Hi everyone! Thank you so much for supporting me in "Disturbingly Loving." As a thank you I wrote this new story to keep you entertained. I would love to know what you all think of it, whether or not I should continue. Worry not, I will continue with my original story, it's just honestly fun to create stories for all these characters no one knows about from the harry Potter Series. It's like full free reign, only better, I don't have to come up with the names or the time line.

Please, enjoy!

Alphard was all but a simple man when it came to the life of wizardry and magic. He wasn't the type for extravagance, fancy parties or rich tasting foods. This was much to the disappointment of his family, that family being the house of Black. One of the largest, oldest and wealthiest pure-blooded wizarding families in Britain and one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, the Black family name all but represented elevated status and wealth. they were considered the elite of the elite, priding themselves on being one of the purest, it was taken so seriously that even their own family crest had the motto "Toujours Pur" engraved into it.

"Always pure..." Alphard mumbled to himself with dread as his eyes laid upon the family crest by the tapestry room.

"Alphard, what are you doing in here for?"

Alphard's bright grey eyes turned his attention to the door to see his Cousin Orion at the door, gazing at him with questionable eyes.

"Getting a good look at the house before we leave." Alphard responded with a curt smile.

Orion walked into the tapestry room and stood beside Alphard, he too taking a good look at the room.

"Sometimes it amazes me how bad some of us look on this blasted thing." Orion joked. "See, they got your nose wrong and I look like my eyes are crossed." He observed, pointing at each of their faces on the cloth.

Alfred snorted at his comment.

"yeah and Walburga looks as though she has a sagging neck." Alfred replied, pointing to his older sisters portrait.

Orion burst out laughing.

"Better not tell her that or she'll hex you." He said patting him on the back. "Come on dear cousin of mine, we need to get a move on or we'll miss that blasted train."

"I understand, I'll meet you down there in a bit. Just give me a few more minutes, okay?" Alphard replied, peeling his hand off him.

"Fine, fine, but if there is no more cauldron cakes left in the kitchen it's your fault!" Orion said, relenting as he exited the room.

Alfred rolled his eyes at his cousins remark, turning his head back to the tapestry yet again and deeply examining it.

This room, he hated it more than anything. This legacy that his family was so proud of was the bane of his very existence. However, because this room was never used it was his only place for him to think quietly to himself without much disturbance. Unlike his older sister Walburga, his younger brother Cygnus and second cousin Orion who found Hogwarts dull and a chore, Alphard found it to be an escape, a place he could be himself.

He breathed in and out deeply, gazing at the family crest once more. He glared at it and spat at the damn thing, cursing it with all his being. Satisfied, he strode out of the room with ease and descended down the stairs to family drawing room where the rest of the Black family was waiting to say their goodbyes.

He approached his family all with ease, obviously used to the curt formality. Alphard immediately changed his stance to a more upright position to be perceived as dignified. He saw his mother, Irma Black with his father, Pollux Black sitting down on separate chairs in the drawing room. Standing next to his mother was his older sister who was all but giggling to her mother of some new gossip she heard of. His younger brother Cygnus III was sprawled on the couch taking a nap with a book over his head, sleeping soundly. Obviously Alphard was all not interested in this and turned his attention to his grandfather, Cygnus Black II. He was a white haired sharp old man who looked to his family with love but always showed it in very strange ways. Alphard gave him a polite nod of the head, to which he responded in turn yet he smiled dotingly to him, for Alphard was apparently his favorite. Orion was in the corner of the room speaking to his sister Druella who was reserved with cold black eyes unlike Orion who was all jokes and playful.

"You are looking well, Alphard." His grandfather said to him. "Ready for another year at school?"

"Always, I look forward to the new lessons." Alphard replied in tow.

"Good, good. Maybe this time you'll bring back a potential suitor to meet the family, eh? You're of the right age to start thinking of girls." He cackled to himself.

