Disclaimers: I do not own Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, or Shadow of Mordor.

A/N: Dorne has arrive. Also check out my Fairy Tail stories if you have a chance. Also you may have notice the name change to the title. Is Talion still going to be fighting for the North when the time comes? Yes, he is, it's just going to take a while to get to that part. He has to deal with so much more.

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The Desert Heat

On the Capital road leading to the Red Keep

"My love, remind me again why I have come to this stinking, shit-pile of a city?", the Red Viper asks as he rode on his horse alongside his Paramour, Ellaria Sand down the streets of the capital, his advance guard and the Gold Cloaks ahead of them, clearing the way.

"Your brother wishes for you to represent him at this "Great Council" that the Usurper is holding", she answers with a smile, "And you know how much you hate to say no to your brother."

"True, but I don't see the reason why I have to play babysitter to my niece and nephew, even if I do love as if they were my own", Oberyn said as he looks behind him at Arianne Martell, whose exotic beauty was making every men they rode by, as well as a few women, turn their heads in stunning awe. While on the other hand, her brother, Quentyn, merely turn his face away in embarrassment from the prostitutes that were sending him lewd gestures. The fact the Oberyn deliberate took a route that went along the Street of Silk didn't help matters.

"You know you love them both, otherwise you wouldn't have brought the type of men that you did to ensure their safety", as she motion toward Daemon Sand, one of the finest swords in all of Dorne. Even though he squire under Oberyn and even received his knighthood from him, though the fact that he took Arianne's maidenhood when they were only fourteen did nothing to improve relations between him and Doran. She then turns her attention toward Area Hotah, captain of House Martell's house-guard, who was scanning the crowd while holding his long-axe at the ready, poise to jump to the defense of the sons and daughters of House Martell. Strangely enough, it was the last person of the male guard entourage that gave her pause, for she still wonder what convince her love to bring Gerold Dayne along for this trip. The "Darkstar" of House Dayne was consider dangerous, even by Oberyn, and he was the same man who spare his life in a duel a couple years back even though he had every right to kill him. Yet here he was, protecting the future of House Martell, alongside about a hundred House Martell guards as well.

Luckily Oberyn had the sense to bring along a couple of his dangerous daughters as well to boost the guard. Obara Sand, with her spear laid back lazily on her shoulder, Nymeria Sand, with her whip at her side and eyeing the people she rode by, and finally, Tyene Sand, who while she looked completely harmless; her mother knew that she had more than a dozen daggers hidden throughout her wardrobe.

"Do you think that the man who bested the Kingslayer is still here in this fuckery of a city?", Oberyn asks, snapping Ellaria out of her thoughts, "I would very much like to meet this man, perhaps exchange a few pointers on fighting and whatnot with him."

"Pointers?", Ellaria repeats as she raises eyebrows, to which Oberyn shrug, "It matters not, I doubt a man who fights the Kingslayer, whether he wins or loses, can stay in the capital for much longer afterward, especially with all the Lannister's filth that soils this place."

"You never know, my dear", Oberyn replies, "Maybe one day I will meet the man who can get my heart racing again in a fight…or in bed, whichever comes first."

"Do you think we could get a shot at him first,?", Obara asks while both Nymeria and Tyene smile in agreement, "It has been sooooo long since any of us have had a challenge."

"I know", Nymeria whine, "I haven't used my whipping arm seriously in so long."

"And my daggers have gotten so shiny from cleaning them that I can see my reflection!", Tyene added, "I need someone to test my new poisons out on as well."

Oberyn smiles and blooms with pride at the thought of knowing that his daughters have indeed inherited his thirst for worthy opponents, "Tell you what, if by the grace of the gods we should meet this man and he proves to be as good as the rumors say, we'll make it a family affair."

Back at the Red Keep

Endless white.

For the third time since his bout with the Hound, he was in a land of endless white, surrounded on three sides by land and one side by sea, once again in the midst of people screaming and running for their lives, from what he still didn't know. Once again he is being shook by the same woman and even though he still couldn't make out her distinctive features, they were starting to become less and less burly each time he was brought to this place. This time though he started to notice a few new things about this place. Judging by the nets that were hung up and the crudely built docks that went out into the water, Talion piece together that this was most likely a fishing village. He then heard a howling screech over the screams that made his blood run cold as it cause every man, woman, and child to freeze in place and look toward the source of it. Talion too turns his eyes in the direction of the scream and lays them on a wooden wall that was on the edge of the village.

