They're only dreams

By Lord Agravane Undead

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or any of the characters within.

Written as a gift For Sakura Alexia, as thanks to her for drawing me some wonderful art. Cheers mate!

Something was wrong.

Cynthia awoke, staring into the near darkness of her surroundings. A green glow emanated from the radio alarm clock; turning her head to look at it, Cynthia saw that it was 02:43 in the morning.

The dead of the night. Everything was still, quiet and peaceful.

Not quite everything. Cynthia felt movement next to her. Rolling over again, she could just make out the familiar shape of Cyrus, her usual bedfellow. He was lying with his back towards her, perfectly still once more.

Had he woken her? Cyrus was a poor sleeper and seemed to spend most of the night wriggling about, waking up and going back to sleep a few minutes later and once time, Cynthia had awoken to find he had put on the bedroom light and was dissecting the radio alarm clock. When she asked why, Cyrus had responded with, I couldn't sleep and needed something to occupy my mind.

However, this had been early on in their relationship and now, months down the line, Cynthia was used to Cyrus's night time squirming and waking up to play with machines. Also, he seemed to have gone back to sleep again.

No, he wasn't sleeping, Cynthia was sure of it. His breathing was too loud and fast. And he was trembling slightly, Cynthia could feel it. As the room was pleasantly warm, that could only mean one thing. But, was such a thing even possible?

"Cyrus?" Cynthia whispered.

"Yes," Cyrus replied in a low voice.

"Are you alright? Did you…" Cynthia hesitated. "Did you have a nightmare?"

There was silence for a moment, then Cyrus spoke again.


"Yes?" Cynthia was confused. "Yes to which question?"

"Yes to both."

Cynthia moved close to Cyrus; she could still feel his body shaking. "You had a nightmare but…you are alright."

"Yes, of course." Cyrus took a steadying breath. "Nightmares are not real. I am awake now. Therefore, I am alright."

"Are you sure?" Cynthia put her arm around Cyrus's shoulders. He flinched but didn't pull away.

"I am sure."

"Hm, would you like to…tell me about it?"

Cyrus shrugged. "What an odd thing to say. Why should I wish to talk about something unpleasant, let alone share it with you and risk also causing you distress. That makes no logical sense whatsoever."

Cynthia began to rub Cyrus's back. That was a typical response from him. "Well, if you are sure," she said again.

"Of course. Do not worry. Go back to sleep."

Cynthia sighed. From Cyrus's words and his body language, the nightmare had certainly bothered him, but of course he would never admit to it. Cynthia wondered what he had dreamed about. Dangerous Pokemon? His traumatic childhood? Something that her mind couldn't even fathom? Whatever it was, he certainly wouldn't talk about it and Cynthia knew that it was no use trying to get it out of him. It would only cause him to shut down and stop talking entirely.

But she could still help him to recover. Talking wasn't the only form of communication that they had.

Sliding both her arms around Cyrus, Cynthia began to sing to him. She had a very beautiful voice; it could be strong and powerful or soft and soothing. For this occasion, it was soft and soothing.

Cyrus didn't speak or respond. However, his trembling ceased and his shoulders relaxed. Cynthia continued singing and soon, Cyrus moved a little closer, pressing his body against hers. He gave a small sigh.

After a couple more minutes, Cynthia paused. "Better now?" she whispered.

There was no reply. Cyrus's breathing was quiet and easy once more.

Cynthia smiled to herself in the darkness. She kissed Cyrus on top of his head and closing her eyes, drifted off to sleep too.

The End