Disclaimers: I do not own Game of Thrones or Shadow of Mordor

Author's Notes: Due to the success of Shadow Ranger and thanks to a guest Review for giving me the idea (thanks, guy whoever you are), I decided to make a Different version of the story. This time, Talion will be teleported to where Ned Stark is about to fight Jamie and his men outside Littlefinger's Brothel. Now the first part where he in Mordor is the Same as Shadow Ranger, but from there it will be different. Unlike my other story, Talion will be using his Wraith abilities more often due to him facing actual soldiers, this time, around, not peasants. They remind him too much of the Outcast and slaves he save in Mordor.

Also, remember Urfael is his sword, Acharn is his dagger, and Azkar is Celebrimbor's bow that Talion uses. In this story, Celebrimor really is bound to Talion's body, adds more creative to the story.

Last thing, Talion may be a walking killing machine in the game, but to my the fight more realistic, his fighting prowess has been lower a tad.

Chapter One

The Duel


Talion stood over the body of Sauron, or at least the Black Hand possess by Sauron alongside Celebrimbor who had returned to his body, upon Sauron's "death".

"It's over, it's finally over, Ioreth and Dirhael, you can finally rest", Talion nearly cries. A ghostly figure appears next to him.

"You have walked a long and hard road Talion, but now it has come to an end", Celebrimbor said.

"But what now?", Talion asks.

"I do not know ranger for I'm still deciding on that", Celebrimbor said.

"I was hoping we stay here, mop up the remnants of Sauron's army….", Talion started to say before a huge burst of magic in the form of black light erupts from the Black Hand's body.

"What's going on?!", Talion scream over the loud noise.

"It must be a reaction to Sauron leaving the Black Hand's body and all the magic backdraft!", Celebrimbor responded.

The black light moves toward Talion at a fast pace.

"Talion quick, channel all of my magic at the light, now!", Celebrimbor screams.

Talion focuses everything he has into the creeping black light. As the two forces collide they create an explosion that engulfs Talion in a bright light of black and blue/white fighting against each other. It is the last sight he sees before his world goes dark.

King's Landing on the Street of Silk

The heavy smell of incense and the sound of alluring music brought Talion back to the world of the living, or as close as it can for someone like Talion.

While the music soothed his pulsing headache little, the smell only kept it from going away.

"What in Smaug's balls happen?", he asks.

"It would seem my magic combining with the black magic somehow transports us somewhere away from Mordor, Celebrimbor said, "Also, what do a Dragon's genitals have to do with our situation?".

"It's a figure of speech", Talion answers.

"You humans and your confusing notions; just say what you mean", Celebrimbor says.

"Now that your whining is out the way, where are we?" Talion asks as he finally able to stand up and take a look around.

At first glance, he could tell that he was in a city, but a city unlike any he ever been before. The city has a port brimming with ships while off in the distance he saw a grand castle, its color a bright red that towered over the city. Not that far from it is another giant circular building, but he could not make out what it was.

"Where are we?" Talion asks.

"I do not know Ranger, but it is unlike any place I ever been before", Celebrimbor said, "We should try to get our bearing Ranger, and hopefully in time we can make it Valinor, or at least back to Mordor".

Talion suddenly feels his vision start to blur a little and is barely able to catch himself before he fell over.

"What the?", he voices aloud.

"It would seem the experience had robbed you a bit of your strength", Celebrimbor states, "You can still fight but judging by your current state, you are not the same as you once were in Mordor."

"How long will this last?", Talion wonders.

"I honestly couldn't tell you."

Suddenly Talion hears a series of noises that he was all too familiar with: the sound of swords leaving their sheathes, the sound of armor moving abruptly, the sound of metal piercing thru flesh, and the sound of men dying.

"Stand down, I want to see if I can change his mind about letting my brother go", a voice rings out.

