(First I want to say thank you to everyone that read and reviewed my last story Not So Bad. I had a new idea pop in my head. It's still a new idea sI don't know if this story will be as good as my last story, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.)

Someone Special

Chapter One

Her name was Melody Shores, she was a ten year old girl in elementary school in Orlando, Florida. She was a bit of a troublemaker and she didn't really like school much. Some of the young boys would make fun of her for wanting to be a singer and told her that she never would, then she would get in trouble for fighting with them. She was never really into math or science, in fact the only thing she ever liked about school growing up was music. There was just something about music that made her feel good. Her music teacher was really the only person that understood her or encouraged her. Once she got into high school she knew that she wanted to focus her life on music so she actually took band and chorus. She liked band, but she enjoyed chorus more. Her mom worked a lot to support her and her younger brother. Her mom didn't understand why Melody would want to be a singer. Her mom went to her concerts, but would always tell her that she needed to get her head out of the clouds and get a real job. Her dad was very supportive of her, other than music the one thing she loved was WWE. Her dad and her mom were divorced when she was seven. He loved his daughter and would do anything for her, but had a drinking problem and cheated on her mom. He missed a lot of Melody's childhood and regret ever cheating on his wife. He got help for his drinking problem, but her mom wasn't going to take him back after he cheated. Melody grew up not really knowing much about her dad until about her teenage years when he started to turn his life around. He was very supportive of her and always went to all of her concerts until her dad died in an accident her sophomore year in high school. Once her dad died she became even more distant from her mom, she would hardly talk to her mom because she wasn't as supportive as her dad was. Every time she talked to her mom it was a rare situation if they didn't end up yelling at each other. At high school she would always put on a smile and act like everything was ok. She had a few good friends, but once she graduated high school she didn't see or talk to them very much. She went to a community college for a few years because it was easier to pay for. When it came time to transfer to a university she didn't know what to do. She knew she would never be able to pay for it and she always had doubts in the back of her mind that she would never be good enough.

Now she was twenty four years old, she moved out of her mom's house and their bond continued to fade. She wasn't exactly proud of what she was doing, but a little bit of money was better than nothing. What else was she supposed to do when she couldn't afford to go to a University and felt like she wouldn't be good enough? The one thing she had her mind set on was being a singer and she would do anything if it meant singing for people even if she had to sing at a bar. She would never drink anything, she was just there for people's entertainment. Her boss was forty eight years old and only hired her because he thought he would get a chance to sleep with her. He was just waiting for the right moment to get her drunk, but she would never drink any alcoholic beverages. She wasn't really the type of person to wear short shorts or low shirts so for the most part she would cover herself up. It was the middle of May in Florida and it was only going to get hotter so she thought she better get used to wearing shorts. Even at nine at night it was about eighty five degrees and humid outside. She felt somewhat uncomfortable, but one night she wore short jean shorts that was several inches above her knees exposing her legs. She wasn't wearing a low shirt, but a tight shirt that showed off her figure. She felt like people were staring at her even more than they usually would. She knew people were staring at her when she heard a few guys whistle at her, her boss included. She blushed and tried her best to ignore them and continued to sing on stage. She didn't know what was in store for her that night, but she was surprised and got really excited when she saw someone from WWE walk in. He didn't really draw much attention to himself, he just sat quietly and enjoyed a few drinks after his long night. She was a big WWE fan and was a fan of this guy, but was too shy to go over to him and thought that he wouldn't want anyone to bother him so she stayed up on stage. She felt even more nervous now that he was here, but started to sing anyway. He actually made his way over to the stage for a moment and smiled at her and dropped a twenty dollar bill in a cup that people put money in when you sing. Then he sat back down and continued to listen. Once she started singing his grayish-blue eyes turned to look at her. She sang a new song by Sam Hunt called Take Your Time. Even though a guy sings the original song she wanted to sing it anyway because it was one of her favorites.