But it seems his time was up as once again a bright light fills his vision and he ends up back in the throne room of the castle, alongside Ned, Arya, Sansa, the royal family, The Hound, The Kingsguard, Varys, and Jory.

"It would seem that with every vision, details are getting more clearer for you, ranger", Celebrimor commented.

"But what does it all mean?", Talion wonder.

"I honestly couldn't tell you, Talion", Celebrimor reply as Talion is brought out of the conversation by the king's voice.

"I don't like it, Ned", Robert complain from his place on the Iron Throne, "I half-expected the Martells not to send anyone. Seven hells, I expected those Targaryen loyalists to send a cask of poison wine instead of the Red Viper!"

"While it is strange that Dorne has answer your call for a Great Council, we shouldn't do anything that could possibly turn them away from the crown. Remember, Dorne has never been conquer by force, not even with the dragons", Ned advise.

Robert stroke his chin, thinking about Ned's words, "Right! Everyone that doesn't have a sword on them, begone!"

"What madness has engulf your logic of thinking now, dear husband", Cersei snarks, earning a glare from the king.

"I fought against the Dornish at the Trident and they refuse to send aid during the Greyjoy's uprising. The way of the sword means a lot to them and I will not greet the Red Viper with a bunch of puff-up, dress-up, little boys and girls along with a snake of a queen! I want him to see first hand a small taste of the crown's forces! Now like I said, if you don't have a sword on you, begone from the throne room! Have someone fetch me my warhammer and dammit Ned, put your sword somewhere it can be seen! Hound, get your Lannister's dog ass behind me and look intimidating!"

"So you would kick your own family out but allow the man who has attack them on multiple occasions to stay", as the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms shots Talion a venomous look, "If my father was here he would have already had the man executed, not remain a guest in these halls."

"Woman, your father can be here and stay here until the Stranger comes for us all, but as long as I am king, I say who loses their head and who doesn't. I'm about to be in a room with the Red Viper and the Seven knows whoever else he brought along with him from that accursed land of his. I need every skill swordsman the Red Keep here has in order to appear strong; and who better else than the man who whip your brother, huh?", Robert chuckle as he wave his hand in dismissal, "Now, off with ye!"

With resounding steps, Cersei departed the throne room in a fuss, follow by her three children. Afterwards Sansa and Arya depart as well, with members of the Hand's guard forming a perimeter around them as they exit the room.

Talion recalls that ever since the fight with the Hound, the attempted assaults on the Starks has decrease, though this did nothing to ease the tension between the two families as Talion has witness whenever he observe them in close proximity with one another. As for himself and his interaction with the royal family, well let just say that his days went better when either one of three things happen: Arya actually did well in her training, Celebrimor keeps his annoyance toward them still being here to a minimum, and the only Royal family member he interacted with was King Robert; though he will admit that Tommen and Myrcella are far too kind and gentle to be relate to Joffrey and Queen Cersei.

The sound of running footsteps down the hall of the throne room as a Lannister guard came running through the doors.

"Your grace, House Martell has arrive!", he announce, catching everyone in the room attention, especially King Robert, who had just receive his warhammer from a castle servant.

"Well, who did the viper bring with him?", the king asks.

"Sire, it would seem that Arianne Martell and Quentyn Martell have arrived with his entourage, as well as Gerold Dayne of House Dayne", the guard proceeds to say, "There is also a number of women as well in his retinue, though they are just as arm as the men."

"You don't think he brought those bastard daughters of his as well, Varys?", the king ask the Master of Whispers, while Ned had to restrain himself from pointing out the irony that someone like him was asking a question like that.

"Your grace, the Sand Snakes are among the most cunning and deadliest warriors in the land of Dorne. Seeing how he brought along Doran Martell's two oldest children, I would not put it pass Oberyn to bring his own", the eunuch reply and Talion gave him a wary look. Ever since he had become somewhat of a permanent residence in the castle, he had a strange feeling that he was being watch by that man. The one time he use his wraith's vision on him, he was surprise to find that the man was practically glowing green, much like the urak in Mordor who had information on the orc leadership.

