Elsa looked at her sister, "Anna, do you wanna pick the next one?"

"Yes please," she said eagerly, "Let's go with… with-with-with-with-with… you!"

Anna pointed at a skinny yet curvy girl with purple eyes behind her black glasses, a purple floral top underneath a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, and combat boots underneath her knee length and light brown hair that was growing out of a black beanie with purple flowers on it. She had ivory skin, and she looked like she was about 16. She stood up and waved excitedly, "Hi, my name is Michelle, you can call me Mitchy."

"Hi Mitchy," Flynn said very deadpan, as if they were at a group therapy session.

"Hey Jack and Elsa. I got a qeastion for you both. What was the first thing you both noticed about each other when you first met?"

"Ice," Flynn answered.

Jack turned to him, "Last time I checked, your name was Flynn, not Jack and Elsa."

"I thought it was Eugene," Anna commented.

Flynn smirked, "Am I wrong?"

Jack was quiet for a long time, "Still."

Elsa sighed, "I wish it wasn't as shallow as it sounded. When you find out there's someone out there so similar to you, it's what pulls you in, but me and Jack aren't as similar as you think."

"Of course you aren't," Flynn continued, "It's not like you both are really pale, have ice powers, wear all blue, and have a history with their sisters— Oh wait!"

Elsa rolled her eyes but Jack snickered, "While we're on the subject, I promised him I wouldn't mention this but I lied, that 'little girl' who played my sister was actually Jamie in drag."

The room roared with laughter as Jamie's cheeks went red, "I hate you Jack!"

"I know you do," Jack smirked.

"Anyway," Elsa continued, "It did really start off that shallow. First of all, someone like Flynn, I'm just not a fan of the musclebound prince. That's actually why we made Hans the villain in Frozen."

"Hey! I'm a thief first! Remember that."

Anna laughed, "I felt so bad for Hans when we casted him in that role. He did a great job, don't get me wrong, but I didn't see how he could play the villain because he's actually one of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet."

"And there he is," Kristoff pointed into the audience. Hans stood up from the audience and waved. The audience kindly applauded.

Anna smirked, "How does it feel to be applauded for, for once?"

Elsa snickered, "Now Hans gets booed at by kids on the street."

Hans shook his head.

Elsa continued, "We love you Hans. As I was saying, I don't like buff guys with clean hair, I do prefer thin guys with messy hair."

Flynn cut in again, "It took a lot of trial and error for Elsa to find Jack. She went through Subzero, to Ice Man, to Frozone, to Mr. Freeze—"

"Shut up Flynn!" Elsa's face went completely red, "I will turn you into a Flynn-cicle! I swear I will!"

"Well neither of us are angels," Jack shrugged, "I've certainly went through some trial and error before I found my perfect soulmate."

Flynn noticed Jack's eyes shifting in Rapunzel's direction and she was trying hard to look away, "What's going on here?"

"Uhhhhh…" was all Rapunzel could say.

Jack ran his fingers through his hair, "I knew this day would come."

"Um Flynn," Rapunzel said nervously, "Maybe we should go for a walk and have a conversation."

"Don't tell him yet," Jack said, "He's not ready."

"What are saying?" Flynn asked. "I don't get these riddles."

"Anyhoo," Jack brushed off, "It's true that me and Elsa are just comfortable with our own elements but we're different enough that we'll definitely never be bored with each other."

"Thanks I guess," Elsa laughed.

Jack simply kissed her cheek.

Mitchy nodded, "Thank you."

"Of course," Jack said.

"Hey Hiccup."


"You're so adorable. I was wondering, do you have a crush on anyone?"

Hiccup sighed, "It's like everyone in this room wants Astrid to kill me."

Jack chuckled, "I think it's more than obvious Hiccup's trying to signal to the audience, help me!"

"Astrid," Flynn called, "Are you gonna take that?"

Astrid shrugged, "He's right."

Hiccup pinched his eyes together, "Can we please skip this question."

"No way Hiccup!" Anna jumped in, "You already used your Get Out of a Question Free Card."

Hiccup threw his hands up and screamed, "Why does everyone ship me with everyone?!"

Merida smirked, "Because you're so sexy."

Jack spoke up, "This is turning into a really awkward game of 'Date, Marry, or Dump'."

Hiccup hid behind his hands, "I wish it was a game of 'Kiss, Marry, or Kill', then I'd kill myself."

"Oh that's not nice," Flynn said, "There are kids here."

Hiccup sighed, "I'll just say Merida because at least she thinks I'm sexy. Is that cool with you Eret?"

Eret was still laughing at the whole fiasco. That was approval enough.

"Astrid, I'll see you at home."

Astrid rolled her eyes with a smirk, clearly enjoying at Hiccup's misery.

"I just wanna say," Jack added, "The best part of this whole Q&A is when we just dogpile on Hiccup!"

"And I fall for that every time! Next question!"

Mitchy spoke up, "Why are you guys so mean to Hiccup?"

Merida gave Hiccup a side hug, "Because we love him."

Mitchy continued, "I actually had another question for Hiccup. Can I meet Toothless? He is so cute! I am in love with him!"

Hiccup slowly turned to his left, "You wanna comment on that Jack?"

"No thanks. I'm good."

Hiccup continued, "I'm sorry to say that Toothless is not allowed in the building and there's nothing I can do about it."

The audience groaned.

"I know. I'm sorry. But if you guys want to ride on a flying creature's back, I'm pretty sure Jack's charging for rides now."

Jack mugged, "No thanks. With my luck, I'll end up with passengers who like to stick gum under the seat."