"As long as her blood is true and her house status up to par then by all means, yes, find yourself a girl Alpahrd." His mother chimed in smiling.

Alfred tightened his fist but relaxed it.

"Unfortunately grandfather I have not seen a woman who is up to the family standards."

His father laughed.

"Like a true Black! No woman could match unless they shone as brightly as our own family. Well said my son." He laughed while taking out his pipe.

Orion looked to his cousin, noticing Alphard was tense and turned his attention to Walburga.

"Walburga, what was that delightful story you were just telling before? I was so interested, do tell more." He insisted. Orion sister looked to him with confusion.

"You were just telling me Walburga was an annoying cun-" Orion kicked her slightly to make her shut up.

"You'll just have to hear about it on the train. It's time you should all be going. We already assigned an automobile to take you to the station." Mother Irma replied. She got up and outstretched her arms like a mother hen.

"Now come here and give your mother a goodbye hug, all over you!" She said happily.

Alphard shook Cygnus awake and dragged him over his mother who was already hugging Walburga goodbye.

"My darlings, you make me so proud! Send me plenty of letters while you're over at school. Listen to your professors and be sure to do all your homework." She said, kissing the heads of all three of them.

"Yes, mother." All three chimed dully.

"Don't smother them, woman." Their father huffed. Irma let go and Walburga went to their father and kissed his cheek while Alphard and Cygnus shook his hand professionally. The same was applied to their grandfather.

As Alphard shook his grandfathers hand goodbye he pulled him closer and gave him a hug, ruffling his hair.

"Send me plenty of letters, you know how much I love our correspondence." The old man crooned.

"Yes grandfather." Alfred said with a smile.

The young Blacks departed from their home in a timely fashion, riding the automobile towards Kings Cross Station filled with trunks and their owls alike. The whole group sat together in complete silence. Walburga was gazing out the window, Druella was sewing, Cygnus continued his nap by resting against the door, Orion was reading and Alphard looked out the opposite window of the car. He breathed onto the card window till it became clouded and drew pictures with his forefinger on it.

Alphard was pretty damn thankful for the silence.

It wasn't as if they didn't like each other, no, they were family. The group just honestly couldn't wait to be with their own pack of friends for once. One summer close together and they were all more or less sick of each others company. When they finally arrived to the station they quickly left the automobile, ignoring their bags for it was already to be taken care of by the servants of the house. They maneuvered their ways through the many hundreds of muggles getting inside and going outside KingsCross. They all had the common goal of going somewhere, they were no exception. The Blacks simply had to get to their platform, yet every year it was proven to be a hassle. This was especially apparent with Walburga who took up the family's negative opinion of Muggles. She had her nose turned up toward the air, trying her best to not even be touched by one as if they were a disease.

"They ought to make a special entrance available for us Witches and Wizards, why do we have to mingle ourselves with these Mud-bloods and muggles." She said haughty.

"Because we must blend in with society Walburga, have you already forgotten Magical Law?" Druella replied dryly.

"You'll just have to bare with it, besides, I can see the track, we're almost there anyway." Cygnus said while yawning, pointing toward the famous column nine and ten."

"Just how much sleep did you get last night away Cygnus?" Orion asked. "you look like a wreck."

"Couldn't sleep, was reading a good book and couldn't put it down." he replied.

"I know what thats like. What book was it?" Alphard chimed in.

"Swan Lake." Cygnus replied.

"… never heard of it." Orion said, perplexed.

"Yeah of course you wouldn't. It's a muggle book." he said back.

"A muggle book? How did you get that into the house without the elves finding it and telling mum?" Orion said, shocked.

"I have my ways…." Cygnus mumbled.

"What was the book about?" Alphard asked, curious.

"It's about a princess that get's turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer's curse."

"Ooooh a fairy tale." Orion said excitedly.

"What happens? Is it good?" Alphard asked, a smile adorning his face.

