Stan had been shoved into many vehicles growing up, but never a police car, and never besides Cartman. "Tell me again why we have to ride together?", Stan grumbles as the officer in the front sighs, "The other cruiser was occupied ok", the officer says taking a sharp turn. "Look I understand why he's in here but why am i?", Cartman asked struggling with his cuffs.

" Look you scaled a building with potential weapons, and you have very lucrative items in your trunk kid, we have some questions to ask", another sharp turn. "Then ask, no reason to arrest me", Cartman said calmly, "why do you have rope, a steal bat, and iron picks?", the passenger cop asked him looking behind him, "I play baseball and I lime to go hiking after school, we do live close to the Rockies", Cartman answered quickly. "There potential weapons", the officer driving says keeping his eyes on the road, "and so is a god dam pencil, but I can buy that just about anywhere also", Cartman was getting angry.

"Is that a treat?!", the driver yells and Cartman chuckles, " do you feel threatened?", Stan quickly kicks his leg and Cartman rolls his eyes. The police cruiser pulls into the station were Stan could see his parents waiting, "busted", Cartman whispers and Stan can only nod in agreement. "Oh Stanly what in the world has gotten into you! ", his mother yells as his father tries to keep her away from the police while they do their job.

Cartman is pulled from the cruiser and slammed on the hood of the car as Stan soon followed, the officersand check their pockets for a second time before taking them inside the station. "For the sake of conversation, don't you need a permit to get into my car in the first place? ", Cartman asked as Stan and him self were shoved towards a wall and we're given signs to hold, "not if the school has probable cause to search the vehicle".

Cartman scowled as the camera flashed brightly in his face, then being pulled violently forward so they could take his finger prints. "So why are we being handled like we liked someone? ", Stan spoke up as he was shoved into Cartmans back so they could be in a straight line to be escorted to a holding cell.

"We honestly don't get many teenagers coming through here, so we say, heck why not strike something off the list", one of the officers answered. "And that is? ", Cartman asked being released from his cuffs and pushed forward into the cell, "well we see how some police get really rude, nasty teens that kick and scream and well hell you two are sizable teens that can take a beating so fuck it let's kick you guys around before you guys are released". Cartman was trying to not be surprised by how stupid the police were being but he was back in south park so he could only roll his eyes as the officers began to yell at them to settle down and not to fight.

The boys looked over at eachother and went to opposite sides of the cell so they couldn't be accused of anything. They sat in silence after the officers had their fill at yelling at them, " so how is it?", Stan asked breaking the silence, "how's what? ", Cartman asked confused. "Sleeping with Wendy", Stan said swallowing hard, Cartman slowly turned his head towards Stan processing the question, "why do you want to know? ".

Stan sighed slamming his head against the wall, "if i can never have her, due to my new sexual orientation, I would like to know how its like, I did spent most of my life with her", Stan explained. Cartman nodded his head thinking, " you know if Wendy finds out I told you, she'll cut my balls off", Cartman said causing Stan to chuckle.

"I can't tell you", Cartman spoke aftet tossing the question in his head for a while closing his eyes, "as much as I want to rub it in your face, it wouldn't do you any good in knowing", Cartman signed. "And I'm not telling you this because I want to, I'm telling you this because I know Wendy would be extremely angry if I told you anything personal like that, and I don't want her angry at me", Cartman said quickly with a scowl.

Stan frowned, he was hoping to know something, anything, Stan glanced over to Cartman who was scratching his head, "I hate you", Cartman turned to Stan, "feeling is mutual buddy", Cartman said flatly. "Why though, you have Wendy? ", Cartman cracked his knuckles, "I hate that Wendy worried so much over you, I hate seeing her like that, and you caused it", Cartman growled.

"She may be mine but she has these feelings for you, I understand but it pissed me off, I would of cared less if you would of jumped, hell I would of been clapping and chanting for you to do a flip", Cartman admitted. "I couldn't because of Wendy, she would go back to hating me and I wasn't going to give her up Stanly, so that's why I'm stuck here in this cell while the cops are probably having a field day with my car, so yes Stan I hate you to", Cartman said tapping his feet on the ground.

