"And that is how England quite bravely defeated their opponents in this frightful war." Freddy Fazbear, the unofficial leader of the animatronics spoke.

Bonnie rolled his maroon eyes. "Really Freddy?" Bonnie was a purple bunny, and significantly shorter than his friends.

"Yes Bonnie! A true story showcasing the sheer bravery of the country I was manufactured in!" the bear declared proudly.

"Ugh." Bonnie slammed his head on the table. "That's that same corny story you've told us, like, 2,000 times already!"

"I know. I simply feel it is a wonderful thing to retell."

"Five times in one day." sighed Bonnie. "Give it a rest."

"Fine. Be that way!" snorted Freddy, turning away from the bunny.

"Listen Freddy. You get fixed, and what do you do? Tell us dumb stories about a place you've never been to?"

"I suppose for once you are correct. I should enjoy it, like Chica and Foxy are. I don't miss those awful toys, either!"

Freddy placed the top hat back on his head, and marched off to the Show Stage. Bonnie closely followed. I wonder how the others are doing. I mean, Freddy's pretty much mad now he's happier than before. I REMEMBER them now. We're all better! the bunny thought.

"Hi Bonnie!" Chica said, waving. She was inside Pirate Cove with Foxy, who was building a sandcastle. "Isn't it cool how Foxy's got his own special house with a sandpit?"

"It ain't that fun, lassie! It's 'ard fer me t'sleep in the sand. It might get into me gears."

Chica nodded, before beckoning Bonnie and Freddy. Bonnie raced towards the open curtains. "You know what else is great, Chica?"


"That they managed to fix up all of us and move us here in just 3 months! That and it's nearly Christmas! That's when we open!"

"Yeah, and that they chose us over those toys. Gave us the same names as them though."

"You gotta admit, Bunny Boy was a lame name for me." Bonnie replied, folding his arms.

"Hmm..." Chica mused. She was thinking about Foxy. She wondered if he even remembered Fredbear's Family Diner at all. After all, they used his memory chip for Toy Freddy, and had abolished Fredbear in this restaurant. Chica wondered where Fredbear was, and if he had his endoskeleton. It wasn't likely that someone like Endo would want to go inside Fredbear after all. Anyway, he was quite stinky. She was also wondering about Spring Bonnie, another golden coloured animatronic. Chica didn't see him very often because he had his own stage, and employees were allowed to wear him like a costume.

This lead Chica to another thought, a thought about the ghost inhabiting her suit. Said ghosts also inhabited the suits of her friends, and while they tended to keep quiet, they sometimes possessed her or her friends, making them have ghostly black eyes.

The ghost must've channelled Chica's thoughts, since it spoke. "I'll make a deal." it said.

"Go on." Chica replied.

"When this place opens, and the guards come in, we'll take over for the night. Give 'em a good fright."

"Fine, but nothing more than a fright. You're still little kids, remember?"

The ghost rolled its eyes. "OK. We'll leave the killing to our leader."

Chica nodded. "Good ghost. Now leave us alone for the day."

The ghost stuck its head back into Chica's chest and resumed what it was doing.

"A little conversation between you and your ghost?" Bonnie asked.

"Tiresome landlubber." Foxy mumbled.

"Get this: they're gonna help us scare the guards!"

"No killing?" asked Bonnie.

"No killing." confirmed Chica.

"Good. I do worry about them. They're a little... sadistic."

"Aye." Foxy agreed. "Mine tried t'kill Freddy's ghost. I told 'im 'e couldn't, but 'e didn't listen t'me."

"They think they can boss us around." Freddy called over from the Dining Area. He was drinking a cup of tea and spitting it straight back out again. "Just because their leader is out on an important mission."

"Well when he gets back, we're gonna tell on these guys big time." Chica smiled.

"Telling on a 13-year-old boy when we're at least 20 years old? I dunno." Bonnie argued.

"Don't count him as a kid anymore. He's not really like one. He's grown up. I mean, we live in a complicated world full of murder. He was murdered too. So he knows what it is and he has come to terms with it."

"Still, I find him annoying." Bonnie grumbled.

"Fine, just I'll go." Chica retorted.

The four now just had to play the waiting game.