Cygnus picked up on his older brothers excitement and curiosity. He smirked slightly and rummaged through his bag and pulled out the book, handing it to him.

"It's a great book, I fully recommend it. I just finished it last night so you can have it." He said, placing the book in his hands.

Alfred gazed at the books cover with interest. He was quickly taken in by the gold illustration of a ballerina, a type of dance that was famous among Muggles and Wizards alike.

"Read it on the train ride over, it will give you something to do." Cygnus said to him before he departed through the column. Alphard turned his attention back to the real world, realizing he was last to go through as the others already went ahead of him. He quickly focused and walked right through the column and emerged onto platform 9 3/4 with complete ease. Alphard could not see his family so he guessed they already found their friends and split ways. Alphard adjusted himself by straightening his jacket. He looked around and very easily was able to spot Orion in the distance.

Alphard, relieved, walked in a faster pace over to his cousin. Only as he grew closer to his cousin he noticed more people were surrounding him. The one that particularly caught his eye was Abraxas Malfoy, this made Alphard immediately regret his actions and wished he retreated immediately.

"Ah, Alphard. Good to see you." Abraxas replied cooly, slightly bowing in respect.

"Abraxas." Alphard replied in acknowledgment with a curt nod.

"Couldn't find your group I see." Orion said with a smirk.

"I'll find them sooner or later." he waved off as no big deal.

"Oh well. Any news on your end Malfoy? Your summer treat you well?" Orion asked.

"Oh you know, same as usual I suppose. I was able to visit the Lestrange family and travel to Brighton beach during August. Other than that though I would say it was quite uneventful." Abraxas's eye then caught on to the book Alphard was holding in his hand.

"What might that be, Alphard? Is that a muggle book I spy?" He said with a smirk.

"And if it is?" Alphard said almost tight-lipped.

"Nothing, nothing at all. Just didn't expect a member of the house of Black to have such uncouth interests is all." he said chuckling.

Alphard glared but cooly shook the book in Malfoy's face passively.

"Just a fairy tail, no more as fantastical and dreamy as The Tales of Beedle the Bard." He replied in short comparison. "If you ask me this one looks better." He said as a challenge.

Abraxes, clearly not amused, smacked the book away from his face and turned away from Alphard and back to Orion.

"I'll see you back at our car compartment Orion. Good day, Alphard." He said to there Other Black icily as he strode away.

Orion pat his cousin on the back, shaking his head.

"Look, I know you don't like him, heck I don't like the little weasle either, but we gotta keep up with formalities." He sighed.

"He needs us more than we need him though. It's stupid to keep up such a friendship." Alphard simmered.

"Yes, but we need allies more than enemies. Remember that." Orion replied cooly.

While touching the side of his nose with his forefinger before leaving him, Orion eyed Alphard in a way that could easily be translated to "watch yourself." a clear warning not to lose his cool.

Alphard nodded as an apology, watching his cousin depart back into the train to find Abraxas.

Alphard sighed, he knew he was in the wrong but just the mere presence of that blonde made him want to hit him. The strapping young Black turned his attention to the nearest train car entrance and guided himself inside to find a car by himself, this time to seek solitude.

With wealth and status alone, Alphards mere presence alerted most of the wizarding community. So as he found himself an empty car easily and none dared to enter it when they took notice as to who he was. This was honestly one of the few things the young Slytherin was thankful for, people have a tendency to leave you alone the more powerful you become. Though then again Solitude did in fact suit his since it was his name after all. Alphard was the brightest star in the constellation Hydra, and is known as the heart of the serpent. Its name is derived from Arabic meaning "The Solitary one."

Coincidence that his name signified how social he was, probably. However, destiny or not he knew he felt better in the company a few close friends or by himself than he was with a party he only sort of knew. He just couldn't adjust the way Orion could, he wasn't gifted at being a social butterfly and hiding emotions the way he could with such a smile.

