Its finally here! Yay! The last chapter.
Thank you so much for all the lovely reviews and favorites and follows! They definitely make my day!
I am also sorry that it took bit longer than usually but my summer has bee crazyy!
Draco was in a shock. He had absolutely no idea what he was supposed to do. He hadn't properly seen Harry since school. He didn't really count the morning he was staring at Potters back, because he didn't know it was Potter. And not the guy was standing on his door.
"Are you going to let me in or are you planning on staring at me like you haven't seen me in years" Potter asked after a while still looking fairly grumpy. His eyebrows were furrowed and he had crossed his arms across his chest. Draco closed his mouth which had been hanging open and took a step back to let Potter in.
Harry walked into the apartment, straight to the living room and sat down. Draco who was still slightly hazed closed the door and slowly followed Potter. He hadn't expected this, not at all.
Yes Potter had asked him to dinner but that had been a joke. Right. Because he didn't know where Potter lived.
"Oh come on! You are being worse than most of my fans used to be" Harry said as Draco sat down next to him. He was definitely staring at Harry. Draco opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Lucky to him Scarhead walked to the room at the same moment and jumped right on Harry's lap.
"You got a cat, you didn't have a cat last time I was here. At least I don't remember you having one." Harry petted the cat that started to purr. "Does it have a name" He turned his face back towards Draco.
"Scarhead" Draco managed to say. It was fairly easy question. Just about the cat. Not about Draco or why he didn't come or why he was staring at Harry like a lunatic. Harry bursted in laughter. Not the reaction Draco had been looking for. He had almost hoped that Harry would get mad and leave. But he should have known that when it came to Harry nothing was like it was supposed to be.
"So the cat doesn't only look like me but you gave it the same nickname as you gave me all these years ago." Harry said when he finally stopped laughing. He saw Draco going from bright red to complete white in seconds.
"Don't worry, I think it's kind of cute" He said quickly to Draco.
Draco was so confused. His head was even worse than it had been the morning after they slept together. Right now he could get ten cats and name them all after his former classmates and it wouldn't help. Draco had been pinning and dreaming over Harry for months, well years to be honest, and there he was sitting in front of Draco.
"I um… I…" Draco mumbled without really managing to say anything. Those damn green eyes were staring right at him and messing with his thoughts. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. They were sitting right next to each other and Draco could sense Harry next to him. It took him couple of minutes to get himself together before he opened his mouth.
"You know, I was panning on coming for dinner with you, I was all dressed up as well" He spoke slowly and opened his eyes. Now there was question look in Harry's eyes. Almost worried. His whole face told Draco to go on with what he was saying. Draco turned to look at Scarhead who had climbed on lap and played with its fur. He didn't want to look at Harry.
"The problem was that you didn't exactly tell me where you lived."
More silence. The only one moving in the room was Scarhead who got bored and took of. Draco felt Harry's burning gaze on his face but decided not to turn and face him.
"That is probably the lamest excuse ever. You could have just said you didn't want to see me. I would have been fine with that." Harry's voice was cold. Draco immediately turned towards Harry who looked more hurt, than Draco had ever seen him. Without another word Harry got up and walked out of Draco's place. Draco was left on the sofa alone.
It didn't take him long to realize what had happened. Harry had thought he came up with some stupid lie to get rid off him. He had managed to get Harry mad for the second time within an hour. He groaned, got off the sofa and headed to the door but it was too late. Harry was already gone. Draco stepped out of his door to listen if there was any sound that would indicate where Potter had gone but it was all quiet.
He was incredibly frustrated. He kicked his front door so hard that it closed and realized he was still in the staircase. Locked out of his apartment. He had totally screwed up with Harry and now he was locked out of his own flat.
Draco decided that the best revenge would be kicking the walls.
"Fuck" He kicked his door.
"Harry Bloody Potter" He kicked the wall couple of times.
"I Fucking hate you Potter" Draco gave one last kick to his neighbor's door. It wasn't one of his proudest moments but he didn't really care. He kneeled down on the level of the post box and opened it.
"Can you fucking tell me where Harry Bloody Wanker lives! I need to talk to that brainless idiot!" He shouted and sat down next to the door. He pressed his face in his hands and breathed. Instead of revenging other innocent random people he should probably figure out a way to get back to his on flat.
The door opened but Draco didn't lift his head.
"You done with vandalizing my door and insulting me?" asked a familiar voice and Draco felt like disappearing. He left out a sigh. Of course it had been Harry living next door. It made a lot of sense.
"I locked myself out" He mumbled without lifting his head.
"Come on get up" Harry said and when Draco lifted his head he saw a hand reaching down on him. Without really thinking he took the hand and pulled himself up. They stood only couple of inches apart and Draco was able to smell the familiar scent of mint and something sweet.
"So you really didn't know where I lived" Harry asked. Draco shook his head but didn't look harry in the eye.
"Funny, I thought Blaise would have told you. I ran into him couple of days ago right here." This got Draco to lift his head and actually look at Harry's face.
"Blaise?" He asked. Suddenly it made sense. That was why Blaise had told Draco to drop the damn note through next door post box. He had known Draco would do it. He had known Harry would get it.
"Yea, I think he was coming to see you." It was Harry's turn to look confused.
"I am gonna kill that bastard next time I see him"
"You were actually coming today then"
"Yea" Slight blush appeared on Draco's cheeks when he realized how close they were standing. Their eyes were almost on the same level. Harry was probably a tiny winy bit taller than he was. They just looked at each other without saying anything. Somewhere down the building someone opened their door and for a moment they were able to hear those people. Then it became quiet again.
"Screw it" Draco drew a breath and closed his eyes. He leaned in and pressed his lips against Harry's. Harry's lips were incredibly soft and Draco hadn't realized how much he had missed them. He tasted like wine. Automatically Harry wrapped his arms around Draco and returned the kiss. Draco. The kiss was slow and sweet. Either of them wanted to hurry it. This was exactly where they wanted to be.
Harry was the one to broke it. He leaned a bit back his hands still wrapped around Draco and smiled.
"So, You said you locked yourself out of your flat?" He asked Draco and continued.
"Do you want to spend the night in the staircase or come in?" Harry was smirking. All Draco could do was laugh. He gave a small kiss to Harry and smiled.
"I think I would like that dinner you promised"
I think I will be writing a small epilogue so stay tuned :D