A/N: Can you believe it? I finally posted! I'm planning on updating a lot more often, and perhaps giving this story a plot now! Thank you all for your reviews, and please keep reviewing!

Chapter Five: Fourth Period Violation

         "Mya, wait up!" Harry Potter called after Hermione as he pelted out of his third period class, History of Magic. It was by far his most favorite class, as he slept the entire time in the back row. He was always so energetic and relaxed after third period, and just in time for gym.

         "Do you think she tries to ditch us on purpose?" Ron wondered, as they jogged to catch up with their friend, who had paused and tapped her foot impatiently.

         "Will you two hurry, already?" Hermione hissed, beginning to speed walk down the hall again. "If I'm late, I have to change in front of Ms. Hooch's window again!"

         Harry and Ron cringed. Ms. Hooch had her office in the girl's changing room with a giant window facing the changing females. She did have a curtain, only the girls realized in horror that when the bell rang, she opened that curtain and sat behind her desk "grading papers." She never came out and admitted it, but it was commonly know that Ms. Hooch was the resident lesbian.

         "Hey, Mia," Ron panted, as he tried to keep up with her. "What did we do in History today?"

         "Took notes," Hermione grunted.

         "Well - ah - can I see them after school?"

         "Hell no. Last time I did that, you lost them."

         "I did not! My sister used it to pick up owl shit."

         "Ron, your owl died months ago. You locked it in your closet when you were high, and only remembered it was there when you went in that pigsty to look for your hidden stash and smelled something decaying. I lent you notes last month."

         "We got a new owl, Mya," Ron whined. "I swear."

         "Forgive me if I call you a liar."

         "You can be such a bitch sometimes, you know that Hermione?" Ron snapped, slowing to a walk. He watched as Harry and Hermione made off toward the gym, and then pulled out a blank white sheet of paper and an ink pen.

         Hermione ran into the girls' locker room immediately following the late bell. She cursed. As she expected, every changing space was full, except for those on the right side where Ms. Hooch had her opened window. There the gym teacher sat, her head tilt slightly down with a pen held in a poised hand, but Hermione could see her eyes shift to the window every few seconds. When Hermione slouched her way to the furthest locker she could get away from Ms. Hooch (third one down, right in view of her prying eyes), she could have sworn she seen the gym teacher smile.

         As quickly as she could, Hermione threw off her shirt and pants and scrambled into her gym clothes, all the while feeling shamefully violated. Ms. Hooch finally came out of her office when she was finished with a satisfied smile on her face. "Alright, girls, into the gym!"

         The class shuffled their way out, and quickly scurried passed Hooch, who kept a spooky grin on her makeup-less face. Hermione shuttered as she felt the woman's eyes bearing into her lower back as she hurried away. Of all the classes of the year, gym was Hermione Granger's least favorite.

         Harry stood in his black boxers and gym socks in the boys' locker room. He was hastily pulling mounds of old gold shirts and crusty red shorts from out of his gym locker, looking for something. The rest of the boys stood around jeering at the size of their – feet – and challenging others to wrestling matches. Usually, Ron had Harry pinned to the floor by now, but when Ron didn't show up, Harry figured he would change early, and not wrestle with the other half naked school boys. There was a month's supply of dirty gym clothes at Harry's feet by the time he found what he was looking for.

         "About time," he muttered, and pulled off the cap of his favorite cologne. He aimed it at the side of Draco Malfoy's face, who was standing in a pair of neatly pressed tighty-whities, and sprayed. Draco cursed and sputtered as the old perfume hit him square in the eye and mouth.

         "P-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-pott-t-t-t-t-t-er!!!" he screamed in pain.

         "What?" Harry said, smiling out at the other boys who stopped wrestling and were now snickering and laughing.

         "I-I-I'm g-g-g-going t-t-t-to k-k-k-k…." his voice trailed off, and he desperately grabbed one of Harry's dirty shirts and wiped the burning liquid from his right eye and mouth.

         "I'm sorry?" Harry said from over the laughter that erupted in the boys' locker room. "You're going to what?"

         Draco threw Harry's shirt back at him, but didn't say anything. He was trembling from head to toe in a raging temper, but he didn't strike like Harry hoped he would do. You see, Harry and Ron had started a game and a bet – the first one to get Draco Malfoy to charge them would get a stack of money. But if one of them tries but fails, he has to put in two more dollars into the pot. Harry frowned. He was losing too much money over this bet, but since Ron wasn't around to witness his attempt, he wouldn't bother to give up his money. Draco scrambled into a silver shirt and green shorts with duct tape covering patches, and he made off for the gym. Harry sighed and smelled the shirt Draco threw at him.

         "I think this was just from the beginning of the month," he said, and pulled it over his head.

         Ron strolled in just then late. "Hey, dude, want to do my History homework?" he asked, Harry. He sat and propped his feet on the bench, not moving to change.

         "Only if you do mine," replied Harry. "If Hooch wants my eye-ring out, she can pull it out herself. I'm sick of that woman ragging on me about stupid gym procedures and shit."

         "Come on, man," Ron pleaded. "I won't be home tonight. Mom is dragging us all out on some "family outing" so I won't have time to do it."