Alphard cleared his conscious though. Leaving behind his bitter thoughts in favor of opening the fairytale given to him; when the train began to move away from the station and to their destination was when he decided to dive into the tale. He opened the beautiful leather book with gold imprinted illustrations of the dancer and gazed even more at beautiful illustrations of swans and a beautiful german castle on the beige colored pages. Every page was illustrated with beautiful drawings of dancers, characters of differnt colors and shapes and graceful swans that looked as though they could fly off the page. He could not contain his excitement any longer, he quickly dived into the world of imagination and read the whole tale throughout the train ride over.

"Once upon a time In an old German castle, the birthday of Prince Siegfried was being celebrated; tfor he had come of age. He was congratulated by his mother, the Princess Mother, friends and courtiers in a majestic

ceremony. Siegfried was made a knight and from that day on a sense of duty, valor would be the guiding principles in his life. The last toasts were pronounced in his honor, young girls, his contemporaries, all try in vein to attract his attention, but Siegfried is overcome by emotions of a different order. He dreams of a pure, ideal love. The festivities draw to an end, the guests depart, leaving the prince alone with his thoughts in the gathering dusk. As night falls, Siegfried is conscious of the presence of a shadow at his side, it is as if some mysterious force is beckoning to him. It is the Evil Genius, or Fate itself, who has come to reveal some perturbing secrets to the Prince. Submitting to the powerful pull of his invisible companion's presence and full of anxious foreboding, Siegfried succumbs to the ideal world of his dreams...

Lured by the Evil Genius, Siegfried finds himself on the banks of a mysterious lake. In the shimmering patches of moonlight on the water, visions of bewitched swan maidens rise up before him. Siegfried catches sight of a beautiful maiden unlike any other. He is spell-bound, deeply struck by her beauty. At long last, he has found his romantic ideal of love. He swears to the maiden that he will love her forever and be faithful to her.

Prospective brides-to-be are arriving at the Princess Mother's castle. The Prince must chose one of them to be his wife. But Siegfried can think of nothing but the maiden of the lake and his meeting of her. He dances in an offhand way with the well-born maidens. Not one of them can compare to his ideal.

Suddenly, a mysterious knight arrives at the ball accompanied by a ravishingly beautiful young girl and a suite of black swans. It is the Evil Genius and the other maiden is but a double of the one Sigfried loves. Struck by their resemblance, Siegfried hurries towards this new maiden. The Evil Genius is putting the Prince's sentiments to the test. Siegfried is enchanted by the perfidious double who manages to disarm him of all his doubts. He announces the double to be his chosen bride. At this very moment, the throne room is plunged in darkness and a vision of the beautiful maiden he originally sworn to appears before the assembled company.

Siegfried realizes that he has become a plaything in the hands of Fate. Hoping to atone for his betrayal, he rushes in despair after the receding image of the white swan.

At night-time a deep gloom overhangs the lake. The maiden brings the tragic news; the Prince has broken his vow of faithfulness to her. Siegfried's conscience is deeply troubled; he hurries towards her begging for her forgiveness. The maiden forgives the youth but she is no longer mistress of her own fate. The Evil Genius summons up a storm which disperses, plays havoc with, the heroes of our tale, making it impossible for them to unite. Made weak by his single combat with Fate, Siegfried tries in vain to hold on to the vanishing image. As dawn breaks, he finds himself alone on the empty banks of the lake of his dreams.

Alphard slowly closed the book after reading the last line of the last page; he was completely spellbound by the tale. No wonder Cygnus did not sleep at all, who would after reading such a sad story. The poor maiden, the foolish prince! Yet the more he though of it the more sleepy he became, for Alphard too didn't sleep well the night before either, too excited at the thought of returning to school yet again.

So Alphard's eyes gave way to sleep, greatly welcoming a well deserved nap. He dreamed, he dreamt of the beautiful maiden that was betrayed and left in the hands of cruel fates, he dreamt of the love torn away by the prince who swore his love to her, he dreamt of the wicked trick by a maiden and the wizard who tested the prince's resolve. He dreamt of the swans that graced the sparkling lake and the beautiful castle that painted the backdrop of this tragic tale. It was beautiful dream that he did not wish to wake from.

