If you set it on the Jolly Roger in Storybrooke I will find you and bake you free cookies for all of eternity :)

Hook sniffles for the umpteenth time that day and Emma slams her book down.

"Hook you're sick. Let me look after you!"

"I'm not sick, pirate's don't get sick." He said through a several bunged up nose.

"Hook... If you let me look after you, we'll be spending a lot of time together." Emma reasoned, in reality she wouldn't let him near her till he'd at least wiped the snot off his nose but it settled him down and he let her lie him down.

"Where's the kitchen in this place?" Emma said, Hook hadn't had the time yet to give her a tour of the ship and she was kind of lost.

"We don't have one, it's never been an issue. We'd just have the local maidens bring us food." He stumbles through, his blocked nose making him sound adorable.

"Local maidens, huh?" Emma jokes, he wraps an arm round her waist.

"Your the only maiden I need." Emma chuckles, "what's so funny?!"

"It's hard to flirt when you can't talk properly." She leans down and pecks him on the forehead, "you're burning up."

"You mean I'm hot?" Hook winks and she taps the back of his head.

"Don't be smart."

"You're mothering me!" He tries to stand up, "I refuse to be mothered! I'm a pirate, I have sailed every ocean in this land and-" he collapses down and immediately falls asleep.

Emma caresses his face and sets off for Granny's, where she picks up some chicken soup and tea and heads back to ship.

She lays it out on a tray and wakes him up.

"Hey love." He says sleepily.

"I've got you some soup." She picks up a spoonful and starts bringing it towards him, "here comes the train, coming down the tracks."

He chuckles softly, "stop. I'm not Henry."

"You're definitely not Henry." She hands him the spoon and he eats.

"Granny is good," he makes appreciative sounds as he eats and she laughs, "not as good as you though. Thank you for this."

"It's okay, I hope you feel better soon."

After he finishes the soup he curls up for a nap and she watches him.

She loves Hook and right now she can't help but feel he's adorable. He looks like a little kitten.

A strange, leather clad kitten.

She had tried to persuade him out of that coat but it seemed he felt emasculated enough for one day that his leather coat gave him the extra 'man-ness' he needed. Looking at him, surrounded by the moonlight, he looked beautiful. Emma climbed into the bed and hugged herself to him. He was hot so she cracked open a window and shuffled a little bit back.

The boat's rocking soon put her to sleep and when she woke he looked a little better.

He didn't have quite such a pale complexion any more.

"You're looking better." She smiled.

"I feel a little better," he said as he sat up.


"No, I feel awful. My head feels like it's full of stone," he flopped back down.

She frowned and put a hand to his forehead, "you don't feel as hot as you did yesterday."

"Well I feel as bad." He snaps.

"Okay!" She holds her hands up in surrender, "you should come up on the deck, get some air."

He nods and she leaves him to get up.

When he eventually appears on the deck she bursts out laughing.

He has bundled himself in every blanket he could, pulled tight under his chin, "what?" He asks defensively.

"You look ridiculous!" She's laughing so hard now she's having to hold onto the side of the boat.

"I'm sick," he says.

"Hook, you're not sick anymore. You're fine!" She shouts and he frowns.

"How do you figure that love?" He asks.

"When I left you to come up here I watched you leap out of that bed, I heard you talking to yourself." His face turns bright red and his smirk drops. Emma nearly falls off the boat.

"You- you heard?" He stammers.

"Yes, I heard. 'Mr Smooth'." She mocks.

"I just liked having you t-take care of me." He says and she walks over to him.

"Hook," she lifts his head softly, "I will always take care of you. Always." Her face breaks out in a cruel smirk, "except when you act like a doofus." She pushes him over the edge.

"Swann!" He splutters, "Let me up this instant!"

"Not until you apologise!" She shouts down laughing.

"Fine! I'm sorry Swann now please it's bloody cold!"

She bends down to help him up and takes his hand in hers, he yanks her over the edge.

When she eventually bobs to the surface she splashes him but he pulls her into him and kisses her.

It's a little salty.

Ironically they both ended up with colds and within two days Mary Margaret hand them both tucked up in bed brining them soup.