(To get a good idea of the song and this chapter you should actually look up the music video Take Your Time by Sam Hunt)

First verse

I don't know if you were looking at me or not, you probably smile like that all the time. I don't mean to bother you, but I couldn't just walk by and not say hi.

And I know your name, everybody in here knows your name, you're not looking for anything right now so I don't want to come on strong, don't get me wrong

Your eyes are so intimidating. My heart is pounding, but it's just a conversation. No girl I'm not wasted, you don't know me, I don't know you, but I want to.


I don't wanna steal your freedom, I don't wanna change your mind. I don't have to make you love me, I just wanna take your time. I don't wanna wreck your

Friday, I ain't gonna waste my lines. I don't have to take your heart, I just wanna take your time.

Second Verse

And I know it starts with hello, the next thing you know you try to be nice and some guys getting to close trying to pick you up, trying to get you drunk.

And I'm sure one of your friends is about to come over here because she's supposed to save you from random guys that talk too much and wanna stay too

long, It's the same old song and dance, but I think you know me well. You could've rolled your eyes, told me to go to hell. You could've walked away, but your

still here, and I'm still here. Come on let's see where it goes.


I don't wanna steal your freedom, I don't wanna change your mind. I don't have to make you love me, I just wanna take your time. I don't have to meet your

mother. We don't have to cross that line. I don't wanna steal your covers, I just wanna take your time.

Oh I don't wanna go home with you. Oh I just wanna be alone with you.


I don't wanna steal your freedom, I don't wanna change your mind. I don't have to make you love me, I just wanna take your time. I don't wanna blow your

phone up, I just wanna blow your mind. I don't have to take your heart, I just wanna take your time.

No I ain't gotta call you baby, and I ain't gotta call you mine. I don't have to take your heart, I just wanna take your time.

Everyone clapped as she left the stage. She had just sang one of her favorite songs, but she needed a break. It was after eleven, but the bar didn't close until early the next morning. She was tired and needed a drink of water. What she didn't know was that her boss had put something in her water while she wasn't looking. It was drug that would make her sick and tired faster. It was a colorless, scentless, and tasteless drug so she had no idea that she wasn't just drinking water. After five minutes she started singing again. She felt ok at first, but after thirty minutes she started feeling even more tired, dizzy, and started feeling nauseated. She finished one of her songs and left the stage again. People were wondering where she was going. A few guys saw that she was stumbling around and started following her around, her boss was following along with them. He came up to her and asked her why she stopped singing.

"Hey Mel what's going on? I'm not paying you to just stand around. You came here to sing, so go sing."

"I'm sorry Mark, I just need a minute. I don't feel good all of a sudden. I feel dizzy, and I feel like I could throw up."

"Ok then sit down for a few minutes until you feel better, then get back to work. People start leaving when they don't have good entertainment."

She was sitting at a table and she put her head down on the table, closed her eyes and tried to relax her spinning and now pounding head. Her boss and three of his friends were hanging around. One of them started flirting with her and touching her.

"Hey... you're a pretty girl. You're a pretty talented singer, you've got a nice body. If you're not seeing anyone maybe we could hook up sometime. I'd show you a good time."

"No thank you, I'm sorry, but I'm not really the type of girl that would go out with just anyone."

"Aw come on girl, it would be fun."

"Maybe some other time. I really don't feel really well right now."

The guy started touching her lower back and she started feeling uncomfortable. Her boss showed up and stopped what was happening.

"Mel if you really don't feel good you can sit in my office for a while."

She was so out of it at this point that all she could do was shake her head. She got up to walk but was so tired and dizzy that she almost fell. Her boss looked at his friends and smirked. He took her hand and led her to a dark part of the bar. There was loud music and it was getting to a point of the night when many people started leaving. The guy that came in earlier noticed that something wasn't right. The woman he saw earlier was happy and full of energy, now she was dizzy and stumbling around. It had only been thirty minutes, he plainly saw that she had water to drink. He watched for a moment as four men pulled her away from everyone else in the bar. Melody knew something was up when she realized that she was outside in the backstage parking lot.

