The Prodigies - Chapter 4
Prodigies Initiative Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
The jet quickly returned back to headquarters as Sonya and Johnny awaited the return of Cassie, Jacqui, Takeda, and Kung Jin. As the plane door opened, Lars was being carried to the medical wing of the facilities as the rest of the crew emerged.
"Cassie, are you okay?" Sonya asked.
"Yeah, mom, I'm fine." Cassie answered.
"We ran into Kotal Kahn." Jacqui chimed.
"Kotal Kahn?" Sonya inquired.
"Yeah, Lars fought him, but ran off with a blue stone" Jacqui answered.
"What blue stone?" Johnny asked.
"I believe I can answer that." Lee interrupted as he walked towards the new recruits.
"You know something about this, silver fox?" Johnny inquired.
"Yes. What Kotal Kahn is after are the four gems once held by the Mayan God of War, one for each element." Lee answered.
"You mean like fire, water, air, earth…those elements?" Johnny queried.
"Yes, those elements." said Lee.
"Where are the other three? We need to locate them!" said Sonya.
"The other three stones are located in various parts of the world." Lee answered.
"Where in the world?" Sonya continued querying.
"Two are in Europe, near the Iberian Peninsula and one in South Africa" Lee answered.
"Okay, then we'll have to survey those areas." said Sonya.
"Right." said Lee.
In the medical wing, Ivy was tending Lars' wounds, with much assistance from Julia.
"From this, he has a laceration in his abdomen area, and a entry wound in his outer thigh area." Julia reported to Ivy.
"Seems like this Kotal Kahn put up much of a fight then we expected." said Ivy.
"Lars, dear, do you know what weapon Kotal Kahn used against you?" Ivy asked.
"It looked like some sort of wooden club, but it had serrated black edges that looked like stone." Lars described.
"Hmm, a wooden club with black serrated edges that looked like stone." Julia inquired to herself.
"He must've used the aztec sword club known as a macuahuitl." Ivy answered.
"A what?" Julia asked.
"A macuahuitl, it was the primary weapon of the aztec warriors, almost like the equivalent to the katana for the samurai." Ivy answered.
"Whatever it was, it did a lot of damage to Lars' body." Julia examined.
As Ivy and Julia were assessing how much damage was done to Lars as they were closing up his wounds, Lars caught a glimpse of a woman in a purple dress, with black shoulder length hair, her eyelids were given a pinkish-purplish eye shadow to show off her brownish-amber eyes, which revealed some anger and sadness. She held a teddy bear in her arms, pushing it gently across the glass wall. Lars perked his head a little to see what she was holding. Ivy and Julia looked at the woman, as Julia went to close the blinds, preventing her from looking at what was going on.
"Who was that?" Lars asked.
"That woman you mean?" said Ivy.
"Yes." said Lars.
"She's being tested on, and experimented. We're trying to make her as human as possible." Ivy answered.
"Human? She looked fine to me." said Lars.
"We're still running a few more tests and surgeries but she's been resistant." said Ivy.
"What is her name?" Lars asked.
"She called herself Mileena." Ivy answered.
"Mil..leena?" Lars inquired.
"Yes, she said something about being an heir to some kingdom that was stolen from her and vows to fight her way to win it back." said Ivy.
"Is she any good of a fighter?" Lars asked.
"She is very combative at times with Julia and I, so I would have to say yes." Ivy answered.
"Maybe she can be some use to us." said Lars.
"Not in her mental state. That's something we've been working on tirelessly." said Ivy.
"What if I can control her, I can help her get back what she is looking for." said Lars.
"There's no way you can control her, I'm afraid." said Ivy.
"That doesn't matter to me, if she's a fighter like you say she is, then I want to get her abilities once I heal." said Lars.
"That's insane, she'll kill you!" said Julia.
"I'm able to handle myself. I'll just have to convince her that there is something worth fighting for than a seat on the throne." said Lars.
"Alright." said Ivy.
"Once you've fully healed, then we'll let Mileena loose on you." Ivy added with a smirk.
Lars sighed as Julia and Ivy tended to his wounds. In the control room, Lee, Sonya, and Johnny were talking over strategies on how to retrieve the stones.
"So you're saying that there are two more stones that could be located in either Spain, Portugal, or France?" Johnny asked.
"According to my knowledge, yes, but most likely Spain." said Lee.
