Greenwood's Queen

Note: So, this is the last chapter of this story. I really want to thank Kilataria, . . , xXxOtAkU-444xXx, LovesDragons, MoonGoddess00, claire1663, Apocalypse owner, .rain.,Zyenna and Guest for the reviews. I also want to thank those that favorite and followed. So I hope you guys like this last chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Hobbit it belongs to Tolkien and Peter Jackson for the movies.


Greenwood's Queen

Seventeen: Epilogue

"I'm pregnant." Billa said and Thranduil looked at her in shock.

"What?" Thranduil said in surprise and he went to one of his knees.

"Thran." She said and she was suddenly pulled and kissed by Thranduil with enough heat that made a lot of people around to turn around and blush. Billa looked at him.

"A child by us." He said and he was surprised and in awed.

"Yes, are you okay with this?" Billa asked.

"Of course, a product by you and I, this is a beautiful gift." Thranduil said with a smile.


The Battle of the Five Armies as it was becoming known was done and a memory with people getting back to their feet and new Kingdoms to establish. Thorin was beginning to run Erebor and he had been doing treaties with the men of Dale and the Greenwood. Thranduil didn't spend much time with them though, he seemed more nervous and when he sent Legolas in his place to Erebor he had to ask.

"I believed your Father wanted the jewels?" Thorin asked and Balin tried not to cover his face.

"The King is busy at the moment." Legolas answered and defended his Father because it had been a long time, or he felt it to be a long time. "He didn't want the jewels; my—uh the Queen wanted the jewels to be returned to me."

"Is Billa alright?" Prince Kili asked him.

"She is doing well." Legolas answered he, which was the truth Billa was doing well, his Father was the one that was worried.

"Are you sure laddie?"Balin was the one who asked.

"You do realize that we are here for a meeting?" Thorin asked.

"Uncle Thorin, its Billa and she is a Hero of Erebor." Kili told him.

"Is she well, then?" Thorin asked.

"Yes, Billa has some of the strongest Healer's looking on her pregnancy." Legolas told them.



"How did the meeting go?" Billa asked Legolas. Legolas looked at Billa who looked to be really bright like the sun; she was dress in elvish finery, with her crown and her gavid belly showing.

"Not very productive." Legolas told her.

"Why not, did something happen?" Billa asked worried.

"No." Legolas told her trying to calm her down. "You came up and everyone began to ask questions about you, they seemed worried because they have not seen you."

"Oh." Billa said with red-cheeks.

"Legolas." He turned to see his Father coming who turned to Billa. "You shouldn't be walking much dear."

"I'm pregnant not invalid, love and the baby is moving so I decided I needed to do the same." Billa told him. Thranduil knew he was being overbearing but he really couldn't help himself about it.

"I—you right." Thranduil told her. "How did everything go with the Dwarves?" he asked Legolas.

"I must go back in a few days; Billa's pregnancy came to be an important topic." Legolas told him. "It reminds me, everyone has told me to tell you that they will come visit soon."

"What—Really!" Billa and Thranduil said at the same time.

"Yes, it appears that have gifts for the baby and which to bring it themselves." Legolas told them both.

'I suppose that will be satisfactory." Thranduil told him.

"Will Sigrid and Tauriel be coming with them?" Billa asked.

"I suppose so." Legolas told them, though he had to smile both Sigrid and Tauriel were in Princess Training since they were marrying both Fili and Kili soon.


"You must calm yourself Father." Legolas told him.

"I cannot." Thranduil told him worriedly. Billa was finally having their child and he was nervous. He had been inside, but he had panicked and that wouldn't have been good for the child and Elrond had kicked him out.

"If you want to go back inside you must calm yourself." Legolas told him. Thranduil waited before he was called inside by Arwen who knew that he wanted to be inside.

"Billa." he said being by her side.

"Hey, oh by Eru I knew this was going to be difficult." She told him.

"You're doing fine, dear." Thranduil told her. Billa groaned before she knew it was time.

