself soon though, snapping out of it and trying to pretend nothing happened. He hoped no one noticed his little staring act.

But of course such luck is nonexistent while in the presence of highly trained, highly aware Mafioso.

Even more so when one of those Mafioso happened to be the great hitman Reborn.

Said pain-in-the-ass bopped him upside the head hard enough to make him stumble a bit, which wasn't strange at all for two reasons.

One, this was Reborn who was a sadist at heart and enjoyed torturing him at every opportunity he got. Sometimes Dino wondered if he would even make it to the mantle of the tenth Cavallone boss before Reborn killed him.

Not very likely since his tutor's middle name might as well be violence.

Two, he was clumsy Dino, born with two left feet, with no balance to speak of and poor eyesight to boot.

Back to the present, Reborn's little act drew the unwelcome and unwanted attention of the other scary people in the room.

The young (too young, whispered something in his mind) blonde with a fringe covering his eyes kept on grinning. But no matter how young he was or seemed to be, he shouldn't be underestimated. His wide grin that was all teeth put Dino on edge.

The one with an awful haircut looked lecherous, or at least even more lecherous than he did before.

Scar- face looked bored and he couldn't even read the last two.

The baby, because he (she, it?) was wearing a hood, and the burly guy with ridiculous facial hair because he was fussing over Scar-face like an overgrown mother hen. He would have laughed, had the other man not looked more murderous by the second.

Squalo was, perhaps, his only comfort, although even he was hiding a smirk.

And, of course, he was smirking, looking directly at him with half lidded eyes. The green of his iris almost covered with the blown pupil.

Dino felt hot all of a sudden, his face warming up to an alarming shade of red. He could feel his neck heating up, which made him want to tug at his collar.

He licked his suddenly- dry lips nervously as he tried to look somewhere else.

No such luck, as anywhere he looked he would meet the eyes of the other occupants which only served to make him even more flustered than he already was.

Reborn took that as his cue to hit him again, this time opting for a discreet kick in the shins.

Dino swallowed back a choked yelp and instead turned to his beloved tutor.

He gulped and straightened his back as he saw a tick starting to form near his eyes. That was a habit Reborn adopted when he was annoyed.

Of course, Reborn was always annoyed, but when he started to show it...

Well, let's just say that it never ended well for his lovely little pupil.

So, the Cavallone heir swallowed back his nervousness and raised his eyes to meet the ones of his hosts, despite the slight fear he felt.

He stared into the viridian eyes of the Varia Cloud officer and, because of that, missed the glint that entered Reborn's dark eyes.

So his student had a crush, huh?

- CUT -

When the meeting was over, Dino didn't know whether to kiss the ground or to kick Reborn. (Not that he could, mind you. Kick Reborn that is)

However, since neither of those options sounded very appealing, he settled on throwing himself on the sinfully soft bed generously provided by his hosts.

The Vongola certainly knew comfort, he'd give them that.

Dino sprawled himself across the queen sized bed and threw a hand across his face.

Finally alone, he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. He relaxed and tried to answer the sweet call of Morpheus.

But he couldn't fall asleep.

Green, green eyes and a uniform fitted around a lean body invaded his mind.

He squirmed on the lush violet comforter, threw his blanket off and then back on again and rearranged his pillows but for the life of him couldn't get comfortable.

For whenever Dino closed his eyes shut, all he could see was that smirk.

Eventually he gave up and accepted the fact that he wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight. The young almost-Mafioso lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering what to do to pass the time. He threw off the blankets, stood up and immediately shivered when the chilly night air hit his bare chest.

He put on a pair of slippers and a night coat which preserved his modesty some and stepped outside into the hallway of the large manor which served as his temporary residence.

Dino ambled aimlessly for a while until he reached a kitchen, which seemed to be just as extravagantly decorated as the rest of the house. Indeed, the spacious kitchen had gleaming marble countertops, sparkling taps and a large island that was most likely the wet dream of every housewife.

He started on making himself a large mug of hot chocolate. He went through the process almost automatically, since his mind was far off in a land filled with handsome black haire-



Dino paused. Did he really think that the Cloud officer, a man, was handsome?

He certainly saw his share of handsome men in his lifetime, so how does that make him any different?

But then again, he never wanted to do unspeakable things to them either.

When he finished making his beverage, he pulled up a chair and sank down in it, cradling the hot drink in his hand and contemplated.

Was he gay?

Well that isn't something he ever gave thought to. He certainly looked at girls before and thought they were pretty, so why would boys have to be any different?

It was because of this line of thought that held him occupied, that he never saw or heard light footsteps approach.

Until the newcomer spoke, that is.

"Your drink is getting cold."

Dino startled and stumbled, standing up quickly and spilling his drink all over the floor and his fingers, managing to get some on his chest as well. He cursed and reached for a clean rag to wipe the gooey chocolate off his fingers and torso, when his hand was intercepted by a larger, warmer one, its fingers wrapping around his forearm.

Dino gave a little yelp and turned wide brown eyes to the other person-

-And came face-to-face to the thrice damned man who, apparently, took up residence at the forefront of his mind.

