Disclaimer: you know it, I know it, the owners of ccs know, it. That all rights belong to them, not me. Just borrowing the character, nothing else.

Warning: This is R because its hard to tell what a person under seventeen should be able to read and what not. So I hope you have made a responsible decision when you opened this. Tomoyo is portrayed in ways you may not like. And just be aware of that. I love Tomoyo and I son't even like the way I made her, but there is reason to my madness.

What She Needs- Miserable

Tomoyo Daidouji slapped the alarm clock on her night stand and knocked it to the floor. Her hand immediately went to her forehead, trying to rub out the hangover from last night at the club.

"Good morning sunshine," a voice sang out from a lump beneath the covers.

Tomoyo looked to her side and watched as a red headed woman sat up without modesty, revealing her bare chest as the sheets fell from her shoulders.

"I hope you slept well, I sure know I did. Oh my, how you managed to exhaust me last night!! I slept like a rock." The redhead caressed Tomoyo's hair seductively and tried to lean in for a kiss, but met only air as Tomoyo pulled a sheet over her body and rose from the bed without a sound. She walked over to her closet and began picking out the suit she would wear for the day.

"So, what are you doing today honey?"

"Going to work." Tomoyo replied flatly. She looked over at the woman in her bed and scowled before adding, "I suggest you get dressed, because I'm leaving in twenty minutes and I don't allow anyone, save my housekeeper, in my home while I'm out."

The girl huffed and leaned over the side of the bed to pick up her clothes. As she buttoned up her blouse, she walked over to Tomoyo and kissed her on the cheek which Tomoyo chose to ignore. "So, how about having dinner with me tonight?"

Tomoyo glanced at her from the corner of her eye. "I think I'm busy," she replied without thought.

The woman sighed and finished buttoning up her blouse. "Well then, how about tomorrow for lunch?" She seemed desperate for an answer from Tomoyo and her tone of voice suggested that she would continue to ask until Tomoyo agreed to meet with her again.

"Why don't you just leave your number on my dresser and I'll call you sometime. I really can't make any plans right now." Tomoyo emphasized certain words to imply she was already annoyed with the woman and pointed at her bureau where the was a pen and pad by her telephone. "And when you are done, you don't have to wait for me. Feel free to just show yourself out, okay sweetie?" Tomoyo cupped the girl's face and gave her a tender kiss before retreating into the bathroom to change.

When she returned, the woman was gone. Tomoyo went to her dresser where the woman left her number. "Veronica. So that was her name." She shrugged and pulled open the top drawer of her dresser and placed the paper in it among countless numbers of papers, cocktail napkins, and business cards, all with the names and numbers of men and women that had wished to keep the company of the raven haired beauty Tomoyo Daidouji.

Veronica had just become another one-night-stand for Tomoyo. She had no intentions of calling up the woman for dinner, lunch, or ever.

Tomoyo picked up her clothes from last night and reached into the pocket of her leather pants. She pulled out three more numbers and threw them into drawer. They could have been the names of people she danced with, bought drinks for, or even made out with for a good portion of the night. It did not matter that she couldn't this face and that name, she wasn't going to call any of them ever.

She picked up a brush and pulled it through her dark locks before grabbing an aspirin bottle from the dresser top and taking two pills to deal with the hangover. This was a normal routine for Tomoyo. Ever since college, she had become very promiscuous, not worrying about who she kissed or who she took to bed. It didn't matter much who they were, because none of them mattered to her; none of them were that one person that Tomoyo wanted them to be. She only did it because sometimes, when it was really good, she could get this moment of physical pleasure that could make her forget just for a second that she was so miserably unhappy.

Tomoyo grabbed her black leather bag and slung it over her shoulder. She took one last look in the mirror to make sure she was composed. Her hair was bound neatly in a single braid down to the small of her back. She wore a dark blue dress suit that came to just above her knee with a lavender blouse underneath, with the top two buttons undone to reveal her slender neck and collarbone. She looked responsible, beautiful, and untouchable all at the same time. A proper look for the president of Daidouji toys.

To be continued

Author's notes: Hey people. Thanks for taking time to read a bit. I know, its upsetting at first for Tomoyo fans.. And you might be sitting there wondering if that's going to change. Well, that's not something I can tell you. Its really something you have to read to find out. And I think its better that way. Have a little faith. If you don't like, by all means, don't read. Reviews are very much appreciated, preferably positive.