Disclaimer: ( I think I only need to do this ONCE, ) I do NOT own ANYTHING from the Harry Potter books, movies, games, or anything else otherwise related. Nor do I own anything from the Star Wars books, games, movies, or otherwise.

If I did harry would be a badass motherfucker, who would not want to marry and screw someone who looked like his mum, and Luke would join his father, F8ck up the Emperor, BECOME the Emperor, Leia would join as his bitch, and the other rebels would die. Miss anything? I didn't think so.

" Speech " " Parseltounge " Allllll you need to know. " Thoughts "

~ Voldemorts POV ~

1981, October, 31st

The Dark Lord sneered as he watched children and parents, all in costume, running up and down the street, shrieking and carrying on. " Foolish muggles, and their idiotic traditions. " He muttered, he wanted nothing more than to pull out his wand and kill the lot of them, but no. That would not do. It would warn his quarry, and then they would flee.

Banishing the thoughts from his mind, he stopped in front of a small cottage, he could see an elderly woman through the window, unfortunate. He would have liked to have killed the potters, but no matter. A quick flick of his wand and the anti portkey and anti apparition wards were up, it would not do for his quarry to flee upon the sight of him. A quick reducto took care of the door, and he entered the cottage. The woman had fled upstairs, So he quickly warded the house, it would prevent her from leaving by foot, and keep others from entering, or at the very least stall them long enough.

Once up the stairs, the Dark Lord opened the locked door to the nursery with a simple touch of his wand, and found the woman in-between two cribs, a look of complete horror on her face. He quickly cast Avada Kedavra at her before stepping over her body, she was unworthy of any further words. Stopping before the cribs, he looked between the two. One contained a boy, red haired and looking as if to cry, inside the other crib he found another child, a boy with raven hair, and eyes the same shade of the spell he was often fond of casting.

Taking a deep breath, he called upon his magic to unleash his Aura Eyes, something he had discovered from a wizard in Albania shortly before he ended his life, It allowed the user to see magical auras, enabling them to determine the Power of the person they were viewing, how powerful they would be, and the type of magic they used most often, since these were newborns, he would be able to see the magic they had a natural affinity to, Opening his eyes he looked at the red-haired boy, he was powerful, and he would become much stronger later on, but he would never reach anywhere near his level. His aura was nearly a blinding yellow, much like the sun. He then turned to the boy who was still watching him curiously and had to hold back a gasp of shock, Dark tendrils were coming from every corner of the room and wrapping around the child's aura, it was a near solid black, as dark as his own. With several streaks of red and purple, his power was close to his own, far stronger than his sister. This was the child destined to defeat him.

He was almost hesitant, killing the child. He would be a great ally if he could be persuaded to join him, but the future was uncertain. He raised his wand and pointed it at the forehead of the child, who was now standing and holding onto the bars of the crib. Looking directly at him with ought a scrap of fear. Voldemort lowered his wand and looked directly into the child's eyes before he decided to speak.

" Understand this, child. What happens now is what must be, you are a threat to me and all I have worked for, but this does not have to be. Should you survive I do not ask for your forgiveness, but your understanding. Avada Kedavra! " The curse nearly connected with the child's torso, before it vanished entirely as the child gained a black aura and a curse was sent back and connected with him. The Dark Lord vanished almost instantaneously in a burst of flame, his spirit remained and he thought to himself " I suppose I deserve this for personally hunting after the child who was prophesied to defeat me … " Before he left to Albania to regain his strength, had he stayed he would have seen the fire ignited by the curse, had he stayed he would have seen the child reach out towards the flames in curiosity, had he stayed he would have seen the nursery roof collapse, and create a scar on the boy's forehead that looked similar to a lightning bolt.

~ 3rd person POV ~

1981, October 31'st.

