Disclaimer:I don't own Mortal kombat

Erron knocked before entering his employer bedchamber. He saw Kotal standing outside on the balcony looking out at the world below. Erron stepped out on the balcony and stood next to Kotal who merely glanced at him.

"You wanted to see me?" Erron says. He was in the middle of something when Ermac showed up in his room telling him that the emperor needed to see him. Not like he was really doing anything of importance, just talking to Jacqui on a cellphone she had given him so they could keep in contact with each other.

"I have a task for you." Kotal began to say. "I'm afraid our youngest ally is a bit naive when it comes to certain things."

"Who exactly?" Erron pretty much had an idea of the person Kotal was referring to but he had to be sure. Kotal turned to him with a serious look on his face.

"I want you to talk to Ferra."


"Reproduction." Kotal bluntly says, his expression unchanged. Erron eyebrows knitted together, his jaw went slack behind his mask as he looked at his Emperor with wide blue eyes.

"You want me to give Ferra the talk?"

"I believe that's exactly what I want you to do." Kotal crossed his arms over his chest. "She is getting to that age where her curiousity can get the best of her, I want to make sure she's well informed so as to avoid incidents in the near future."

"I don't think I'm the right person for this job." Erron says.

"I believe you are." Kotal stated. "I expect for you to talk to her soon."

"You want me to give Torr the talk as well." Erron frowned behind his mask.

"If you must." Kotal waved his right hand at Erron signaling him to leave.

Erron gritted his teeth as he walked down the palace steps, a million thoughts going through his head on how he was going to give a 17 year old homicidal girl the talk. He would rather track down Kano and cut off his beard than do this. He reached the third bottom step and looked around, easily spotting the hulking form of Torr sitting under a tree. Ferra was sitting next to him drinking something from a silver cup. Swallowing his pride Erron walked down the last of the steps and heads in there direction.

"Ferra...Torr." Erron greeted them as he got within a foot distance.

"Big bossy need we?" Ferra says referring to herself in Torr.

"No he doesn't." Erron grabbed his gun belt and let out a deep sigh, here goes nothing. "Ferra do you know where babies come from?"

"Mommies." Ferra replied.

"Correct." Erron nods, this probably wouldn't be as bad as he thought. "Do you know how there made?"

"Mommies make babies." Ferra frowned at him, that was kind of the same question. "Why bang bang ask questions?" she says with a tilt of her head. Torr red eye stared directly at Erron, also wondering the same thing. Erron rolled his shoulders trying to think of what he should say next.

"Alright listen, I'm only going to say this once, got it." Erron removed his hat and scratched the back of his head before placing it back. "Babies are made when a girl and boy do something called sex which is..." Erron still couldn't believe he was doing this. He would have to make sure Kotal paid him double for this. "It's something they do in private and with someone they like...umm the guy sticks his thing in between the girl legs and a couple months later." on the inside Erron was cursing the hell out of Kotal, imagining that he was unloading a full round of bullets into Kotal skull at the same time. " A baby comes out." he looks at Ferra who was giving him a strange look. "Your still young so you shouldn't worry about it so when a guy or girl for that matter ask you for sex...stick Torr on them." he says motioning the beast who grumbled something he clearly didn't understand.

"Ferra already knows that." Ferra said out loud. Erron took a step back in surprise.

"Really, who told you about it?" Erron was curious now.

"Pretty boy told Ferra and then I told Torr." Ferra said with a creepy smile. Erron right fingers twitched as he tried his best not to curse out loud. He took a deep breath trying to calm down.

"What else did he tell you?" Erron asked.

"Pretty boy says the rest is secret." Ferra stood up and stretched. She had gotten taller and more developed over the year. She was practically turning into a women. Erron grabs something out of his small satchel, a portal amulet. He mumbled something under his breath and the amulet glows. A Purple/black portal appears behind him. "Bang bang mad at Ferra?"

"No bang bang is about to go shoot shoot." Erron turned on his heel and stepped through the portal. He stepped out a minute later, in the middle of Special forces base. A group of soldiers that were nearby stopped what they were doing as soon as they saw the portal appear. When they saw Erron step out they lowered their guns and went back to their previous routine.

"You didn't tell me you were coming."Jacqui says as she walked up to Erron. She noticed the pissed look in his eyes and felt a sense of dread. "What's Wrong?" she asked him.

"Where's Takeda?" Erron looked around the base hoping to spot the tech boy.

"He's in his room taking a nap, why did you need something from him?"

"Take me to him, right now." Erron said in a serious tone. Jacqui was hesitant at first, not sure if she should do that. She held out her right hand with the palm face up. Erron looks down at her hand and unstraps his gun belt placing it in Jacqui palm.

"Can you put this in my office, thank you." Jacqui says as she hands the gun belt to a random soldier. She than grabs Erron elbow taking him to the barracks. Jacqui used a key card to open the steel door and stepped inside with Erron. It was a long hallway with doors on each side. Jacqui walked ahead of Erron. She stopped in front of one of the doors with Takeda name plate on it. Under it was a drawing of the Shirai Ryu symbol. Jacqui turned to Erron who was waiting for her to knock. "You mind telling me what's going on first?"

"Just want to talk, that's all." Erron said with a wink. Jacqui glared up at him but lets it slide. She turned back around and knocks on the door three times.

"Come in." Takeda called out, his voice was barely heard. Jacqui slid her keycard and the metal door slides open. They entered the small room which could be compared to Gamer dream room. Takeda was laying in his bed wearing nothing but his black pants. Rock music was blasting from his laptop he had sitting on a shelf over his bed. "What's up?" Takeda sat up swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He looks at Jacqui than at Erron. "Oh..." Takeda face went pale as he immediately sensed Erron foul mood.

"Say Beautiful, you mind giving us a minute?" Erron says to Jacqui.

"Okay, I'll be back in five." Jacqui says leaving out of the room, the door sliding closed behind her. Takeda stood to his feet but wasn't quick enough as Erron gave him a right hook to the jaw knocking him back on the bed. He choked as Erron hands wrapped around his neck and a knee jabbed into his abdomen pinning him down.

"I swear...*choke*...I didn't do anything." Takeda gagged as he tried to loosen the grip on his neck.

"What the fuck were you thinking boy, she's only 17 and dumb as a rock." Erron growled at him . He lifted Takeda up by his neck and slammed him against the door. "How much did you tell her?"

"I just..told her the...basics...ack let go." Takeda gasped as Erron lets him go. He rubbed his neck, a red hand print appearing on his skin. "Hey she asked me...I mean she had to find out some way right." he coughed out. Erron clenched his fist at his side's, wishing he had his revolver. "Hey I'll keep my distance if that's what you want, no problem."

"Yeah, you do that." Erron shoved Takeda aside and literally punched the button to open the door. He stepped out into the hallway to see Jacqui waiting for him. The look she was giving him meant he was in trouble. "It's just a talk."

Author notes

It's just for fun, remember that. If you enjoyed it please leave a review. And feel free to P.M. Me with any request. =)