Greenwood's Queen
Summary: Soulmate Au: Billa always had an urge to look for elves and she never knew the reason until her soul-mark appeared; she found her soulmate on King Thranduil and is the Queen of Greenwood. But in vacation to the Shire, Gandalf asks her to join the Dwarves in re-taking Erebor. She accepts but the Dwarves have no idea the person they have in their mist and what will her husband think.
Note: This is a new story and I hope that you guys like it. This is also my first proper soulmate fic. Now I'm using the one that I've read and liked which is humans have their mark on the cheeks, Elf's on the side of their necks, Dwarves on their hearts and Hobbit's on their wrist of course there will be a slight change which you'll understand as you read.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Hobbit it belongs to Tolkien and Peter Jackson for the movies.
Greenwood Queen
One: Prologue
Thranduil looked at his son and he was worried, a few years ago he had gotten his soul-mark and he was shocked to find out that he would be getting a dwarf for a soulmate, it made him feel terrible. It had to do with the fact that he knew his son would be alone and he wasn't the only one with that Mark his Captain of the Guard also had a dwarf for a soulmate. He knew they were black and if they found them and mated it would turn gold. But he still envied them, they had soul-mark's he never did; Neither had Legolas's Mother but they cared for each other greatly, and it hurt him when she passed on for no he was truly alone.
It was this feeling of alone that caused the burning sensation on his wrist to surprise him. He hisses a little bit and uncovered his wrist and he looked at the name that imprinted itself there.
'Billa Baggins'
It read in his wrist and he smile because he had a mate in red ink, but he wouldn't be able to see her yet because she had just been born. He wondered how long he would have to wait; He knew he would get the pull when the time was right.
Belladonna Baggins knew that he daughter was special and different, unlike other Hobbits who had the name in their wrist Billa was like the very few Hobbits in their history who would be marrying out of their race.
"Do you think it will be a problem?" Bungo asked her.
"No, we'll find out soon what race she will mate." Belladonna said.
Most of the people that were mated out of their race developed a need to learn about the race. She had known of a Hobbit who would marry a human and learn all she could about them. It did make her fear though because if the mark ever turned from red to an unreadable name or go blank because that would mean their mate died.
"Mum, Mummy can your friend Gandalf come so he can make pretty fireworks." Billa asked her.
"He only comes for Summer, Billa."
"Aww." Billa told her.
As the years passed, Belladonna saw that her daughter kept seeing and looking for elves and she was surprised. She learned Sindarin and was able read the name in her neck.
"Mummy it says Thranduil." Billa told her showing her neck to Bella.
"Uh-huh I read the words."
"You must keep the name really close to your heart and don't listen to the naysayers." Bella tells her, she had heard the hobbit's sneer at her daughter because they couldn't see the name in her wrist and they believed that she didn't have one.
"Okay." Billa told her.
Legolas had noticed the difference in his Father, the way that he seemed a little lighter and when he noticed the name on his wrist he was surprise.
"Yes?" Thranduil asked but he really shouldn't have, it was going to come out sooner or later.
"Will you look for your mate?" Legolas asked him. Thranduil looked at him and looked at his wrist.
"I thought to have hidden it." Thranduil told him.
"Will you?"
"I don't know, I am not aware of who or what she is, she is not a dwarf, or elf, or human." Thranduil told him. Legolas understood his father; he knew that his mate was Dwarf that he might never in his life meet and knowing the animosity of dwarves and elves, and his mate might hate him.
Belladonna felt the pain, it was like if her heart broken into a million of pieces and she turned to her wrist to see the letter begin to turn black.
"No!" she screamed. Billa ran to her mother and saw the mark making her gasp.
"Father?" Billa said.
Bag End was in mourning, the people living inside lost a Soul-Mate and a Father it was breaking both of them. The Thain had come to see his daughter, who after four months was getting worst. Everyone knew soul-mates left together if one died the soon would follow in a few years depending on the person, humans lasted longer, just like elves and dwarfs but Hobbit no, they followed very soon afterwards.
"Both you and Billa can…"
"No, Father." Belladonna told him. "Billa's mate is out there and I know I don't have long not without my Bungo; but Billa is just three years before she is old enough and we will find her mate."
"But we don't..."
"Her mate is an Elf and I only one place to start looking." Belladonna told him.
With those words said, Belladonna and Billa left Bag-End. Billa was worried for her Mother, who threatened to leave alone if she didn't want to come. Billa had no choice but to go, she couldn't leave her Mother alone in her journey.
"Where are we going?' Billa asked.
"To visit some friends of mine, my girl." Belladonna said with a smile.
