"Well Guys, here you are. If you need me I am next door. We'll be leaving early in the morning. Get some sleep."

With a nod, jazz left Ian and Spencer and headed to his own room. Ian turned on the light and looked around.

They had spared no expense. The room was lavish and rather spacious with two large beds and a huge marble bathroom. Ian let out a small whistle.

"I've never been in such a nice place."

"No kidding." Spencer agreed.

Throwing their bags down, they each sat on one of the beds. Now they could stop running and start living. Or at least, they hoped that was the case.

Spencer rose and walked into the bathroom and turned on the tap, filling the bathwater. He then strode to the nearby dresser where Candles stood unlit. Taking the matches sitting on the table, he lit them one by one until all five candles cast their glow over the whole room. On his way by he turned off the light and sat down again. He never sat long, before he stood up again.

"I need a bath. I feel disgusting." Spencer grumbled as he shrugged out of his jacket and peeled off his sweater.

Ian tried his best not to look but it was in vain

Dear Gods.

The candles didn't help, and its soft glow seemed to glaze Spencer's skin with a pale orange glow. Each muscle, each feature painted in glorious honey over tones; every muscle perfect. Like those beautiful statues in a museum. He glanced back at Ian, who was by now blushing madly in the low light.

"Care to join me?"

It was a simple invitation. But to Ian, it had thousands of possibilities. The most obvious one, being that something was about to happen between them. But so soon? Ian nodded slowly, but he was still unsure. He followed after his best friend as he headed to the bathroom, and politely looked away when Spencer undressed. After all, he had stared enough already.

Only when he was sure that Spencer was already in the large tub did he dare to turn his eyes back. Spencer was looking at him worried.

"It's just a bath little one. Nothing will happen that you don't want to happen. I can swear that to you. I've been your best friend for years. You have nothing to be ashamed of. I have never judged you, and I will not start now."

Ian stared. Was this coming from someone who had always been the idiot? Ian scuffed his feet against the floor. "I know."

He knew he was being difficult and finally he just stripped off his clothes and made his way over, settling down in the tub, facing Spencer. He finally dared to keep Spencer's gaze, and was greeted with tears. He was shocked, and a bit unnerved by this sudden emotion.

"Spence? You okay? What's wrong?" Ian immediately grabbed hold of one of Spencer's hands and laced his fingers through his partners, holding their hands in front of their bodies.

Spencer shook his head, unable to speak. He was so choked up. He took a deep and shuddering breath and only then did he raise his eyes back to meet Ian's. He spoke slowly and quietly, his voice quivering.

"You're free Ian.I've brought you to freedom. You can go where you like now. You can leave the Demolition Boys for good! And you'll NEVER ever have to go back!"

Ian blinked. Spencer had set him free? Just like that? Spencer was letting him go. He expected Ian to leave him! Ian dropped Spencer's hand only long enough to fling himself yet again into the blonde boy's arms.

"I can't leave you! I'm only free with you."

There. It was out. And he meant it. He continued.

"You are my freedom Spencer. You are my life."

Arms snaked about him, pulling him close. A cheek rested against his forehead, and warm tears flowed between them both. Ian's breath was taken away. The simple feeling of contact, simple skin contact. Wordless vows, silent promises were exchanged right there. Their bodies seemed to fit as well together as their hearts did. Ian felt his confidence come rushing back to him. He realized that his apprehension was actually fear of rejection. Now that it was settled, he felt that here was where he belonged. Lifting his chin, he stared deep into the sapphire pools that held no secrets. Bringing himself up To Spencer's level, he closed the distance between them.

~I've been waiting all my life You make this moment feel so right, The feel of you just fills the night So come on, lets just Hold on tight.~

Fire. Warmth. Wholeness. Completion.

The soft kiss was returned and deepened. Kisses became caresses which became sweet surrender. The night was filled with as much expression and love as they could possibly give. Bodies merged and flowed together, Souls and hearts met. The pain of the past forgotten, even if for just one night. Just long enough to feel with every fiber of their existence, the pleasure and the passion of true freedom. The soft words and cries that carried in the night were not of lust, but love. They had boldly crossed the threshold of friends and became lovers.

