The animatronics made their way to the office for the fifth time that night, trying to catch the new night guard the same way that they had caught the phone guy. By ambushing the office all at once. Foxy arrived first and began to pound at the door, followed by Bonnie seconds later, with Chica joining them as she began to ram her body at the right door.
"This will work for sure!" Bonnie said proudly, ignoring the fact that Foxy had rolled his eyes at him.
"The lad be smarter than he looks." Foxy grunt, as he continued his assault on the door. "Been a whole month 'n we haven't been able t' get into th' office even once."
The trio continued their assault for several minutes, waiting for the power to give out, when suddenly they heard a sound that completely caught them off guard. Laughter
The three animatronics peeked into the office windows, where they saw the young night guard clutching his knee as his entire body shook. As the animatronics scratched their heads trying to figure out what was so funny the night guard managed to contain himself long enough to place the tablet on the window.
95% was seen on the corner screen.
"What!" Bonnie screeched, "95%! How can he have 95%! It's three in the morning and we've been going at the doors all night. How is he doing this? What is his game?"
"Calm down Bonnie " A smooth yet authoritative said " The boy must have messed around with the wiring of this place during the day."
"But Freddy!" Bonnie whined "That's against the rules."
Freddy only chuckled as he looked in the window, watching the night guard settle back into his chair. When he noticed Freddy at the window the night guard tipped his hat, which Freddy did the same. "Clever boy" Freddy purred "Don't you want to open these doors, so we can talk like civil people?"
"Nope" responded the boy
"Alright, suit yourself. If you do decide to come out Chica made a mighty fine pizza and it has your name written all over it."
The night guard nodded but then went back to staring at his tablet, as if nothing had happened.
"Your not going to do anything?" Complained Bonnie "Didn't you just say that he's probably messed with the electrical wires? Can't we -"
"Bonnie" Freddy said as he eyed the rabbit. "Patients, you can't just expect the boy to waltz out of the office."
"But Freddy!" Chica whined as she stomped her foot much like a toddler about to have a temper tantrum. " I want to play with him now! We could bake pizzas together, or put together some puzzles-"
"Chica, Bonnie, I do believe that it was a certain trio that begged Mike let them play the old game with his little brother."
The two animatronics looked down at their feet guilty. "Ya, but we didn't think he was going to be this good."
The Foxy, Chica, and Bonnie went into the dining room, trying to formulate a new plan to catch their former night guard's little brother; as Freddy stayed at the left door, keeping guard. Freddy was actually finding their old game counter productive to what the animatronics really wanted to get, time with Mikey's little brother. The original plan had been to have a bit of fun and scare the boy for a few nights, but much to their surprise and dismay, Koi was far superior at shutting doors than Mike. As each night passed it was clear that the boy had been upping his game. Just a few nights ago he had covered the entire left hall in baby oil, casing Foxy and Bonnie to fall on their faces if they even attempted to get close. Not to mention the night before that when the three animatronics on stage had been trapped in a large circle of glue, preventing them from leaving the stage.
Yes, it was very clear to Freddy that this Koi was a very good night guard. The fact that he was only 16 only added insult to injury.
As Freddy leaned on the left door he listened as the mumbled to himself. "Okay Ducky, Mr. Rabbit, and Foxy. I see you conspiring all happy and what not."
Freddy chuckled to himself as the boy spoke, admiring his character. But stopped when the boy seemed to hiss out the words. "Let's see how you like this!"
In the dining hall several air horns all went off at the same time, startling the three animatronics to the point that one of them began to drip oil.
"B-Bonnie, did you-"
"Shut up Chica!"
"Bonnie when 'n pissed hisself" Foxy howled with laughter. Falling to the floor Foxy turned to look at one of the cameras. "good'un matey."
Freddy shook his head as he listened to the commotion going on down the hall. "Koi, that wasn't very nice."
"Says the bear that's trying to stuff me into a suit and kill me." Koi said firmly but clearly not afraid.
"We've been over this, we don't stuff people into suits." At least not anymore, Freddy thought to himself regretfully. "You can come on out, we just want to get to know you. Michael told us so much about you, we're just hoping to actually get to see you face to face."
"Ya, ya I've heard this all before. Just get off the door, I'm losing power here."
"I know" Freddy said darkly "that's the plan."
The bear had hoped that this would get some kind of reaction out of the boy, not even he could deny that it was pretty fun to terrify the night guards. Insead Koi justed shrugged and went back to looking at his tablet
"I'm guessing you have more power than usual?"
Dam it! Freddy cursed to himself as he continued resting on the door. "Why did we ever go easy on him those first nights." Freddy muttered to himself.