I Need You

A/N: I thought this was a little different, so I decided to write it! Ok I'm making this up off the top of my head so bare with me!

Disclaimer: the characters except Joe belong to J.K. Rowling and the song "I need you" belongs to LeAnne Rimes.

Ok they are in their 7th year and this is a draco/hermione even though it may not seem like it at first. And I'm sorry if it's kind of disturbing.

~ I don't need a lot of things

I can get by with nothing

Of all the blessings life can bring

I've always needed something

But I've got all I want

When it comes to loving you

You're my only reason

You're my only truth

I need you like water

Like breath like rain

I need you like mercy

From heaven's gate

There's a freedom in your arms

That carries me through

I need you

You're the hope that moves me

To courage again

You're the love that rescues me

When the cold winds rage

And it's so amazing

Cause that's just how you are

And I can't turn back now

Cause you've brought me too far

I need you

Like water

Like breath like rain

I need you like mercy

From heaven's gate

There's a freedom in your arms

That carries me through

I need you

Oh yes I do

I need you

Like water

Like breath like rain

I need you like mercy

From heaven's gate

There's a freedom in your arms

That carries me through

I need you

Oh yes I do

I need you

I need you ~

Hermione ran into the bathroom, she was 2 weeks late on her period. She knew she was pregnant.

She knew who the father was too. Her stepdad Joe. He had been molesting her all summer. First it was just touching.

Then one night in late June he raped her. Hermione's father had died last summer then her mom met and married this creep.

Her mom didn't believe her either. But tomorrow she went back to Hogwarts. She couldn't wait.

"Oh 'Mione. Mommy's gone. It's time to plaaaaaaay." Said Joe from downstairs in a sing-song voice.

'Oh dear God please let him leave.' Hermione thought desperately.

Joe stormed into her room and threw her down on the bed.







Joe then punched her in her stomach repeatedly.


"FINE!! You're worthless anyway."

And with that he stormed out of the room. Hermione knew she had miscarried. There was no way a baby could have with standed that, hell she barley withstood it.

She woke up the next morning really early, wrote a note to her mom, and left for king's cross station 3 hours early.

She wore long black low rider flares, knee high lace up boots, a black tank top with "I'm afraid of being paranoid" on it, and a floor length black duster sweater.

She had to use spells to cover her bruises (I know they can't use magic out of hogwarts, but lets say incoming 7th years have that right.), make-up wasn't enough anymore

She was the only one there or so she thought. A silver-blonde haired boy saw her and followed her.

Draco had left early because his father started to go on a rampage again and Draco didn't want anything to do with it.

Hermione found a compartment near the back and laid down. Her stomach hurt like hell. Hermione couldn't believe the hell she had went through this summer.

Hermione drifted off to sleep. About 5 minutes later Draco came in and saw her asleep, but he noticed something on her stomach.

'What the hell. Are those bruises? Good lord she has so many.' Draco thought. He could tell a cover up spell was wearing off because more bruises were appearing.

Hermione woke with a scream. She had dreamt that Joe had come to Hogwarts and killed her.

She looked up and saw a worried looking malfoy there.

"What do you want dra- malfoy?"

"You have bruises all over you but mostly your stomach, what the hell happened?"

"Why do you care?"

"Just remember I'm not as cold as I seem."

And with that he left.

~~~~ Draco's POV~~~~

What the hell did I do that for. Argh I don't even like her.

You know what she's going through, you know she's been beaten and you have too. You're nice to anyone who shares your pain. A nagging voice in his head yelled.

~~~~Hermione's POV~~~~

Why did he do that. He has no idea what I went through.

And what does he mean 'I'm not as cold as I seem.' Ugh men are so confusing.

(no one's POV)

Hermione stayed in that compartment the entire ride. She was glad Harry and Ron didn't find her.

As the train stopped she stepped out and got into a supposedly empty carriage.

"So we meet again."

"Malfoy don't do that."

Hermione didn't feel like fighting. She looked out the window and almost fainted.

"Good God why won't he leave me alone. Make him leave. God why me?"

She saw Joe. Her nightmare had come true. Joe was a wizard. She knew that from day one.

But now he was working at Hogwarts. Lord help me she thought.

"Granger, what's up with you?"

"You wouldn't want to know."

She looked at him with pain filled eyes and he almost cracked. He held that pain in his eyes many times.

"You've been beaten haven't you? Don't lie. I can tell by the way you're acting it's true."

"Yes, my stedad, he's a wizard and he's working here now. Look." She said and pointed to a tall built man with black hair and green eyes.

"He looks like an older more built Potter."

"I know. Malfoy he got me pregnant." hermione just let it slip. She had to tell someone. And the look on Draco's face was shocking.

He actually looked worried.


"All those bruises you saw on my stomach, he punched me when I told him. I know I miscarried, I barley made it. I was coughing up blood for 3 hours."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"You are the only one who seemed to care. I need someone. I need someone who's gone through this too. I need you."

Draco sat in shock. Hermione needed him more than anything and he wasn't going to let her suffer. He was going to help her.


ok I know kinda disturbing. Ok I'm still making this up off the top of my head so yeah. Well I hope you liked it.

And yes I know Draco is very out of character. But I like him caring and fluffy. So HA!!!

Please review. And constructive criticism is welcome.

And check out my other story (not finished) In A New Light. It's a D/Hr romance!!

Well I'll update soon hopefully!!!

