Title: Our Child
Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon and any of its character. But some of the characters are made of me.
Pairing: Amara (26) and Seiya (25)
I hope all of you will like my FIRST story.
"Mom!" a little boy with a black hair shouted to his blonde mother. "Wake up!" he keep shaking his mother's shoulder.
"What is it, Brendan?" the blonde haired woman.
"You promised us to join us to our morning jogging today!" he exclaimed excitedly. The blonde open her eyes and looked at the 5 year old boy in front of her. "It's already 5:00 o'clock Auntie Mae and Sarah is ready…" he was cut off when his mother tickle him that made him laugh so hard.
"You better not shout this early in the morning!" she whispered to her son.
"Amara-nee, Sarah wants to jog now." A blonde brown haired woman says from the door of the room.
"I will change first, Mae." Amara said and smile at her while stopping from tickling her son.
"Sarah truly has some of your attitudes, impatient." Mae said laughing before walking down stairs.
"Mom! Go change now, before Sarah decides to go alone." He said and run out of the room, leaving Amara smiling from ear to ear. She got up from her bed and go straight to her bathroom. She wore her pink short shorts and her purple jogging shoes. When she becomes a mother she starts to look so feminine and beautiful, total opposite of the Amara that her past friends used to know.
She walks down stairs and saw her bored butterfly. "Butterfly, sorry, Mom is a bit tired to get up this early in the morning." She said and kneels down so she is face to face with her daughter.
"I understand Mom, but if you're not feeling well you can just rest here and we will be back after an hour and I will take care of you. Or if you want, I can just stay here to look after you." she said to Amara and look at her in the eye.
"Ow, baby you're so sweet, but Mom wanted to join and after all I can have a rest later on. I don't have a work at the company today; especially I take my day off so I can go to your school and watch the performance of the both of you." Amara said and smile to her twin.
"Yehey! I can't wait to see Mom watching us!" Brendan exclaimed and jumped up and down.
"Ok! Let's go it's already 5:15 and we need to back after half an hour so the both of you can change." Mae said with a smile and started walking out of the Mansion with Brendan holding her right hand.
They jog around the village and decide to stop when they reach the playground. Sarah and Brendan starts to play while Amara and Mae decides to just sit down the near bench and talk with some things about their company, but Mae suddenly looked at the kids and said.
"Sarah truly looks like you." She said with a smile. "Her hair is just a color like yours, her attitude is a bit of yours too, and that silence that always wrapped around her, they are the same as yours."
"Yeh, she's truly like me, always covered with wind and always looking forward to its silence with amazement. But somehow, she also reminds me of him, those deep blue eyes that look just like his." She said and looks at Brendan. "And Brendan, he truly looks like Seiya with short hair, and green eyes like mine. Haha it's so funny to think that if someone sees him with Seiya and me with Sarah, they will recognize the similarities so easily." She finished with a smile.
"I wonder why you need to transfer here in New York, if you can just stay in Japan with your friends." Mae started and continues looking at the kids.
"You know that they might notice and might guess who their father is if I keep staying there." Amara explained.
"It just doesn't make any sense." Mae started "I mean they will know it later or sooner that Seiya is their father." She said and looked at Amara. "You can't keep that a secret forever! What if Seiya comes back from Kinmokusei? What will you tell your friends? Oh! Hi guys! I get pregnant while I live on New York. Do you think they will believe you? And you know that sooner or later Brendan will look like Seiya in no time! You can't just sit here being busy with our company and not thinking about the fact that you're taking your child away from their father." Amara looked at Mae.
"It's not that Mae! I'm afraid that they might accuse me or call me a bitch because I got pregnant when Seiya came back to visit." She answered and buried her face on her hands.
"You know that Seiya love you and you know to yourself that you also love him, why don't you just let them? Don't think of them, think of Brendan and Sarah. They are already 5 years old for Pete's sake; someone might bully them, because they don't have a father that they can introduce. Only a single mother and her cousin who's always stand in front of everyone." Amara think of the things that Mae said while looking sadly over her kids.
"I don't know Mae, you're the princess of the sun. Maybe you can just enlighten me and lead me to the brightness and help me to get out of this problem."
"Amara, I'm the princess of the sun but that doesn't mean I can do anything! I can give you some advice so you can lead yourself to the right road." Mae said and stood up walking towards the kids and telling them that they need to get home already so they won't be late for their School Club Performance.
"So, Sarah what is your performance all about?" Amara ask to her daughter while helping her to change her dress.
"I am not allowed to tell it to you Mommy, we wanted to surprise you!" Sarah said excitedly and smiled to her mother.
"Ok, I won't force you to." Amara said finishing tying her daughters dress and standing up. She wipes off her blue elegant dress and looked at her daughter. Sarah is wearing a Organza White Dress, with a 2 inch width pink ribbon that was attached to her waist. "You look beautiful butterfly." Amara said with a smile looking down at her daughter with amazement in her eyes.
"Thank you Mom, you look beautiful too Mom. Oh! And gorgeous." Sarah said and giggled. Amara giggled too before she took her daughters hands and lead her out the room. There they saw Sarah's twin, Brendan, dress in a white tuxedo that just fit him so well with a black bow attached to its collar.
"Sarah, you look beautiful!" Mae exclaimed while examining her. "You truly looks just like your Mom." Mae complimented that made Sarah blush a little.
"Thank You Auntie, you look beautiful too. And you look handsome on that Tux Brendan." She said with smile.
"You too you look beautiful in that dress, and Mom." Brendan called her.
"Yes dear?" she asks and kneel down to wipe off some of the wrinkled part of his tux.
"You look stunning Mom." He said and smile. Amara stood up smiling from the comment that she just received from her son.
"Thank you, ok we better go now before we got late." Amara said and hold Sarah and Brendan's hand and lead them to the car with Mae behind them.
Hello! This is my first story I hope all of you will like it.