"Hey... what's going on?"

"Oh... we thought we would bring you outside for some air."

She looked around and saw her boss Mark, and three other guys surrounding her. He opened the passenger side door, she saw the guys unbuttoning the buttons on their pants and suddenly realized what was going on.

"Wait, stop! This isn't right."

They only laughed at her as Mark grabbed her and kissed her. She could taste the alcohol on his lips and taste the cigarette smoke on his lips. She also still felt nauseated from the drug and finally threw up. It got all over his shirt, his friends started laughing, but he only got madder at this and slapped her in the face.

"Damn Bitch threw up on me!"

He stepped back as she continued to throw up. Once she was done he grabbed her and threw her against his car hood and started kissing her. He was still upset that she threw up on him, but remembered it was because of the drug and not because she was really sick. He kissed her just to keep her quiet. She tried her best to push him away, but he was stronger than her.

"Come on baby... I know we have an age difference, but I can take care of you. You're hot and I want you. I know you love to sing, give me a kiss and I'll make you sing for me... I'll help you hit those high notes baby. I'll make you scream."

He held her down and kissed her. She tried to push him away, but once he was done kissing her lips he started kissing down her neck and started running his hand up her legs. She cried and begged for him to stop.

"No Mark! Please stop!... I don't want to do this. Stop Please!"

She fought him off the best she could but he hit her in the face and his friends held down her arms and legs. The more she tried to push them away and yell for help, the more violent they became. He started pulling at her clothes to get them off. She screamed and cried for help. She realized that she was helpless once he put his lips back on hers again. She couldn't move or cry for help anymore, there was nothing she could do to get away. All she had left on was her panties. Mark and his friends were laughing and enjoying themselves as they touched her all over. Just as he was about to tear off the final piece of her clothing she found that he was pulled off her. His weight was no longer on her and she noticed him on the ground. The other guys that were holding her were also pulled off her. She couldn't move, the only thing she could do was close her eyes as the tears ran down her face. She could hear lots of yelling going on and wasn't sure if she wanted to see what was going on. She heard one guy yell really loud.


Then about a minute later she didn't hear anything, but she cried and screamed when she felt a hand touch her shoulder.


"It's ok... it's over. You're safe now. Here... take my shirt."

She was embarrassed, she remembered that Mark and his friends had almost took off all of her clothes, but was thankful that she now had a shirt to put on. She didn't open her eyes yet to see who it was that rescued her, but the shirt she put on was so big that it was almost more of a dress on her. She opened her eyes and looked down at the shirt she was now wearing. She would recognize that shirt anywhere. She was trying to catch her breath and the moment she heard his voice she knew who it was that saved her.

"Relax... it's over now."

He was still fired up about what he just saw, but he had to calm down and help comfort this girl in need. The man that saved her was now kneeling down right in front of her, she tilted her head up so she could look into his eyes. It was the same grayish-blue eyes she saw enter the bar about an hour ago. His long dark hair was down the way she was used to seeing him, he had nice facial hair, dark skin, big muscles and a tribal looking tattoo that went all the way down his right arm. He was now shirtless because he had just given her his shirt. She was still shaking over what had just happened, her fear was now slowly turning to excitement.

"Roman Reigns?"

He then smiled at her and held out his hand for her to shake.

"That's me... and you are?"

She wiped away the last of her tears and shook his hand.

"Melody... Melody Shores. Um... thank you so much for saving me Roman... You really are like Superman."

He smiled at her and helped her up.

"I was just at the right place at the right time."

She looked around on the ground and saw her boss and the other three men laying on the ground. She saw one of them start moving and she started to run the other way, but ran into Roman as they were heading back inside the bar.

