Story challenge for PJOxNaruto

Summary: The Fourth Great Ninja war has ended, and Naruto, who is heavily traumatised by the death toll of that war, is suddenly teleported into our world. Will the haunted ninja finally find peace? Perhaps, in the form of a lonely goddess?

Conditions of this challenge.

Naruto is powerful, and extremely skilful with a sword, which is Samehada

This is a Naruto x Hestia story.

Naruto will be heavily involved in Camp Half Blood affairs.

Percy should be a major character in this story.

Hestia is growing lonely in her isolation.

HADES STAFF - . /_cb20111214234406/olympians/images/1/19/Hades_

Chapter l

The Hearth's Hope

The sound of a roar filled will Malice, Hate, and Power echoed over the entire battlefield it was on. As it roared and started to prepare a Bijuudama at the figure in the distance. This figure was standing with slumped shoulders, his head drooped down with shaking shoulders. In his hand was a shark skin like sword with a mouth at the tip with sharp- razor like teeth. The figure was wearing a battered Jounin vest and shirt, along with his collared haori jacket with red flames licking the bottom.

The man looked up at the great beast that was resurrected by Madara and Obito, but even they couldn't fully control the power which unleashed the beast into its full powered state and it started obliterating all the Allied Shinobi forces. Everything they threw at the Juubi did nothing as it only shrugged it all off. As they fought it seemed they started getting the upper-hand until Madara encased the Juubi in his Susanoo, with Madara encasing the beast it made everything they were doing go to shit.

The Juubi became stronger, oh so much stronger. The beast seemed unstoppable especially when the beast killed Tsunade, Kakashi, and Sakura who died saving a group of fifty shinobi. Then the next to fall was Sasuke and Orochimaru, after that was the Konohamaru corps. The list kept getting longer and longer until he was the last left due to being able to heal so fast. Watching as all the people he cared died and he was the last left.

All the death that added up all because of two Madmen who said this was so called peace. As he looked at the beast who was done making the Bijuudama then it got swallowed by the massive beast. Raising his sword - Samehada - on the handle was a seal for the Harashin that his father became known for. As the small compacted sphere fired at him at terror-striking speeds for any normal person, but he stood ready as it approached he sent chakra into the seal on the handle, Samehada started eating the chakra while it came into range and then it disappeared and reappeared behind the beast and expanded outwards destroying everything in a 200 mile radius.

As the shock wave hit Naruto stood there as chakra was automatically sent to his feet to keep him in place. His Haori and hair blowing with the wind as he looked towards the beast knowing there was no one left for him to live for he made the choice to use the same seal his father used to seal Kurama into him. Running through Hand seals and slamming his hands onto the ground and a large puff of smoke and out came Gamakichi came out.

"Yo Naruto what can i do?" questioned Gamakichi towards the blond haired male as he replied with a determined look on his face. "I know what I need to do Kichi, I need you to keep me close to him long enough for me to seal him with me into the Shinigami's stomach." Getting Gamakichi to gaze sadly at his friend and partner.

"Well if you are doing that then I guess i should at least say this, its been a hell of a ride, Ne Naruto?" Said/Asked Gamakichi getting a chuckle from Naruto.

"It sure has, it sure has." he replied back "But get ready to stall for time." Naruto informed as he started running through the hand-seals as Gamakichi lunged forwards from a hop towards the Juubi and bringing out his tanto sword and bringing it down in a downward slash connecting with the forearm and bringing up the sword to slice the chest but was blocked by roots being shot up out of the Juubi's body. Jumping backwards and landing back on the ground a good distance away from the Juubi as it started to transform into something human like.

"How much longer Naruto!" exclaimed Gamakichi getting Naruto to reply while still going. "At least another minute Kichi." getting a huff from the toad. Jumping forwards again and slapping his webbed hands together before gather water in his mouth and shooting it towards the Juubi and impacting the beast and making it stumble backwards while Gamakichi kept up the pressure with his tanto.

"KICHI I'M READY" Naruto screamed out with his arms open wide and slapped them together when Gamakichi lunged forwards and grabbed the beast and being met with the spectral figure of the Shinigami appeared behind him.

"Why have you summoned me mortal" the Shinigami hissed out in a silky smooth voice that held power and authority. 'I have summoned you to seal this beast within me to seal the beast and me together so we may fight for eternity." Naruto confidently stated making the Shinigami circle around him while making low murmurs here and there.

"I know what we will do in exchange for sealing it inside of you, you will help me as being my right hand man. I have seen your life and know you would be the only one worthy enough to help me and my world is in peril and we require help with this." Replied the smooth voice of the Shinigami's voice and before Naruto could reply he sweetened the deal even more. "Along with being able to access the souls of the ones in this realm once a week every month." offered the Shinigami.

Naruto was left in a daze for a moment it seemed to good to be true to live and see everyone that died, he didn't mind having to play hero again but he would have at least liked a little break if he needed to and if everyone was alive they would encourage him to take this opportunity to make a family where he wouldn't be able to here.

