Destiel based on the prompt from tumblr where they sing duets in separate showers and have never met.
Dean hated his math course. It wasn't that he was bad at math and didn't understand it, it was more so that he couldn't be bothered with it. It was boring and tedious. He had to sit in a lecture for almost an hour and a half, listening to some stuffy old guy talk about some equations or formulas or something. Dean didn't know what was worse, the class itself, or the fact that the class started at eight in the morning. What he did know, was that the class after it was his favorite.
The class was called Heavy Duty Suspension and Service. Dean had it once a week for four hours. The first two hours was talking about the theories and shit like that. The last two hours were where they got hands on. The best days were the days Dean would head back to his dorm around 4:30 covered in grease from the class.
Today was one of those days. Dean entered his dorm and tossed his bag on his bed. He lucked out this semester and got the dorm room to himself. When he first moved in, they told him not to hold his breath, that someone would be reassigned to his room after a few week in. Dean was in his fourth week and no one moved in. Sam was in a dorm in the hall below him and didn't get out of his classes until closer to six.
Dean stripped off his olive green shirt and tossed it in the direction of his hamper. His dorm was a mess but it was his mess. On the walls were pictures and diagrams of cars, a calendar and a few posters of his favorite (older) bands. On top of the dresser was his radio and stack of cds and casets. The desk held papers and books and note books and sat near the window. His laptop usually sat there but was in his bag today.
He headed into his small bathroom and turned on the shower. He needed to get the grease off his face and out of his hair. He was done with classes for the day.
Stepping into the shower, Dean let the warm water cover him and begin to remove the grease and dirt. He grabbed some soap and went to work cleaning himself.
"Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song, and make it better." Sang a voice. Dean stopped and listened. It was muffled almost and he wondered if someone was in his dorm. "Remember, to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better."
Someone in the dorm next to him was singing. They were singing one of Dean's favorite songs too. Dean grinned and began to sing the next part.
"Hey Jude, don't be afraid." Dean sang with his deeper voice. "You were made to go out and get her." Dean could hear the person laughing. "The minute you let her under your skin, then you'll begin to make it better."
"And any time you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain, don't carry the world upon your shoulders". The voice continued, "For well you know that it's a fool, who plays it cool,by making his world a little colder." Dean added in the vocal na na na's and tried not to laugh. He was singing Hey Jude in the shower with a guy next door, who was also in his shower.
Dean washed his hair as he and the guy next door sang. He didn't even know who the guy was, never met him. Dean doesn't spend much time with the people on his floor. He's got a buddy a few doors down but they met in a class last semester.
Eventually, Dean and his neighbor finished Hey Jude. Dean laughed as the guy started signing another beatles song. Dean sang along. After that song, Dean got out and began drying off. The water was still going in his neighbor's shower and the guy was still singing. Dean laughed and left to get dressed. He pulled on jeans and a grey shirt and pulled on his boots. He left and headed for Sam's room to wait for him to get out of class.
Dean found himself singing with the stranger in the shower often. Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, the two met in the showers. Sometimes they would meet on Saturdays or Fridays, but that was rare. This went on for a few weeks and the two sang a large variety of songs. One time, when Dean was able to start singing first, he began singing paradise by the dashboard light. He was surprised when the man in the shower started singing it too. The last half of the song, the two fell into perfectly.
But one day, the guy next to him started singing If You Seek Amy by Brittany Spears and he sang it so well and with the perfect emphasis that Dean couldn't help but laugh. He did not sing along.
Over the past few weeks, Dean never thought of going next door and introducing himself. The idea never occurred to him. However, the end of their mid-term exams would bring the two singers together.
It was the end of the mid-terms and Dean was passed out, trying to make up for the last few nights of sleep he skipped. He had to pull a few all-nighters and drink his weight in energy drinks, but he finished. Everything was turned in and his exams were over. He could sleep.
He was only faintly aware of the alarm going off in the distance. It seemed to be getting louder and more annoying as he became more aware of his surroundings. Someone began pounding on his door.
"Hey! Get up! Fire alarm, everyone out!" Someone called through his door. Dean groaned and acknowledged that he heard. He grabbed his boots and pulled on a shirt before shuffling over to his door and heading out into the hallway of half awake students. They all shuffled out into the court yard.
Dean stood and rubbed his arms. He should have brought his coat. It was three in the morning in November. Some people grabbed cots or hoodies. Others brought their blankets. Dean looked around and saw his brother Sam standing next to his boyfriend Gabriel. Dean sluggishly waved, catching Sam's attention and letting him know he got out ok. Sam nodded at Dean and pulled the blanket around his shoulders closer, getting the attention of the man in the blanket with him. Gabriel had been looking around, trying ot see someone who would know what was going on. Sam pulling the blanket closer brought the shorter man's attention up to Sam. Dean saw Gabriel say something making his brother roll his eyes and smile. Dean looked away and back to the building that was supposed to be burning. Dean didn't see any smoke.
Dean grunted and rubbed his arms, trying to get some heat going. It was freezing.