"It's time Billa." Elrond told her.

"Okay." She told him.

"Now, push."

"Ahh-mm." Billa pushed as hard as she could before she stopped breathing.

"Come on, you can do it." Thranduil said and Billa pushed one more time before they both heard the sound of someone crying.

"Oh, congratulations." Elrond told them. "You have a little girl."

"A girl." Thranduil said looking at Billa and kissed her. "We have a girl."

"Oh." Billa said with a smile.

"Here Thranduil hold your daughter." Thranduil was given their daughter and he looked at her, she was tiny small for an elf and her hair was full of copper-blond curls and her eyes were like his, she was the most beautiful being he had seen.

"Thranduil?" he looked and sat next to his mate.

"Look at our daughter." Thranduil said to Billa.

"She still needs a name." Billa told him.

"Lanitia." He said.

"I like it." Billa told him.

"Princess Lanitia of Greenwood." Thranduil said with a smile.


The anniversary of the Battle of the Five Armies was coming and that meant everyone was coming to Erebor to celebrate. This also included Billa and the young Princess. They came to Erebor in an elk and Billa was dressed like a Queen with her crown and the baby in her arms. Both Thranduil and Legolas were with them.

"Is she covered?"

"Yes." She told him with a smile.

"I heard they will be announcing the betrothals today." Legolas told them and he hissed suddenly.

"Are you alright?" Billa asked him.

"Yes, I just felt this burn in my mark." He told them.


Legolas was looking around knowing that he was following the burn in his mark, he knew that he was being silly he should be with Billa and Lanitia making sure that nothing happened.

"Legolas are you alright?" he turned to see Tauriel looking him surprise.

"Tauriel." He said and looked to see her braid and the circlet.

"You seemed worried."

"I have to do something." Legolas told her.

"Alright." Tauriel told him. "I'll go find Kili."

Legolas just nodded her way and began to walk knowing that the pain was getting a little bit closer. He was not the only one a Dwarf as looking around trying to find an elf that was looking around.

"Too many bloody elves." He said.

"Gimli, where are you going?" Gloin asked but he was ignored.

They were moving closer to each other, until both of them were getting closer, until they were pushed by the people. Legolas touched his shoulder to settle him and the Dwarf looked up at him.

"It's you."Legolas said.

'Of course it's me I've waited long." He told him.

"My name is Legolas."

"I'm Gimli son of Gloin." He said.

"Your dad is one of the Dwarves that came on the Quest."

"Yes and yer the son of the Elven King."



"Where is Legolas?" Thranduil asked.

"I think you have not noticed dear but he is busy in the dancefloor." Billa told him.

"What do you mean?" Thranduil said looking up to see his son dancing with a dwarf.

"I think he found his mate." Billa told him.

"Oh my son." They heard and turned to see Gloin moaning a bit.

"We know whose son it is." Billa told him with a smile.


Through The Years

It was no surprise that Legolas and Gimli left to explore the world after finding each other finding friendship with the future king of Gondor. The three travelled the world for a while finding things until Aragorn was able to settle down with his wife Arwen.

In Erebor Thorin was proven to be the King he had wished to be for his people and his nephews were no different Fili and Sigrid had three children a son and two daughters which many saw as a blessing, Kili and Tauriel were blessed with two of their own sons.

In Dale Bard was able to rebuild and be a good King with the help of his Son, Bain finding his match in human woman from Rohan and having a son and Bard youngest found her mate in Gondor with the Stewarts oldest son Boromir.

As for Billa and Thranduil both were happy with ruling the Greenwood and their little daughter and their nephew Frodo who came to visit them often with his own mate. Lanitia was fated to mate with one of Kili's son's and Thranduil put him through the grinder before he could get close to her, Billa gave them their blessing easily.

As they say they lived.


Note: This is the end of the story. Seriously guy's thank you for reading this story, I'll be posting other Hobbit fics soon and I hope you like them as you did this one. So don't forget to press the review button.