"I have other reasons to hate you, not just because you're Wendys X", Stan turned away hugging his knee to his chest. Silence over took them once more, soon they heard a pair of foot steps Stan became stiff with fear while Cartman became more annoyed, they waited and soon their visitors came into view.

Wendy stood next to Kyle, "well we have some good news and some bad", Wendy said bitting her lip, "Eric, your being released later tonight, your car is being left alone and nothing is being put against you", Wendy explained as Cartman smirked, "I guess it's a waiting game for me". Stan began shaking, "Stan", the boy froze, "unfortunately, everyone agrees that you need to go through some therapy and your going to be put under a suicide watch for 2 days", Kyle explained with a deep frown.

"We still don't know if the school is going to press charges on you for vandalism, but we know you won't be released for a few days", Wendy said looking down at the her shoes. "Great, now the whole teams going to think I'm a Nutt job", Stan mumbled, Cartman snickered, " they already do", Stan glared his way.

"Eric", Cartman turned to Wendy who was motioning for him to walk to her, Cartman stood quickly walking to her. "Please play nice", Wendy whispered kissing him sweetly, "I'm trying my best dont you see its killing me", Cartman whined causing Wendy to roll her eyes. "You can't have me pussy whipped babe, I have a reputation to uphold", Cartman joked causing Wendy to pinch his side.

"Please step away from the bars ma'am", an officer spoke causing Wendy and Kyleto jump in their skin. "Eric Cartman, your set to be released", Cartman smiled before noticing who was behind the officer, "what the hell are you doing here!?", the police officer froze turning to the man behind him. "Your mother is worried sick about you Eric, that's why I'm here", Cartman was about to explode, Wendy took in the man, his tight pin stripped suit, blond hair slicked back, hands tucked in his pockets. She could help but notice how high he held himself, it must of been were Eric got most of his inspiration from. He looked a bit terrifying, she couldn't help bit look between the two men.

He was handsome for an older man, he could easily be mIsraken for his biological father, but the way Cartman was acting the answer was clear, this man was Cartmans beloved step father. "You dont need to come get me, just pay the fucking bail and I would send your money back your way, why the hell did you think I wanted to see your face?", Cartman growled gripping the bars tightly. "Eric please calm down, explode somewhere else besides infront of a cop while still in a cell please", Wendy pleaded trying to calm him.

Cartman stared at her breathing heavily stepping back and away from the bars, the officer pulled the door open allowing Cartman to walk out, Wendy quickly took his arm in hers. She needed to be close to him incase he did something stupid, she could feel Cartman tensing up.

"Well I now I wait right? ", Stan numbed to himself, Kyle sighed leaning against the bars, "Stan you know we are doing all this for your safety". Of course Stan dint answer he stared at the ground, "Stan I love you", Stan froze feeling his skin become hot, " yeah". He was trying really hard to accept what was going on, he and Kyle were now an item, he needed to be a little more kind to him.


Cartman sat silently looking in the opposite direction of his step father, scowling and trying hard not to destroy the blond man besides him. Closest thing to a father figure he had and he hated his guts, the door opened and the police chief entered with a bag of items, he carelessly tossed them towards Cartman who caught them easily.

"Your car is parked up front, all your items should be where they were, my officers hadn't had the time to check it yet", Cartman shruged standing. "Is that all? Can I go now? ", Cartman asked aching to leave and put distance between him and the bastar besides him. "He has to walk you out", Cartman was about to kill, "does he have to hold my hand to? ", a heavy sigh.

"Oh that's enough Eric, stop acting like a child, I need to escort you out is all, walk behind me and all will be fine", Cartman narrowed his eyes about to say something but stopped. "We'll be leaving now", Cartman walked as calmly as he could out the office as Wendy took his hand, he called down somewhat.

Outside finally Cartman caught sight of his car sighing contently it was still in one piece, "Eric", Wendy steadied him, "what! For the love of god what the fuck do you want Ben?!", Cartman snapped. " I'll send you a check with what ever the hell I owe you, I dont need your help, so if your wanting a thank you, bend over stick a finger up your ass and find it", Cartman fumed turning to leave.