Running to the edge of the roof where the sound came from, he looks down to see two men with their swords out surrounded by at least twenty armored guards wearing red armor with spears. In the middle of the guards stood a blonde man with a smirk on his face while he also having his sword out and pointing it at the two men. The way he held his sword suggested to Talion that this man was no average swordsman. Talion also notices the two dead men lying near the duo.

This is your last chance Ned Stark", the blonde man says, "Tell your darling wife to release my brother before I killed the rest of your men, and maybe you just to send her a warning".

"You killed me and your brother a dead man." The taller of the duo, who Talion presumed was Ned Stark said, "Now by the power granted to me as Hand of the King I order you to stand down, Jamie Lannister!"

The man, Jamie, only proceed to laugh as he continues to point his sword at them.

"You forget where you are Stark. King's Landing belongs to House Lannister, despite Robert sitting on the throne, you killed me and your family will suffer for it", Jamie said, "I'll claim it was in self-defense, besides it will be me and my guards words against a dead man, and beside you Were the Hand of the King until a while ago remember".

Ned's face takes on a look that suggests his bluff has been called.

"Either way, I refuse to release your brother, now stand down!" "Causing more bloodshed will resolve nothing", Ned Stark said.

"It will make me feel better and tell your sweet Catelyn that I mean business, and if that's not enough then we'll use your precious daughters as extra leverage", Jamie says.

Ned Stark's face now changes to that of anger, but also the concern for his family. While on top of the roof above him Talion's face is pure rage.

"This bastard dares threaten a man's children so casually, and is afraid to fight him one on one, cowards", Talion said.

"This is no time to involve in affairs that are not our own, Ranger. We must gather information on where were at and how we can get back to Mordor at least", Celebrimbor said.

"But I cannot let this slide, it is not honorable", Talion said, "So few against so many".

"Ranger, we are in a strange new land, new people, new culture, and new rules. This seems to be nothing more that a power play by two powerful factions and it would be against our better judgment to get in the middle of it, do you hear me Ranger?!", Celebrimbor ask.

But Talion is done listening and done watching. As he sees Ned Stark and his last remaining man get surrounded by the guards, and Jamie advancing towards them Talion makes his move.

Leaping off the building with Urfael was drawn, Talion is ready for battle.

Ned Stark, Jamie, Jory, and the Lannister guards look up to see a man who was dress like a Northerner, but for some reason had the battle fury aura of a Dothraki Screamer, jumping off the roof of the brothel straight toward Jamie with a sword that shined so bright drawn in his hand.

As he hits the ground, he brought his sword up and swings it down at Jamie. Jamie barely has time to register the man in front of him before he brings his sword up to block. Catching the blow and feeling his arms go numb from the strength behind it; Jamie pushes the man off and does a swing toward his gut. The man parries the blow with just one arm and uses his other to deliver a hard punch to Jamie's jaw, making him stumble backward.

The whole street that has been watching the fight up still now goes silence in sheer shock that the "Kingslayer" who was considered one of the best swordsmen in the Seven Kingdoms just bested by an unknown stranger.

Five Lannister guards break out of their trance and charge Talion, spears at the ready. Talion turns to parry the first spear thrust at while drawing Archarn, stabbing the wielder in the belly, and letting him fall to the ground. Two of the guards charge Talion at the same time. Thinking quickly he throws Archarn at the closest one, catching him in the leg, forcing him to drop his weapon to grab it in pain. Talion dodges the spear of the second one and drives Urfael into his left eye before pulling out and before the body even hits the ground takes the head off the one that was still holding his leg. The other two guards then decide to stick close to one another to gain the advantage over Talion. The ranger of Gondor pulls Archarn out of the corpse and dashes toward them. The guards hesitate for a second upon seeing Talion run at them, but that's all he needed. Vaulting over the one on the left he spins around in mid-air, and brings Archarn straight down into his shoulder. He twists the blade a little before pulling it out and stabbing it into the back of the screaming man skull. Spinning downward to dodge the spear thrust from the other guards, he slices his gut open in while in mid-spin.