The sun rose far too early. Spencer opened one eye from where he lay. The weight and warmth of Ian, who slept curled against him, reassured him as warm memories of the night before made him smile. Propping himself up on one elbow he turned his eyes downwards to the sleeping boy in his arms. He traced small circles along Ian's shoulder with one finger, just watching the younger boy sleep. This moment was the most peaceful moment he'd ever experienced. Somewhere inside he hoped he would wake every morning this very way.

"That tickles..." Ian mumbled as he cracked open one sleepy eye. Seeing Spencer looking down at him, his cheeks pinked. "Morning Spencer."

"Good Morning." Serge chuckled as he watched Ian snuggle his way back under the sheets. Ian had managed to make the most of both Spencer' and the bed's warmth.

"So do we have to get up yet?" Ian yawned widely.

"Not yet. You can sleep a little longer." He replied, tightening his arm around Ian's waist.

"'kay. Call me when it's time to get up."


"Hi everyone! So good to see you!" Oliver waved as he met Robert and Company in the terminal.

"Good evening Oliver. Where's Enrique?"

"He's gone to get his passport fixed. He'll be back any minute."

No Sooner had it left Oliver's mouth, than Enrique came around the corner, carrying his passport. Seeing the others, he waved.

"Hey Guys!"

"Hi Enrique!" Rei waved back.

Boris stood silent. He didn't like the idea of how open they were being. They weren't home free until they were safely back at Robert's manor. Besides, he felt so out of place in public.

Oliver pulled Robert to the side to speak privately.

"So I see Johnny made it back alright. When you had called me that night I was worried."

Robert nodded. "Sorry I woke you so late."

"It wasn't a problem. I was at the restaurant. Enrique had just flown in late that night, and I was preparing dinner for the both of us there, rather than go all the way back to my place."

"You are coming with us?"

"Of course Robert. Besides, its gets both me and Enrique away from caretakers and my annoying relatives."

"Don't tell me. They're giving you and Enrique the big speech about how it's not proper to be seen with another boy in public so often?"

Oliver laughed lightly. "You hit it right on the nose Robert. Besides, you know what will happen, should Enrique's butler ever catch him."

Robert joined in the snicker. He was grateful for the friendship of the other Majestics. They were really the only ones who could fully comprehend just how difficult it was to be a unique person in the closed up world of the social elite. They had gone from being completely self absorbed, to friends of all the international Bladers.

"Well, you're certainly a mish mash of a group aren't you?" came a voice from the hallway behind Oliver.

"Show yourself." Robert demanded.

"Good evening everyone." The shadow called as he approached the group. The light fell across him. Moon pale skin seemed to glow as much as his crimson eyes did. His hair styled much like Roberts only black, with the wild spikes in the front being a rich red. Dressed impeccably in a red dress shirt, leather blazer and black pants, if it wasn't for his accent, Robert would never have guessed who it was.

"Hey! It's Sanguinex." Rei grinned. "And He's not as freakish anymore."

Oliver grinned. "We all did some talking fixed things up. I mean after all we were the reasons they were cursed with their afflictions. We finally took some responsibility."

"I don't mind my affliction thank you." Sanguinex half pouted. Seeing Bryan and Tala he stopped and looked at Robert quizzically. "Last I talked to all of you we had just had these guys locked up back in their Abbey? Weren't we trying to stop them from taking over the world?"

Rei snickered. "That was Voltaire's doing. These guys just served as a tool. Boris too."

"Considering Boris is your father I can understand why you'd want to help him." Sangua said as he nonchalantly tossed his blade from palm to palm.

"Must you say that in front of the entire airport? We're trying NOT to draw attention as much as we can."

"You knew?" Tala asked?

"Well of course, considering my family had served Robert's family almost since they rose to power hundreds of years ago. I still do today. Oh and Robert, Your hair is enough reason for people to stare."

He was rewarded with a glare on Robert's behalf.

"Why are you in Paris?" Oliver questioned.

