New story, same old disclaimer; I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh.

Partners in Crime

Chapter One

Kiya was praying at the temple of Amun Ra when he intruded. She turned at the sound of footsteps approaching her from behind. She thought it was her husband so she faked a smile and stood to greet him. On turning her breath caught in her throat. He clutched a knife in his hand. It was red. Used. The man's body pulsed with adrenaline. Sweat coated his muscular frame and his white hair was limp. This man was not her husband yet she knew who he was, everyone did. Putting fear aside she lay down her authority. This was her temple. He would not cast a shadow of evil upon it.

"You are not welcome here," she said. "You need to leave."

He ignored her demands and continued to walk until he was right in front of her. She stood her ground.

"Now," she growled.

He brought his face to within an inch of hers. She felt his breath on her trembling lips. He was intimidating but she would not falter. She heard the voices of the Pharaoh's soldiers in the distance. They had followed him and she believed that very soon he would see his final sundown.

Even at the sound of the guards approaching the man didn't move from his position. He couldn't seem to tear his eyes from hers. They were grey, and her hair blonde, a rarity for an Egyptian. Eventually he pulled away and looked at her clothing, putting two and two together.

"You are the wife of the High Priest Set, are you not?" he asked.

She bit her tongue, what she wished to say to him she refused to do so in the house of God.

"Answer me!" he yelled.


The intruder turned to the sound of the High Priest himself. Towering in the doorway, the man stood with soldiers either side, he looked to his wife and then to the thief.

"Surrender yourself Bakura, there is no escape from here," he said.

Bakura scanned his surroundings, contemplating his options. The young woman remained behind him and an idea formed in his mind. He reached his arm back and grabbed her by her hair. Pulling her in front of him, he placed his knife to her throat.

"Kiya!" Set called.

Bakura smirked. "So it is you," he whispered in her ear.

"Stop hiding behind her like a coward Bakura and come and face me like a man!"

"A coward?" he laughed. "You dare to call me names while I hold your wife's life in my hands?"

Bakura slid his knife across Kiya's neck, drawing a small amount of blood to show he was serious. She tried to free herself from his assault but stopped when she realized her struggles only caused his knife to press deeper.

"Stop this!" Set yelled, "State your demands."

Bakura didn't have to think, "I want the rod."

Set laughed loudly, much to Bakura's surprise.

"This amuses you?" Bakura asked.

"That is not a trade I am willing to make."

"Really?" he cooed.

He lifted his knife from her throat and placed it slightly higher. He made another shallow incision.

"Let her go!" Set yelled.

"Then you know what to give me."

"I will not be blackmailed."

"So your answer is no then?"

"That is correct," Set said.

Kiya closed her eyes and Bakura could feel her slump slightly in his arms. He was stunned by the High Priest's heartlessness. Would he really let his wife die that easily? "You don't seem to be thinking this through Set, but I'm a reasonable man and I will give you time to reconsider."

"I do not need time, Bakura!"

"Three days," he said. "Then we will speak again. Until then, your wife can warm my bed."

"Guards!" Set called, and Bakura laughed loudly.

Set's guards raised their weapons to attack. The eye of Horus appeared on Bakura's forehead and Kiya couldn't help but shiver at the darkness his body emitted. Bakura released his Ka with the cry of a warrior. The beast stepped forward shielding its master. The guards attempted to take it down with their spears but the beast was not phased. A ball of dark energy formed in its mouth and it hurtled it towards Set. The High Priest jumped out of the way just in time but the impact shook the ground. The walls began to collapse. Bakura took Kiya out the back entrance but Set had no choice but to flee from the front.

"Find them!" he yelled to his guards as he ran outside. "Find them now!"

Bakura's Ka provided enough distraction for him to flee the palace grounds with Kiya dragged unwillingly behind him. She tried to fight him off but he easily overpowered her. The thief's horse was waiting where he left it. He pulled Kiya close to his chest, his forehead rested to hers.

