Yin-Yang Project

Author Note: I know, I know, why am I posting one-shots when I have several fics to update…well, my only excuse is being: I'm a shitty, tired college student that hates responsibility. Anyway, I have come back because I am doing another "flip-flop genre" collab with a fellow ffnet author: Helvetica Ghost. Check hers out too.

It's really corny, but hey…it's life.


Chapter 2: Bewitched


Judge a man not by his mistakes but by his character, right? Right?

Naruto chewed at his nails, while looking everywhere but the darkly dressed woman sitting across from him. He was trying to figure out how to tell his grumpy roommate that he accidentally ordered a witch instead of the pizza that he specifically gave him money for. He was in a rush and sometimes he read numbers wrong! Really he couldn't be the only person this happened too! Sometimes threes did look like eights!

Who the fuck would believe that? He wouldn't have believed it himself if he hadn't watch the damn cat float with his own two eyes.

The woman appeared young even though both her eye and hair seemed almost silver. She wasn't in all black with green skin, she was wearing a lavender sweater and ripped jeans. Her hands were decorated in rings and jewels. She looked like an average art student, honestly.

"A week…" he started, "An entire week?"

She nodded. "Yes." Her voice was meek.

He couldn't even muster up the courage to ask for a refund even though he knew Sasuke was going to be beyond pissed. After his exams, he treated himself to a specific pizza…which he trusted Naruto to get. Stupidly trusted, in Naruto's own opinion. He didn't consider himself a fuck-up he just tended to fuck up, there's a different somewhere in there. Sasuke didn't see that difference though…that's why Naruto tried to prove himself.

…and he fucked up.

"So, do you think you can conjure up a pizza in two minutes?" He looked frantically at his cell phone. Sasuke would be getting home any minute.

Hinata was her name. She shook her head. "I – can't."

"What can you do?"

Her mouth opened before closing soon after. Her head felt and she clasped her hands. "Not…much," confessed the young witch. "I…just graduated."

"From where? Witch school?" He grinned.

"Yes," she confirmed despite his teasing. "I doubled Majored in Potions…but I'm not very good at actual spells." She motioned to the cat current walking on the ceiling.

This was a joke. Sasuke set it up to get him back for…for everything.

As if it was time for the punchline, there was a knock on the door. Naruto jumped up and immediately started pacing. Hinata bit her lip. "W-who is that?"

"The devil himself," Naruto whispered. "You have to disappear."

"Wait…what?" Hinata stammered as he grabbed her bag and pointed down the hall. "What about the cat?" She tried, when the front door opened.

Sasuke walked in with a deepest frown on his face. Dark eyes moved to the new person in the room. Naruto tried standing in front of her. "What are you doing?" Sasuke almost instantly regretted asking when Naruto started fumbling. "Where's the cat?" He decided that was a safer route.

A meow came from above him. Sasuke lifted his head up slowly and half wondered if he had entered the Twilight Zone because his fucking cat was on the ceiling.

"I – can explain!" Naruto shouted.

Hinata peeped around him. Why did his name sound so familiar? It was like he could hear her talking about him. He lifted a brow. Hinata stepped from behind the blonde man. "Are…you an Uchiha?" She tilted her head. A silver waterfall of tresses fell on her shoulder.

He nodded. "Uchiha Sasuke-"

Hinata gasped and dug inside her bag. Naruto scratched the back of his neck as Sasuke glared at him. "What the hell is going on?"

"I accidentally ordered a witch instead of that pizza."

Sasuke dropped his backpack. "Fucking idiot."

"Come on, you know sometimes the numbers jump!"


Hinata walked up to the dark-haired male and showed him a page in the book. Sasuke took the book in his hand and examined the image he was looking at closely. Hinata peeped over the book with him. "What is this?" Sasuke asked her.

"This…book is from my great-great-grandmother…she wrote it before she died. Something like a diary…" On the page was a picture of someone who looked exactly like Sasuke. "She was witch that was hunted down by bounty hunter by the name of Uchiha Sasuke."

Sasuke shrugged, "His bad."

"He couldn't do it – rather he didn't do it," she flipped the page. "According to her entries, she punished him by turning him into the thing he hunted for money, a magical creature."

Sasuke moved the book out his face and went to sit on the couch. None of that information meant anything to him. His family died long ago, so he couldn't confirm or deny her words. He doubts that Itachi knew anything about their family history. None of this was real, aside from the fact that Naruto managed to fuck up yet again.

"I want the money for my pizza, Naruto." He extended his hand.

