Hey everybody,

I didn't mean to abandon this story but that is what happened. Every time I tried to come back, I reread old chapters and didn't agree with the organization, so I felt like I couldn't come back to this story.

I do, however, remember everything I was getting at. I have outlined a new plan and I can fix this story without necessarily taking out anything that was in the old story, especially nothing that was a fan favorite.

I'm sorry for disappearing and I'm sorry that there will have to be changes to some of the story but hopefully someone's happy that I'll get back to this at all. I've missed updating this.

I am many chapters deep into another fic (Spider-Man: Homecoming) that has had me updating every few days on many different sites, so I feel like I'm anchored to my word this time about coming back (especially considering I'm planning a crossover). Feel free to PM, review, etc if you have any questions or want to yell at me. I have a tumblr going up on my profile that will have updates regarding my fics where I'm even more accessible if you want to bug me. :)

I would personally like to thank anyone who yelled at me in PM about not updating because realistically you got results and I respect that. Thank you for the kick in the ass I needed.

