Wolfy: So, this is the first piece of literature I dare publish... I would like to point out first and foremost, that I find no point in flames to this, as I am more so hoping for constructive criticism, as well as story ideas. It would be appreciative, as well as encouraged.

Hidan: WOW. You used some fancy-fucking words, big fuckin' deal.

Wolfy: *hits him over the head with baseball bat* FUCK YOU, YOU DAMNED SADIST

Hidan: *twitching on the floor*

Kisame: Do you even know what half of those words mean, Wolfy-sama?

Itachi: Kisame. Do not encourage her. She has a-

Wolfy: 0/0 WEASLE! *drops bat* *glomps Itachi* chuchuchu *snuggles into cloak from shoulder*

Kisame: Pffh- HAH! What are you so worried about?! You got her wrapped ar-

Wolfy: *eyes glint*

Itachi: Damn you Kisame!

Wolfy: *pulls out chakra proof rope and spins around the two at hyper-speed*

Kisame: What the hell, woman?! Let us out of here! *struggles pathetically-* I do NOT do anything PATHETICALLY!

"Another day in hell is about to start," Yuuki muttered sarcastically, slinging her backpack over her shoulder.

"Knock it off, Yuu-chan," the girl beside her whispered back with a scolding tinge in her voice. Her bangs clumped and swayed in front of her eyes as they moved across the drying grass in front of the semi-decent, four-story building that served as a high school in uptown L.A.

As the girls walked through the doors and down the hall together, footsteps in sync, several groups of students stopped to stare and snicker at the duo. Natasha could help but feel self-conscious, absently running a hand through her hair.

She glanced down at her attire with pity. Her clothes- which were semi-gothic- stuck out and away from her friend's name-brand jeans and throw over beside her. Natasha had a thing for black. Well...that, and anime. Well... one anime in particular. Naruto. Best. Anime. Ever.

Natasha sighed, then looked at her clothes again; black, baggy cargo pants, a dark red, loose t-shirt, with the Akatsuki cloud in white with black trim on the front, a Jashinist necklace, orange swirl drop earrings, and dark red converse. She also wore black, fingerless gloves with petal plates on the top of the hand with a slashed out Iwa symbol.

All-in-all, Natasha looked like an Akatsuki fan girl, which she was, but she'd skin anyone who dared to call her one. For one, the word "Kya~" annoyed her to no end.

Natasha blew out a puff of breath as they passed another classroom with reflective windows, and she finally pinpointed everyone's unneeded, and unwanted, attention. Even after three years at this school, whitish silver hair was uncommon, and frowned upon in society. After her first day she was accused of dyeing it. It took three weeks after to convince everyone that it was a very uncommon natural color.

She unconsciously ran a hand over the back of her neck and fingered the dog-tag metal on her lacy black choker, a slashed out Rain symbol in an Akatsuki cloud shape piece. (As anyone reading this can see, Natasha is a very devoted Akatsuki fan)

Natasha took a deep breath and opened her class-room door, pointedly ignoring the constant cat-calls and insults alike, as she walked briskly to her seat in the far back seat by the window. Giving her a clear view outside from their third-story perch.

"Hey Ugly!" one of the popular girls, Vanessa, called from her front-row seat, "You finally found some decent clothes," she paused as if realizing something dramatically, then continued, "Oh! Wait! Those came from the garbage!"

Natasha, still sighing, knew that it wasn't even half as indecent as her most recent insults. The only reason that any of the girls toned it down was because Joey Stickler was in the room.

Natasha pulled out the required textbook for that class, preparing to go over her set of finely detailed notes, just as a crumpled up ball of paper landed on her desk with a scuff. Natasha glared at it lightly, calming her hot-headed temper, and silently prayed to Jashin that it wasn't Joey. Jashin didn't hear her, she supposed... Maybe Kami-sama might give a damn next time...

Hey cutie,

My offer still stands.

So when should I pick you up?


Joey, the biggest flirt in the entire school, most famous jock in all of the school's history, and the most pompous person on the planet (in Nata's opinion) had asked her out 37- now 38- times, just from the start of senior year. Ugh. Natasha knew it was a death wish to even be within speaking distance of Joey, the threat being the Joey Fan club. First of all, he was a playboy. Second off, every single girl in the high school, and some from the grade school- save her close friends- were infatuated with him.

Natasha gagged mentally, and silently wondered what was found appealing of him. She scrunched up her nose in distaste as she pictured an image of her on a date with any of the jackasses called boys in the hell they called school.

No, she supposed slowly, she didn't need to insult the underworld like that... OR jackasses, for that matter... It was an uncalled for insult towards Hades and the jackasses she knew... However, that didn't keep her from tearing the note into minuscule shreds, before tossing them to the ground, not really caring about what it looked like to other people.

Kami-sama... Jashin-sama... Pein-dono... Please let this day end soon...

Wolfy: *slumps at desk in depression* What if they don't like it?

Deidara: Aww~ *pats Wolfy's back gently* It's okay, hmm. I'm sure they'll review it for you...

Wolfy: *peaks up with puppy-dog eyes* You really think so, Dei-Dei?

Deidara: *smiles* Hai! If they don't- *glares darkly at the hidden camera* They will be introduced to true art...


Deidara: ...

Wolfy: Fuuuuu- AHH! Deidara! You're in charge! *rushing around to find car keys that always seem to get up to walk away on their own* Don't blow anything up! And keep Tobi OUT of the sugar cabinet!

Kisame&Itachi: *still tied up in naughty-corner* WHAT ABOUT US?!

Deidara: ((^-\/)) *whistles while walking away spinning kunai around his fingers*