AN: I'm sorry about not posting two things yesterday, I was moving back home for the summer from college so I was a little exhausted.

AN2: I was watching the movie 'Wanted' earlier with my Dad and this idea came to me. If there's anything that you don't understand about the story so far from this chapter then it will probably be explained in the next Chapter or two but you can always ask me in the reviews and I'll do my best to get back to you.

AN3: This fic has movie ages for the prophecy and the current demigods (instead of being twelve going on thirteen they're sixteen going on seventeen)

Seventh Son of Time

Chapter 1


Sighing, Alex Winters, demigod son of Zeus, gazed about the throne room of the gods as an argument raged among the powerful immortal beings upon their thrones. Not even three days ago he had returned to Camp Half-Blood as a hero, having recovered his father, Zeus's, Master Bolt and defeated Ares to also recover the Helm of Darkness. Yesterday Luke had revealed himself as the true thief and tried to kill him and had revealed the fact that the son of Hermes was working for Kronos, to try and make the Titan King Rise.

Now he was with the other Cabin Leaders and Chiron on Olympus as the gods argued about what sort of action should be done to try and stop the Titan King's Rise. "Enough!" Poseidon roared, shocking him as well as the gods as the Sea god had been rather silent up until now. "Zeus," the lord of the Oceans said firmly "you know that we have to seek his aide.".

"No!" his father yelled, the storm king slamming a fist down onto the armrest of the top Throne as the echoing roar of thunder boomed out "I refuse to have him here!".

"Who?" he asked in confusion, a look that was mirrored by the other demigods assembled.

"Poseidon," Zeus growled "wants to hire an assassin…a mercenary.".

"He's the most powerful warrior alive that can actively challenge Kronos's army!" Poseidon protested "And he hates Kronos just as much as we do!".

"And he hates us almost as much as he hates our Father!" Zeus yelled "I will not trade up one enemy for another!".

"No Zeus," Hades said coldly "he only hates you.".

"Who is it?!" he demanded as Zeus and Poseidon continued to have a stare down before his father relented and waved for them to proceed.

"You all know that Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are sons of Kronos and Rhea," Chiron explained to them as he turned towards the ancient centaur "but they aren't Kronos's only sons. After Zeus was born, and still being raised in secret, I was sired by the Titan king as well as my half-brothers, Aphros and Bythos who are Ichthyocentaurs…but there was a seventh son born to Kronos. A demititan who's power could rival, or even surpass, that of any Olympian.".

"A demititan?" his friend Annabeth, the daughter of Athena, asked in confusion "Kronos fell in love with a mortal?".

"He did not love her," Poseidon said sadly "Kronos saw a woman who was beautiful so he took her and he raped her, not realizing that she was pregnant until his demititan son, Perseus, was grown into a man.".

"This was all before the first Titan war?" he asked the council and, when they nodded, continued "But then how is he still alive?".

"He found an ancient spell that created seven rings which gave the bearers partial immortality," Hades explained "much like the hunters of Artemis. They won't grow old, they will never get sick, but they can still die. Whenever a ring bearer dies the ring vanishes from their body and reappears in a shrine that was used to imbue them with their magic.".

"But why does he hate Dad?" he asked perplexed "And why wouldn't he help us if Kronos raped his mother?".

"Perseus would be more than willing to fight against Kronos," Poseidon explained "he's done jobs before that were designed to stop those who had sworn allegiance to Kronos and acted in the Titan King's name…but Zeus knows that Perseus holds no true love for Olympus after your father tried to have him killed for being a demititan.".

"His kind don't belong." Zeus protested "Demititans shouldn't exist at all.".

"But that doesn't give you the right to murder one!" he exclaimed in disgust, having always been displeased at his father's actions, both in the legends and in the modern day. When he had learned about Thalia coming to camp he had been both thrilled and furious, thrilled at having a big sister to look up to but also upset about the fact that, once again, Zeus couldn't keep his wedding vows. He had actually sacrificed more often to Hera than he had to Zeus as a way of trying to apologize for her Husband's actions.

"And don't worry demigods," Apollo spoke up "he only dislikes Zeus, doesn't have anything against the rest of the gods or against you. He chooses to judge people and decide whether he likes them or not by their own merit, not their lineage.".

"And how would you know Apollo?" Zeus demanded angrily.

"I've hired him before," Apollo said with a shrug "and a couple of my children have been ring bearers in the past for his order.".

"He can't be all that dangerous if I've never heard of him." Annabeth protested with irritation as he sighed. While he liked the girl she had an ego the size of Alaska and if she hadn't heard of this guy's name she would refuse to think he was actually effective.

"He works from the Shadows girl," Poseidon told her with a glare that made him shake and it wasn't even aimed at him "tries to keep his organization a secret. Most people believe that Hitler and his girlfriend committed suicide…they didn't, they were killed by Perseus.".