"I should be mindful of that man", Talion thought as a group, mainly consisting of people of smooth olive skin and black hair, entered the throne room, being led by a man who gave off the same aura as a warchief, deadly, powerful, and a man who has proven himself in combat time and time again.

"King Robert Baratheon, I Prince Oberyn Martell, brother of Prince Doran Martell, Lord of Sunspear, of House Martell of Dorne, humbly expression our gratitude for being invited to the beautiful city of King's Landing", Oberyn said as he took a bow and motion for Arianne and Quentyn to move up toward him, "I also bring my nephew, Prince Quentyn Martell, first son of my brother and well as my niece, Princess Arianne Martell."

Both Arianne and Quentyn bow respectfully to King Robert, "Your Grace", they said.

A good half of minute of silence pass as King Robert took in the entirely of House Martell's retinue. He explicitly stated in all of the letters to the Great Houses of Westeros that while they could bring no more than a hundred house-guards with them to the capital, none of them would be entering the Red Keep, only nobility and esteemed bodyguards were allow. It seem Dorne went out of its way to recruit only the best swords they had for the job, as though they were openly mocking him.

"No doubt the other houses will be bringing their best as well. I hope Stannis and Renly don't fuck this up and bring a bunch of craven cunts with them. I'll strip them both of their titles and put Shireen in charge of the Stormlands, greyscale be damn!"

"I look for you on the Trident that day", he finally spoke aloud to Oberyn, "I figure you would have been there alongside your uncle, but you were nowhere to be found. Our duel would have been one that the bards would have sing about for ages."

If Prince Oberyn was surprise by Robert's choice of words, he did not show it on his face, merely chuckling as he look at Robert's warhammer by his side, "Unfortunately, I was across the sea in Essos on some sellswords business when word of the battle reach me. Though if you want….", as he snap his finger and Daemon Sand presents him with a ash spear eight feet long with a steel spearhead that reminded Talion of a serpent's tongue with a spike on the other end, "We can have the duel you so long for all those years ago, right here and now."

The throne room fell silence as everyone look between King Robert, whose hand tighten around the grip of his warhammer, and back at Oberyn, who held his infamous spear in his right hand upward. Ser Selmy, along with the rest of the Kingsguard, put their hands on the grips of their swords, waiting for the first sign of aggressive from the Dorne party, or an order from the King. Jory, Ned, and even the Hound move to mimic their move as everyone waited on bate breath for something to happen; all the while Talion merely took in the everyone in the room.

"This Red Viper is no doubt skill if these many people are put on guard just by his words", Talion thought, though it was the man behind Oberyn, the one with silver hair, that also set the ranger on edge.

"Bahahahahaha!", Robert's booming laughter resound as he let go of his warhammer to clap his hands, "I been in King's Landing for so long that I almost forgot that you Dornish have a unique sense of humor!"

Prince Oberyn returns the laugh in kind and pretty soon everyone, excluding the Hound, Aero Horath, and Talion, was laughing in the courtroom, their hands move from their sword handles, even though the unease tension was still clearly there.

"If I may, your grace, might I ask why you have called for all the Great Houses to meet here in the Capital ?", the Red Viper asks.

"When all the representatives of the Great Houses arrive, then the reason behind this gathering shall be disclose", Ned announce, catching Oberyn's attention.

"Ah, the honorable Ned Stark", Oberyn said as he started walking toward him, "Word reach my ears that you were the new Hand of the King. Tell me, what makes a northern like you want to leave your Old Gods and come down to the south?"

Ned stares at Oberyn for a moment before answering, "Loyalty. Loyalty to my king and to the realm."

"Then may your loyalty be a shining example to us all, speaking of which...", as Oberyn made a hand gesture to Gerold, who came forward, "This is Gerold Dayne of House Dayne. I heard that after your victory over Arthur Dayne all those years ago, you rode all the way to Starfall to return their ancestral sword, Dawn, even though you clearly could have kept it with no repercussions. It wasn't like Dorne was going to march on the way up to the north to reclaim it."

"What honor would there have been in that?", Ned question causing both Oberyn and Gerold to laugh.

"On behalf of House Dayne, I once again thank you for returning Dawn to us", Gerold bows and send Ned a smile that sent shivers down the Hand's spine.

Oberyn once again surveys the hall and takes great interest in the Kingsguard surrounding the Iron Throne, "If my memory serves me correct, there are suppose to be seven knights of the Kingsguards. Why do I only see six? Where is the Kingslayer?"