"Woah... easy there. They're not going to touch you again... ever. I knew something was up when I saw those guys leading you away from the stage. They started leading you into a dark corner and then the next thing I knew, you were gone. I'm glad I showed up when I did, otherwise things could have been a lot worse. When I finally found you out in the parking lot and saw what those guys were trying to do to you it made me want to tear them apart. They're lucky I just knocked them out, if I had kept going I probably would have killed them for what they tried to do to you. You seemed fine about an hour ago. You were happy and singing and then the next thing you know you end up feeling sick and tired."

"I don't know what happened, but when I threw up, it was a bunch of water. I guess I drank too much water."

"That's possible, but I have another theory. I think one of those guys put something in your drink when you weren't looking."

"I didn't see anything, smell anything, or taste anything. To me it just seemed like plain water."

"Yeah but you've got to be careful, some people are tricky. They have drugs now that are colorless, scentless, and tasteless. How are you feeling?"

"I'm still feeling a bit sick, and dizzy, but I'm more aware of my senses now. It just seemed like I was falling asleep there for a moment. But really Roman I can't thank you enough for saving me. I saw you come in earlier, but I thought I would leave you alone. I was sure that after the long day you had you wouldn't want anyone bothering you. I am a big fan of WWE, and a big fan of yours."

"Well thank you Melody. But just for the record... don't ever be afraid to talk to me. I love my fans. Also... I think you have a nice singing voice."

"Oh... thank you. I saw you put a twenty dollar bill in earlier. I'm glad you enjoyed my singing."

"Now I don't want to sound like a creepy stalker or anything, but you're not really in any condition to be driving."

"You're not kidding... I'm hardly in any condition to be walking. My head is still spinning around."

"Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"No I think I'll be ok. I just want to go home."

"I'll take you."

"That's really nice of you, but you don't have to. You probably have things that you need to do."

"No I've got a few days off. You're really in no condition to drive. One of my friends dropped me off here, I can get a taxi or a friend come pick me up again."

"Ok... thank you. I just need to grab my purse and then we can go. Um... my driver's license had my address. I have a GPS in my car so you can enter it in."

She was still stumbling around so Roman had to help her to the passenger side of her car and help her in. When he tried to get into the driver's seat she couldn't help but start laughing. He smiled at her, but wanted to know why she was laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"You... You're such a big guy trying to squeeze into my tiny car."

He moved the seat back as far as he could. He laughed along with her.

"This really is a small car. I moved the seat back as far as it will go and I'm still a little cramped in here, but I'll make it work."

Roman entered in her address. She actually lived a good thirty minutes away. After thirty minutes they pulled in her driveway. Her house wasn't much, but at least she had a roof over her head. She had a long day and fell asleep on the ride home. When they got to her house Roman noticed that she was asleep and didn't want to wake her up. Her car key was connected to a key chain hook and the only other key on it must have been her house key. He knew it wasn't really polite to enter someone's home without their permission, but he couldn't just leave here sleeping in her car overnight. He went to unlock her house and look around for her bedroom. Once he found it he went back out to her in her car. He went to the passenger side of the car, quietly opened the door, unbuckled her seat belt. The he had to be quiet and careful not to wake her up. He grabbed her under her legs with one hand and put another hand behind her back to support her as he carried her inside. He left her door open so he could come in with her. He walked with her to her room and carefully placed her in her bed and covered her up. He looked at his phone to check the time. It was twelve thirty in the morning, he didn't feel like having a taxi drive him to a hotel so he decided that staying for one night couldn't hurt. He also wanted to be there in case anything happened. There was already a blanket and pillow on a couch. It was a small couch, but big enough for him to sleep on. He knew she probably wouldn't be happy that someone stayed on her couch without her permission, but knew that he could leave the next day.

(To be continued. So I came up with the character name Melody because she likes music and a melody is another word for music. That was a rough first chapter. Talk about being at the right place at the right time. Good thing Roman was there to save her. The ideas for chapters come as I type. Let's see if this will be even remotely as good as my last story. Also the song Take Your Time is owned by Sam Hunt. The music video with that song is where I came up with the idea for this chapter. Review.)