Chapter 3 soundtrack: "Generations" by Immediate Music.

Long time no update. I know that, you know that, so I won't give you a list of excuses, just a story. I don't own Lab Rats, only all these OCs and the plot. Enjoy!

* * * Chapter 3: That One Crazy Aunt * * *

Kira walked up to the guard, banishing all glimpses of fear from her face. "I'd like to see my aunt, please," she said, looking him in the eye.

"Sorry, girl, but Bree Davenport is on probation right now."

"Right. So she's in there. Come on, just let me inside. Please?"

The guard furrowed his brow. "Why?"

Kira sighed. "Because . . . because my dad just died, and I want to talk to her about it. I don't have a mom, you know, and I need someone to go to. Unless you want to listen to me."

The guard sighed. "Fine, I guess you can go in. But not for long! And be careful; she's a feisty one."

"So I've heard," Kira muttered as the guard unlocked the door.

The large white door pulled back and Kira stepped into the hallway. What had once been a beautiful example of modern architecture was now covered in moss and grime. Kira took a deep breath and kept walking. The guard shut the door behind her. She would have to stay.

A few more steps brought her to her aunt's room. It was by far one of the largest bedrooms on the island. It had a fantastic view of the ocean, though it was obscured by the dirt on the windows. Directly opposite Kira, metal bars stretched from the floor to the ceiling, cutting off access to a small pool on the other side—and probably a way out to the rest of the island. One of the purposes of a bedroom was to keep the prisoner inside . . . which Kira supposed made it more like a jail cell than a bedroom.

In the center of a room was a white couch, and on that couch was a middle-aged woman in white clothes. Her eyes were glued to a tablet screen and she didn't bother to look up as Kira entered. So the girl stood there, unsure of what to do. She wasn't sure how to approach her aunt.

"Carter, I'm reading a good story right now," Bree said without looking up. "Do you think you can come back later?"

Kira closed her eyes. "Aunt Bree, it's not Carter. It's Kira. And I really don't think this can wait."

Bree looked up and cocked her head. She put the tablet down on the coffee table in front of her and grinned. "Kira!" she exclaimed. "I haven't seen you in so long. How have you been? Sit, sit."

Kira obeyed and sat on a nearby chair. She started to say something, but her aunt cut her off.

"I heard about Leo. I'm so sorry, honey."

"Everyone is."

"Let me tell you right now, he was a fantastic brother. I wasn't so sure I would like him at first, but he really grew on me. He was probably the least annoying brother I had. And I will miss him forever, but I'm happy that he'll be with Ariana now."

"That's what he said before he died."

Bree put on a sad smile. "That's what you wanted to talk to me about, right? I mean, not about Ariana, but about your dad."

"Sort of. Actually, mostly I wanted to talk to you about your dad."

Bree's eyebrows rose. "Oh? Which one?"

"The one I've never met."

She nodded. "I see. Did Leo tell you something about him?"

Kira sighed. "Kinda. He . . . he wants me to find him. I don't even think that's possible, but I figured I might as well ask you."

Bree leaned back in her chair and stared at the wall. She was silent for several seconds.

"Aunt Bree?"

"Did I ever tell you the story behind this room?"

"Uh, no, but I don't think—"

"It was the room the mentors slept in. Our capsules used to be back there." She gestured to the raised spot in front of the windows, where only one capsule remained. "Leo slept on this couch." She smiled sadly as she fingered the worn leather. "We made a lot of memories in here. It used to be such a happy room. Now . . . now it's not, I guess. Not since the invasion. I'm just happy they let me stay here. Still, it hasn't been the same since they kicked my brothers out."

Kira nodded. "And . . . what about Grandpa Donald?"

Bree put her chin in her hands. "He's been gone for a long time. The first place I would look would be Mission Creek, since that's where he lived for so long. But the last place anyone ever saw him was Idaho. Way up at the top, near Canada, almost. As far as I know, the government never caught him. I think a lot of people think he's dead. But I know he's not. Not yet."

Kira rubbed her arms and said, "And do you know why he left?"

Bree was silent for a few moments. "No. I've always wondered, though. It had to be for a reason. I know my dad, and I knew that he would be back someday. That's how I know he's still alive."

"But I doubt I could find him."

"Probably not. He'd be in hiding. Also, you'd have to get off this island."

"That'd be the hard part. It's probably impossible."

Bree shook her head and sat up straight. "You know, I've been on probation many times. They have to take you to the main command room in the middle of the island. There's a lot of neat stuff in there. All sorts of computers and other electronics." She waved her hands around, as if everything she talked about was right in front of her.

"Uh huh," Kira said slowly, not seeing her aunt's point.

"And there's a door," Bree continued. She stayed quiet for a few seconds.

"A door?" Kira repeated, trying to figure out what Bree's point was.

Bree nodded. "And I know what's behind that door. It's the teleporter to the mainland. I've seen it once. Very fancy and stuff. It's locked; you need a key. But there's not as many guards around it as you would think. In fact, I'm pretty sure . . ." She trailed off.

Kira's eyes widened. Were her aunt's ramblings more than just ramblings? Was Bree actually trying to tell her something?

Bree shivered. "Those vents blow in too much air. Sometimes I think that if I could crawl through them, I could find a way to stop it. But the only vents big enough to fit a person are the vents in the command center."

Kira looked up. "Thank you for talking to me, Aunt Bree. I-I don't know if I'll ever find my grandfather, but if I do . . . is there anything you want me to tell him?"

Bree furrowed her brow. "Tell him . . . tell him his daughter misses him. Tell him that she doesn't blame him for anything. And tell him . . . tell him how much she's lost. Tell him that for once she wants to find something." She lowered her head. "Tell him that she's found a way to survive."

"Aunt Bree?"

She looked up, a gleam in her eye. "Then again, what do I know? I'm crazy, after all." Bree winked.

Kira grinned. "Aunt Bree, I personally think you're brilliant. Thank you for telling me all this. Part of me still doesn't want to find Grandpa Donald . . . I don't really love him . . ."

"I know, honey. But don't give up. Mr. Davenport was a good man, and I don't think anything has changed. Really, truly, I don't. I still believe that he had a reason. I still love him, and I think you should, too."

Kira nodded and stood up. "I'll think about it."

"Good. Now, leave me alone! I was just about to get to the good part." Bree picked up the tablet, and before Kira could even say goodbye, she was once again immersed in her story.

"Your mom's not as insane as I thought," Kira whispered as she and Carter crouched behind a support beam, out of view of the cameras.

"See, I told you!" her cousin said.

"She told me how to get out of here. And she gave me a bit of information about our grandfather. That's not as important, though. I'm just excited that I know how to get out! Are you with me?"

"Are you kidding?" Carter squealed, keeping her voice low so no one heard her. "I have been waiting for this day my whole life. Let's do it!"

So, is Bree mad, or is she wiser than them all? What did she tell Kira? Will they be able to get out?

I don't know when the next update will be. I'll try to make it soon, but to be honest, I can't promise anything. I'm sorry for taking so long on some of my stories, but I do have news: This year and from now on, I won't post new stories until I've finished them entirely. That way you won't have to wait around for so long. I'll also work harder on updating the stories I haven't finished yet. Keep reviewing and reminding me, because I'm quite forgetful.

Thanks to all for reading, and I'll see you next time for Chapter 4: Escapee. Bye!