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The Sparkling Service

Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Derlund are standing in a huge evidence locker. A large cardboard sign with the words "Unsolved Cases" is written on the cage door. Displayed on the shelves surrounding the walls are pictures of people directly committing theft and assault, and Large Animal bones that look like they belong to various cryptids; each bone having a sign that directly misidentifies them as cows, pigs, goats, etc.

The two lawmen are taking turns swinging at a piñata. The Sheriff Blubs is currently blindfolded taking swings at it. The rather portly black sheriff's large grey handlebar mustache shakes across his face as he takes his swings. The deputy suddenly slips, crashing to the ground.

The Lanky Pale deputy's hat flies off when one of the sheriff's swings hits it. The deputy lands on his side. Sheriff Blubs takes off his blind fold.

"Did I get it? Durlund! Are you alright?!"

"Yeah, But I landed on my funny bone." Durland says. Rubbing his arm

The old Sheriff helps the young deputy up, dusting him off after he rises.

"I'd feel terrible if something happened to you. You're light of this room."

Blubs says as he reaches for his hat. Looking inside he sees about 10 numbered slides and a miniature cassette tucked into the brim. "Durland? What are these?"

"I unno, I jus thought that all police hats have secret stuff inside of them." Durland said with a slack jawed accent.

"You gum head. We were supposed to watch these."

Durland gasps ,upset that he would call him such a harsh name.

"Aww I just can't stay mad at you. Let's watch it together." Sheriff Blubs pulls out an old slide projector and a mini cassette deck. Deputy Durland grabs a mini cassette player, in it is a cassette that says Grocery Robbers' confessions/Big Foot's Interview. He pulls out the tape and throws it behind a heavy shelf.

They Sheriff Sets up the projector, while Durland makes some popcorn.

"Here we go!" The Sheriff stated.

All slides are in Black and White.

The First slide appears to display a snake coiled around its own tail. Written beneath it on a banner circling around it, are the words "Delewaryland, Join or Expire."

The cassette player's speakers begin to sound.

"You should now be seeing the national snake of Delewaryland, when you hear the tone change the slide." The speaker tones.

*bing* The sheriff changes the slide.

("Stars and Stripes Forever" plays in the background.)

This Slide reads Delewaryland 1837 in an old timey font,

An announcer begins speaking inn a 1930s newscaster accent.

Announcer: "Delewaryland 1838, Super Governor and President of those United States, Sir Lord Quintin Trembley the III, Esq., The man responsible for passing the creation of this very common wealth by the supreme court arrives today, alongside the recently acquired First Lady, Pearl Gem-Trembley, to sign a document into law…"


The Next slide is a picture of Pearl helping Trembley out of a gilded carriage. She has a frown on her face.

Quintin Trembley is a very tall, thin head, with a long pointed noise, and keeps his light brown hair in a relatively simple haircut; his sideburns flowing into his very distinct almost mutton chop-like facial hair. A small pair of spectacles rest atop his nose. He wears a fairly normal suit with a mustard yellow bowtie, popped collar, and bronze buttons. His lower half is obscured by pearl as he steps out of the carriage.

Announcer: "A dashing figure well known for the establishment of The Sparkling Service, a set of elite bodyguards employed for the Super Governor's protection. But far far better known for its controversial members,for not only is each member a different hue.."


Announcer: "But they are all women as well!"

This slide shows all four of the original crystal gem's wearing the "old timey" tallest Gem Rose has large curly hair, wears a white scarf, a vest over with a belt strapped around her shoulder, and a large white frilly dress.

Close to Rose's height; Garnet is wearing a large tri-corner hat that sits atop her afro, white round glasses, leather gloves, a short jacket with a cummerbund, puffy black pants and boots.

Pearl's hair has two curls on each side of her head and a ponytail tied in a ribbon. She has a large round elliptical stone embedded in her for head. She is wearing a simple two piece dress with long sleeves and women's dress shoes.

Amethyst has long hair and is wearing a naval officer's jacket and a soldier's hat.

Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl are standing in the foreground. Rose is holding Quintin in her arms, leaping toward the camera. There is an explosion in the background.


The next slide is a picture of Quintin and Pearl standing under an Archway both staring at the camera. Pearl is grimacing as Quintin holds a pitchfork in his right hand. They are

Announcer: "And one of them is actually the First Lady!"


A picture of a parchment that has words "The Act of No Explanation" written at the top. The parchment is shiny and has many jewels inlaid into it. "

Announcer: "He has returned to sign into Law the highly controversial "Act of No Explanation" Which is signed on a document so expensive that if the country ever tries to remove it, it will devastate these united states' intrinsic value! This document clearly states four things: First, the government cannot interfere in any occurrence that can't be explained with rational thinking or believability. Secondly, the act states that any such information cannot be reposted outside of these united states. And even more oddly, all traces of laws revoked must be completely and entirely destroyed, documents and all. And finally, it's now a federal offense, producing, owning ,or importing any form of paraphernalia or any image similar too a triangle encompassing an eye."


The next slide has a picture of Quintin Trembley at a podium making speech. Pearl is staring at a pocket watch.

Quintin: "My Service has advised that, that image which will not be shown will only tie us to the past, and only increase paranoia and secrecy amongst ourselves. No government based on freedom should ever keep secrets from its citizens.I refuse to make my service secret, choosing instead to make it sparkling! That Image is window that allows."

A large chunk on the track has been cut out.

Announcer: "The Both Super Governor of these United States and President of those united States has just signed the bill into law."


A loud crash is heard.

Announcer: "Oh no it seems that some kind of Giant Arachnid has appeared and is attacking the first lady! Oh where is the rest of the Sparkling Service? Mayhaps powdering there noses? Quintin has charged the beast with his podium, but he was quickly routed!" A loud poof can clearly be heard.

This slide shows a huge creature walking upon eight arms with Long Curling hair, Thick Sun Glasses, and a large gaping mouth with large pointed teeth. Quintin grabs the podium as one of the creatures' arm wraps around a smiling Pearl.


These slide shows, Quintin Trembley with his podium slammed over and around his upper body, He's only wearing pantaloons. The giant creature can be seen with Pearl's two piece dress hanging from its mouth.

Announcer: "Oh No! The First Lady has just been devoured by a giant man eating spider! Who knows how this will affect the President and his upcoming State of the Union speech."

Quintin: "Fear not! My wife and I divorced recently and simply chose to share this information with a bit of dramatic flair! Honestly, that was a lot scarier than I thought it would be, Giant Spiders are a terrifying prospect...With the signing of this act, I hereby relinquish my duties to the Governor until my return! Let Freedom's Resonate!"

The tape ends.

"That Monster was so scary" Durland said holding onto the Sheriff.

"I know, good thing nothing like that will ever lurk around here." The Sherriff states.

Ceaser 3 steps back.

Remember the Government loves this world so much. It only want to protect you.