I sat in the middle of my bed, thinking through it all over and over again, seeing the signs that I'd missed before. I'd been sitting up here for maybe an hour, wondering just how I got myself mixed into this. I mean, seven vampires, seven! What's more, I was worried about what Yui had said. I take it she had experience with this situation. Persistent vampires. I wanted to laugh. But no, now wasn't the time to be freaking out.

I breathed in deeply, coaching myself to calm down. I could deal with this. But the same problem as before came up.

I had nowhere to go, no one to run back to. I wouldn't be able to fend them off forever if they really wanted my blood that bad. I reached up and touched my completely exposed neck. I really wished I hadn't cut my hair so short. But there wasn't anything I could do about it now. I clutched my knees to my chest, really glad there was no one around. I'm almost certain if they saw me like this, they'd jump on me.

I shivered at the thought. Those Twilight girls were absolutely insane, in my opinion, and here I was, living their dream. What a nightmare.

"Well then," I jumped at the voice, my guard immediately snapping up. "Looks like you weren't as tired as you claimed." It was Laito. I guess he snuck past Yui. I immediately leapt off the bed and raised my fists.

"Back off before I knock those fangs out of your mouth." I threatened, but my voice had broken and it felt like my heart had climbed up to my throat. He giggled and spread himself out on my bed, staring at me with those emerald eyes of his.

"You really are a feisty one aren't you, clumsy bitch?" Clumsy Bitch? Don't tell me he's found a nickname for me. In the blink of an eye he was a few inches from my face. I didn't have enough time to react before he grabbed my wrists in one hand, pinned me to the floor and held my chin in his other hand. "It'll just be that much more satisfying when you finally break." He giggled. I struggled as he lowered his head. Damn it, I thought, he's too strong! "And your aroma is just too tempting to resist." His lips were just inches from my neck and he caressed it with his cheek. I could feel his smile grow wider.

I both heard and felt his teeth puncture the flesh at the place where my neck and shoulder met. His fangs seared my skin, to the point where I cried out in pain. He laughed gleefully in the back of his throat. I could feel the liquid being drawn from my neck forcefully. My skin burned hotter as his teeth sunk deeper and I could hear him suckling on my neck. I turned my head, trying to pry myself away from him as my hands pushed on his chest.

I felt his lips leave my throat and his shining, emerald eyes met mine.

"I love the flavor of blood, so hot and thick. Simply delectable. Yours is so sweet, with a rich taste to it. Not as good as Yui's, but it carries its own exquisite quality." He licked his lips and lowered his head to lap at his bite mark. I struggled to get away from him, but he delved his sharp teeth back into my neck, pushing them deeper than before. I heard every swallow he made, felt every suck he so hungrily took. I tried to push him away, but it was no use. I could feel my arms losing the strength to fight the longer I laid there, slowly having the life drained out of me. My vision began to blur and my eyelids grew heavy. Was this how I'd die?

"Laito!" The red head released my neck once again and looked up, but only slightly. "Leave her be." That was Yui's voice. Laito pouted.

"You want to join in the fun, Little Bitch?" He asked in a husky tone. Through the haze of my mind, I couldn't register what he'd just called her. Just that I was exhausted and he was still pinning me to the floor.

"No, I would like you to get out. Now please." Yui commanded.

For a moment, I was worried he wouldn't listen to her. But then he got off me.

"I've had my fill anyways." He said, wiping my blood from his chin and licking it from his thumb. He walked past Yui and out the door. I gathered what strength I could and slowly sat up as he closed it, my head swimming. Yui kneeled next to me.

"Are you alright?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I'm fine…" I panted, shaking the haze from my head. When I leaned on my hands they felt uncomfortably sore and I winced. "I'll be alright." I amended. Yui gave me a sympathetic look and helped me up.

"As I said, there isn't much I can do about them." Yui admitted with an apologetic smile. I thought about what had happened. I felt so weak in that moment and worried about the last six of them.

"What about you? Don't you eat?" I didn't mean to say that out loud, and as soon as the words left my mouth I wished they hadn't. She stared at me with some surprise. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that!" I exclaimed tiredly. I'm not really sure I wanted to know. She laughed lightly.

"Don't be so worried. I'm not entirely sure why, but a girls blood doesn't particularly appeal to me." She said and I nearly paled.

"I take it that means you sometimes bring boys over?" Again, me and my big mouth, asking the questions I really didn't want to know.

"No, I'm pretty sure Ayato, Laito and Kanato would all throw fits if I did. And before you ask, we don't just feed on human blood." I silently thanked that she had beat me to the punch, but grew ever more confused. "Though we can eat normal food, other vampires are just as good a source as any, it would seem." I shivered internally. For some reason, it seemed somehow wrong. She took one look at my face and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, too much information?" She asked. I nodded.

"A bit." She laughed, another apologetic smile on her face.

