Ch 5- Hi guys, just a bonus chapter which didn't make it into the previous chapter. ENJOY ^_^


She has always been cute in my eyes, even though she can be strange sometimes... I find it endearing as well, she is a strong and mesmerizing girl, I've seen it myself. Its been over a year since we met and not once have we caught up outside work... maybe I need to put more effort towards her if I really want to get to know her more


"Thank you for your hard work today, I'll be off now," Kyoko farewell with a polite bow to her seniors at TBM.

"A Kyoko-chan its getting late, how about we go out and eat together and we'll drop you home afterwards," Yuusei proposed, as he turned to the other members.

"Yeah think of it as a celebration for completing your first drama, am I right leader," Shinichi nudged Hikaru, but he didn't react. The other member's looked at him and found him with a dazed face. "Are you alright?"

"Kyoko-chan was really beautiful in the program this morning," Hikaru spoke as the other members chuckled at his response. "I really mean it, I... I wanted to say this right from the start," his raised his voice as he felt more confident in what he was saying.

"You already said that leader, though it was afternoon when you told her, what's up with you today?" Yuusei asked whilst a smile crossed Hikaru as he looked at Kyoko.

"Thank you guys, you all have a pure body and heart," as she gleamed at the group, "it was really magical and so were the makeup artist," she replied as she thought of the magic of Princess Rosa rubbing off on her and how all makeup artists were magical like Muse-sama.

She's so innocent when she thinks about magic, but why doesn't she believe in her own efforts; Hikaru thought privately to himself.

"Kyoko-chan you're really beautiful without make up too," Hikaru spoke drawing the attention to himself and snapping her out of her thought; Hikaru's sincere gaze directed at her. "Whether you are with or without makeup you have a special beauty both ways," his words shocking the two younger men more than the girl.

Kyoko felt her emotions stir at his words as Shinichi and Yuusei froze in surprise at Hikaru's words. "Will you be able to accompany us for dinner tonight to celebrate this step in your career, Kyoko-chan," he spoke confidently as he waited for her to respond, "my treat of course."

'That's the way Hikaru! GO LEADER' Yuusei and Shinichi cheered mentally.

"I can't sorry," she replied bluntly, dropping the groups hopes especially on Hikaru, who felt the weight of the world fall on his as he straight answer, breaking his confidence.

"Wh-why... I mean its alright I guess you don't want too," he words came out jumbled, and he just chuckled stupidly to himself, a sad smile crossing his lips briefly.

"Ah no, its just my land lords asked me to come home for dinner tonight, I didn't mean to sound rude or anything, ah I better be off now," she mentioned after glancing at her watch then bowed once more and motioned the direction she was heading. "Thank you again for today," as she made her way out the building a hand clutching her coat with her thoughts of another man, who words made her heart race.

"What's with you today Hikaru?" Shinichi asked as soon as Kyoko was out off sight, "you were more forward than usual."

"You were all shy this morning and wasted a perfect opportunity to woo her after the program and now you're putting the moves on her, what gives?" Yuusei asked as well.

Hikaru turned up to the two younger men and smiled, "you two know that she was always really cute to me," he turned his eyes to the direction she went, " I would be lying if I said I wasn't hoping anything between us, she really is a beautiful person both inside and out, I want her to know that I think that way about her and for her to know that others do too." Yuusei and Shinichi looked at each other surprised at his words, they understood Kyoko's oblivious personality and how she felt plain when they first met her and half halfheartedly accepted their compliments.

"When you said at the beginning did you mean like last year when we met?" Shinich asked, as Hikaru gave him a confirming gaze.

"I want Kyoko to know that's she is a wonderful and beautiful person, even if nothing happens and we continue to be just friends; but she's such an oblivious person," he chuckled softly at all the times she declined dinner with them; the other two also made a knowing sound.

"So you're going to make it a little more obvious from now on?" Yuusei asked questionably.

"I have to no doubt about it," with a determined voice as he walked pass the pair towards his dressing room, "I'm fairly confident that after today's show many men are going to have their eyes on her now, she'll be getting a lot busier too, I don't want to complicate things too much for her, I want her to continue feeling at ease with us so please don't push me, I want to do it my way and at a pace I think won't overwhelm her," he ended leaving Shinichi and Yuusei amazed at the new side of their leader and friend.

Kyoko... I want you to see me... as the man who stands beside you and tells you that you're beautiful


A/N: Sorry guys, just letting you know that I'll be rewriting the story again- I've removed thing in this rewrite that which I actually needed. Because I've done so many rewrites I've decided to write the story up to a important event (at the beach *hint) then re-upload them again over the Constellation CxL. There will probably be a lot of repeating but I'm sure that you'll enjoy it once I get over this hurdle.

Thanks for reading guys, I'll do my best to make this story more enjoyable for everyone (1/02/16)