But the train lurched, waking Alphard up from his stupor.

Almost delirious, his vision was cloudy and could not make out much as he was disoriented. Yet as he gazed toward the door to his compartment, he saw his dream suddenly become a reality.

A young girl with beautiful long brown hair in a high bun with a milky complexion and blushed cheeks walked past his car, taking no notice of him at all. In Alphards vision he thought she was the maiden. She almost glided the way she walked past his compartment, just like a swan that glided over the water. She carried an aura around her that was as light as a feather, as if she could sprout wings and fly. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue that matched the lake in his dream and had delicate full pink lips that made him wish he could hear her speak. As soon as she walked past him that light had faded and his clouded vision had cleared completely. Almost immediately Alphard threw himself upwards and opened his car door to catch a glimpse of the girl yet again.

But she was gone.

Vanished into thin air, like the young prince had imagined when he dreamt the lake.

Alphard looked back and forth. he closed the door and opened it again to peer outward just in case he was hallucinating. Yet again though there was nothing. Slowly the Slytherin closed the compartment door and sat back down with eyes widened, holding his head to check if he was feverish. Was he delirious? Did he dream of this girl? He never remembered such a face before from Slytherin, perhaps she was of another house.

Alphard peered down to gaze at his watch, he quickly realized though they were almost ten minutes away from the castle. Alphard cursed himself as he exited his compartment and went toward the back car to receive his uniform. He rushed over and quickly received it in due time and quickly changed into his house's robes. He smoothed over his black overcoat making sure the Slytherin insignia was noticeable. His uniform was the same as usual, a standard White collared shirt with grey vest and matching grey slacks, black loafers and socks and a tie that matched the same green color of the Slytherin house. Alphard smoothed his messy black locks till it at least looked presentable to the public. his mother always found it unfortunate that Alphard, with all his good looks Inherited his fathers "wild" hair. Claiming without grooming it he looked downright "Uncivilized."

The Slytherin, after being fully groomed and ready to go went back to car to grab his book and briskly walked forward to find either Cygnus or Druella, steering clear of Walburga since he found her insufferable and Orion who was probably with his unfavorable company. He kept a special eye out though for the "swan maiden", hoping to yet again catch a glimpse of her. If not he could always try finding her in the great hall for the feast. Alphards eye though quickly spotted Cygnus who surprisingly enough was with Druella already, guess she probably thought the same thing he did in sticking together for the ride into the castle.

He opened their compartment, waving at the two casually.

"See, I told you he would come." Cygnus said triumphantly. Druella puffed her cheeks as she forked over two galleon's to the other Black.

"Did you two seriously bet on me coming over…" He asked, clearly not amused.

"Yes, just look how much I won! I promise to split my wins, I'll buy you a cauldron cake." Cygnus said with a wink.

"Whatever." Alphard said, sighing as he sat down next to Druella, looking toward her apologetically. He took the book out and threw it over to Cygnus, the other Black easily caught it.

"There wouldn't happen to be some kind of spell embedded into those pages are there?" Alphard asked, clearly pointing to the fairy tale.

"Not that I know of, it's just a silly muggle book." Cygnus replied, clearly confused.

"You did something, didn't you." Druella accused.

"I didn't! Honest!" Cygnus defended, hands raised in surrender.

"I'm half hoping you did jinx me because if not I think I'm going crazy…" Alphard mumbled. Druella and Cygnus looked to Alphard confused, they never saw him this disoriented before.

Yet he ignored this for only one question plagued his mind, just who was the girl he saw?

Oh my who could this swan maiden be? Will Alphard find her? Is she made up? Let me know what you think! I would love to know your opinion of this new story!

Good luck with finals everyone!