"When can we leave Shinigami-sama?" questioned Naruto getting a small smile in return. "After I seal the beast in you, you will be unconscious for awhile to get through the influx of power it will make you immortal with the power of the Gods. Basically you can do what we Gods can't and that is interfere in demigod and mortal affairs." The Shinigami answered before having his arm and hand reach through Naruto's stomach and stretch to the Juubi and go into its torso and yank out a grey ball of energy that was cackling with power being dragged into Naruto who cried out in pain when it entered him as every synapse in his body filled with pain before finally blacking out.

'Maybe he will be able to save sis from her isolation.' the Shinigami thought hopefully as he grabbed the limp body of Naruto and making a portal and stepping through it.

Line Break

Coming to Naruto sat straight up and that proved to be a wrong decision as he immediately groaned and clenched his fists in pain. Laying back down the door opened to show a man with slicked black hair and black eyes. He was wearing a black suit with a silver and black striped tie along with black pants and black dress shoes with the pants topped off with a silver belt and silver buttons on his suit jacket. Looking at the man Naruto could tell that he was powerful and dangerous so he approached with caution.

"Excuse me sir, but would you mind telling me where I am and who you might be?" he asked politely getting a nod and a smile in return showing off pearly white teeth. "Well in order, you are in my world and my name is Hades or as you know as death or the Shinigami." He replied smoothly, than gracefully as if gliding went and sat in a chair that appeared out of nowhere.

"So it was actually true" he replied a little sadly thinking it was all a bad dream and that everyone was alive at least he will be able to visit them and that softened the blow a lot. "So what happens now i mean its not like i know anything and im not really well informed on what i am to do?" he said with a quizzical look on his face. Hades chuckled softly getting Naruto to flush a little.

"I know, that is why we are going to train now, because I have a feeling something is stirring and it is ancient so we have a year, two at most before things start happening i believe." Hades answered with a serious look and the eyes of a warrior cold and emotionless making Naruto immediately snap into battle mode.

"What will we be training in, I think i know the basic of what we will be doing." Naruto replied making Hades raise his hand getting Naruto to stop

"We will be training in a special area I made in case of a situation like this." Hades informed "It is built that time is bent, there were we will have been gone for a year it will have been four years we have a lot to do with those new powers the Juubi gave you along with the powers you get from being my right hand." he finished getting a wide eyed look from Naruto before he gulped and nodded "Okay, what will happen after that?" he questioned getting Hades to get a thoughtful look on his face.

"Well we will see, I want to make sure that some things happen first and they should be in place when we come out so I will see if it is then i will go from there." Hades said thoughtfully before shaking his head. "Well we should be on our way, I have everything set up you were out for at least three days." Stated Hades getting Naruto to gape at the man seeing as he has never been out that long before. "Alright lets go." Naruto Replied before falling into step next to the man.

As they walked Naruto took in the scenery of the areas they passed. Some of the areas seemed so dreadful and without life that he wanted to quicken his pace but stayed at the same pace as Hades. He passed one area that was truly magnificent it was fully bloomed Sakura trees with ajisai flowers all around the area along with different colored roses. Finally coming stop at a normal looking door he followed Hades into the place and was amazed to find nothing but land going on for miles and then looking off to the side and seeing a house built to be comfortable for at least a family of five and still have some room.

Coming to a stop at the door the home seemed to give off the feelings of warmth and comfort making Naruto sigh in bliss for a second before recomposing himself and following in behind Hades while taking in the surroundings which was nicely furnished as well as spacious making him instantly feel at home here. Not seeing Hades leave Naruto shouted out for him. "Hades where are you" Getting a shout back "In here and I want you to meet someone."

Walking into the kitchen he looked around before his eyes landed on the table where there was two occupants looking at the second figure was female and looked at least twenty, she gave off a feeling of comfort and warmth. He face was beautiful with long luscious black hair along with enticing emerald green eyes and a breath-taking smile.

"Hello I am Rhea and i see your my son's new partner."she asked raising a single delicate eyebrow making him gape at the two and look between them and finding some similarities and he would never guessed mother and son he would have guessed brother and sister. "Well yes and i would have to say this place makes me seem as if their is more to what it seems." said Naruto getting the two to share a glance.

"You are right, there is more to what it seems." Hades started slowly as if trying to word it correctly for Naruto to understand "You see I brought you to my home where Gods and Goddesses live and where we can't enter mortal and demigod affairs that is something you can do, with that said we can make changes through you and most likely save all of us from whatever is coming." Hades finished getting Naruto to nod thinking of ways to already start helping where he can when he is out of here.

"So what will we be doing now?" Naruto asked getting Hades to hmmm.

"We will start off by heading outside and you making shadow clones with only half of your reserves for book work and for training with my clones that i made from my essence to train each group of hundred in different subjects." Hades informed getting Naruto to nod and follow him outside while Rhea took a seat i a chair there on the porch. Coming to a stop a good distance away from the house they both looked at eachother before Hades snapped his fingers and Naruto had smoke poof around him.

