Welcome back to the odd adventures of Sammy and her friends. Many of you really, really loved New Kids so I decided to make all of my readers and friends happy by creating a sequel. Enjoy another crazy story about these teens.
Sammy silently watched the scene below her, griping tightly to the rail she was sitting on. She took in a soft breath and prayed that the thing didn't break from underneath of her before she was ready.
"It's simple; we go to that club on a Friday night. People are desperate by last call and at least one drunk girl will go off with us and we'll take her pretty little soul for me to eat." The bigger of the two men said. He rubbed a small beard he had before laughing and patting his friend on the shoulder. The smaller man smiled and joined the man in laughing. Sammy rolled her eyes and adjusted her legs as she turned her arm into an axe blade.
"Night, night." She whispered before leaping off of the railing and landing on the larger man. She quickly flipped the man over and slit his throat, the blood splattering all over her jeans.
"What the fuck!" The smaller man cried.
"I suggest you run." Sammy said, pointing her arm at him. "Before I kill you next." The man screamed and ran off, not knowing that Sammy's threat was an empty one. The man was an innocent soul that was only obeying the man who pretty much owned him. Sammy put her arm back down and smirked as she grabbed a bright red soul. She twirled it around her hand for a moment, knowing that when she ate it, it would help her own red soul. Sammy sighed, not liking the fact she was going to have to eat a lot more kishin-egg souls before she would become a Death Scythe. She looked down at the red blood on her pants and remembered how Stein said that the black blood in her veins were now forever a part of her. Sammy shrugged and swallowed the soul, she would just have to suck it up and get over it.
JJ, Michelle, Paul, Hope and Sheyla stood in front of a candy shop, all of them unsure of the mission they had been assigned.
"Can I get a chocolate bar?" Hope asked.
"We're on a mission." Sheyla stated and walked into the shop. "Keep a look out for a kishin soul." She said to Hope.
"Chocolate!" JJ and Hope said together and ran off.
"The store's empty." Paul said.
"It's really quiet too." Michelle added.
"I just wanna go home and watch Sherlock." Sheyla sighed. "I don't get paid enough for this."
"We don't get paid at all Sheyla." JJ said: a handful of candies in his arms.
"Don't we though? I mean, we get a card to buy food." Hope pulled a black and white card out of her pocket.
"We have a limited amount and you're not wasting it on chocolates. We have candy at home." Sheyla took the candies away from Hope and JJ and put it back.
"But mom." The younger teens whined.
"May I help you?" A small woman asked as she approached the teens.
"Sheyla." Hope tugged on Sheyla's sleeve. "She has a red soul." The teens all scrambled back in shock when the woman's face stretched out and she screeched at them. Paul and Michelle quickly turned into weapons while Hope grabbed a broomstick that was leaning against a wall near-by.
"I really need to get a weapon." Hope said, holding the broomstick in front of her. JJ ran around the woman while Sheyla attacked her from the front. The woman caught Paul and was unable to prevent JJ from smashing Michelle into her back. Hope ran over and started smacking the woman's face with the broom stick. Sheyla let out a yell and yanked Paul out of the woman's hand before stabbing her in the chest with the spikes on the bat. JJ threw Michelle back and slammed the ball and chain into the woman's head, killing her.
"You got the killing blow." Sheyla stated. "The soul's yours."
"What number does that makes us?" Michelle asked, softly grabbing the red soul.
"We're at five." JJ said. "It's going to take us forever to make you a Death Scythe."
"How do you think Sammy feels?" Paul asked. "She has to get three times as many souls as the rest of us."
"And she gets three times more the missions because of her blood." JJ complained.
"Would you like to suffer with black blood for the rest of your life?" Hope asked. "She could go mad and kill herself any day."
"Not as long as we're with her." Sheyla said. "She's not allowed leaving us."
Fabian let out a soft yelp as his feet scrambled to get him up on the roof, Tori was in weapon form and tied to his back and was laughing at him.
"It was a four foot jump, Fabian." Vickii rolled her eyes.
"I slipped." Fabian protested.
"Come on guys, it's a new episode of The Walking Dead tonight and I don't wanna miss it." Jaxon stated.
"We have two targets, right?" Tori asked. "One for each?"
"If you can kill one." Vickii winked.
"You and Jaxon already have ten souls." Fabian said.
"It's not my fault you guys only have three." Vickii chuckled.
"It's not our fault that you always take the kill." Tori said. Fabian was about to say something when the building suddenly started shaking and everyone fell over.
"What was that!?" Tori asked. Tori's question was answered when the roof they were standing on was broken through by two large men, both with jaws that looked like they were broken and dangled with sickly green liquid dripping out of them.
"Oh, gross man." Jaxon said before turning into a war hammer and landing in Vickii's hands.
"You get the one on the left and I'll get the one on the right." Vickii said.
"Got it." Fabian took a step forward and threw Tori at the man while Vickii ran at the other man.
Tori turned into her human form and landed on the man, punching him several times in the face before using his chest as a launch pad and changed back into a fan. Fabian hopped up and grabbed Tori in the air, stabbing the blades into the man's throat. He pulled Tori back out and stabbed the fan into the man's face.
