"I can't...I can't do this anymore." Sammy said softly. "I can't do this." Sammy stared at the dirt beneath her, her eyes watering up again. Was there any point in her going on? They don't need her, she would only get in the way and ruin everything if she tried to help. Like always.

"Sammy!" JJ's voice seemed to be quiet to Sammy's ears. "Sammy, help!" Sammy's head snapped up when she heard the fear in JJ's voice. Her eyes went wide when she saw JJ crying and holding Michelle's body. "Sammy!" Sammy quickly leaped and wrapped her arms around Gwen's neck, preventing her from hitting JJ with the saxophone.

"You didn't...you didn't!" Sammy cried. "How fucking dare you!?" Sammy cursed when a dirt monster grabbed her from behind and yanked her away from Gwen, throwing her several yards away.

"They're all going to die Sammy!" Gwen screamed. "And it's all your fault!"

"Shut up!" Seth yelled and leaped off of a large rock, ready to slam Lauren into Gwen.

"You wish!" Gwen snapped the mouth piece of the saxophone off, a high-pitched screech filled the air and it made everyone fall over, hands on their ears. Seth glared up at Gwen and tried to get back up, but stopped when he saw himself staring down the barrel of a gun. "You should really keep an eye on these things." Gwen chuckled, taking a shot through Seth's forehead.

"Seth!" Lauren screamed.

"No!" Sammy scrambled to her feet and started running, a second shot taking Lauren down made her trip.

"Paul, no!" JJ yelled when Paul tried to attack Gwen and ended up with the same fate as Seth and Lauren.

"One more bullet Sam. Only one more friend will get a quick death. Gwen pointed the gun at Sammy. "Do you want your life to end, so you don't have to watch anyone else die because of you?" Sammy's stomach turned, feeling like she was going to throw up because of the harsh pain in her chest. Sheyla, Emma, Michelle, Seth, Lauren and Paul...all gone. "You gonna cry again!? Are you going to show how weak and pathetic you are again!? Crying won't bring them back, nothing will!" Gwen quickly moved her arm and fired the gun, hitting a running Max in the chest. "Looks like your death will be slow." Gwen said and dropped the now empty gun.

"They're dead!" JJ cried. "They're all dead!"

"No..." Sammy grabbed her head and curled up into a ball. "No...no...no..."

"I'm going to cut off your legs, bitch!" Rob screamed and slashed Haley towards Gwen. Gwen flipped the saxophone over and used it to block Rob's attack.

"Sammy..." A soft voice said in Sammy's ear.

"No...no...no..." Sammy continued muttering.

"JJ, get somewhere safe!" Fabian said, joining Rob in fighting Gwen.

"You're not safe without a weapon!" Tori added.

"Sammy, you're going to have to get up..." The voice said.

"I can't." Sammy whined. "I can't do anything right."

"Do not make me come out there and slap you!"

"Shey?" Sammy slowly uncurled from her ball, the voice now very familiar.

"Who did you think it was? Martin Freeman?" Sheyla's voice scoffed.

"But...you're dead."

"I'm here stupid." Sammy coughed when she felt a light punch on her chest. "Now, get yourself up and kick Gwen's ass."

"I can't. She's too strong."

"No, the witch just knows how to use her words. She knows that she can beat the life out of you and you'll get right back up, but if she hurts you mentally, you're doomed." Sheyla said.

"She killed you and Emma and Michelle and-"

"Stop it!" Sammy fell forward, the punch on her chest even stronger.

"Ow..." Sammy groaned and sat back up onto her knees.

"You're shaking." Gwen said softly as she walked up to Fabian.

"N-No I'm not." Fabian stuttered, holding Tori behind him and slowly backing up.

"Come here." Gwen chuckled and used a finger to gesture towards herself.

"Stay away from me!" Fabian screamed.

"Sam! Get up!" Sammy let out a shout when Black-Star suddenly ran up behind her and punched her in the back, his soul wavelength traveling through her body.

"What the fuck Black-Star!?" Vickii screeched before a blast of energy sent everyone flying back.

"What did you do!?" Kid demanded.

"I don't know!" Black-Star admitted.

"Oh my gosh!" Hope gasped. "You made Sammy's soul bigger!" She added.

"I what!?" Black-Star asked.

"That soul punch made Sammy's and Sheyla's souls spark together, she's really, really strong now!" Hope explained.

"Sam...Sam calm down!" Lance shouted when he noticed Sammy slowly getting up, eyes wide with anger. "It's okay Sam, we can bring them back!" Lance ran over to Sammy and grabbed her arm. "Sam, please!"

"No!" Sammy threw Lance aside before digging her nails into her wrist, clawing it open.

"Holy fucking hell man!" Jaxon cursed.

"I'm done with her! I am sick and tired of her shit!" The blood leaking out of Sammy's wrists hardened into spikes. "I don't care if we can bring them back. I do not want this bitch on this planet anymore!" Sammy snapped off a spike and threw it towards Gwen. Gwen jumped to the side to avoid the spike and ended up dropping the sax as she stumbled.

"Shit!" Gwen tried to reach for the instrument, but Rob was already behind her and slashed across the back of her knees before she could grab the saxophone.

"Told you I was cutting off your legs." Rob said harshly. Vickii took the moment and smashed Jaxon into Gwen's arm, shattering the bones.

"No...no..." Gwen started crawling away from the teens.

"Who's scared now?" Fabian asked before sweeping Tori across his chest, making Gwen fly several yards away and into a wall.

"You killed them..." Sammy snapped off another spike and walked towards Gwen. "You killed them and we are bringing them back...but I'm taking you out first."

"Like hell you are." Gwen put up her hand, a white light started to form on her palm. "Let me show you how powerful Emma's little memory spell can be!"

"No!" Lance started running towards the girls, but it was too late.

"Good-bye!" Gwen screamed before everything went bright and with that one last spell...they were no longer new kids.

Stay tuned for the third and final story of the New Kids trilogy; Finding New Kids.