This is my first story...Hope you like it.
Note: There may be a bit of language. You have been warned!
Also...this story has an OC...
A small child was sitting under a tree as the day went by. Her father went to find dinner and told her to wait under the tree. The child eventually fell asleep.
When she woke up she thought she could hear footsteps and opened her eyes. She found herself faced with a white-haired man who smirked down at her. The girl went wide-eyed.
"Hey there. You're awake. Good."
The man laughed which made the child twinge.
"Hidan you're going to scare her off then we're going to have to actually catch her."
A man said behind the man named Hidan. This man had blond hair that covered one eye.
Hidan sighed and stood up.
"If you're so good at these things then you capture her!"
Hidan yelled at his partner. This gave the child the opportunity to make a run for it. But she didn't get far when she bumped into another cloud-coated member. The child fell back and saw this member. He had black hair and what looked like red eyes that stared her down. His expression didn't change.
Then came a few more. Four to be exact. The child was surrounded and panicked. Sand surrounded her and locked her tight in a small ball. She was safe. For now...
One of them sighed then broke her sphere of solitude as she then landed on the ground. The menacing men stared down at her. The girl was afraid.
She yelled then was hushed by a hand. The hand seemed to lead back to the black haired man who then stared at her with his red eyes. Her world went dark...then nothing...
"She was WHAT?!" Tsunade yelled at an ANBU who gave her the message about the small child being kidnapped by Akatsuki. Lady Tsunade sighed.
"Shizune! Asemble this team! And find the child!"
She yelled as she wrote down the members of her team.
Shizune left and the ANBU vanished. Tsunade sighed.
"Of all the people?...why her?"
She asked herself.
The child wavered as she woke up. She moaned as her eyes fluttered open but was then faced with the blond man. She felt tired but then squirmed.
"Woa woa woa there kid. Do you wanna fall on the ground?"
The blond placed his hand on her cheek and made her twitch and stop moving. She realized they were stopped at some shop out in the woods.
"Wanna see a trick?" He asked as he reached his hand into his pouch. The child heard something munch on something in the pouch. As she stared at it, she wondered what was chewing on what in that bag. Deidara brought his hand out of the bag and the child saw a mouth on the hand and was totally wide-eyed but then saw the mouth-hand mold a bird and her face lit up.
"A birdy! Its a birdie!"
She smiled and was given the clay bird. "Tank you sir." She thanked and then saw the white haired man walk over to them.
"You never told us your name kid. Mine's Deidara and that's Hidan. Over there is Sasori and...somewhere around here is Itachi and Kakazu...and inside in Tobi"
Deidara said, telling the child their names as she tried to remember them.
She then smiled. "its Kaiten but my daddy calls me kitty..."
She smiled as then Hidan laughed.
"Kaiten...Hahahahah! That sounds like a strippers name...Hahahahaha!"
Hidan laughed as Kitty looked confused.
"Stripper?...what is that?"
She asked him and Hidan stopped laughing. "You'll learn when you're older kid. Why don't we call you "Kit" for short?...Speaking of age...How old are you?" Deidara asked Kit.
Kit counted with her fingers and held up 6 fingers. "I'm seven!" She said. Deidara made an unimpressed look and said "Don't you mean six?..."
Kit thought then nodded. The two sighed.
The rescue team of, Ino, Shikamaru, Naruto, and Kakashi found a clue on where the Akatsuki took Kit...
(more to come...)