"Hah! Those golden cunt of a knight fled to the Westerlands after the beating he took!", Robert roars as he points toward Talion, "And that's the man who sent him packing!"

All eyes of the Dorne retinue turn towards Talion who was a good distance from the edge of the group that was presented in front of the Iron Throne.

"You are the man that bested the Kingslayer in single combat?", Oberyn asks as he slowly approach Talion.

"I am."

"Tell me, what is your name?"

"I am Talion, Ranger of Gondor", Talion replies.

"Gondor? I have never heard of this land", Oberyn admits as the grip on his spear tighten, an act that did not go unnoticed by Talion.

"Most people here haven't", Talion told him, his eyes ever so often glancing on Oberyn's spear.

"What house are you sworn to, if I may ask?"

"I'm sworn to no houses here in Westeros", Talion admitted.

"Do you not swear loyalty to the king?"

"I have taken no oath of loyalty to King Robert even though he is allowing me to stay here. But I am the sword instructor for The Hand of the King's daughter", Talion added.

"A foreign sword instructor for a northern girl bested the Kingslayer", the Viper laugh, "Now there's a song for the bards."

"I keep hearing tales about how his blade work is one of the best in the land", Talion commented, "Makes me wonder if it nothing more than tall tales."

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But I wonder if you and I could exchange a few bouts while we wait for the rest of the lords to arrive?", Oberyn asks, "Purely sparring of course, first blood at best."

Talion raises a eyebrow and looks toward Ned for some sign as to whether or not he should accept this challenge. When he receive a slight nod from the Hand of the King, he spoke, "When would you prefer we have this spar?

"Let me go change into more comfortable clothes and we can have it in the courtyard within the hour", Oberyn said as he took a bow toward King Robert, "Your Grace."

Robert nods back, "See our guests to their quarters ", before a thought occurs to him, "Also, make the royal arena ready. I got nothing else going on today, so I might as well watch this spar of theirs. That shouldn't be a problem, should it?"

"It would be an honor to have you grace us with your presence, your highness and thank you for letting us use the Royal Arena", and with that Oberyn and the entire Dornish retinue walk out of the throne room, led by the castle servants.

"His eyes tell me that he is a man who has face death countless times and has come out on top", Oberyn told Ellaria as they made their way out.

"You think he will be worth your time?", Ellaria wonders as they enter the hallway.

"I think this trip to this stinking, shit pile of a city might not be such a waste after all", Oberyn smile.

Preview of Next Chapter

"Brienne of Tarth?!", Robert voices boom in his royal chamber at both of his brothers, "You bought Brienne of fucking Tarth?! You brought a woman pretending to be a knight with you as a guard?"

"Actually, dear brother", Renly interjected with a smile, "We brought Lord Selwyn Tarth and he merely brought his daughter along. I think he's hoping for her to catch some lord's attention or something like that. Besides, she is quite the swordsman."

"Don't you get smart with me, Renly! I have half a mind to strip you both of your titles!", Robert screamed before the sound of swords clashing loudly in the courtyard beneath his room caught his attention, "What the Seven Hells is going on now?!"

Stannis looks out the window and almost faintly smiles, "It would seem that the sword instructor for Ned Stark's daughter is squaring off against, as you put it, Robert, Brienne of fucking Tarth."

A/N: The arena is the one I believe Oberyn fought the Mountain during Tyrion's trial. If anyone knows otherwise, please let me know. Also, from my point of view, Westeros seem like one of those places where it's consider cowardly and dishonorable to turn down a duel, let alone a "friendly" spar.

These "visions" that Talion having, what could they mean?

Originally I had Oberyn strike out at Talion, but after talking it over with some people, realize that would cause more problems for King Robert. He's already going to have enough of those when Tywin Lannister arrives. No doubt Jaime and Cersei have told him what's going on in King's Landing. Anyway next chapter will include Talion and Oberyn "spar" along with The Stormlands coming to town.

Every character is either in the books or in the show just so you know. Also, why did Dorne arrive before everyone else? Also check out my Fairy Tail stories if you have a chance.

Also I would like to point out that defeating Jaime Lannister is no small feat, as both the book and show puts it. He was one of the most skill swordsman in the Seven Kingdom before losing his hand.

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