Shark Lord here to bring you a new fic staring Discord. Don't own FNAF nor MLP those belong to there owners. Read and review ciao.
It was a normal day in Ponyville when Discord began to play a series of pranks on the inhabitants of Ponyville. "Hmhmhmhm just need to... PERFECT!" Discord said as he stepped back to witness his scheme. Discord had switched Twilight's books, but the thing was that only switched two books and knew that Twilight will go insane. Discord snapped his fingers and was teleported outside Twilight's castle just when the Alicorn had came into the library to get a book. "This room has been messed with by Discord," Twilight muttered as she tried searching for what Discord had done.
Satisfied with Twilight, the Chaos King had warped to Sugarcube Corner and switched out Derpy's Lemon Muffin Suprise with a lemon cupcake and this time he stayed at the bakery to watch what Derpy will do. Unfortunately since Discord never had pranked Derpy like this he is about to find out what happens if you mess with a muffin lover. "I'm here to pick up my Lemon Muffin Suprise," Derpy told Mr. Cake as the stallion gave her the package with the cupcake inside.
As soon as Derpy opened the bag and found the cupcake Discord swapped all of the patrons stopped doing what they were doing leaving Discord confused as everypony stared at Derpy. "What is going on here? It's just a cupcake why she should be thanking me for getting rid of that muffin thing. Tasted terrible anyways," Discord muttered to himself but when he spotted Derpy glaring at him with a stare that would make even Tirek running for his mother he knew his cover was blown. "YOU ATE MY LEMON MUFFIN SUPRISE!? I'M GOING TO BLEEP YOU!" Derpy roared as she tackled the now terrified Chaos King. After a few minutes Derpy finally calmed down leaving Discord with bruises all over his body and some teeth missing.
Since recovering from his ordeal from Derpy, Discord had tried a more less fatal prank. He was at Celestia and Luna's castle and decided to switch Celestia's salt and pepper shakers. However as he finished off his prank and was turning away to exit, Celestia was glaring at Discord for what he was doing to the inhabitants. "DISCORD HOW DARE YOU SWITCH MY SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS!?" Celestia growled at Discord. "Ha I already got beated up by Derpy for the muffin swap so what are you going to do?" Discord grinned before noticing a couple of guards entering with Pinkie Pie with her party cannon aimed at him. Discord gave a weak smile when Pinkie fired the cannon at him and successfully knocking out the Chaos King.
Discord found himself in Canterlot's prison cells with Prince Blueblood nearby ranting on about his aunt not being fair to him. "How could you Aunt Celestia? I am the most dashing Blueblood not a peasant. Why did you do this to me?" Blueblood moaned and had made Discord growled in annoyance at the pony. "WILL YOU KINDLY SHUT UP!? PONIES AND CHAOS KINGS ARE TRYING TO STAY CALM!" Discord yelled at Blueblood. Discord was trying to keep himself entertained by reading some posts on a community service billboard until he noticed a particular interesting ad about a night watchman needed at Freddy's Pizzaria and that if he survives the night not only will he be free from his charges in prison, but he can earn a good amount of bits as well.
Celestia had heard Discord wanted to try out the night watcher position at Freddy's and tried to change his mind. "Discord you should reconsider this, you'll only be in prison for a week since you only done minimal pranks." Celestia told him but Discord was busy humming a tune to himself that he didn't hear her. "Sorry I was just busy humming a delightful tune I heard from my dear friend Fluttershy, oh could you let me tell her that I will be away for the night?" Discord said as he snapped his fingers to teleport to Fluttershy's cottage without noticing Celestia face hoofing herself.
Fluttershy was sad to hear her friend wasn't going to around for the night but she understood. "Alright Discord I'll see you later, I hope you don't get into any trouble at that place you told me about." Fluttershy said as she was packing Discord a sandwich to eat during the night. "Awe don't you fret my dear, I'll be on my best behavior besides it is a Pizzaria that was built for families who would ever want to break in? Thanks for the sandwich by the way Fluttershy, see you in the morning." Discord told her as he headed off to his new night job.