"Traveling. I'm on my way back to Copenhagen to pick up my little brother."

"I knew it seemed odd you were alone. Usually Lupinex travels with you everywhere Sangua?"

"Well it was safer for him there. BioVolt was poking around here. I've seen what they have done to all of the Demolition Boys. And to be honest I didn't feel like letting my brother get turned into an experiment."

"Good point." Robert agreed. "Well, you are welcome to a seat on the private jet. That is, if you haven't picked up your ticket yet?"

"No actually. I haven't. I didn't reserve a ticket. I never do. I always seem to run into some problem that ends in me missing my flight and having to pay extra. I was on my way to ask about available seats when I saw all you guys. Listen, for the sake of your safety, I'd hide out somewhere less open. There are a few BioVolt goons looking for info regarding your whereabouts."

Robert nodded. "Seems that way wherever we go.Let's get back to the jet. It doesn't have clearance for takeoff for another three hours but it's safer."

~*~*~*~ "Come on Ian. Let's get up." Spencer shook the sleeping boy gently. "Jazz just called us. We gotta get going or we will miss our flight."

"I know, I know.I'm up." He whined as he rose and headed to the bathroom to shower and dressed. Spencer was already up and dressed, but the again, Spencer always was the early riser.

Once he had showered and dressed, he packed his bag and threw on his jacket. He'd probably need it, as the sky outside was miserable. A thunderstorm was imminent by the dark clouds on the horizon. He found himself wondering how the others were doing. Especially Boris. The more he thought about it, the more he saw Boris as a father. He had raised them all. Once he even took them out for 'training'. Or so he told Voltaire.

In truth he drove them down to the town square. He brought them shopping, ensuring they all had a full set of clothing. He brought them along the crowded streets in the long summer hours, looking in the windows and once in a while ducking into a shop. At the end of the day, they all sat around a table and enjoyed Ice cream. Ian was twelve at the time.

That was the only time they had ever been treated like someone's children, but it never left Ian's mind. Something tied them to Boris. Paternal bonds? Perhaps, but they'd never know unless they had the chance to speak to Boris under different circumstances. It mattered none since they could never go back to their own country until BioVolt was stopped.

Ian didn't hear Spencer call him the first two times. He was caught up in his own thoughts, until a hand tapping him brought him back to reality.

"Ivanov!" Spencer Scolded with a grin. "Come on! We'll be late! Let's go"

Ian smiled apologetically. "Sorry. I'm ready."

They left their room, and their key behind as they met Jazz in the hallway. He was almost livid as he spoke on his cell phone. He looked ready to kill someone.

"We NEED to get them on that plane TODAY! I don't care if you have to get a private jet or a cargo plane! They have to be in Copenhagen tonight."

He paused as the person on the other end spoke, growing more irked as the conversation carried on.

"IT WILL be done. Make sure they get safely to Copenhagen, and whatever you do, don't let anyone know who they are, got that? This is of the utmost importance. At least try to get that much right you imbecile."

Finally after a moment of listening Jazz cut into the other person's words.

"You know what? Since you're so thick, forget it! I'll do it. Seems I'm the only one around here with half a brain." Jazz hung up the phone and grinned at the boys. "Sorry 'bout that. Some people have no common sense. I'll fly to Copenhagen with you but then I have to head back here. At least that way I can be sure you guys made it safely."

Ian nodded. "So what now?"

"Well," Jazz began, "We'll grab breakfast and then get you guys to Heathrow International. I'll get us onto a flight to Copenhagen. That's where everyone will be meeting."

Spencer cleared his throat politely before he spoke. "Will," He paused for a moment. "Will the others be there?"

Jazz just shrugged. "That, I can't say. But let's get going."


"There's the private gate." Robert Pointed as the ever growing group of Bladers approached the gate marked off as "Special Flights"

The others followed Robert closely, Oliver, Enrique and Sanguanex in tow. Robert spoke to the guard and soon all of them were heading down a hallway towards the waiting jet. Once they had boarded the jet, and settled in their seats. Everyone's attention was turned to the two demolition boys. Oliver gave them a genuine smile.