Vickii pushed Jaxon into the ground and jumped up, kicking the man in the chest and pushing him back. She flipped Jaxon back over and swung the hammer like a bat and smashed it into the man's side. Vickii twirled Jaxon over her head and threw the hammer down, crushing the man's head. Shattering the skull and killing him instantly.
"Looks like we do get one each this time." Vickii chuckled, setting Jaxon on the floor so he could return to human form.
"It's been two months and we've only gotten four souls." Tori sighed and swallowed one of the red souls.
"You should feel thankful that we've been allowed out on missions after all we've been through." Vickii said.
"But still, four missions in two months? Sammy's done four in a day before."
"Sammy's a different case." Jaxon said.
"She was a different case before the black blood." Fabian scoffed.
"That may be true, but I bet she wishes she was like the rest of us at the moment." Vickii said.
"Who wants to have to deal with madness at every waking moment?" Jaxon asked.
"How do you think she does it?" Tori asked.
"Because of us." Vickii answered.
Rob leaned back on the park bench, letting out an impatient sigh. Haley was sitting next to him and she was reading a book with her legs crossed.
"Why did you bring a book?" Seth asked.
"Why not bring a book?" Haley responded without looking up.
"She has a point." Lauren agreed.
"Wasn't our target supposed to be here an hour ago?" Rob asked, throwing his body forward and leaning his head against a hand that was resting on his leg.
"Do you really think kishin eggs have a sense of time?" Haley asked. "They can barely keep track of their own brains."
"I'm starting to get bored too." Lauren admitted, plopping down on the ground.
"Don't let your guard down; someone could attack at any moment." Seth said.
"We're the only ones in this park, who's going to attack, a bird?" Rob asked with heavy sarcasm.
"You never know." Seth said.
"You're suck an-" Rob's insult was interrupted by a kishin wanna-be grabbing his neck from behind.
"Oh shit!" Haley cursed and dropped her book. She quickly changed her arm into a sword, stood up on top of the bench and stabbed the attacker in his face.
"Th-thanks." Rob gasped.
"I told you." Seth stuck out his tongue.
"Look out!" Lauren shoved Seth out of the way and blocked a kishin wanna-be's attack with her shield arm. She hopped back and turned all the way into weapon form. Seth caught Lauren and lunged forward, shoving the sharp end of Lauren into the woman's stomach. The woman coughed up some dark blood before Seth removed Lauren and kicked the woman down, jumping on top of her and stabbing her in the heart with the shield.
"Soul number six." Seth chuckled as he released Lauren.
"Number eight for us." Haley bragged after swallowing the red soul from her kill.
"Oh shut up." Lauren rolled her eyes and grabbed the red soul floating in the air.
"What number is Sammy on?" Rob asked.
"I have no idea." Haley admitted.
"Sheyla has ten and I'm pretty sure Sammy has more than everyone." Seth stated.
"We'll ask her when we get back home." Lauren said. "I'm hungry."
"When aren't you?" Seth chuckled and pinched Lauren's cheek.
Lance walked calmly through the street of Witches Reach, looking for the man that fit the description of a kishin wanna-be killing innocent children for their souls. Lance sniffed the air as a familiar aroma filled his nose, he felt his heart ache as he remembered it was something his mother had made him when he was younger. Lance looked down at his hands and clenched them, hating the fact that people have been calling him a 'mama-killer' at school and he hated that Sammy would always confronted them, scaring the life out of them before he could. He couldn't complain though, having the scariest girl in school being your girlfriend came in handy sometimes. Lance stopped in front of the food cart that was selling the food he had smelled earlier and he ordered one. When he was grabbing his treat, he got a good look at the vendor.
"Kishin!" He yelled and threw the cart aside. The man screeched at him before jumping on top of Lance. A near-by woman screamed and grabbed her young son, getting him away from the fight. Lance ignored his jealousy of the little boy and pushed the kishin wanna-be off of him. Lance dodged several punches before transforming his arm and stabbing the man in the stomach, dragging his arm all the way up the man's body and through his head.
"Oh my God, you killed him!" A man shouted.
"DWMA." Lance stated, pulling out his I.D. "This man was a kishin egg kidnapping and killing children." He grabbed the soul that appeared out of the evaporating body. "You're welcome." He added before walking off, grabbing a treat from the cart and returning the DWMA to give his report and to meet the others at their favorite restaurant.
It had been two months after the Cynthia incident and everything was back to what they would refer to as 'normal'. It was Death City, nothing was really normal here. Lance took a bite out of his treat, licking the frosting off of his lips when he saw something run past him. He dropped his treat and went after the figure, not believing what he had just seen. His heart raced and he could feel it in his throat as he slowly got closer and closer to the figure. Lance followed the figure into an alley and stopped when he saw that it was gone. He stood there, breathing hard and his mind trying to make sense of what just happened.
"I must just be tired." He said to himself before he turned around and continued on his way back to the DWMA.