Chapter 6.

I had gone to bed that night, and had put the album into my bag… I was keeping it as a good luck charm so that Maka would wake up.. "That's right!" I pulled over a black shirt and my sweatshirt. I walked to the kitchen, and I saw that there was a stain on the carpet. "Awww man!" I cried as I remembered that I spilled my soup when I was running to my room after reading the letter. The carpet was white and the soup was yellow..

"Maka's going to kill me…" I looked down when I said that..

"But I think technically, I've killed her…. It's my fault that she got hurt…." I grabbed a towel and draped it over the stain.. I hated cleaning. I ate my food, and then left in a hurry. As I was walking to school, I stopped by Dr. Stein's office.

"Hello?" I walk in slowly. The door creaked open and it made a high pitched screech. "EEEEEEEEEEEEHHH!"

I duck my head because it was so loud… As I walk in, the room is filled with experimental tubes, green acid oozing out of a glass cup, and a purple substance sticking to the ceiling. "Ew…"

I shiver at all of the icky stuff in his office. "Dr. Stein are you in there?" I called through the hallways.

There was no answer, as if the house was holding it's breathe… I walked further into the hallway. "Dang, where is the light?" I fumble around the wall to see if there was a switch. No switch… "Ugh…"

Suddenly I trip over something, landing face first into the cold floor. "The heck was that?" I sit up, and I see a little box. "WHO LEAVES BOXES IN THE MIDDLE OF A HALLWAY WHEN THERE NO LIGHT!" I had enough of this… I grab the wall, trying to find the exit, but suddenly the box opens and a red light flashes on it. "Huh?"

"Intruder alert, intruder alert, intruder alert." The box transforms into a machine with two guns on it's back, pointing towards me.

"W-w-wait, I didn't mean to-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Suddenly they start firing at me. HOLY SHIT!"

I race down the hallway and then I take a right, the machine keeps going forward and couldn't find me. "What the heck? What does Stein have in there that need security?" I look around to see if it was around the corner. "Check!"

I dash to a small speck of light, that faded darker to brighter. "Finally I'm outside!"

"Intruder alert, intruder alert, intruder al-" The machine didn't follow me outside, instead it went back to where it was before.

My heart was racing so fast… "I'll ask Stein when I get to school…"

I got to school, and I head straight to the nurses office, but it's locked. The surgery was still going on.. "Still?" I wail. I knock on the door. No answer.. It seems like there's never been an answer when I knock.

I knock one more time, this time harder. No answer. I knock a second time. "OMG IS THERE ANYONE IN THERE!?" I kick the door, and as soon as I kick the door, Stein comes out with a chair.

"SHUT UP!" He slams me with the chair and I go flying…


The next day I came to the office, and I knock on the door. This time Spirit (Maka's dad) came out. "Looking for Stein?" Spirit points down the hall. "In the cafeteria."

I walk to the cafeteria and scan the room, then I saw him.. "Oh Soul, sit down.." Stein waves a hand at me.

"Uhhhh…" I step back. "Are you going to hit me with another chair?"

"No, no.." He gestures to the seat, and I pull the chair out. It made a loud and long creak.

"Soooo, what was the robot doing in your house?" I ask.

"Oh… You mean Ace?" He sips his coffee.


"Well, Ace was only doing its job of protecting the hallway…" He spits his coffee out. "WAIT, DID YOU GO INTO MY HOUSE?"

"No duhhh Sherlock…" I fold my arms.

"Well, actually you set off the system that guards my research…" Stein starts cleaning up his large coffee mess. "Some of the files had to do with Maka…"

"Why Maka?" I question.

"First of all, while I was doing my surgery on Maka, I learned the fact that not only can she preform a high level of resonance that can allow her to be compatible with anyone, but her wound severed her connections to ever soul resonance again."

"So she can no longer be my meister?"

"I'm sorry…" Stein folded his hands.. "She can still be your meister, but she cannot perform another witch hunter ever…"

"Is she going to be ok? Did the surgery turn out to be a success?" I stood up and starting get shaky. My fingers trembled because was so worried..

"I-I-I have to see her." I stand up and run to the nurse office. Tears slipped down, I was so worried.

"MAKA!" I burst through the door, and she's asleep. I walk over to her bed, and I sit next to her.

She cringes her eyes, and opens her wide, green eyes. "Soul? Why are you crying?" She touches my cheek with her hand.

"I'm so sorry, for blowing up on you. I'm so sorry that you got hurt. It w-w-was wrong of me to be so possessive of you…. It's Ok if you leave me, for Hinata…" I use my sleeve to wipe away my tears but they kept on falling down my cheeks. "I can already see that I'm not worthy for you… You got hurt because of me.."

I cringed my hands and closed my eyes.. Maka sits up and hugs me so tight, "It's my fault too… It's not your fault that I got hurt…"

"But it is-"

Maka stopped hugging me and grabs a book on the side table. She hits me on the head with the book. Classic Maka. "The Soul I love wouldn't worry this much!"

"L-l-love?" My eyes widen.

"Oh, did I say love? Opps! I guess you know now!" She smiles at me big.

"But I thought you liked Hinata?"

"Bakaaaaaa! How could I ever like him.. And how could I ever leave you?" She comes closer to me.

"I-I-I don't know…." I turn away because she's right at my face. I blush a rose red.

She pecks me on the lips.

"It's because you're the best partner in the slaying business!"

OMG I finally finished the story! I know this was kinda short though… Sorry… And I am EXTREMELY sorry that it came out so late, even as I am typing this I am coughing so much… Ya I was sick, and I missed school, so when I went to school today I had like so many things to do and make up, it was unbelievable… We only have like 2 weeks of school left so it's a HUGE DEAL that we get all our missing assignments and work turned in…. Thank you so much for the people who have supported me through this, you don't know how happy I am that I actually FINISHED a fanfiction! Normally I get bored and just drop it… BUT NOT THIS ONE! It was soooo fun writing this story, and I hope that all of you will read my other fanfictions that I make in the future! DARKCRISIS OUT! ;)