Third chapter yay! Thank you guys to all the people who favorited this story and who follows it! Thank you to the people who reviewed! All your nice comments keep me motivated! Thank you guys! Here's the chapter you guys all deserve...

Chapter 3

Violet snapped out of her long hard daze and stared down at the boy who stood at the doorway. Violet resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the pathetic human. He was just a boy after all.

"Your worst nightmare" Violet rudely says as she hops off the bed, shrugging her striped cardigan over her shoulders. Even though the LA sun was sharp and humid, she still insisted on wearing cardigans.

The boy did not seemed amused by this as he glared down at her. He was much taller than her, probably the same height as Tate which made her have to look up at him.

Violet had to admit, the boy was damn good looking. His bronzed skin showed off his LA signature look along with his boyish roguish features. He had those bright blue rare eyes that seemed to draw Violet in which made her want to hit herself.

"I'm being serious. Who the fuck are you?" He said harshly at her which caused Violet to chuckle darkly a bit. "Wow not even a hi? Did your parents ever teach you a thing or two about manners?"

The boys blue eyes pierced down heavily on her as she watched him lower her eyes, checking her out. Violet tried not to blush but her body betrayed her as she felt crimson red appear on her cheeks.

"My parents teach me not to talk to strangers" He says in a know it all tone which causes Violet to laugh a bit.

"Gee, I was just kidding. Stop being so uptight" She carelessly roamed towards him and stood at a comfortable space. She held out her hand to the boy.

"I'm Violet"

The boy stares down at her hand oddly. Violet laughed once more. "I don't bite" She teases him which causes the boy to smile awkwardly before hesitantly taking his hand out and shaking hers.

His hand was large and firm as they wrapped around her hand. Warmth spread through Violet as she lets out a grin at him.

"I'm Zack" His deep voice says as Violet watches a small smile to appear on his face, showing off his pearly white teeth.

"So Zack, what brings you here?" Violet asks as she releases the boys hand and plops back onto the bed, leaning against her elbow which holds her weight up for support.

Zack calculates her movements and looks hesitant to answer but the silly boy does anyways. "Got expelled from my last school" He tried to act cool as he folded his arms over, hoping she would notice all the scars and marks on his biceps but he watches her as she throws her head back from a laugh.

"Bit of a bad boy I see" She playfully teases at him which causes Zack to smirk widely at her. "You bet" He says winking at her, which causes her to roll her eyes in response.

"And what brings you here Violet?" Zack asks as he moves towards the bed and sits on the opposite side of her, sitting down but being careful not to intrigue on her personal space.

"Guess" She replies in a monotone voice. He thought about it for a while. A beautiful girl like Violet made it seem hard for anything to be wrong with her. But oh boy how he was so wrong.

"Family issues?" He questions and she nods in response. "What happened?" He didn't expect her to answer him, but she did which threw him off guard.

"My dad slept with one of his students and my mom miscarried a baby. Plus I smoke so they thought a new fresh start will work. And now look at what happened" She exclaimed to him as she sat up and crossed her legs over.

Her hazel warm eyes stared at him with such intensity that he was taken aback by how attractive she was. "What happened now?" Zack pushed on with the matter.

A look registered across Violet's face but was gone in a flash. "Quite the persistent one aren't you?" She remarked back at him which caused flames to heat up on his cheeks.

"Only to beautiful girls like you" He cockily smirked as she blushed but rolled her eyes. Suddenly she leaned in, scooting closer next to him so that there thighs were practically touching which he didn't mind.

Thoughts jogged back to Violet like a marching band blaring through her head. The thoughts of being in this position brought painful memories of her and Tate again. She missed inhaling his deep scent and realising how much she missed his touch consumed her that at one point she had learnt to shut off her emotions and take a break from this hell.

Violet soon picked up a few sneaky and dirty tricks as she used her looks to get what she wanted. At first, she was horrified. Not just of the thought of using people but seeing at how dark she had turned.

She had no one now. And after mastering this very skilful technique, it was a hard task for people to say no.

And what she needed most was a smoke.

"If I'm such a beautiful girl, you wouldn't mind heading down to the store and buying me a pack of cigarettes?" She whispered softly to him, her hot breath fanning closely to his ear which caused a flurry of tingles to go spreading through his body.

"Y-yeah, of course" He stuttered out as he watched a small smile to appear on Violet's face. Suddenly, Violet pulled back and clapped her hands together, happy that she had tricked this poor boy into getting what she wants.

"Great, meet you outside" She says as she hops off the comfy bed, straightens out her clothes and heads out of the closing it softly behind her as she trudges downstairs.

Sometimes Violet thought about all the happy memories she had. Like when she was a little girl, she used to ride on the big shoulders of her dad, not having a care in the world. Laughing freely. Hair dancing with the wind.

What happened to that poor girl?

Violet had missed that girl so much that she sobbed and cut her delicate arms every night, wishing that her soul could just rest in peace. She didn't understand how she could take this place any longer. She felt lonely, unwanted, scared and frightened.

Just like the little girl she was.

Shaking off her thoughts, she begins to walk down the hallway when a large pair of firm hands suddenly yanks her backwards not even leaving time for Violet to gasp in surprise.

She was suddenly slammed against the wall harshly, her back connecting which made her groan in pain but a large hand covered her mouth. Her mind was foggy from the hard pain that recoiled with her head and it was too dark to see anything which made her vision blurry.

Violet tried not to let the tears flow down her face but she couldn't help but let them freely fall.

What was going on?

"Violet..."A soft but roguish deep voice spoke out to her.