"Try anything stupid and I won't hesitate to kill you," he said.

She could feel his knife pressed against her back.

"Do you hear me?" he asked roughly.

"Yes," she said.

"You know who I am and you just saw what I am capable of."

She nodded and he let her go. She looked around, there didn't appear to be anyone in sight, yet she could still hear the Pharaoh's guards. She turned her attention back to her captor, he had just untied the horse and was ready to go. He climbed onto the animal and bent down to pick her up. He lifted her up and sat her in front of him. He wrapped one arm around her waist and with the other he clasped the reigns.

They raced towards the sun, leaving the city altogether. Kiya looked at the sand dunes around them and wondered where he was taking her. Wherever it was she was confident she would die there. Her hand graced her neck, the blood had started to dry and flakes fell onto her lap. She took a deep breath and fought the urge to cry.

The sun had set by the time they arrived at their destination. The building was large and looked abandoned but Bakura forced her inside anyway. It wasn't until she heard the laughs of other men that she realized he didn't live alone. Bakura marched her through the dining room, in front of everyone like a trophy. The men made insinuating hand gestures to her as she passed by. She looked up at Bakura who appeared to be smirking. They probably thought her to be a whore. She remembered Bakura's earlier comment and her heart sank.

Instead of his bedroom he led her downstairs to a dungeon. It was dark and cold but she was thankful he planned to leave her alone. Bakura pushed her into a cell and backed her up against the wall.

"Hold out your hands," he ordered.

She did as she was told and he unclasped her bracelets. Pocketing them, he then removed her rings. She winced at his roughness as he struggled to get them over her knuckles. When her arms and hands were bare he took her necklace too.

"Here," she said and pulled a golden clip out of her hair. Her blonde curls fell out of place and cascaded down her back.

He snatched it from her without thanks. He thought to take her clothing too, the material would surely be worth something. Before he could tell her to remove it, he heard his name being called.

"Down here, Marik!" he called back.

Marik made his way down the stairs and saw Bakura locking the cell door.

"Who in Ra's name is that?" Marik asked.

"The High Priest's wife."

Marik's mouth fell open. Sure they were thieves, but they stole gold and jewels not people. He grabbed his friend by the arm and pulled him out of the woman's earshot.

"Have you lost your mind? What is she doing here?"

"She's my hostage."

"Your hostage?"

"Yes. I told that priest she would be exchanged for the Millennium Rod."

"Please tell me you're joking?"

Marik looked over at the woman in the cell. She seemed unusually calm for a captive. She was on her knees now, hands clasped together in prayer.

Bakura continued, "He has three days to decide which is more important, his rod or his wife."

Marik ran a hand through his hair, muttering something incoherent under his breath.

Bakura noticed his friend's doubt, "He will chose her, Marik," he said.

"And what if doesn't?" Marik asked.

"Then I will send him his wife's fingers, one by one until he changes his mind. And if I run out of fingers, I will send her toes. And if I have to send him every limb on her god forsaken body I will!"

Kiya looked over at the two arguing men. The more frustrated Bakura got the louder he spoke. Her mouth hung open at the vulgarity of his words.

"What are you looking at?" Bakura spat.

"If you think my husband will part with his Millennium Item in order to save me, you are sadly mistaken," she said.

Curiously, Bakura approached the cell, wrapping his arms around the bars.

"And why do you say that?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "It's no secret our marriage was arranged. Set does not love me. If you wished to blackmail him you should have found his mistress, Kisara. For her he'd give his soul."

Bakura and Marik exchanged glances.

"Are you satisfied?" Marik asked, "You took the wrong bloody woman!"

"I took his wife! I don't keep up with royal scandals, how was I to know any of that?"

"You probably should have done your research," Kiya said.

"Shut up!" Bakura and Marik yelled together.

"So what do we do with her now?" Marik asked.

Bakura looked at the caged girl, she smiled at him mockingly.

"We kill her," he said.