"Several times throughout History we have seen our children turn rogue," Hades explained "become mad…mass murderers of the worse degree. So, since we are technically forbidden from simply killing them, a rule that Zeus tends to ignore, we go to Perseus to see if he will help us with the problem. Often times though he's already eliminated them before we even manage to contact him.".

"So how do we contact him?" he asked as the council turned towards him "If he gets along with most of the gods pretty well all we have to do is get him to promise to avoid killing my dad and find out what he wants to fight alongside us. But we still have to know how to contact him.".

"I can handle that," Hades said, the lord of the dead pushing up out of the makeshift throne with a grunt "one of my sons is a ring bearer and I can contact my brother through him.".

"No need father," a new voice spoke up as he turned to see a man who looked to be about twenty stepping out of a shadow "I'm already here.".

"Damien," Hades said with a wide smile "it's good to see you again.".

"I know father," the man said with the faintest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of the pale man's lips "Lord Perseus has heard Rumors about Kronos rising, felt the stirring of ancient forces, so he has had us watching in case you decided to try and…obtain the services of the order.".

"How dare you intrude in the halls of Olympus!" his dad yelled, trying to regain control of the situation as he sighed in exasperation. 'Why couldn't I have been born a son of Poseidon?' he groaned mentally, at least that god was somewhat down to earth.

"Oh shut up Spark Plug," the son of Hades, Damien, said, shrugging off Zeus's anger "the adults are talking.".

"Is my brother willing to aide us Damien?" Hades asked as all eyes once more turned to the Lord of the Dead.

"He said that he is willing to meet to discuss the matter," 'Damien' explained "in three day's so that Zeus has enough time to prepare. As he also knows that Zeus is likely to do something stupid he insists that you and Lord Poseidon come to represent the council and he also says that you can bring three demigods of your choice as well. One of the other Ring bearers, Remy Lebeau, will meet the six of you and bring you to Perseus' home where you can discuss the possibility of the order aiding you over dinner. I won't be at the meeting, nor one of the other ring bearers as we are going to be on a mission to recruit someone but Remy, Perseus, and Moira will be. Just be here in the throne room at five o'clock in three days.". As the son of Hades finished he saw the pale man vanish in a burst of shadow while silence enveloped the room.

-Three Days Later-

Sighing he looked at his irritable father who stood between the Lords Poseidon and Hades who both looked rather cheerful. He had been selected to be one of the three demigod representatives along with Annabeth Chase and Clarisse La Rue but now they were just waiting for this 'Remy Lebeau' guy to show up. "Hello my friends," a new voice spoke up from behind him as he leapt into the air "I assume you are ready to go?". Gasping to catch his breath and slow his racing heart he stared at the newcomer with the Creole accent. This 'Remy' had tanned skin and a smirk that showed the man was either cockier than his father or simply trusting in his own skills. The Ring Bearer wore black jeans, a purple button down shirt, a black leather jacket, and a black fedora while a main of brown hair tumbled out the back of it. Completing the image was the deck of cards that the smirking man shuffled about lazily.

"Yeah," he said softly as he walked forward and offered his hand "Alexander Winters but I go by Alex. Are you Remy Lebeau?".

"Remy Lebeau I am." The man said with a grin, shaking his hand eagerly "You lot ready to go?".

"Let's get this over with.". Zeus grumbled as Remy smirked and put all of the cards bar the Ace of spades away.

"Then let's go my friends." Remy said with a grin before hurling the card at the ground as his vision was blocked by a burst of crimson light which faded away to reveal that they were now inside what looked like a very high end apartment.

"Greetings," a new voice said calmly as he turned to get his first look at who, he assumed, was the son of Kronos "welcome to my home.". The man looked to be in his early twenties, much like Damien and Remy, but that was where the similarities ended. Perseus stood taller than the other Ring Bearers, standing at what looked like six foot five or six foot six and carried himself with a calm air that still conveyed a sense of power, as compared to Remy's cocky attitude or Damien's dark loner personality. Percy wore a pair of black slacks and shined black shoes that had tongues of golden filigree along with a golden dress shirt with the top few buttons unbuttoned. Over the dress shirt the demititan wore a black vest with beautiful golden designs embroidered along its body and all of this led up to the man's eyes…eyes that were a solid gold that both made him feel safe and made him want to run screaming for the hills.

Next to Perseus was a woman who could only be described as beautiful. She had soft white skin and curled hair that was a dark brown at the top but grew lighter as it got closer to the bottom. She had clear blue-grey eyes that seemed to shine with knowledge as she smiled down at him and his friends. She, like Perseus, was dressed somewhat formally with a black evening dress, red painted nails, and red lipstick.

"Ah, how rude of me." Perseus said with a faint smile when the demititan noticed where he was looking "I would like you to meet my wife of the past three thousand years, Moira. Demigoddess daughter of the Fates.".

AN: There is a link to a picture of Moira on my profile.