Hiccup chuckled, "So I'm sorry, but I will gladly let Toothless know what you said. He loves all his fans."

"Thank you Hiccup."


"Hey Merida! you've inspired me. I actually have a bow and arrows. But Im not that good, I'm better with swords and hand guns."

"Thank you," she answered, "While I am the best archer in the land, I'm not bad with the sword either."

"So modest," Jack murmured.

Merida continued, "My father taught me everything I know. Usually with my busy schedule, we'll practice swordplay and have a history lesson at the same time."

"I love you darling!" A booming Scottish accent called from the crowd.

"Love you too Dad!" She called back.

"If you want to get better at the bow and arrow, here's some advice." Merida reached from under the table and pulled out her bow and arrow.

"Jeez, Merida!" Hiccup panicked, "Really?"

"It's just a demonstration," she defended, "I'm not gonna hurt anyone. I never miss."

"That's what worries me," Hiccup said.

"Would you get over yourself! I'm not gonna take your head off! I'll just aim for the ceiling."

Hiccup ducked under the table, "Let me know when this is over."

Merida rolled her eyes as she stood up and readied her weapon, "Watch me now. Draw all the way back to your cheek, keep both eyes open, relax… focus…"

Merida shot her one arrow up, and somehow three stuck to the ceiling.

The audience gave an impressed applaud.

Merida gave a light bow, "Thank you. Remember, focus on your target and you can't miss."

Merida sat back down and knocked on the table, "You can stop hiding like a child now Hiccup. You can come back up and sit in your wuss chair."

Hiccup peaked his head out and slowly sat back in his chair.

Mitchy cleared her throat, "Thank you Merida."

"Of course."

"Hey Anna! What were you thinking when you first met Kristof at Oakens?"

Anna smirked in Kristoff's direction, "I thought there was another script rewrite and we somehow managed to work in the abdominal snowman."

"We did," Elsa said, "His name was Marshmallow."

"Snap!" Jack sassed as he snapped his finger.

Anna shook her head, "Yeah, so, that was what I was thinking at the time."

Mitchy nodded, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Kristoff, were you jealous when you asked Anna what she knew about Hans during the sled ride? Sorry, I talk a lot."

"Don't worry about it," Kristoff assured, "I wasn't so much as jealous as I was baffled that she would marry a guy she only met in one day. I guess it's typical for most princesses, but that was a really dumb move."

He eyed over at Anna who pouted with her arms folded, and he quickly added, "But I will say that whole sleigh ride was a lot of fun to shoot. We made sure that Sven kept running in circles so that we had time to improvise some lines."

Elsa's smiled warmed up and she spoke up, "It was a lot of fun. That whole banter that we had back and forth with him asking questions and me making up answers, that whole thing was improvised. That whole time I was trying my hardest not to laugh."

Rapunzel spoke up, "Speaking of filming for Frozen, they TOTALLY CUT OUT our cameo from the movie. I know you can see me and Flynn in the movie, but there was a whole part where we actually interacted and CONFIRMED that we were cousins!"

Elsa smirked, "Let it go Rapunzel!"

Rapunzel pouted, "Very funny."

Kristoff chuckled and continued, "So anyway, I definitely wasn't jealous but that scene was a lot of fun to film."

"Thank you."

"You got it."

Mitchy continued, "I'd also like to say to Rapunzel that I have always been a huge fan of yours! I have never cut my hair and it reaches my knees. I want to grow my hair long enough so it drags on the grown. Your my favorite Disney Princess!

"Awww," Rapunzel said as she stood up from the table. She ran over and gave Mitchy a hug. They embraced each other tightly. Rapunzel came back to her seat, "That was so sweet of you. Thank you so much."

Flynn took his mic, "I just want to say that Rapuzel had the worst time on set dragging that hair around. It was long and heavy! The worst part was whenever we had to shoot outside, which was like 95% of the movie. If you watch the movie, every time she picked up her hair, it was all luscious and clean, that was not the case when we were filming. They cleaned it up with computer effects. In reality her hair was drenched in mud, twigs, worms, and we even found a beaver in there at some point."

"Flynn!" Rapunzel turned to him, "Please don't mention the beaver!"

He snickered, "What I didn't mention was how we found it. You see, what happened was that the beaver—"

"Don't talk about what the beaver did!"

Flynn snickered, "It actually wasn't in the script for her to get her hair cut, but after that incident she just begged for it. She pleaded the filmmakers until they finally managed to write it into the script."

Jack eyed at her short brown hair, "And now you've moved on from looking like Honey Lemon to looking like Go Go."

She smirked back at him, "You should talk Justin Bieber!"

The gasps from the table sucked the sound out of the room as they all stared wide eyed at Jack who stared at Rapunzel with a blank stare that was unreadable. Rapunzel waited for a snappy comeback from him as usual, but he instead stood up and walked for the exit. The silence was broken by Jack closing the door behind him after he left. Rapunzel was the first to speak, "What did I say?"

Flynn turned to her, "You two use to date, didn't you?"

"Not now Flynn!"

Hiccup spoke up, "What did the beaver do?"



Author's Notes: I don't know why, but Rapunzel with short hair reminds me of Go Go from Big Hero 6. I also HATE IT when people compare Jack to Justin Bieber!

Jack's gonna go, wherever he's going, so he probably won't be around for the next chapter.

It's important that you guys know that I'll be starting school again next week, so I can't promise a new chapter next week but I'll try my best. Thank you guys SO MUCH for being patient with me!

Thanks for reading!

Ask your questions today!