Ned and Jory both stare in disbelief at this stranger who has come to their aid as he effortlessly not only best Jamie Lannister in a duel but kill five Lannister soldiers with minimum effort.

Three more guards move toward Talion, this time, dropping their spears and drawing their swords, as they move toward him.

Talion moves swiftly to catch them off-foot, he sidesteps around the first guard and goes for the second one who raises his blade to strike at Talion's head. Using Archarn to block the hit, he thrusts Urfael into the man neck. Letting Urfael go to duck a swipe from behind that barely misses his head; he turns around and once again throws Archarn at his foe. This time it catches the man in his arm while he was temporarily distracted by the move, Talion turns around and pulls Urfael out of the dead man neck and bring it up to block a shot to his head from the third guard. Pushing the man off him he brings Urfael down on top of the man skull, only to have it block by the guard.

"Well, well, a guard who knows a thing or two," Talion thinks, before kicking the man knee out and bringing him to the ground. Twirling Urfael around in the air, Talion brings the sword down thru the man chest. He then turns around to see the wounded guard trying to pull Archarn out of his arm. Talion runs toward the man, and before he can react is stab thru the guts with Urfael all the way to the hilt as Talion then pulls Archarn out as the man slump to the ground.

The remaining twelve guards were starting to lose their nerve as their numbers were dwindling down due to one man. Ned and Jory see this and seize the moment to even the odds. Moving swiftly, Ned catches one guard with a swipe across the neck from Ice, sending the man to the ground as he futilely holds his throat to stem the blood gushing out. Jory battles it out with two guards off to the side as he grabs the spear of one and stabs the other thru the gut before turning the blade on the one he had preoccupied.

Jamie stares in disbelief upon seeing his guards get cut down like sheep. The tide of the fight is turning against him, and it all started the moment that strange man showed up. Finally recovering himself he turns to join in on the fray, once again crossing blade with Talion.

Talion turns around in time to catch the blade with Urfael and comes face-to-face with Jamie.

"This isn't your fight stranger. You should have never got involved, now you're going to pay; a Lannister always repaid his debts", Jamie says.

"I only got involved because you attack four men with twenty of your own, and you threaten a man's family. My honor won't let me stand aside and do nothing after that", Talion replied.

"Ha, you and Stark would make great friends! Too bad you won't live long enough to get to that".

Talion simply replies with another punch to Jamie's face, he swipes at him with Archarn but Jamie barely able to move out the way in time as he falls back, literally.

As Jamie stumbles backward once again, five guards break off from fighting Ned and Jory and move to protect Jamie.

Talion's able to catch the first one in the chest with Urfael before he's forced to parry a thrust from a sword with Archarn. He then vaults over the man throwing Archarn while in mid-air into another guard chest. As he lands on the ground he simply thrust Urfael backward catching the man he just vaulted over in the back. The last two move toward him swords raise. Talion parries two strikes from each of them before catching one of them across the eyes with his sword and sending him screaming to the ground. The other is too busy watching his comrade in pain to see Talion bring Urfael down on his skull. Before his body even starts to crumbles, Talion in an act of mercy stabs his sword thru the gut of the screaming man.

Talion turns around in time to see both Ned and the other man finish off the last of the guards. He then turns around to face Jamie who has gotten into a defensive stance. Suddenly Talion is flanked on both sides by Ned and Jory.

"You have my thanks, stranger. Might I know the name of the man who has come to our aid?" Ned asks.

"Talion of Gondor", Talion answers. Ned arches an eyebrow.

"I have never heard of that place but no matter, you have my thanks regardless, Talion", Ned said.

"And my as well", Jory said on the side.

"The time for thanks will have to wait, we still have one more coward to deal with", Talion said as all three of them advance on Jamie Lannister.

Author's Note: Chapter one is out, let's see how this goes.