A Game of Rulers
Chapter Seven: Beyond All Repair
Well, Bungie went nuts.
Seriously, no Story DLC? Whose bright idea was that? 'Hey guys, you know how our main source of income has been our DLC packs that give the players new content? Let's replace them with Live Events like Sparrio Kart instead!' 'Alright Gary! High five!' (SMACK).
Well, either way, it means I can stop writing something, have the DLC come out, and then look back and cringe at how wrong I was. Anyhow, let's get going!
(Note: I renamed the chapter six times.)
(Queen's Guard Acting Forward HQ, Orwell Omega)
"Well, here we go again…" Mark sighed, checking the magazine in Payback SOS.
"No need to sound so upset about it, this is urban warfare after all." Zeren replied. "It mostly consists of clearing enemies out of fortifications made from rubble and destroyed buildings."
"Indeed, Akenda." Karrack, the Centurion in charge of the Cabal side of the operation, agreed. "We will drive the rebels from your lands inch by inch if we must."
"Thank you, Karrack." Zeren replied, nodding. "Anyhow, we'll be assaulting them from here, here and here." He continued, pointing out three approaches to the Rebel firebase. "This alley will provide a good stealth approach, but if they start firing down it, there's no cover. Sergeant Vorrin's Queen's Guard are using that approach. The main avenue is dotted with cover, but you'll be seen almost immediately. That's where the Cabal'll be coming from, since they can take more of a beating than the rest of us. Finally, Mark and I'll be approaching via the rooftops, and go in through the Atrium's glass ceiling."
"Alright, I can do that." Mark agreed, nodding. The two squad leaders agreed as well, and Zeren nodded at all of them.
"Then let's go get it done." Zeren finished.
()(Queen's Justice Courthouse Approach Alpha, Orwell Omega)()
"Vanter, are we clear?" Sergeant Vorrin asked, looking to his squad's sniper.
"Yes sir." Vanter replied, not looking away from his scope. "I have a target in my sights, permission to eliminate?"
"No." Vorrin replied. "You stay back here and wait until I give the order, then put him down."
"Alright." Vanter confirmed. "Hurry up though, my trigger finger's itching like crazy."
"You'll scratch that itch soon, don't doubt." Vorrin said, before turning to the rest of his squad. "Let's move."
()(Hangman's Avenue [Queen's Justice Approach Bravo], Orwell Omega)()
"Centurion, we are ready to attack at a moment's notice." Legionary Orrik reported.
"We move now." Karrack said. "Weapon's ready, advance!"
The squadron of Cabal marched up the avenue, drawing fire from the window's of the courthouse, where unseen Rebel's no doubt hid. Bullets pinged off of the squad's Phalanx's shields, the computers within telling their wielders the exact weapon type, caliber, and bullet velocity within milliseconds. It was mostly a hodgepodge of auto and pulse rifles, with the occasional rattle of a machine gun.
Karrack fired a burst of Projection Rifle rounds, the glowing yellow projectiles blasting holes in the courthouse walls. A section of wall collapsed entirely, a screaming Rebel following it down. Once the Cabal were within thirty meters of the building, they broke into a charge, firing all weapons. One legionary was brought down by a sniper's bullet, even as a burst of fire from his slug rifle brought down a Rebel soldier guarding the main doors. Another was hit several times but continued his charge, roaring in pain and anger.
Karrack saw the Queen's Guard assaulting from their alleyway, scout rifle fire crackling as the dark purple soldiers sprinted from the shadows. Sergeant Vorrin went knife-to-knife with a Rebel, before drawing a sidearm and shooting the Rebel in the gut. A sniper shot rang out and avenged the fallen legionary, the Rebel sniper toppling from his perch with a quarter-sized hole in his forehead.
The Cabal squad finally reached their destination, legionary Akkara slamming through the doors with a shoulder charge, before raising her slug rifle and hammering the room with solar rounds. Phalanx Barroth followed her in, slamming a Rebel with his shield and sending the man flying into the far wall. Karrack blasted a pair of rebels with a projection rifle round, before his shields were dropped by a rocket. He roared his displeasure before a Queen's guard dropped the rocket Rebel with a scout rifle round to the skull.
Vorrin ducked beneath a rebel's punch, stabbing him in the back before bringing the knife around and slitting another's throat. A third rebel fired a shotgun blast that dropped one of the Queen's Guard operators, his torso armour blasted open and his chest sundered beyond all repair. Vorrin brought his sidearm up and shot the shotgun-wielder four times in the chest and once in the skull, avenging his man's death. Legionary Akara blasted another Rebel from his sniper perch with a burst of slug rifle fire, while Vorrin sprinted across the room, his blade gleaming silver where it wasn't tarnished with blood. If one were to slow time and look at him, they would realize he bore a sadistic smile.