"And the earth stone is somewhere in South Africa." said Sonya.
"Yes." Lee answered.
"A society of archeologists have been looking for the stones for years, and when they found them, they hid them in the most inconvenient places around the world, knowing that others would come looking for them." said Lee.
"Others like angry natives, poachers, thieves…like that?" Johnny asked.
"Correct, and I happen to run across this information from the Mishima Zaibatsu archives." said Lee.
"Kotal Kahn already has the blue stone, we can't let him get to the other stones." said Sonya.
"So, where should hit up first?" Johnny asked.
"I would say Spain, since that would be the next place Kotal Kahn might hit, but if anything, we'll have to be cautious to see where Kahn will go to first." said Lee.
"And since Lars is injured, we probably won't have anyone looking over any missions." Lee added.
"We'll take it from here until Lars recovers." said Sonya.
"Are you certain?" Lee inquired.
"Certain, this is a general you're talking to." said Johnny.
"And I suppose given your experience on the battlefield, you can compromise for yourself, Mr. Cage?" Lee queried.
"Are you kidding? I lived through end of the world type battles, so I know what I'm up against." Johnny proclaimed.
"Fine enough." Lee smirked.
"You won't regret it, silver fox." said Johnny as Sonya chuckled a bit and shook her head.
Near the training facility, Takeda and Kung Jin observed Xiba as he demonstrating his bo staff skills.
"Damn that kid moves fast!" said Takeda.
"You kidding me, He moves the same way he eats." said Kung Jin.
Takeda turned around and saw Jin being placed back into cell after being reevaluated by a different doctor.
"Hey, Kung Jin, look." said Takeda as he pointed at Jin being placed back into his cell.
"Didn't Lars say to leave that guy alone?" Kung Jin asked.
"Yeah, but I think there's something that's not adding up with him." said Takeda.
"You're not getting any ideas about breaking him out of there, are you?" Kung Jin asked.
"Yeah right, whatever that guy did to land himself in a holding cell, it must've been something brutal." said Takeda.
"It's better we don't piss him off." said Kung Jin.
Jin saw Takeda and Kung Jin talking near his cell, his eyes narrowed on the two, wondering what they were talking about.
"Dude, he's looking at us, what should we do?" Kung Jin asked.
"Leave him alone." said Jacqui as she snook up on Takeda and Kung Jin.
"Jacqui, don't scare me like that." said Takeda.
"You? scared?" Jacqui smirked.
"Come on, we're needed at a briefing." Jacqui added.
As the three were about to leave, Jacqui observed Xiba's fighting skills.
"Damn that kid can move." said Jacqui.
"You should see him when he eats." said Kung Jin.
At the briefing, the rest of the recruits were given a rundown about the stones and the next missions that followed.
"Everyone, may I have your attention please?" Lee began.
"It has come to my attention that we are dealing with an opposing force from another world, that seeks the power of the four stones that were the prized possession of the Mayan god of war. Though we lost the first stone to the ruler known as Kotal Kahn, we must make it an effort to not only retrieve the other stones, but also make sure whatever plans this ruler has for the world, do not come to fruition! Therefore, we shall have new leaders helping you all in that quest. Mr. Johnny Cage and General Sonya Blade will be filling for Lars, once he returns to his duties. For the time being, they are your leaders, and we will keep an eye on where Kotal Kahn's army will attack next. Any questions?"
Lee was finished with his speech. He looked around to see if anyone had a question, until Patroklos stood up.
"Do we have to take orders from her as well, since she's standing next to the both of them?" Patroklos asked as he pointed his sword at Cassie.
"Why don't I order you to shove that sword up your ass!" said Cassie.
"I'd like to see you try!" Patroklos threatened.
"This won't take long." Cassie smirked.
"Cassie, no!" Sonya warned.
"Cassie, listen to your mother." Johnny pleaded.
"Cassie, stand down now!" Sonya yelled.
Cassie wanted to shut Patroklos up, but heeding her parent's words and seeing Pyrrha about to tear up made her stop.
"Dammit!" Cassie growled.
The crowd dispersed as Patroklos sneered at Cassie first, but then chuckle callously before leaving.
"Cassie…" Sonya looked at her daughter with disgust while Johnny shook his head, disapprovingly.
Cassie sighed as she placed her gun in her holster as she followed her parents and Lee.