James and Lily were returning home from visiting their friend, Sirius Black, Who had recently announced the birth of his daughter, to find that the wards were down and the front door was destroyed. They both immediately rushed into the house and up to the nursery, which they found covered in rubble. After a few moments of frantic scraping they discovered their two children, Harry and Eric potter, underneath the remains of one of the cribs, which had prevented the two from being crushed by the rubble. While lily cried for her mother James took the two children and set them in the remaining crib – after a quick Reparo, of course. – He went downstairs to check on the rest of the home and saw movement from the corner of his eye. " Lacero! " The figure ducked his head and stepped into the open, eyeing James. " An excellent cast, James. Had I been any slower I may have lost my head " Said Albus Dumbledore, James merely pointed his wand and said " Prove to me that you are in fact Albus Dumbledore " " Very well " He said, " You, your friend Sirius Black, and your friend Remus Lupin are the marauders, Known as Prongs, Padfoot, and Moony. And you are an unregistered animagus, in the form of a Stag, just like your Patronus " James lowered his wand and spoke to him " Sorry, it's just … " " I can quite understand, James. " Said Albus. " Your home was just attacked and you wish to protect your family, however I'm afraid it's in much more danger than you think " " what do you mean, Albus? " James said. " I'm afraid that Voldemort targeted you for a particular reason. There was a prophecy made, that a child born from someone who had thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies, would be destined to destroy him "

" You don't mean …? " " I'm afraid so, James. Both Harry and Eric were born on July 31'st, the prophecy stated that Voldemort would mark the Chosen One as his equal, I'd like to inspect them to check for any marks. " " There's no need … lily found a scar on Eric's forehead, in the shape of a lightning bolt. " " we must prepare him, Death Eaters will target him for bringing about the downfall of their Lord. He has to be ready. " " Now, Albus? But he's so young … " " No! certainly not. " he said, " I doubt that he would be ready at this age, and even so it'd do more harm than good. No, we'll discuss this later at my office. For now, get some rest James. It'll be a long night … "

~ Albus Dumbledor's POV ~

1984, November 6'th

Albus Wulfric Percival Brian Dumbledore sat in his chair at the Headmaster's Office in Hogwarts, awaiting for the Potter parents to arrive. They did not disappoint, as moment's later his fireplace lit up with green flames and both potters stepped through, " Why did you want to speak with us, Dumbledore? " James said, with lily nodding in agreement. " Please, both of you. Have a seat. " He said, after they had sat down he spoke up " Has harry performed any accidental magic, yet? " " No, " James Said, " how's this relevant? " " I'm sorry, my boy, but when you brought your children here and had Madam Pomfrey check on them, she checked both of their cores for damage. Eric's core is large, and far above average for his age. I've not doubt that he will become an exceptional wizard, But Harry's core showed to be at the same level as a Squib. " " Oh, no … " James said, he would love his child no matter what but the magical world was cruel to squibs, and it would not give his child an easy life " I think it would be best if Harry was raised away from Eric " Lily spoke up, yelling loudly in protest. " What! Albus Dumbledore, I will not abandon my child just because he is a squib! " " No, no! that's not what I mean " He said, speaking quickly " The magical world is not kind to squibs, and I'm afraid Harry will become jealous of his brother and turn Dark. " " Our child will not go Dark, Dumbledore! Explain yourself! " Dumbledore sighed, and quickly transfigured a piece of parchment into a dagger before setting it tip first onto his desk, holding it vertical. " Tell me, what does this dagger make? " James frowned thinking over it while lily spoke up " What does a dagger have to do with my child? " " A shadow, " James said, paling. " It makes a shadow. " Albus nodded " Indeed, my fear is that Harry will become jealous of his brother for his fame, and the attention he is bound to receive. I believe it will turn him Dark. " After speaking between each other, and with many tears, the two potters answered. " Alright, we'll agree. " " Very well, bring him to me. I will ensure that he is placed somewhere safe. "

~ timeskip ~

Albus apparated to Little Whinging, Surrey, Number 4 Privet Drive. And knocked on the door. A rather large man opened it and spoke to him " Another one of you freaks, What do you want? " a few moments later, after promising to pay for them to take him in and a minor compulsion charm, harry became a resident of Number 4 Privet Drive.

Well! That's this chapter done, if I get at least a SINGLE review, good or bad, i'll post Three more chapters. This is the Dark Lord you all know and serve, Signing out. On a side note, if you would like me to make a change to the story, simply add a sacrifice along with the review on the story requesting the change. I accept Bacon, Human Sacrifice, and the Souls of people who own and work in / for Disney. ( name specific. )