It was a good day to kill.
Meanwhile, Mark and Zeren were having a considerably less enjoyable time, trying to figure out how to stealthily move past the two guards on the rooftop barring their path.
"I'm telling you, I could shoot them in, like, three seconds, if not less. Nobody would notice!" Mark argued. "They'd all be too focused on the damn Cabal tearing them apart to care!"
"We need to do this quietly, though!" Zeren countered. "If we're not careful, their leader will run for it, and we'll have failed the objective!"
"For the love of… fine. Let's do this quietly." Mark said, rolling his eyes.
"Alright, so the plan is, I slip behind the two of them, while you wait for my signal. When I hold up my right hand clenched in a fist, you stand up and charge. Then, while their distracted by the big orange and white guy in power armour charging them, I take them out." Zeren explained. Mark looked at him with disbelief, frowning.
"Really?" The Titan huffed. "'Hey, Mark, we need to do this quietly. So the plan is for me to sneak around behind them and then have you charge them!" He said, in a quiet pantomime of Zeren's voice.
"Well then, what's your plan?" Zeren asked, frustrated.
"Well how about we-" Mark was cut off by a sniper rifle's CRACK, followed by another shortly after. Zeren popped his head over their cover, and then ducked back down.
"Both the guards are dead." Zeren said, before vaulting over the wall.
"HOW WAS THAT QUIET?" Mark called after him, before groaning and following.
He hated sneaking around.
()(Imperial Land Tank 'Dun Admirallen's Gaunt Main Bridge)()
"Marchall, this is Primus Mak'aidos! Taken forces are withdrawing from the Scablands!" Marchall Kallus Thro'sern looked at the monitor displaying the young Primus, before nodding.
"Good work, Primus. We're deploying reinforcements to your position, stand by." Thro'sern replied, before he cut the com-link. The viewscreen darkened, only to light back up again as another commander opened a line.
"Marchall, Bracus Tho'arn reporting. All Taken around target area exterminated. Requesting new orders." Tho'arn's crimson helmet crest took up the majority of the screen, while the battered off-white helmet took up the rest.
"Casualties?" Thro'sern asked, ignoring the brief report. After years of dealing with it, you grew to ignore Tho'arn's short and clipped style of speech.
"Minimal." Tho'arn replied.
"Meaning?" Thro'sern needed details.
"Thirty Legionaries, three Centurions. Ten Legionaries dead, while four more won't fight again. One Centurion crippled, other two will recover." Tho'arn reported. "Requesting orders."
"Return to forward operating base Sierra." Thro'sern sighed. Still too many casualties, but Tho'arn wasn't the kind of commander to waste men. He was sure the stern commander had tried his best to minimize the body count.
"Understood." The com-feed cut again. Thro'sern didn't even bother to power down the monitor, before rising from his command throne.
How he wished Erik were back. The Human, while lacking in energy, had shown boundless energy in organizing the entire sixth expansion fleet. Even when dealing with the secrecy of intelligence operatives, he had maintained a simple but elegant efficiency.
Not to mention that 'Dead Person' of his. The Phandok had fused with the mainframe of the tank while present, making maintenance as effective as was possible. Thro'sern was tempted to return to his seat, but he needed to move around for a while, get the stiffness out of his bones.
"Arrithas, I am going to go inspect the vehicle bays. You have control of the bridge until my return." He called out to the Psion.
"Understood Marchall!" Arrithas saluted, before his console lit up green, confirming the temporary shift in command.
Thro'sern strode down the halls of the Imperial Land Tank, security personnel and vehicle crewmen saluting him as he passed. He nodded to every soldier, taking a cue from his former commander, before his thoughts drifted back to said predecessor.
Standard Cabal military doctrine demanded a Cabal General be aloof and distant from all but his most immediate inner circle, in order to preserve the image of a lord reigning over his subjects, whose every command was practically divine decree. This ensured orders were followed to the letter, and that the commander would be seen with the respect and dignity afforded to his rank.
Marchall Erik had been… different.
In opposed to ignoring the soldiers on the ground, Erik had associated with them, fought alongside them and even drank with them from time to time. (Not Cabal liquor of course. A well-brewed Vonnik or Wikkas would hit a human harder than a Colossus' seismic stomp). He would share in their jokes, hear their stories, and ask about their families. With the officers, he would tell and listen to stories of old battles fought, and of histories. Thro'sern still remembered Erik and Valus Ga'ir comparing Human and Cabal musical compositions (the strong sounds of orchestral works were still popular amongst the Valus' own battalion, whilst the roaring 'guitars' of metal music had been well appreciated amongst the Fire Blades more violent members).