Violet freezes as her mind regathers the phrase and she instantly knew who it was.

It felt like a ton of bricks had fell upon her right now as her heart started to beat faster in her chest, her speed of breaths quickening by the minute.

She would recognise that voice anywhere. She had dreamed of hearing his voice for so long that she had completely forgotten about how he even sounded. His voice sounded rough, croaky even as if he hasn't talked in a while.

She knew it was him. Even though wherever the hell she was, was pitch black she knew it was him, and she couldn't help but feel confused, scared, angry and happy.

What is going on with you Violet?

The hand from her mouth slowly releases its tight grasp as Violet let out a puff of air as if she had been holding in for that long. She wheezed as she inhaled the oxygen but the only thing she could smell was Tate's over powering scent.

"Violet" Tate said once more, more secure as his breath fans closely to her ear. Tingles spread through Violet's slim body like wildfire as she tried to find the words to speak but her words were too caught up in her throat.

"Who was that guy you were talking too?" Tate said once more. Anger suddenly pulsated through Violet's body. How dare he shove me into a black hole and interrogate her? He damn well had no right!

"My new boyfriend. What are you going to do about it?" She sneered at him with a sudden boost of confidence which caused a low growl to emit from his throat. Suddenly, she felt his body move up against her so that her head was touching his chest softly.

Violet turned her head sideways as she tried to block his scent away but it was too damn intoxicating. "Don't test me Violet. Why were you talking to him? What did he say?" Tate aggressively asked her as she felt his breaths panting down from his height.

She didn't understand how much longer she could hold until she gave in. And damn it she was to stubborn to admit it. With a new found encouragement and boost Violet finally found the right words.

"We were talking about where we should go on our first date, which by the way is on Halloween night. He said something of a place downtown but I just suggested the bedroom…" Violet said as she lets out a dark chuckle at Tate evilly as she heard another growl emit from him.

"Don't push me Violet, you don't understand what I can do" He fired back at her in warning tone. Violet knew how to push oh sweet Tate's buttons. She would do it. She wasn't afraid anymore.

Pushing down the feelings of wanting to wrap her arms around him she scoffed. "What are you going to do Tate? Hurt me? C'mon, we all know that that's not going to work"

Suddenly her hands were pinned tightly around her wrists against the wall as she could make out Tate's fingers wrapping around her wrist. Suddenly as she tilted her head, she felt Tate staring at her within eye to eye level.

"Oh but I can Violet. And you can't do anything about it" Tate whispered as he slammed his soft lips against hers.

Violet gasped as he slammed his lips against hers. Violet had almost forgotten what Tate tasted like. What it felt to be kissing him again. Tingles spread through her as she tried to the fight the urge of kissing him.

He moved his lips at the right angles which caused Violet to let out a low moan. Excitement coursed through Tate. He missed her too damn much.

Finally giving in, Violet quickly responded to his kisses as their lips moved in perfect sync. It had felt like fireworks had gone off and her knees had turned to jelly because she almost collapsed when Tate wrapped a secure arm around her waist and held her up.

The kiss was a gentle yet hungry kiss as they both felt the desire for more. Violet's face was flushed with heat and as Tate kissed her more, waves of lustful passionate love crashes through her as their kisses became more urgent.

Their mouths seemed to be made for each other as they fought over the dominance. Tate slowly bit on Violet's bottom lip asking for entrance and she welcomed it by opening her mouth.

Tate tasted sweet as she felt his tongue ravage hers as they danced intertwined in their mouth. Tate moaned as he pressed her harder against the wall and Violet couldn't help but gasp by his eagerness.

Suddenly, Tate pulled back harshly as Violet suddenly opened her eyes. "Do you want more?" Tate stares as he huskily asks Violet. He dives quickly onto her neck, sucking and kissing on her weak spot sending waves of pleasure to course through her making her toes curl up in delight.

"Yes" She breathed out as she weaved her fingers through his blonde locks pushing him closer to her. She needed more.

"Too bad. Next time you want to make me jealous, learn how to get over me before throwing yourself at him" Tate said as he pulled back staring intently at her.

Confusion laced on her features as she moved her hand from beside her and reached out into the darkness but couldn't feel or smell Tate anywhere.

"Tate?" She softly whispered out to the darkness, hoping she would hear his deep voice but there was nothing but pitch black. Disappointment coursed through her as she fought back the tears.

He was gone she thought as she finally felt her knees give up as she fell sloppily down onto the floor.

Suddenly, the door opened wide and bright light streamed through out. Violet's poor eyes cringed as tears still fell from her hazel eyes as she stared at the figure.

"Violet?" Zack's boyish voice spoke out as Violet finally let go, waves of tears streaming down her eyes. She felt Zack's immediately race over to her small figure and crouched beside her as she feels his strong arms cradle around her slender arms. She leans her head against his chest. Her eyes were blurry but she couldn't stop the massive waves of tears strolling down her face. She felt Zack threading her hair through his fingers softly.

"Shh it's going to be okay" Zack cooed. Violet knew better.

And it certainly wasn't going to be okay.

I'm actually very happy about this chapter. I was thinking about making it a bit longer but I realised that I had written at least over 2000 words :0

This chapter was a bit rushed and I promise if there are any mistakes, please correct them if you'd like. I wasn't really planning on the kissing scene but my fingers typed away so there you have it. I rly suck at kissing etc scenes idek my mind goes completely blank.

In the next chapter, Tate meets the other girl (Zack's sister) and more heated scenes comes up! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Much love xx