This Sailor Moon story is AU with some OCs of mine. Sailor Moon and the cast belong to the magnificent Naoko Takeuchi.

Sorry for the update delay! I hope this chapter finds you all well, regardless of how long or short it seems, and that you all leave even a short review. Reviews help me determine the interest in the story and if a new chapter is worth my time so please tell me your thoughts!


Serenity Tsukino:

It's been a few weeks since I last saw Darien. Donnie and I were on our first, well second-first, date that day. I wonder how he's doing?

"Sere?" I heard my name as I looked up to see Donnie standing next to me with a fresh cup of hot cocoa. "Are you alright?" I nodded quickly and gladly took the mug from his hand so that he could sit down. Mmm… just what I needed. "Serena, are you sure you're alright?"

Why does he keep asking that? He's been asking that ever since we got to his place to study. I had a term paper to finish and he had exams coming up. Suddenly, I noticed that his right hand was now resting on my thigh. I gulped and I think he noticed. Donnie glanced over at me and smirked, trailing his hand higher up my thigh. What is he doing? Why is he doing that? Why am I letting him do that?

I jumped up, almost spilling my drink, and squirmed away from him. "I-I'm sorry, but I'm not really interested." Donnie nodded slowly, his eyes diverted from me. "Are you mad?"


"Are you sure because I would understand if—"

"I'm not mad," Donnie bellowed through the house. Oh, yeah, sure. Alright.

We stayed there in silence. I debated sitting back down but after a few minutes of standing it seemed to have passed its' time. "Well… I'm going to just—"


"Yeah." Donnie didn't say anything. He just sat there as I slipped my Toms back on and grabbed by book bag. "I'll see you later, I guess," and from there I turned on my jeep and headed towards home.

On my way back I got the sudden urge to see Darien. I didn't know where he lived but I recalled from the nurse at the hospital that he visits his uncle a lot. It's a fat chance but perhaps he's there.

Darien Shields:

I had just finished my term paper in the solitude of Uncle Ike's office when I looked up at the photo on his desk. Trista was a very elegant woman; sometimes too elegant to be working in a hospital, but Ike seemed to be quite enamored with her.

She wasn't always the nicest person and she didn't seem too fond of him caring for Rei and I, but how many people would be okay with raising someone else's teenagers?

I closed my laptop and gathered my belongings. Leaving his office, I noticed someone talking to Rina. She had such a crush on my uncle, but he never seemed to notice. It didn't help that Trista was always trying to bring her down; alas, it wasn't really my business to get involved with.

"Oh, Darien! Darien!" Rina called for me. I smiled sweetly to her and the second person turned around to reveal she was talking to Serena.

"Serena, hi—" I began to say as Trista walked up to us.

"Miss Baker, this is a professional environment. Must I remind you where you work every single day?" She stomped her heel to the ground and pursed her lips.

"Hey, now. She was just trying to get my attention, Trista," I tried to intervene.

"Dr. Setsuna, Mr. Shields. Don't make me call security."

I began to yell, "You're dating my uncle! I shouldn't have to call you by your collegiate-given title for crying out loud!"

Serena stood there, almost taking notes with her mind. She looked to Rina who seemed to be working hard to bottle her emotions up.

"You listen here, boy, you will not speak to me in such a fowl manner. I am a doctor at this hospital and will treat my subordinates as I see fit."

"You will do no such thing," another voiced chimed in from around the corner. Uncle Ike appeared from beyond the nurse's station, "As head of the third floor nurses, I actually have jurisdiction; but it's funny that you think you have more power than your title gives you. Should I talk to Dr. Richards about you going back with the late night ER rotation?"

Trista looked at him wide-eyed, "Are you kidding me? I am your girlfriend, you can't demote me!"

"As a leader on this floor I can most certainly recommend it. And we'll talk about that later," Ike walked passed her and faced Rina, "You can take your break now. Feel free to take an extra five minutes, should you want it."

Rina smiled widely, "Oh, I'll be back on time, Sir."

"Rina, call me Ike."

Rina giggled and walked to the elevator. Ike nodded towards me when I remembered that Serena was still waiting by the nurse's station. I turned to face her and she seemed excited to have my attention on her, "Hello."

"Hi," she smiled, "How are you?"

"Um, alright I guess," I looked to Ike and Trista who took their cue to leave. "What are you doing here?"

She hesitated for a moment, "I've missed you. Are we not friends?"

"We never really got to hang out much, Serena, and we go to different schools. When would we have time to become friends?"

"I-I don't know, that is a good point."

I nodded, "But what do you need? I assume you wouldn't come all the way over here for nothing."

"Well, Lita's at an away game and Ami's at a study session in the library. I really need a friend right now."

Serena seemed to be almost in tears. I quickly closed the distance between us and wrapped my arm around her, "Come with me." I led her to Ike's office and quietly shut the door. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah…" Serena brushed off my concern and seemed distant.

"I thought you wanted to talk, Sere."

Her head shot up, "You've never called me Sere."

"I've never called you many things. We don't really know each other."

"I'm sorry."

I smirked, "For what?"

"I didn't really give you a chance," Serena walked to the bulletin board and examined the flyers tacked to it, "It wasn't fair to you, nor me. I guess I got caught up in old feelings and couldn't imagine giving it another try with Donovan." I sighed quietly, "I know that sounds really stupid and childish."

"I understand," her ears perked up, "Doesn't mean I'm not hurt or that it's all fine and dandy but I can get how that would be a struggled." Serena nodded and looked back to the board. "Serena, did you want to talk?"

"You know, not many people call me Serenity."

"Do you ask them to?" She shrugged, "Can't expect people to do something you don't communicate to them, Serenity." I smiled.

"Thank you." Serenity walked to the small table at sat in one of the two chairs, "Donnie still only wants one thing."

I pulled out the other chair, "Your undying love? Utter devotion? To play pro-league football?"

"Sex. It's what he wanted in high school and what he wants now."

"Yeah, but he wants it with you."

"And I don't want it," oh?, "I just want to date. I want to fall head over heels for a guy. Is it wrong to want days at the park, trips on the Ferris wheel or that first kiss on the porch?"

Everyone wants to fall in love, Serena. "So why don't you find a guy who will do those things with you?"

"I thought I had… and I thought that twice. I am a fool, Darien."

"You're not a fool. There are plenty of guys out there for you, Serenity."

"Hah, I know I had a chance with you but I blew it. Most of the guys at my school probably think I already went all the way with Donovan and will do the same with them."

"So date someone not at your school."

Serena seemed to get an idea. Her expression changed from dejected to devilish. She brushed a section of hair behind her ear and scooted her chair closer to mine. "Darien…" she whispered.

"Y-yeah?" I asked hesitantly. You can't kiss her, you can't kiss Serena. Serenity closed the last bit of distance between us and our lips came in contact. Her lip gloss tasted like candied watermelon and helped to moisten my own lips as hers moved against mine.

I was going to cut it short but some part of me didn't want to. The charm on her long chained necklace hit my chest as she moved closer to me and I placed my right hand on her shoulder and felt the smooth skin on my fingers.

The kiss ended and she pulled away from me with a sincere grin.

I don't know why I said it, but something in me demanded an ounce of honesty in that exact moment. "I have a girlfriend."