When the smoke cleared Naruto was seen wearing the exact same outfit he was the day before except not battered and teared. While Hades was in his personally designed black stygian iron armour and a design of a helmet on the torso which also had silver lining and being leaned on was a 7ft staff set into a duel prong at the top. The staff was black and made out of stygian iron and all in all Hades looked very imposing figure right now. Deciding to not pullout Samehada right now he pulled out a single tri-pronged kunai and raised it horizontal, while Hades slid his feet apart and twirled his staff around his back to his neck to around his back again into his hands.

Deciding now was a good time to make the shadow cones he made over at least thousands that each sorted into groups each focusing on different subjects such as math, english, science, history, greek history, and so much more that he knew he would be having a headache later but with his increased healing rate he should be fine.

Standing their opposite of each other waiting as the wind blew around them carrying a single leaf in its breeze. As the leaf descended both men tensed as they both rocked on the ball of their feet ready to push off at a moments notice. Almost hitting the ground they lock eyes and nod ready to go and look at the leaf as it hits and both dash forward meeting eachother halfway.

Hades starts off with striking forwards with his staff trying to catch him with the prongs as he blocked with the prongs of his kunai. Rolling forwards into Hades guard and springing up with an uppercut making him stumble back before a foot connected to his temple making him snap his head right as naruto landed on his foot he disappeared again and Hades felt two feet impact his back as he was sent face forwards to the ground and slamming with a resounding Crunch.

Standing up Naruto wiped the dust off his haori and looked towards Hades as he got up and seen the blood gushing out of his nose as he waved his hand and a cube appeared and he ate it making his nose heal and back into place with a resounding Snap.

"Well seems i need to up the level" mused Hades before blurring and appearing in front of Naruto who blocked the downwards strike before rolling to the side avoiding a kick to the gut and rolling into a standing position before getting hit in the chest by a fist and then a foot connecting with his jaw followed up by a snap kick to the gut taking Naruto's breath away.

Getting up Naruto looked towards Hades and Nods "Seems I should also bring it up a few levels" before throwing disappearing in a yellow flash and appearing behind Hades with an - Odama Rasengan - In his hand before smashing it into hades back blowing him back while spiraling. Hades getting back up wiped the blood from his mouth and looked towards Naruto with new found respect before grinning brightly and getting ready to go half strength against Naruto and see if he can keep up with that much of his power.

"Prepare yourself Naruto because it's about to get crazy!" shouted a jovial Hades getting Naruto to tense and then his senses went haywire before he spun around and blocked a slash that would have decapitated him before jumping and spinning above as a leg tried to sweep his feet from under him and Naruto retaliated with a spinning kick to the cheek while in the spin before landing gracefully on both feet and dashing forward and striking strong and fast trading blow for blow against one another and countering back and forth looking like a dance as they battled destroying the landscape as they went when redirecting an attack from one another.

Having put the weapons away wanting to test eachothers hand to hand they were back and forth with blocking, countering, and outright offence with both getting into the others guard and decimating with precise crippling punches that would cripple normal men but they were both basically Gods so they could heal and be better then ever. Blocking a jab and grabbing an over extended kick and swinging Hades around before releasing him and watching as he tumbles and crashes through the trees breaking them as he smashes through them.

Appearing above Hades in a yellow flash and bringing down a Rasengan and then flashing back to his original position. Watching Hades get up he sees that he pulls out his staff once more and deciding it was time to bring out Samehada was now. Sending chakra into the seal on his hand that became visible when chakra was sent through it. In his hand poofed Samehada into existence purring in delight at being in her masters hand as her scales flexed outwards as Naruto feed chakra into Samehada making her pur in delight.

Rolling on the balls of his feet he was prepared to strike and show why Samehada will obey him only. Dashing forwards and clashing with the staff again and again, and when he was pulling back he bursted the chakra in Samehada and made her expand becoming longer and larger before pulling back and shaving the skin off of Hades forearm.

"There was something you should have known seeing as you were in my memories" Naruto Cheekily remarked getting Hades to growl before getting up and disappearing and leaving after images behind him and appearing in front of Naruto and smashing his staff into his gut before swinging it upwards and catching his jaw and twirling it around and catching Naruto in the chest making him stumble back and gasp for air.

"What was that, Oh you seem to not be able to talk." Sarcastically remarked Hades before dodging to the left as Samehada almost caught the side of his face. As Naruto laid the pressure Hades was sweating seeing that even at half power he was being over powered and Naruto didn't have Training in his godly powers and he was able to do this already. Hades Smirked 'Oh yes this was the best thing that could have happened, I see bright things in the future with him here'

Chapter End

Hey guys thanks for reading i really liked the challenge because it made me think of ways i wanted to do this and they were all great but i really liked this one where he is the right hand of death but has the qualities that Hestia has but can be down right terrifying on the battle-field and since he is IMMORTAL NOT A GOD He can interfere in demigod affairs like the war or quests, and even training.

Ja Ne