"Damn, the hell are we doing out here?" He muttered to himself. The guy next to him heard and turned to look at Dean. Dean met his stare.
The guy had on a dark blue hoodie with white strings. The hood was up and almost covered the dark brown hair. He had a small tan fleece blanket wrapped around him. He offered Dean a sympathetic smile.
"Fire alarm went off. I think someone tried to hotbox a dorm again." The guy answered. Dean groaned.
"Again? They didn't freakin' learn last time?" He grunted. The boy in blue smiled and snorted a bit.
"Guess not." He said and stuck his hand out to Dean. "I'm Cas by the way."
"Dean." Dean introduced himself and shook Cas's hand. "What floor you on?"
"Third. You?"
"Same." Dean said and shivered. He regretted not grabbing a coat. CAs noticed this and took the tan blnket off his shoulders and handed it to dean. Dean didn't fight it and put the blanket around his own shoulders, enjoying the warmth that was already there from Cas's body heat.
"Thanks, man. I was so out of it when someone was banging on my door." Dean explained. Cas smiled in understanding.
"How many all nighters you pull?" Cas asked.
"What day is it?" Dean asked with a small smile. Cas laughed.
"Technically it's Saturday morning." Cas explained. Dean pretended to think on how many nights he skipped.
"Last night I slept was Tuesday night." Dean told him. Cas's jaw dropped before he broke out into a smile. "What about you?"
"I got a little sleep Thursday night but Wednessday and Tuesday I was up. I just fell asleep about an hour before these alarms went off." Dean chuckled.
"I don't even know what time I fell asleep." Dean admitted and the two laughed. They stood in silence for a few seconds before Dean asked a question. "What major you here for?" He asked, catching Cas's attention again. Cas smiled and looked at his feet before smiling and looking at Dean.
"I'm going for linguistics. I'm minoring in a religious studies, too." Cas answered. Dean's eyebrows shot up. That was new. Dean nodded and looked impressed.
"Awesome. How is it?" He asked, referring to the classes. Cas laughed quietly.
"The classes are ok but the work load is hell. It's paper after paper." Cas informed him. Dean nodded. "What's your major?" Cas asked.
"Just mechanics." Dean shrugged. "Nothing special." Cas looked impressed
"That sounds interesting. What classes does that require?" Cas asked, genuinely interested.
"Right now I'm in a suspension and service class. I gotta do a couple more math courses before I can do anymore." Dean told him and Cas grimaced at the math.
"Ugh, I hate math. I can't do it. I had my math final yesterday and I'm pretty sure I bombed it." CAs told him and looked down at his feet and kicked the dirt.
"Which math course?" Dean asked, wondering if he could tutor him.
"Pre-calc. I got Professor Barnes." Cas admitted. Dean laughed and Cas looked at him with a slight glare.
"That's it?" Dean asked with a huge grin. "I had Barnes. You want me to tutor you?" Dean offered. Cas looked at him and thought about it before shrugging his shoulders.
"Sure, why not." Cas admitted. Both boys looked over to the adult who was shouting at them. The building had been cleared and the alarms were off. Someone put metal in a microwave. Everyone began heading in and Dean and Cas walked together.
"You sure you don't mind helping me?" CAs asked.
"Yeah, wouldn't have offered if it was an issue." Dean said. "What days are good for you?"
"Monday and Wednesday I only have one class. Tuesdays and Thursdays are filled."Cas told him.
"My Mondays and Wednesdays are filled. Thursday afternoons and Fridays are pretty open." Dean suggested. Cas thought about it as they went up the stairs in their dorm building.
"Fridays I have a philosophy lecture from eight 'til noon. I could meet up with you in the afternoon." Cas suggested.
"Damn, your class is that long?" Dean asked. Cas grimaced and nodded.
"I only have it once a week so they make it long." Cas explained. "I hate that it starts so early." Dean laughed.
"If you're still up for it after that class, I can tutor you on Fridays." Dean said. Cas nodded as they walked down the hall to their rooms.
"Thanks Dean." CAs said as he stopped in front of a door and grabbed the handle. "I really appreciate it."
"No problem." Dean answered with a smile. Then he realized he was standing in front of his door. He looked back to Cas who was halfway into his room.
"Cas," Dean said to him, catching his attention. "This is your room?" Dean asked. Cas frowned and nodded before seeing that Dean had opened his own dorm room. "No way."
"Dean, your dorm is 328?" Cas asked, surprised. Dean smiled and nodded.
"I take it you're the one who sings in the shower?" Dean asked with a small smile. Cas blushes a it and nods before the two laugh.
"I can't believe you sang Brittany Spears." Dean choked out quietly. Cas laughed harder. "Nice to finally meet you, cas." Dean told him. Cas smiled.
"Nice meeting you, too. See you next Friday?" Cas asked. Dean nodded. "Alright. Night, Dean."
"Night, CAs." Dean responded and entered his own dorm, smile still on his face as he dropped onto his bed. Then he realized he still had Cas's blanket.
He's give it back Friday.
So do I keep it a short thing or make it a story?