         Harry snorted. "Your mom has you whipped and scared, doesn't she?"

         "Hell, yeah. I wasn't lying to Draco when I said she wouldn't feed me if I failed another subject. Well – it was something like that… she mentioned boot camp again."

         "Why don't you just bring your homework with you? Try doing it on time for once?"

         "Dude, I'm not going to be able to concentrate on History with my family running around. The last time we went on a family outing we had to rush Percy to the hospital because Fred and George pretended to lose control of their bowling balls, and mom had to bail dad out of jail because he trashed the manager for not giving us our free pitcher of Pepsi after our third game. Family outings rock! I don't want to screw that up with ramblings of Goblin rebellions."

         Harry snickered. "Where are you going to this time?"

         Ron shrugged. "I think I heard dad say something about catching the third Lord of the Rings movie. I haven't even seen the first two, so I hope not. Ginny's psyched though. She's in love with that pretty boy, Hump-a-leg – er – Leg-a-lick… whatever. Can you imagine my family in a movie theater? I swear dad is making us more muggle by the day. First bowling, now the movie theater… want to come?"

         Harry shrugged. "I have work, man."

         Ron raised a skeptical eyebrow. "I thought you were fired from that."

         "You should listen closer to what I say from now on, moron," said Harry. "I said my uncle was fired, not me. I work at the Sport's-n-Goods, remember?"

         "Right. Then get out of it. You won't be sorry. Fred and George are planning on bringing that laser-pointer they found. They bought a cap of a naked woman, and are planning on waving it around whenever Leg-a-lot pops on the screen and points out the obvious. They've seen all the movies, but I have no clue what they are talking about. So you gotta come."

         "I'll see what I can do."

         The boys finally finished changing, all but Ron, and they pushed and shoved their macho selves into the gym and fooled around in their squads. Hooch marched her girls in, and Hermione took her place in the middle of her squad and buried her red face in her hands. Harry took a seat next to her and asked, "What's up?"

         "I've been violated. Ms. Hooch needs to be fired, or stop staring at the girls while they are taking off their pants! I had to change in front of that horrible window, thanks to you two. I'm dropping out of gym. I'm taking over the world."

         "Excuse me, Ms. Hooch," said Ron pitifully, approaching the butch gym teacher, coughing and sniffling. "I can't participate today." He pulled a crumpled piece of paper from out of his pocket and handed it to her. "Doctor's orders."

         Hooch stared skeptically at the forged doctor's note, and then narrowed her eyes on the redhead. "What's wrong with you this time?"

         "Mono." Ron coughed again. Ms. Hooch suddenly looked sympathetic.

         "Take a seat on the bleachers, honey," she said. Ron winked at Harry and Hermione from behind Hooch. They rolled their eyes and looked envious.

         The rest of the period went by like torture. Hermione made sure that whenever she ran, she kept her arms firmly folded across her chest, and made Harry follow closely behind her. Hooch had them playing volleyball today, and Hermione and Harry spent their time in the back complaining and making up wild stories of what they would do if they took over the world. Whenever the ball came towards them, Harry would kick it as hard as he could, successfully getting more than one ball stuck in the ceiling.

         After the game, there was a few minutes before they were permitted into the locker rooms. Draco Malfoy came strolling over and asked Hermione if he could talk with her in private.

         "What's the matter, Draco?" Hermione asked when Draco pulled her out of earshot from the others. "Why is your eye so red?"

         "I-I-I'm sick of y-y-y-your boyfriend!" he shouted, his eyes raging mad. "I'm s-s-sick of being their p-p-punching bag all of the t-t-time and allowing them to get away with it! I'm going to kill them one day!"

         Hermione frowned and tried to appear calm. "Draco, I'll talk to him. And Harry's not my boyfriend."

         "I don't c-c-care! For y-y-years I had to put up with their bullying, and I'm not going to stand for it anymore! I will kill them if they don't stop, and I swear to it!"

         "Stop threatening to kill my friends, Malfoy," Hermione warned. "Calm yourself down, or I'll expel you from FDA."

         "I don't care about your stupid club anymore! I'll form my own club and I'll be the only member, and I'll get farther then you, you stupid mudblood! Now get your boyfriends away from me, or you'll all be sorry! You'll be sorry, you hear me? You'll be sorry!!!"

          Hermione gaped at him in shock as he stormed across the gym to the boys' locker room. She had never heard Draco express himself with such rage before, and she felt extremely wary and concerned. She didn't mean to get him so upset, but she knew there was nothing she could do now. It was about time Draco started standing up for himself anyway.

         Hermione turned to face the rest of the stunned gym class.

         "Dude," breathed Dean Thomas. "He just got through an entire paragraph without stuttering."

         "It's the end of the world," said Parvati Patil, and the class broke out in laughter.

         Draco stormed into the locker room and violently changed back into his regular frayed clothing. He was spitting mad. He was seeing everything in red. He didn't want to be the lonely, weak, stuttering nobody any longer. He would show everyone who he was, what he could be. He will prove to everyone that he wasn't a nobody. He would show the world…

         He grabbed his book bag and slammed his way out of the locker room to get to his next class before the other boys even made it in to change.

         I'll show them all… Draco muttered to himself.

         I'll show them.