He could feel Hannibal's breath against the fabric of his boxers. The anticipation of what was coming made his heart beat faster. His hands struggle against the soft fabric that wrapped his wrists. His body quivered. It was really too much to bear all at once. He almost felt as if he was suffocating, being smothered as he was.

Hannibal adored seeing his lover in that way, shivering with the slightest touch.

-"You are so eager, Will... Pretending to be prude when we're outside the bedroom. I should punish you for being such an hypocrite."

-"Do it, then." He said between gasps. Being helpless and on the possibility of being tortured by his lover if so he wished was what he wanted at the moment.

To shut Will's whimpers Hannibal kissed him deeply and gave his lip a sharp bite. His hands were busy teasing his waistline, feinting to pull his briefs down at any moment. He pulled away from the kiss, affectionately licking Will's lips before repeating his actions on his neck.

His body was shocked with the most unexpected pleasure and Will's head was spinning, completely getting out of control and out of any kind of reasoning. He was moaning louder and louder.

As usual, Hannibal didn't do what his lover was hoping for but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy it. His hands grabbed Will's buttocks, bringing him a little higher so he could sink his teeth into his inner thigh instead, leaving a noticeable red mark.

The idea of leaving his partner marks that only they could see, embellishing his entire body with red prints... That was something that delighted Hannibal the most and so he continued nibbling and sucking that sensitive area a bit more, stopping when he noticed he was starting to draw blood.

To frustrate Will even more, he casually rubbed his cheek against his neglected erection from time to time.

When he stopped that action and draw back from his nether regions to kiss his lips tenderly, Will knew exactly what he was going to say.

- "Turn around for me."

There it was.

- "I hate you so much." Will mumbled, throwing his head back.

Hannibal kissed his lips again, gently biting his lower lip as he tugged a little bit before looking at him into his eyes.

- "I love you too."

That was the day Hannibal was going to take him and the dogs to their new home. He had been so secretive about it, Will wasn't sure what to expect. His mind was picturing the most flamboyant sort of houses. However, if that was what Hannibal had chosen, he probably would have mentioned something about the dogs, a little warning to make sure they wouldn't damage the integrity of the place.

Their belongings had been taken to the house already, everything should be on its right place, only they were missing, so Hannibal was taking him and the boys to the scene. Two little ones were on Will's laps, the others quietly sitting on the back seat.

They can act like furry gentlemen when they want, Hannibal should give them more credit and let them stay in even when they had "important" visitors. Just don't put little tuxedos on them, I hate it when people dress their pets as if they were toys.

When the vehicle left the city Will was surprised. Since he had told Hannibal that he didn't mind if they didn't move out to a place like Wolf Trap if he preferred something closer to civilization he assumed his lover would pick a residential area. Will's words weren't exactly true, but since he was the one taking care of the whole matter Will didn't want to be persnickety.

Hannibal took noticed of Will's sudden growing excitement and smiled to himself.

Several minutes passed before the car finally stopped at the land they sought. The older man took a moment to look at the expression of his partner looking at the big chalé located a few meters from where he had parked.

-"Was this really necessary?" Will asked without looking at Hannibal.

By the tone of his voice he knew that the comment wasn't actually a complaint. That was the semi-ironic tone he used as a way of responding to the things that overtook him.

Both got out of the car so Will could inspect the place that now belonged to them. He felt weird, it was slightly bizarre to imagine that this was home. Leaving a farmhouse behind to settle on such place. It was beautiful in an odd way. Rustic and elegant. He wasn't sure whether the building was actually larger or smaller than Hannibal's old mansion but amid that green sea of grass it certainly looked grandiose.

-"What do you think?" Hannibal asked.

-"I don't know..." He shrugged jokingly. "I hope there's enough place for the dogs."

His loved one chuckled and took his hand. The dogs already seemed used to their new territory. As Will was admiring the facade they were playing around and rolling in the green grass.

-"Come on. Let me show you our home." Hannibal said with one of his most gallant smiles.

When the inside tour concluded, Hannibal took him outside. The dogs followed them happily, sniffing and exploring those unknown lands.

-"When I saw this part I thought this was definitely the place for us."

Hannibal told Will that there was a surprise waiting for him outside the house, but it was a bit far but they didn't have to walk much but they had to go through the grove that surrounded their palace.

Even though he was having a good feeling about it, Will was feeling slightly impatient. Why don't you just tell me where we're going? Are you taking me deep in the forest to kill me where no one will hear me scream?

-"Any suspicion?" Hannibal said all of a sudden. Will quickly gave a curious glance at him. He looked so out of place guiding him through the trees wearing his suit that it made Will smirk. "You have an idea what it is?"

When the ground began to decline he could hear the sound of the water as they stepped forward.

And there it was at last, the final surprise Hannibal had for him.

A captivating glow appeared before his eyes. The radiance of the scenery took his breath away.

-"This stream is part of the property and it's all yours. It almost looks like a fairytale hiding, don't you think?"

Indeed, it did. The water haven reflected the afternoon sunshine, it felt so homely and warm that the mere glance at the place left you breathless. The reflexion of the autumnal trees on the surface distorted from time to time due to underwater movements; their lair was full of life.

It didn't only look like a marvelous fishing spot but it was also a beautiful site to have a picnic, perfectly peaceful to read a book, it was the sort of place an artist would put in their easel to start a masterpiece. It was... too much.

-"I didn't ask for all this..." He bit his lip. "I don't want to sound ungrateful. I mean, this is wonderful but-"

-"You deserve this." His partner insisted, capturing his face to place a kiss on his forehead. "Even if you still want to think that you don't, to me you do and I want you to have it."

He shut his eyes down as he pursed his lips. It felt so very strange, being pampered like that.

-"Why would you do something like this for me?" For someone like me.

Hannibal caressed his cheek and lean to give him a peck on the lips. Will returned the gesture weakly, he felt bounded, imprisoned by the feeling that he had done nothing to be worthy of that sort of treatment.

-"Do you really need an answer?"

Did he perhaps needed to hear it to feel it was real? No, that wasn't what he felt. It didn't sound right. He shouldn't need that. And at that moment he finally realized that in fact, he didn't.

All his life he had thought he was too stubborn and proud to accept anything from anyone, material or not. It wasn't that, neither pride or stubbornness, none of that was stopping him, it was something else. The feeling that not being worthy of what was given, not feeling good enough to allow himself to that. It was the first time someone made him feel loved. He was important to Hannibal, the same way Hannibal was important and dear to him. No one else would make him feel complete.

Will shook his head slowly. His arms held on to Hannibal as his lips sought to his lover's, capturing them with all his affection. He could have sworn that he felt that his heart skip a beat. Hannibal's arms surrounded him with tenderness, he felt his warmth. If that fervour was to end his life, it would be worthwhile.

-"Good. That's what I thought." But still, Hannibal wanted to say it. No other words felt sweeter when being pronounced. He would never get tired of saying it. He would never be able to silence the feeling. "I love you, Will."

To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you I shall be unique in all the world.