Thro'sern stepped through Vehicle Bay Alpha's main door, gazing out over the fleet of Siege Tanks and Interceptors, Psion engineers frantically working to get them combat ready. Even as he watched, one of the auxiliary doors opened and three Interceptors sped out in a scouting formation. Following them was a Siege Tank, no doubt bound for some frontline. As he strode between the rows of vehicles, he overheard raised voices.
"-I need it ready now!" Thro'sern overheard one Psion operator say, gesturing furiously to an Interceptor.
"The right side cannon's been mangled beyond recognition! Do you know how much that'll affect your stability?" An engineer retorted, sounding frustrated. "Just give me half-an-hour and it'll be ready to fight again!"
"Operator, what seems to be the problem?" Thro'sern asked, looking down at the diminutive scout, who gaped at his general.
"M-Marchall!" The Psion stuttered, placing his hands behind his back in a Psion salute. "This… this Fullner won't let me join my team on the frontlines!"
"And why is that, engineer?" Thro'sern asked, looking over to the mechanic.
"With all due respect, general, if I let mister Operator here take off in this vehicles current state, he'll be working with half the firepower and the Interceptor will be veering to the right constantly." The engineer replied in an irritated tone. "I just need half-an-hour with it and he can join his team."
"Operator, what good do you think you'd be with nonfunctioning equipment?" Thro'sern asked the Psion, who started to retort angrily.
"My team needs me-" Thro'sern cut him off.
"Your team needs you when you're ready to be of use. Would it help them to have a crippled squadmate?" The general asked again.
"…No." The Psion admitted. "It's just that, my sisters are out there right now, and I need to be there to back them up." He explained.
"And you will be able to, once your Interceptor is fully repaired." Thro'sern said.
"Understood, Marchall." The Psion saluted. Thro'sern returned the salute, before leaving.
How he wished Erik would return. Then all would be right with world again.
()(Depths of the Dreadnaught)()
()(Depths of the Dreadnaught)()
Five warriors stood in that door.
One was clad in a cloak of yellow and black, a blade held over his shoulder and a scowl on his face. A smaller knife was held in his left hand, the hand clenching it sparking with electricity. This one was dangerous, the General decided. The Aegis agreed.
To his left was a woman with whose long robes reached her ankles, while in her hands rested an enormous machine gun covered in wires that crackled with energy. This one caused a spark of recognition to ignite in the General's mind, while the Aegis cared not.
The third man was enormous, standing as tall as a Hive Knight, or even one of the Princes. His arms were covered in fuel canisters, and his fists were wreathed in flames. The Aegis took note of this one, while the General merely marked him as a threat and moved on.
The fourth of the group was clad in armour of shining silver and carried an enormous shotgun in on hand, while his other crackled with lightning similar to the General's. The General knew he would be lethal in close quarters battle, and the Aegis knew he would be a force to be reckoned with either way.
The fifth and last of the force sent to kill their King was a machine, the Aegis noted. The General instead noted his armour, that marked him as one who studied the damnable Eternity-Machines. The purple aura around him marked him as a user of the mystical Void energies. The General determined this one to be the leader, given the obvious power he wielded.
Then the General stepped forwards, while the Aegis readied the wards. This would be hard fight.
"By the Traveler…" Allisandra breathed, looking at the two humanoid figures standing at the ready. "Are they… are they Taken?"
"Looks like it." Jason said, pumping his shotgun, before stepping forwards. He was intercepted by Dominion's outstretched arm.
"Wait. Maybe we can talk to them." Dominion said, looking at the rest of his fireteam. "Hail, Guardians!" The Exo called, waving. "What are you doing here?"
"WE ARE THE GUARDIANS OF THE KING." The taller human replied, striding towards them. "YOU ARE TRESSPASSERS."
"Dominion…" Harune hissed, his stance widening as he brought his sword up.
"Why do you serve Oryx?" Dominion asked.
"It's… It's Erik!" The Awoken said, shocked. "He's alive!"
"And he's Taken." Krasimir said, cracking his knuckles. "Jason, let us end Erik's misery together!" The Slovenian Guardian called to his shotgun-wielding comrade.
"I'm with you, Warsmith!" Jason called back, as they both broke into a run.
Jason beat the larger Titan to their target, a crackling wave of energy emerging from his shoulder as he attempted to ram the Taken Guardian. To his shock, Erik took the charge on his own shoulder, catching Jason in the side before grabbing him by the shoulder and underneath his chestplate. He then heaved upwards and Jason flew through the air, having been thrown by the former general. He hit the rocky floor with a thud, rising to his hands and knees before charging again as Krasimir attempted to punch Erik.