Naruto dug in his pocket and pulled out a twenty-dollar bill. "You got change, man?"

Sasuke snatched the money from him and scoffed. "You owe me interest."

Naruto opened his mouth and looked at an equally confused Hinata. She was simply staring at Sasuke as if he was some ancient god or something. Sasuke was too busy not caring about the situation that Naruto put himself in to notice. "So what, his folks knew yours? Uchiha were really popular back then." Naruto asked.

Hinata held the book to her chest. "…it's n-not important," whispered the young witch.

The blue-eyed boy shrugged. "Well, since you're here for a week and we aren't bad guys…how about I show you some great ramen spots?"

She nodded and glanced at the Uchiha male again.



"You are sick?"

Hinata looked at the black cat sitting at her feet. She waved her hand and a gray cloud of smoke filled the air ultimately revealing a bare naked Uchiha Sasuke. He took a red robe from the couch and sat on the armrest. When she had first changed him into a talking black cat, he hated her. He left the evil house and was subjected to the dangers of the outside world.

It didn't take him long before returning and demanding his body back.

Of course, everything came with a price. She said that she would temporarily give him back his human form if he decided to be her familiar. When stuck in a cat's body, one had no choice but to obey orders. It also didn't take long before he truly became accustomed to her way of life. She wasn't the evil witch that was said on his bounty.

She was gently and was determined to keep nature safe. She sent her days growing plants and saving animals.

"Not…really," she began coughing.

He crossed his arms. "Do not lie to me."

They stayed together for more than one hundred years…

Hinata smiled at him. She placed a hand on his knee. "We will always be together," she cleared her throat. "You are my familiar. We will always find our way back to each other ."

"Be silent," he hissed. "Be silent and do not speak like this."

Hinata laid back, simply rocking her chair. Sasuke stood and turned back into a cat. He ran out the first down. She gave a shaky sigh. "I am sorry, my love."

When her health started to waver... Spells and potions were becoming weaker and before long she had to undo his curse.

Oddly enough, he stayed with her. He was upset about not being able to switch between bodies because the cat body allowed him to move faster and easier. He had learned how to control it. Now?

"Are you not pleased about being free?" She was laying down on the bed.

He was sitting beside her, staring at the wall. He couldn't even move. Everything was so painful and for her to think that being without her would be any kind of freedom.

"Sasuke…" she whispered, he turned towards her. The old woman, nearly five hundred years old, took his hand. "I want you to live a fruitful life. We will meet in a different lifetime." He didn't believe her, or rather he didn't want to believe her. He had become too attached to the woman just for her to leave him. His family and friends were mere humans, they were long gone. He had no one.

Three months passed before Hinata died in her sleep. That next day, Sasuke joined her.

If only he knew how true her words were…



Sasuke was in the kitchen when Naruto and the random girl returned back with takeout. She was smiling, obvisiously not accustomed to the way humans live. Sasuke drank from his water bottle and watched her move around their living room. Why was this even okay? They should call someone about a "witch" in their home. And why was she not the least bit scared to be in a house with two strangers for a week? What kind of service gets you a week with a witch for only fifteen dollars?

Yes, he pays almost twenty dollars for a pizza. It was amazing and organic.

"Oh, you ordered the pizza!" Naruto lifted his hands seeing the box. "Can I have a slice? Come on, please. Sasuke, come on."

The Uchiha gritted his teeth. "Fine."

Naruto popped a seat at the island. Sasuke went to the cabinet and pulled out two plates. "You want some?" He uncharacteristically asked the proclaimed witch.

Hinata nodded. "I…would like to."

He sighed and went to get a third plate. After eating, Naruto went to the couch to sleep. Hinata stood in the kitchen with the Uchiha and smiled lightly. "I…can see why you wanted the pizza so bad."

"Mm," he mumbled, rolling up his sleeves.

"I can clean the dishes." Hinata raised her hands.

"I don't want any of that magic in here."

She laughed, "I know how to wash dishes with my hands."

"It's fine." He turned on the hot water.

"I insist." She turned on the cold water.

"This is my house." He turned off the cold water.

"But…I might as well help," she turned it back on.

"You don't have to." He pulled the knob back.

"Please, allow me to-" it was at that point that their hands touched and it felt like a sharp pain coursed through their veins. Every memory from all their past lives was brought back and it caused Sasuke to rip his hand away. Hinata stood there, chest heaving and a single tear threatening to fall.

The book lied. He wasn't only her great-great-grandmother's familiar.

He was her soulmate.