His lips parted slightly, and the breath he didn't realize he was holding came out in one big 'whoosh'.

His eyes were even greener up close.

The aforementioned eyes narrowed slightly in amusement, before it's owner's head dipped toward Dino's ear, where he whispered;

"What's got you so flustered, koi?"

Dino's mouth promptly closed shut and he blinked as he realized the suggestive position they were in.

With him being trapped between the Varia officer and the island, it would certainly look lewd to any wandering passersby. Apparently his companion noticed this as well, as he moved even closer to him, pressing their chests together and ghosting his breath over his exposed collarbone.

Dino shivered and pulled closer, resting his head on the man's shoulder.




"Perdente Dino what are you doing?"

Dino's head snapped up, his hand loosening from his mug, which then promptly tumbled to the ground and shattered,

Dino cursed- this scene was looking all too familiar. Only this time there was no-one to woo him off his feet. He paused for a moment. Did he just daydream? Or was it just dream since it technically wasn't a day?

He mused on this for a moment. That is, until Reborn decided to make his presence known once again.

The to-be-Cavallone shrieked (He didn't shriek, he was just surprised,) and clutched the back of his head, where he could already feel a bump starting to form.

"Don't ignore me, stronzo."

Dino sighed and stood up still rubbing his head-

-only to forget about the spilt drink on which he promptly slipped on and face planted directly on to the cold marble floor.

He raised his head up to look at Reborn, who was currently calmly sitting on one of the counters, examining his fingernails. For a baby he sure could pack a mean right hook. Dino grimaced and stood up, almost falling down again but was saved from the embarrassment by grabbing the edge of the island.

"Useless " Reborn grumbled with a tiny, almost non-existent frown.

"R-reborn "Dino didn't quite manage to catch his stutter "Why- why are you here?"

At this, Reborn looked away and smirked slightly; "You were making enough noise to wake up the entire manor."

At this, the young Cavallone frowned "I was being as quiet as I could be…"

And, for his troubles he received a poke in the nose. Of course, because it was Reborn who did the poking', his nose would be sore for quite some time.

"Did you forget where we are, pipsqueak? Did you forget who else is here, except us?"

Dino froze

Was he really that loud?

Just as he was starting to space out again, Reborn gave him another bop in the head.

"Go to sleep, perdente " And with that Reborn disappeared to God knows where once again.

The Not-really-Mafioso stared off towards where Reborn went and smiled. No matter how much the baby tried to act it off, he really did care for those close to him

- CUT -

In the end, Dino did manage to get a few hours in. He woke up feeling slightly dizzy and disoriented, though. This wasn't his room..




Slowly it started coming back to him

He was in Varia manor, along with his tutor; the Sun Arcobaleno Reborn.

Wait.. Reborn..

Dino groaned as everything came rushing back like a flood.

Chocolate, green eyes, warmth, pain, Reborn...

He had a crush.

He had a crush, he liked someone.

And not just any someone, no. It had to be one of the crazy bastards in Vongola's independent assassination squad, the Varia. And it had to be the mysterious Cloud, as well.

'Well, it could be worse ' The blonde mused, 'At least it wasn't the scary boss, or the flamboyant green haired guy.

Or even worse, the baby.

Dino shuddered, he really didn't want to be labeled as a pedophile.

Eventually he got dressed and entered the bathroom to do his daily hygiene routine.

As he was brushing his teeth (because morning breath was one of the worst damn scents he ever had the misfortune of smelling, also he didn't need cavities) there was a knock on his large walnut double-doors. He quickly finished up and hurried towards the door, almost slipping on the polished floor and breaking his nose.

It was a slightly ruffled Dino that opened the door, and was greeted by the sight of an impatient Reborn, looking annoyed and about to shoot something. Namely his inept disciple.

Dino gulped as his mentor swiveled around on his stubby little legs and jumped up on his shoulder, tugging at his hair rather harshly in the process. Talk about unnecessary.

Reborn simply pointed down a hallway, and the young Cavallone obeyed immediately, knowing that an annoyed Reborn is a trigger-happy Reborn. And a trigger-happy Reborn meant a bruised, bloody and sore Dino.

The young man marched towards the dining room, baby in tow and a set expression on his face. He knew what was coming. Now that he has come to term with both his sexuality and his feelings toward the Cloud guardian of the Varia, he dreaded seeing the man in question.

When he reached the set of oak doors he paused for a moment, long enough to warrant a look from Reborn. He inhaled slightly and pushed open the doors, surprisingly not causing anyone to turn their head.

'I'm in a house filled with killers, of course they would have heard me coming!'

He set his eyes on the long dining table filled to the brim with breakfast foods, no tablecloth covering it. At the head of the table the scarred man, Xanxus, who was leader of the Varia, as well as Noveno's son was lounging like he owned the place. Which is probably, y'know, because he did.

He was flanked by the Varia captain, Squalo, on the right. The Rain guardian was sitting with a scowl etched on his face and a multitude of broken pottery behind him.

On his left, the hedgehog-headed Levi was, once again, fussing and fluttering about him, taking away dishes from his boss. That is, of course, until said boss decided he had enough of this and promptly pulled out his pistols and shot the man.

Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you looked at it, it missed Levi by a hair's breadth.

Instead it almost hit the floating Esper, Mammon, who appeared out of nowhere behind his (Dino just assumed it was a he, based on what? He had no idea ) boss's wingback chair.

Dino averted his eyes from the, somewhat chaotic, scene and looked at the other people in the room.

The blonde haired pre-teen, Belphegor, was playing with the somewhat-blunt kitchen knives with a slasher grin on his face. Even though he, Dino, was some six or so years older than him, the kid still gave him the creeps

The Cavallone shuddered and looked south; to where the Sun guardian was sitting.

Lussuria, what an odd name for someone.

He's not the only one with one, of course. Being literally named 'Lust' wasn't that odd when you were working with people who were named after a demon, a Hebrew sea monster, a shark and another demon, respectively.

Said flamboyant man was preening himself in one of the provided spoons.

What an odd bunch.

Dino tore his eyes away and looked to the creepy knife kid. Seriously, someone take those away before somebody loses an eye.

He looked away-

-straight into the eyes of the Cloud.

- CUT -

Not much is known about the mysterious seventh Varia member, only that he showed up one day, out of nowhere and asked to join the Vongola's independent assassination squad.

Now since barely even a month before him a certain Blonde haired demon child practically did the same thing, no one looked at him twice. He had a simple first mission, where he, and a few other lower rank officers, simply had to sneak into a warehouse- and blow it up.

However, that was also his first mission gone wrong.

The famiglia that owned the warehouse and was suspected of drug trafficking was notified of their arrival beforehand thanks to a mole in Vongola's operation base. Therefore, when the Varia members arrived at the isolated warehouse in southern Italy, they were greeted with more than four dozen fully armed mafia members.

After a half an hour or so, one of the higher ranking members received word of what was going on and, as he was preparing to dispatch a small team to help his underlings, he heard a muffled bang followed by a muted silence.

He rushed out to see what was going on, only to stop short at the sight that greeted him.

Two of his members- lower rank, judging by their uniforms- were passed out and being supported by another lower rank who was completely covered in blood and guts, with brain matter hanging from his scalp.

Now, apart from the fact that these are lower ranked members, this sort of scene wouldn't cause him to be surprised- they are an assassination squad, after all.

However, these are the rookies that got themselves ambushed in that warehouse, the ones who he was about to send help to.

He was interrupted from his tirade by the bloody guy dumping his comrades unceremoniously on the cold marble floor, and trudging up the stairs for God only knows what reason.

He stood there, dumbfounded that a recruit can single-handedly beat more than fifty Mafioso and, according to his passed out mates, as well as all the telltale blood and viscera hanging from his person, he did it by himself.

Now that's Varia Quality.

He turned around on his heel and went upstairs towards his temperate boss's chambers. Even though he was scared of him, he dreaded to think what would happen if he didn't report something like this to his superiors.

He knocked twice, braced himself and opened the sturdy double doors that led to the Boss's chambers-

-and promptly ducked to avoid a flying tequila bottle aiming for his head that impacted the wall behind him and broke with a loud crash.

"I didn't give you permission to come in, trash."

The lower-ranked officer shivered and fought not to cower in front of his boss's murderous gaze, the reason why he was so feared even among the Varia.

"I apologize sir. P-permission to speak?" The Rookie winced at his stutter and fought to keep his face in the blank mask every officer is required to learn.

Xanxus snorted and replied "Permission granted, trash. What the hell do you want?"

Rookie took a deep breath and told him what just occurred, in as few words as possible. After his story, he braced himself for his boss's rage about one thing or another but all he heard was:

"Bring him here, trash."

The Rookie gulped and nodded, swiveling around and trying to get the hell away from his trigger-happy boss.

After that it was just a bloody mess of the Boss trying to kill the new recruit, the said recruit being a mischievous and, apparently, suicidal bloke provoking and taunting anyone who came close.

Of course, this got him mixed reactions.

Squalo chased him around the entire headquarters, screaming some rather creative death threats and profanities.

The Boss started shooting him and anything close to him with his pistols at full blast, resulting in an entire floor and the walls below and above it needing to be replaced, also roaring about 'the trash' needing to be put in his place in a very painful way.

Bel took a liking to him simply because he was able to provoke such reactions. Also because he somehow managed to dye Squalo's hair lilac.

Mammon simply blinked and ran (floated?) away from all the chaos, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire of his Boss's rage, Fantasma in tow.

Levi ambled around, trying to electrocute him.

And Lussuria cooed at him, petting his 'unnaturally baby soft hair! Which products do you use?'

It was a unanimous vote to promote him to Varia officer.

This was actually meant to be a oneshot, but I got a little ahead of myself and started writing things I didn't even plan on doing. I will try to update as soon as I can, though that may just be in a month or two for all I know. If you have any ideas for what you want to see in the upcoming chapters, please share them with me, be it through a review, or a PM, cuz' I sure as hell have no idea what to do next.

Also, I would appreciate it if you would mention any spelling or grammar mistakes you may have come across as I do not yet have a beta. (Update: Big thanks to DanceInLightening!)