"Eric, this is about your mother not you", Ben stated fixing his hands in his pockets, "You and my mother are divorced, there is nothing else", Cartman stated coldly. "That's the thing Eric, we have been talking", Cartman quickly turned taking his step father by the collar, "shut the fuck up before you say something stupid".

Wendy was trying to stand between the two male's but failing, she hadn't seen Cartman this angry since middle school when he was going to beat the crap out of Craig for calling his mom a cheap crack whore. "Eric hun please calm down", Wendy pleaded , "please you don't want to do this here", Cartman exhaled deeply releasing Ben. He was definitely whipped, he thought.

Both males stared at once another, "keep away from my mother and sister asshole or I sware to god I'll hurt you", Cartman warned taking Wendy by the hand and pulling her towards his car. Wendy felt relieved as they sat in the vehicle. She needed to distract him, she needed to help calm him down or who knows what he was capable of doing now as an older mature teen.

"Thank you", Cartman sighed rubbing his temple, "if you weren't there I would of killed him", Wendy smiled at him. "That's if you would of made it out of the cell", Cartman rolls his eyes and chuckles, "yeah your right". Wendy grabbed his hand, " let's go get something to eat, I bet you're hungry after everything", Cartman smiled at her squeezing her hand, "I'm starving".


"Ok Stan, your being transfered to Hells Pass hospital for observation, if everything turns out ok, you'll be released in the morning", the psychologist happily said closing her book. "Doc I'm not that sick, I just had a minor break down", Stan explained watching her, "unfortunately minor in this case is taking asprin and trying to slit your wrists, but this is public suicide at school".

Stan felt embarrassed,the news of his stunt must be spreading like wild fire, his coach was going to kill him, if he want already in the process of being kicked from the team. Stan leaned forward resting his head in his hands, "ah how nice your friend brought you food", Stan glanced up to see Kyle holding a bag of take out.

"Is it alright? He hasn't eaten at all yet", Kyle spoke worry heavy in his tone, "it's fine, I'll let the officers know, he'll be picked up in an hour and probably won't be allowed food till dinner at the hospital, so go ahead and enjoy lunch". Kyle settled in a seat across from him, "so what she tell you? ", Kyle asked passing him his food, "if I don't come off as to crazy I'll be out tomorrow", Stan explained taking a bite from his burger.

"That's good dude, then we can try to get back to normal", Kyle said with a smile Stan wanted to argue him but he had to admit Kylelooked kinda cute at the moment. "Yeah, then I can try to mend my school reputation now that I'm... out of the closet", Stan swallowed hard. "You know you won't be alone Stan", Kyle reassured him, "i know".

The room grew silent, "how's Wendy doing?", Stan asked just to make conversation, "well from what I got she's extremely angry with you for what you did, but she was much more worried for Cartman", Kyle says taking a sip of soda. "I tried killing myself tho", Stan whined, "and her current boyfriend scaled a two story wall to save you with no safety line", Kyle explained with a pout.

"So I think Cartman one upped you in that", Stan scowled taking another bite of food, "but I was worried sick about you, not Cartman if that means anything", Kyle said with a blush. Stan felt a bit like a ass now, "thank you Kyle", Stan watched the red head smile going back to his meal, "I love you too", both boys blushed deeply.


Wendy and Cartman were in an intense make out session when his phone began to ring, without thinking he answered the call, grunting a hello as he kept focused on Wendys lips. "Are you an idiot!", Cartman nearly flung his phone at the front window shield, " what the fuck Sam?", Cartman yelled trying to still his heart. "What the hell were you thinking! You could of fucking died, not that I don't wish it, but one of the investors is asking questions!", Sam explained as Cartman rubbed his eyes.

"Everything is fine", Cartman explained, "I'm alive and well, my dear friend was just having a mental break down is all".

"So you took it on yourself to save him? That's fucking retarded!", Sam once more yelled, Wendy was begining to fill with anger, "I took care of it, it's none of your concern anyway Sam, arnt you screwing what's his face?". They heard her exhale, "fuck you", is all she said before hanging up on him.

"What the hell was that all about? ".