"It's so good to see that you made it safely. I've been so worried since this whole situation started. That Abbey is not place for any human being! And especially not people with so much potential."

It was then for the first time, that Tala noticed that Oliver was rather pretty when he smiled. A bit more feminine than his teammates, Oliver still had the most passion about things. During the time Oliver had been talking to the others, he spoke with conviction and sincerity. He was honest, even if it wasn't what people wanted to hear. He commanded a great deal of respect and did not even have to ask for it. Tala had never gone against Oliver's team but he had heard they were quite aloof, considering their Socialite and Royal Status. If that was true, then they did come a long way. In all honesty, Tala didn't see one face that didn't seem happy that they were there. Had they forgotten things so easily?

"You seem to have forgotten the World,"

He was cut off by Robert. "The world championship was last year, and I for one feel that's where it should stay. In the past and buried. You did as you were told you followed orders. You did nothing that any of us wouldn't have done in such circumstances."


"What I am trying to say is, well, welcome to the world of the free. You not only going to be guests at my manor, you are also my friends, as are everyone else on this craft right now."

"I..." Tala was stunned. He had friends outside of his teammates. They forgave them.

Bryan quickly saved the faltering Tala by finishing what his partner had been trying to get out.

"We are.So grateful. I thank you, but you are too kind. We have caused much pain." Bryan spoke carefully, trying his best to not result back to Russian. For all his speaking during the World Championships, he still had little grasp of the language and his accent was still heavy.

Robert was about to speak when Boris held up a hand.

"Robert, please understand. This is a very real shock to them. They are free and they have never felt that. Of course they are going to feel guilty. It is natural. They are learning the emotions of the human part of this world. Be Patient."

Robert sighed and half smiled. "Yes Father. You know, I'll never get used to saying that."

Johnny spoke for the first time in almost half an hour. "Your dad's right Robert. I have traveled with them, and they are still quite nervous and shy. Not to mention ashamed of their actions. We just have to encourage them and be patient. And I know to everyone the word patience coming out of my mouth is a shock enough in itself."

The offhand comment was just enough to send everyone into a small rumble of laughter breaking the somber mood as easily as a china plate. Soon everyone had questions to ask and Tala found himself answering questions for the better part of an hour.


"Here we are. Heathrow International Airport. This is a rental car so I'll just return it. I'll be right with you guys." Jazz said as he opened the door and helped the boys grab their luggage.

It had been raining since they left the hotel, and they got soaked just walking as far as the Terminal. Once inside the sliding doors, Ian shook the water out of his hair and looked to Spencer.

"I hate traveling so secretly."

Spencer nodded. "Yeah, so do I. But it must be done."

Ian opened his mouth as if to say something but closed it again just as quickly. Spencer answered his question already.

"I'm sure the others are safe. I can feel it."

Ian recalled that Spencer had always had a special ability to sense the distance between his comrades and their condition. Honestly Ian was sure Spencer's intelligence was above that of even Tala. Sure it didn't seem that was to most, but then again, no one else knew Spencer as Ian did.

Ian merely nodded his agreement as Jazz marched through the door, water dripping off of him. He shook out his jacket before speaking.

"The weather in England. It's outrageous! Let's get to the terminal. I have word there are members of the BBA here who can help us."

Both boys looked at each other as Spencer raised an eyebrow and they followed after Jazz.

They hadn't walked very far before Jazz, turned sharply and marched in the direction of the desk marked "Special Flights Only"

He spoke to the young man at the counter, nodding every one in a while. Ian and Spencer waited on the benches so they were well out of earshot. Ian put his backpack down and jumped as it made a clinking noise.

"Oh yeah! Here Spencer. This is yours." Ian handed him his Beyblade. Spencer smiled that strangely serene smile.

"Thank you. I knew you'd take care of it for me."

"Well next time you do that I'll kill you! To leave a blade behind is like saying you're as good as dead. You had me so worried! I could have had serious health."

Spencer grabbed Ian's hand and held it tight, shutting up the rambling boy. "Hush! The point is I'm here now."

