Virgil sat on his bed turning the compass around in his hands thinking about the ordeal in London yesterday to their Pacific clock, he could've tried harder to rescue that girl in the crane without getting upset, he hated being so sensitive. With a sigh he tossed the compass onto the sheets in front of him and lay back on his pillow, the arrow pointed to the door and someone knocked.
"Virg? Can I come in?" It was Scott.
Scott walked in and immediately noticed the compass on the bed "cool compass, when did you get this?" He picked it up and looked at it.
"Grandma gave it to me" Virgil sat up "it belonged to Grandpa. Grandma told me that if ever I felt lost again, the compass would lead me straight."
Scott sat down on the bed "Lost?" How were you lost?"
Virgil looked up at his brother from under his eyelashes "I was lost in confidence."
Scott's eyes widened "in confidence? But Virg, you're the strongest out of all of us, especially in confidence. We heard that in your transmission."
Virgil shook his head sadly "that was after my breakdown, I didn't have access to any gear and there was nothing I could do to save anyone."
"Oh Virgil. It was a power cut, you weren't expected to be able to perform a rescue properly" Scott said sorrowfully.
"I didn't try hard enough Scott, and I should've" Virgil hid his face in his hands leaving his brother speechless.
Scott leant forwards and placed his hand on Virgil's shoulder "sometimes Virgil, we can only do our best, no-one died and you rescued that girl in the end. Virgil, look at me?" Tear filled brown eyes met his "you are not weak alright?"
Virgil smiled as tears fell down his cheeks "I'm not?"
"But what would've you done in that situation?" Virgil dried his eyes.
"Probably the same as you. Lost my temper and then try to find a solution to why the power was out" Scott smiled "but Jesus, I would've been in Thunderbird 1, imagine if she had crash landed? I probably wouldn't be here, and if I had survived, what equipment would I have used?"
"I don't want to imagine."
Scott shrugged "come on. Dinner is nearly ready, you wouldn't want to miss that, well, maybe you would" he stood up and moved towards the door.
Scott turned "yes?"
"You'll always be there for me, won't you?"
"Of course Virgil, what are older brothers for?"
Virgil smiled "thanks."
Scott simply returned the gesture then left the room, Virgil picked the compass up and stood up from the bed, he walked across the room to one of his shelves and placed it between a music award and a framed image of his family taken with his mother, father and brothers. He went to the door and looked back, his whole personality was in here, his keyboard personified his love of music and talent and bright colours in the room reflected his passion of art, he was sensitive but, that was something he got from his mother and a feature he didn't really want to hide.
After dinner Virgil returned to the piano and began to work on a composition, John's portrait flashed and he appeared above the table.
"Evening Virgil."
Virgil turned his head but didn't stop playing "hey John."
"What are you working on?"
"I'm just composing, it helps me to remove things from my mind" Virgil answered.
"Do you mind if I listen?" John asked lying back in his zero gravity.
Virgil laughed playing a delicate glissando "I guess not."
"Just ignore me alright?"
"Whatever you say John" Virgil depressed the pedal and settled into a rhythmic melody leaving John to monitor his station.
The lounge sang with the piano music and for a moment John froze listening to his brother play, he wasn't the only one who had frozen, Scott looked up from the poolside, Virgil was playing a piece their mother had written when they were younger, slowly he made his way up to the lounge to listen with John. They watched quietly as Virgil lovingly expressed his feelings in the music, he brought the piece to an end and gently released the pedal, he heard Scott exhale and turned.
"That was beautiful Virgil" Scott smiled.
"Thank you."
"I remember mum writing that" John blinked back tears.
"I've decided I don't want to forget the past anymore" Virgil left the piano and went to sit with Scott who put his arm around him.
"If you won't forget the past, we won't."
"So, how worried were you two?" Virgil asked resting his head on Scott's shoulder.
"Beyond worried, but that doesn't matter now, you're home safe and that's the main thing" Scott said running a hand through Virgil's dark spikey hair.
From the entrance to the lounge Grandma smiled at her three grandsons and shook her head, they were so close but still cut off. They needed Jeff, his disappearance was hitting hard, the family didn't feel complete. John signed off leaving the two eldest alone on the couch together, Scott continued to stroke Virgil's head thinking about how he had reacted to hearing about the power cut in London, Grandma stepped forwards and approached the couch, she was about to say something when she noticed Virgil had fallen asleep in Scott's lap.
"How is he Scott?" she whispered.
"He's fine. Did he cope in London, tell me honestly Grandma?"
Grandma looked at her sleeping grandson "he didn't cope. He cried."
Scott closed his eyes and ran a finger down Virgil's cheek "I knew he didn't tell me the whole story, he just said he had a breakdown."
"He said that he had never been in a situation where he didn't have anything to help him complete a mission, and that he felt lost" Grandma continued.
"You're great Grandma, you really are. You kept him calm" Scott looked up at his grandma with pride "he would've been worse if you hadn't been there."
"That's what I'm here for Scott."
"Well, I'm going to put him to bed."
Grandma shook her head "no Scott, you've done enough. Let me."
Scott grinned and spoke softly to Virgil "come on Virg, bed time" and helped his brother to his feet, and then Grandma took over.
"Goodnight Scott."
"Goodnight Grandma, I'll see you in the morning."
Scott watched them leave then turned the lights off to go to bed himself.
Author's note: That's it, I do love writing for Virgil :) Thanks for the follows and favourites and sorry JoTracy123 for grabbing this idea first for Unplugged x