Erik caught Krasimir's punch with his hands, being driven back a foot but holding his ground. He brought his left foot around in a wicked high kick that drove into Krasimir's side, before he turning and bringing his right fist into the Titan's temple. The larger Guardian was knocked senseless for several seconds, as Jason attempted to smash Erik in the back. The Taken Guardian jumped over him, turning in midair as Jason's charge terminated in a powerful impact with Krasimir's torso, knocking them both to the ground.
Then Erik was struck in the side by a large sword.
Harune grunted with the effort of swinging his huge blade one-handed as he brought his knife around in a stabbing motion towards Erik's throat. The Guardian backstepped the stab, before kicking the Hunter in the chest with a plasteel and relic iron boot, driving his heel into Harune's chest. The Bladedancer was thrown back by that, as Krasimir came at him again, his fist driving forwards in a massive haymaker.
Erik was suddenly wreathed in a shield of green and black energy, Krasimir's fist simply bouncing off and jolting the giant man. This shield also protected Erik from a chain of shotgun blasts, Jason swearing as The Fourth Horseman failed to do anything to the bubble of energy. The bubble faded as Erik hammered his right elbow into Krasimir's forehead, before bringing his left hand around in a downwards blow that knocked the Titan to the floor for the second time in their fight.
Harune swung Sol Edge around in a massive arc, the blade practically shrieking as it flew through the air. But Erik was wreathed in the bubble again, and the blade was sent flying as it failed to even mark the black and green energy. Harune cursed before backing up, readying his knife. The bubble broke, and he slashed at Erik with the wickedly sharp blade. The former Striker caught his wrist in one hand and brought the other around in a wicked right hook that drove the Hunter to the floor with a broken jaw.
Erik looked up towards the two Warlocks still lurking in the doorway, just in time to catch a bolt of electricity in the chest. His armour buckled under the impact and heat as he was knocked off balance. The next bolt struck him in the shoulder, spinning him forty-five degrees, and the third blasted him off his feet, sending him spinning away. The Aegis summoned a black and green shield around his comrade, before catching deflecting a bolt back into the warlocks. The mechanical one was hurled back from the impact, while the woman hurling said bolts swerved to the side before firing one last blast that broke the shield protecting the Aegis and knocked him to his knees.
Erik rose from the ground, his armour blackened and cracked, and clenched his fists. They crackled with energy, as Dominion stood and drew Hawkmoon before nodding to Allisandra. Krasimir was on his hands and knees, trying to stand, as Jason reached for The Fourth Horseman. The Aegis was down on one knee, black and green energy swirling around him.
Then Erik started to charge the Warlocks.
Dominion started blasting away with Hawkmoon, but his bullets were rendered useless as a black and green field formed around the sprinting Taken Guardian, falling to the floor as they bounced off the shield. Allisandra opened up with Thunderlord, but the effects were much the same, arc rounds disintegrating on impact with the shield. Erik was closing in rapidly, only thirty feet away, then twenty, then ten.
Once he was close enough, Dominion rose several feet into the air, a large ball of swirling purple and black energy forming inside his hand which he pulled back before hurling it towards Erik. The ball struck right in front of where the Taken Titan was standing, and he disappeared from view.
"Fucking finally…" Dominion muttered, before turning to Allisandra. "Allisandra, what should we do about-"
The former Crucible Champion was stunned into silence when he realized where Erik went. Somehow, the Titan had warped forwards ten feet, through Dominion's Void Bomb, and impaled Allisandra with his right hand. The Awoken Stormcaller was suspended almost a foot above the ground with Erik's right fist punched into her lower chest and out of her back. Blood was all over the place.
"Why…" Allisandra breathed, her eyes wide in shock.
"YOU SEEK TO DESTROY THE KING. THEREFORE, I MUST DESTROY YOU." Erik said, before throwing his arm and the half dead Awoken attached to it aside.
Allisandra hit the ground with a hollow 'thud' and a rattling gasp for air. Erik turned to Dominion, his right arm still coated with blood up to the elbow.
"IT IS TIME TO END THIS." He said, before he stepped forwards.
Well, that's the end of Chapter Seven. At least I didn't make it a cliffhanger?
Anyhow, I apologize for not updating at all for a month. Life got hectic and the holidays are always a bitch. Luckily, I have a couple weeks off from basically everything, so maybe I'll update again in the next century.
Merry Belated Christmas and Happy New Years, everybody. See you all with the next chapter.