Ian turned bright pink at the sudden move but made no effort to break away. Right now he didn't care what people thought. They turned their glances back to where Jazz was standing. Now he was talking to a well dressed young man with bright, almost fuchsia tinted hair. His garnet eyes looked seriously worried and he was nodding and pointing behind him into the hallway.

Spencer was the first one to recognize the face. It was Robert Jurgen, Prince and knight of Denmark. He was coach to Tyson and the Bladebreakers during the world championships.

"Hey Ian, its Robert!"

"I knew he looked familiar. Was he the guy Jazz mentioned?"

"Could be. Should we join them?"

Spencer glanced around quickly, and noticing that a few men were looking straight at him as they approached down the hallway, led Ian towards the desk. They were greeted by what was considered a half smile. It seemed Robert was greatly troubled. He still greeted them warmly though.

"It's good to see you are safe. I was just telling D.J. that you'll both be traveling with me from here on out."

Ian turned to look at Jazz. D.J. gave them both a smile and nodded.

"I don't have to go now. Besides there's not enough room on the jet for me, there are only two more seats. I'll catch the next flight out and meet up with you guys at Robert's manor. Don't worry guys, Roberts offering to safeguard you guys. BioVolt can't touch you guys once you reach his place."

Ian still wasn't sure, but when he turned back to face Robert, he saw that Spencer was quite ready to go. Jazz gave the ma wave and headed off to queue up for a ticket purchase on the next flight. Ian called after Jazz. He didn't feel right not saying something about all Jazz had done.

"Thanks Jazzman! We're grateful!"

Jazz just gave them a wink as he sauntered off.

Robert, led them through the gate, not having to worry about checking luggage. As they moved towards the jet Robert spoke quietly.

"The jet is my private one. But I just have a lot of friends accompanying me. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. I'm just glad we're going to be safe. These last few weeks have been such trauma for both me and Ian. The sooner he is safe the better I feel."

Robert did what looked like a double take. He was one of those people who believed that Spencer wasn't capable of intelligent conversation. Ian managed to keep his snicker in as he walked.

"This way." Robert said as he branched off into the left tunnel and heading up the ramp disappeared inside the plane.

Ian and Spencer followed, almost breathing a sight of relief to be semi- safe. Robert turned back and gave them a full smile.

"There are two seats right at the front near two of my friends. Have a seat there."

Ian nodded and still grasping Spencer's hand followed close. They only just entered the compartment when two simultaneous cries of greeting in Russian greeted them. Tala and Bryan had jumped up from their seats, flinging themselves at their comrades as excited voices spoke hurriedly.

All the others present were shocked into silence at what happened next. Tala burst into tears as he threw his arms first around Ian, then Spencer. Bryan did the same. Each one of the Demolition Boys had tears in their eyes. The joy of being reunited, seemed to overwhelm them. Their joy was only broken by a deep yet quiet adult voice.

"A relief you are safe."

Ian eyes went wide for a moment as he tuned to see Boris standing before them, bandaged but alive. It only took mere seconds for Ian to dash forward and hug the man.

"You're alive too!"

Boris' arms wrapped around Ian, as protective as if he were his own father.

"I'm sorry. Oh Ivan.I am so, so sorry.gods I have been a terrible man. Thank god you're safe."

Ian closed his eyes smiling and sniffling as he shook his head. "No apologies."

Spencer was next to hug Boris. Spencer had known the man the longest and it showed in the powerful hug he gave his coach. Boris smiled and again returned that hug watery eyed.

"Don't apologize to me sir. I don't need it. All that matters is we're all here."

Ian looked at Robert and Johnny, smiling through tears. "Someday, we will repay your kindness. That we will swear to."

Johnny looked at Robert, who had just wiped tears from his eyes with the back of his hand. Robert may have been a prince, but emotions still ran strong. It was amazing how much they had done just by saving five lives. It was amazing what a big difference one act of kindness could do. Johnny

~Here and now,

I believe,

There are solutions to the problems we see.

We should all,

Take a chance.

Don't be afraid to lend a helping hand.

This world could be so beautiful,

If we just work together to make

A difference today ~