With not much trouble they arrived to Rivendell to the surprise of the Elves there that looked at them with curiosity. The one at the door was Lindir who looked at the two Hobbit women in surprise, until he noticed the elder Hobbit woman.
"Belladonna Took welcome to Rivendell, I'll call Lord Elrond we will be happy to see you." Lindir said with a smile.
"I will be happy to see him, Lindir and I am happy to see you." Belladonna said. "May I introduce to you my daughter Billa."
"Hello, Master Lindir." Billa said politely.
"Miss Billa." Lindir said with a smile.
It didn't take long for Elrond to appear and welcome the two hobbits into his home. He also didn't wait to get Belladonna alone with Billa going on a tour with Lindir who seemed happy to do so.
"My friend you seem sad." Elrond said, Bella looked at him and showed her wrist and Elrond knew what it was.
"I lost him in Fell Winter trying to protect us." Belladonna said.
"Do you wish for me take care off…"
"No and yes." Belladonna told him. "My daughters Soul-mate is not a Hobbit but an Elf."
"Oh." Elrond said but something told him he should not have been surprised by the way Billa spoke Sindarin too prefect.
"Yes, I will wait as long as I have to for her to find him or her until then." Bella said. "I won't leave her alone and I know that if I hadn't come she would never find her other half."
"Do you know the name?"
"Yes it's…" Elrond knew it had begun, one of the first things you did was forget slowly. "It began with a T I believe but that is all I can recall."
"I will help my friend and if you are gone before, Billa is welcome into my halls just as you are." Elrond said.
"Thank-you." Belladonna said.
It should have been easy to find her daughters mate but Billa just seemed to flourish in Rivendell like a flower in early bloom. She would speak with the elves spend her time with them; she had become friends with the serious Erestor to the war-hero Glorfindel and the troublesome twin sons Elladan and Elrohir sons of Lord Elrond. But Billa had felt no pull whatsoever even as they stayed one year in Imladris.
It was then that Belladonna thought of something.
"Do you think we should travel to Lothorien or the Greenwood?" Belladonna asked Elrond.
"If you wish, I will get an escort ready."
"You mean Glorfindel I see how close he has become to Billa just like his mate Erestor they adore her."
"Yes." Elrond said with smile, it wasn't hard to love Miss Baggins with her wide eyes of wonder and her wish to learn everything she could, when she didn't spend it in the gardens or the kitchen talking to everyone both his sons and daughter also adored her.
"But you can't go." Elrohir and Elladan told Billa with a pout.
"I'll come back." Billa told them.
"Boys, we'll come back." Bella told them. The twins hugged Bella who they also adored.
They began to travel and went toward Goblin Town.
"Don't worry Billa everything will be fine." Glorfindel told her.
"I'm not worried." Billa told him, she was paying attention to her mother who seemed to be getting sadder and Billa didn't believe she should be coming.
"Mother, you should stay in Rivendell, we'll come back." Billa told her.
"None-sense, I will meet the man that has your heart." Bella told Billa. Glorfindel smile at the two Hobbits. They were going to have to camp out inside one of the caves. He checked the cave to make sure no one was there and that they would be safe even if they weren't that up.
Bella had been lying she was not feeling great and she knew the reason. Glorfindel and Billa could tell, when they fell the ground crack the three of them fell but Glorfindel was able to get Belladonna, Billa fell into another cave.
"Billa are you alright."
"Yes." Billa replied and got up, she was a little sore, when she got up she saw a little golden trinket on the floor she picked it up and saw that it was a ring. She just put it on her pocket and began to climb up for Glorfindel to hold her.
"Your Mother is injured." Glorfindel told her.
"Let's returned to Imladris." Billa told him. As they left they couldn't hear the screams of a creature that had just lost his Precious.
They arrived to Rivendell and Lord Elrond was the one to move and saw that Glorfindel was carrying Belladonna on his arms.
"What happened?" Elrond asked them.
"We had an accident." Billa told him and began to explain as they took her Mother to get healed.
It was until they ate that Billa remembered something.
"You know I found this in the cave, it looked weird." Billa told Elrond.
"What do you mean?"
"Well it was on the ground and had no marks on it."Billa told him taking out the ring, Lord Elrond went to grab it when he felt the evil and he moved his hand away.
"Oh Billa, that is no ordinary ring." Elrond said getting up and Billa followed, when he told her to throw it in the fire, she was creeped out but she did and he used prongs to take it out to show her that it had not melted.
"How is that possible?" she asked him.
"This is the One Ring." he told her causing her to gasp.
Note: This is the end of the chapter. Okay so I will be messing as you guys see with somethings since I really want to get the Ring out of the way. Also for those that got confused, Soul-mates are really linked as in they follow each other to the grave but it happens more to Hobbit not the other races okay. Don't forget to review.