Hey guys, this is my first American Horror Story fanfic on Fanfiction net! Sorry for any errors! Please Review!

Chapter 1

She missed him.

God, how she missed him.

She missed his calculating yet loving brown eyes that followed her movements. She missed his earthy yet sweet scent that vibrated off him. She missed running her fingers through his beautiful soft curls.

She missed him so much that every time she thought of him it pained her to not be near him, just to hear his rusty voice.

It had been 10 long years since she had yelled at him to disappear. It had been 10 years since she found out what he had done to her poor mother and those children back in 1994…

She can still feel the pain in her chest just like it had been like yesterday. It was as if her heart had been ripped right out of her chest and squeezed so hard that she even found it hard to breathe.

She knew that what he did was unforgiveable. It was disgusting and vile but deep down, Violet couldn't help but still want to feel his protective arms wrapped around her small slim frame.

Tears started to slide down the young broken girls face as she stared at herself in the mirror. Her straight dark blonde hair was perfectly still framing her beautiful face.

Pale skin, rosy red lips and vibrant hazel eyes. She was what they called her beautiful. But somehow Violet couldn't understand what they saw. She looked average. Normal.

But she wasn't normal. Wanting a physcotic murdering rapist wasn't normal. She felt sick. She wanted to scream out loud. She wanted to pull her hair and hit her head against the tile wall hard for being stupid. She didn't understand why she couldn't just forget him. Just like her previous boyfriends before him. Why couldn't she just move on and forget him? Why did she still want to feel his presence near her?

She shook her head and lifted the small razor off the bathroom sink and into her cold palm. She rolled up her left arms sleeve and looked down on the previous cuts that it did to her skin.

The long cuts along the inside her arm was still there. There were about 5 big ones and 6 small ones around it.

Even though she knew she would heal in a few days, she longed to feel pain. She wanted to forget everything that happened. She needed to feel the sharp razor pressed against her rugged skin dragging across, blood slowly oozing out.

She thought about killing herself. Even though she was dead, she wondered that if she killed herself, would she come back again. Would she still be locked in this house forever?

She once read in a book that when someone dies, there soul usually goes to heaven. So why was she not in heaven? Why did it feel like hell?

She slowly cut on her skin, wincing slightly from the sharp pain but ignored it as she made a new one.

After successfully doing 10 long drags on her arms (and some on her old ones) she washed the small razor off and hid it in the mirror cabinet. She rinsed her arm and winced as the cold water splashed across her scars but she didn't care.

She felt satisfied.

Rolling down her sleeve, she heads out of the small bathroom and heads out of her boring room and down the stairs into the rest of downstairs.

The house was eerie silent which made her wonder where they were.

After the new family had ran out in the middle of the night half dressed, they hadn't come back ever since. So there belongings were left to the ghosts of the house in big boxes.

Violet's mother, Vivian and Moira, the maid were ecstatic to finally get some furniture. They had unloaded the boxes and set all the cups, cutlery and plates in the kitchen. Then they decorated the living room by placing there furnished items in it.

There was now a large 4 seater cream coloured couch that sat in the middle with a TV in front. There was also a small coffee table and a few drawers where picture frames that were empty stood amongst them.

It somehow felt odd.

"Violet, there you are!" A bright voice said from behind her as she whirled around to find her mother smiling at her.

"What's wrong?" Violet asked with confusion etched over her face.

"Nothing's wrong, sweetie. I just have exciting news!" Vivian said gleaming with happiness as she softly grabbed Violet's arm and lead her into the kitchen and out the back door.

The sun was bright against her pale face and the fresh breeze that whooshed past her felt somewhat good. Even though she was dead, she could still feel the suns hot gleam across her face and it felt nice.

Vivian had finally stopped her pulling her and she came to a halt as she gazed up ahead. Violet snapped out of her daze and turned to what her mother was looking at.

There stood Constance, Tate's mother, standing bright in the open green grass bending down on her two knees. There stood Travis, smiling bright, her father Ben and Moira helping Constance pump something that was bright blue.

Violets eyes suddenly widened as she realised what they were doing. They were pumping up a swimming pool.

Excitement coursed through Violet as she tried not to show how happy she was. Violet had always loved swimming. When she was younger, her mother took her to swimming lessons where she learned to love the water.

The water made her calm, at peace and that was she needed most nowadays.

"Hey Violet! Come check this out!" her father cried out to her as everyone's eyes landed on Violet.

Violet kept a straight face on as she walked from where she was standing and over to the inflatable pool.

The half-done inflatable pool appeared to be around 8 metres long. She tried not to let her cheery smile past her depressed state but the more she stared at it, a small grin lit across her features.

"I'll go help Constance some more" Ben said as he walked over to Moira and Constance and started to help them.

Violet thought she was alone until she felt a hot breath fan across her ear, causing heat to travel fast to her cheeks.

"Do you like swimming?"

Violet whipped around as she found Travis, the tall handsome man that stood before her. He was smiling wide as she showed off his pearly white teeth.

Violet hadn't known Travis died here until around 3 years ago. He had been hiding down in the basement like the other ghosts have been doing but ever so recently, he had been coming out more often.

He was attractive, Violet might as well add. His long brunette hair was tied up in a half man bun and his green eyes gleamed. She didn't ask how old he was though. She guessed that he was in his mid-twenties when he had died. She didn't press on it though.

Reverting back to his question, Violet nods her head. "I actually love swimming. It calms me down" She replied nonchalantly to him.

"That's awesome. I love swimming too. It used to be my favourite thing in the world" He says to her which causes her eyes to widen.

Violet couldn't really picture Travis a swimming type of guy. She had always thought he was more of a road tripping rock band kinda guy.

"Really? I can't really imagine you the type as a swimming type of guy" She teases as he chuckles a bit too loudly which causes Constance's eyes to flutter over to her.

Her eyes are hard on her which causes Violet's insides to churn roughly but she ignores it and turns her attention back to Travis.

"And why is that?" Travis says as he leans in a bit closer. Her head was now a hand away from his chest so she had to stare up at him.

Violet couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable so she slowly stepped back, hoping he wouldn't notice. His eyes darted towards her and something quick flashes in his eyes before it's gone.

She quickly replies to stop the tension. "Maybe it's your poor taste in music" she teases using her dry humour which surprises her when he starts to laugh loudly. She soon joins in laughing with him at her lame joke.

Violet's head turns slightly upwards as she stares at the brick walls of the Victorian house. The small window of the attic was bright, the sun reflecting off it.

But as poor Violet stared at it more, she could make out a figure. And before she could figure out who that figure was, there stood Tate Langdon staring down at her.

First chapter yay! This is a pretty short chapter but I'll try and make the next one longer. The next one introduces the new family moving in and new upbringings. Hope You'll enjoyed it! Please review! Much love xx