"Oh! Before I forget." She reached behind her and picked something up off the dresser. I hadn't noticed her put anything down in the first place. "This was the whole reason I came to check on you, here." She put it in my hand. I looked down, curious to see a box of cranberry juice. "Reiji says it—"

"Strengthens the blood flow, right? So it replenishes faster." She nodded.

"They made me drink it daily when I first got here. I mean, before…" She trailed off, but I didn't need her to say any more.

"Thank you." I didn't like the thought that it was just to keep a fresh food supply from running short, but I knew she was genuinely concerned somehow. I gave her a light smile.

"You're welcome." She said and stood up. "If you yourself get hungry, call for me. I'll hear you." She said and left, closing the door behind her. I stood there, feeling absolutely helpless. I didn't like this feeling, I never did. Ever since I first entered the foster system. And now, here I was, the same as ten years ago, just a helpless child. I had to pull myself together soon. Otherwise, I may as well just let them drink me dry. The thought alone made me sick.

I shook my head and smacked my face before inhaling a calming breath. Those vampires may be stronger than me, but If I play my cards right, I can easily outwit them, I thought as I put the straw in my juice and began to sip from the box.

Suddenly I remembered a tall man walking out a white household door and chuckled to myself. I really was turning out like him, wasn't I? Or was this perhaps the situation my mother would have found herself in? I always had wondered.

Feeling as though there was nothing for me to do, I thought I'd look around my room a bit. The royal blue carpet kind of gave it an almost warm feeling in the evening glow. Along the furthest wall from the door was a window. Cushions lined the window sill to create a makeshift couch so you could sit under the site from outside. Most of the furniture and walls were white, save for the bed post, which was a lacquered dark wood. The curtains hanging from it were the same color as the carpet and curtains that hung by the windows, matched with the decorative sheets laid out on the bed.

One of the described pieces of furniture was a small white dresser and sat at the foot of my bed, my suitcase sitting right beside it. Across from there looked to be a wardrobe. Curious, I moved towards it and pulled the cupboard open. I saw school uniforms similar to Yui's, the same school crest that was on all the vampire's jackets. I sighed. I really shouldn't have expected that I could skip out on school just because I'd moved to a new house.

I wondered when my first day was, and if I would have to share a class with one of the more beastly brothers. Shu or Subaru I wouldn't really mind. They didn't seem to have much interest in me. But Laito, I wasn't sure I'd last an hour. I shivered at just the thought of it.

I closed the wardrobe and turned back to my empty room. My eyes landed on my suitcase again. You'd expect I'd be thinking of my escape, but that was the last thing on my mind. Even if it was a place with monsters that yearned to kill me, it was somewhere I was welcomed for once. It felt refreshing. So, God help me, I decided I should probably unpack the little luggage I had.

Setting the case down on my mattress, I opened it and started laying things out on my bed. Clothes off to the side closest to the dresser, toiletries behind my case and miscellaneous on the opposite side of the clothes. My sketch book and art book went there, as did my iPod. Then I came across a frame. Tenderly, I picked it up and stared, taking in the familiar picture as if it were new in my eyes.

It showed a tall man with short, dark hair and a strong jaw, a slight stubble noticeable through the glass pane. He stood behind a young girl, his large hand resting gently on the six year olds shoulder. My shoulder. I recognized my long, brown hair that was pulled into a side braid, the pink dress that reached below my knees and the bright smile on my face. It was sunny the day this picture was taken, judging by the window that sat behind the two in the picture. A moment long lost suspended in time, frozen.

Instead of setting it in the miscellaneous pile I gently stood it on the nightstand to the left of my bed before returning to my bag.

By the time I was finished putting everything away, the sun had sunk so low it turned the sky a bright yellow. My exhaustion was finally overwhelming me and I climbed in my bed. I knew that they could enter my room at any time and I wouldn't be able to defend myself, but I managed to drift into my dreams without much effort.

I was roused not long after by Yui as she gently shook my shoulder.

"Ryan, please wake up." She asked. I rubbed my eye and sat up.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You need to get ready." She said. I tilted my head.

"What for?"

"We're going to school." She told me. I furrowed my brow and looked out the window. Surely it couldn't be morning already.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Ten in the evening," She replied. "Time for Night school." I groaned. Of course, night school. Why should I be surprised? I didn't bother replying and went to the dresser to fetch a uniform. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Oi, Chichinashi, you in there?" Chi-chi-nashi? There was something I hadn't heard before. But the syllables sounded familiar. Whatever it meant, Yui's face turned bright red.

"I thought I asked you not to call me that!" She exclaimed quietly. "Ryan's getting ready, don't come in!" She called back. Whoever was behind the door scoffed.

"Whatever, just hurry." Was that Ayato? It was hard to tell. And why would he bother knocking instead of inviting himself in like Laito seems to like to do? I shook my head.

I'd never get used to this house. Would I?

A/N: Why does this feel like an awful chapter? Maybe because it's difficult to write fanfiction for this fandom? I don't know, did I do okay? If not, I promise it'll get better! … I hope. X_X