Kariya rubbed his chin.

He'd met with the war's Moderator, one Kotomine Risei. It was what custom demanded, and it was not in his best interests to anger the Church... The Church... Yes, that was it! He knew how to help Sakura!

Kotomine Risei blinked.

"You are willing to give up this easily?" he asked, somewhat confused that a Master, particularly a Master who had summoned and somehow managed to control a Berserker, would give up his servant and his shot at the grail so easily.

"I'm not a trained Magus. I lack much of the knowledge that comes with the trade. But I know one thing. I know that the Church destroys the inhuman monsters that prey on humanity," Kariya stated, simply. "And I want one such monster destroyed. I joined the war to save a girl. That is my wish. You can achieve this for me, I have no need for the grail, and I will gladly give up the fight if Tohsaka Sakura can be saved."

Risei nodded. "You are a noble soul," he said, "and one of God's beautiful creatures. You have made mistakes, my son, but you have come to the right place."

"Thank you, Father Kotomine," Kariya said, trembling as he felt a wave of pain from the crest worms.

Kirei sighed.

He'd killed so many worms... and they just kept coming again and again and again. And of course, his father insisted that they shouldn't kill the girl just to destroy the worm in her heart, so they also had to go through a ridiculously difficult and complex operation. Fourteen hours of surgery! Then again, he mused, he'd never be able to have anyone's consent for cutting open a child's body and actually checking to see if they were truly pure hearted.

Okay, that joke was terrible, but he needed something to tide him over in the boredom of flinging Black Keys at everything that moved within the Makiri, or Matou, or whatever the old coot wanted to name himself, house.

Kirei stomped on the wiggling body of the final worm.

He'd never be able to get all the Zouken off his boots now, but damn if it wasn't satisfying.