Disclaimer: do not own well exept my OC(s). Type-Moon owns everything else except the OCs at least.

Warnings for mild language.

The Defiant Ones

Chapter 1:

Agree or Die: A Dog In A Cage

Well today was the start of a really shitty day.

First off I was just trying to make some money at my job which is body guarding and escorting for whoever payed well enough at the American security corporation I worked at. But it would seem that I drew the short straw today when this guy drags me to a empty room at my workplace and "hired" me. My "client" was some blackmailing mage and a political big-wig wearing all black except for the red scarf around his neck that needed to escorted to the stupid Clock Tower in London. Well mostly he forced me to take me as a body guard saying that he would tell the Association where my mother and I were hiding. I don't even know how he managed to even find us but I have no choice but to play along with Blackie here. Hopefully, he will at least pay me for the trip as I need money since my family cannot send us any because it could be tracked. When we made it to the airport my bodyguard experience shone though as I was against taking a public plane; but the greenish black long-haired cigar smoking bastard simply looked at me with a scowl and said," This is why I have you right? Just do your job, Keith King and escort me." We had a hard time getting though because of my Mystic Code I received form my father, Curagh , before he left, a old red pair of gantlets that I wore that helped enhance my certain talent in magic when I had to deal with magical things on the job. I usual carry it in a metal brief case but I packed it away with my other clothes since I was lazy. After that annoying experience and my client using hypnosis on the custom officers since I can't do it that well we ended up boarding a public plane in the U.S and left soon afterwards.

While his words form earlier made me fume a little bit I could not argue with him. He was a "client" after all and what the client says, goes. He is also a pretty powerful magus that has a good standing in the Association form what I know. He also was magus that was a Master in the last Grail War ten years ago along with my Father who either disappeared or died during the War according to the small amount of rumors that float over the currents of the ocean and reach my ears. I don't know why but ever since the end of the Grail War people of the Association has been after my mother and I making us leave our home in Ireland for reason they never pursued my grandfather lomann though. It did stop about three years ago when my grandfather went and talked to one of the three founding families of the Grail Wars; the Einzberns. But my power hungry grandfather for whatever reason, most likely to be safe, told us in his letters to stay low in our safe house in the States for awhile longer. Knowing the greedy geezer it was to secure the next generation of our small family, not that I cared as long as we were safe. My Mother, Lasta, was always talking about going back to Ireland though and wanted to get back to tending the family garderns.

What that means exactly is that while this guy is probably huge in the Clock Tower I don't know much about him even his name. I don't really care either, one because politics bore me. My grandfather always took care of everything in that case mostly because he wanted a higher standing in the Tower. My mother herself was not capable of magic and thankfully was spared form it. My father only ever did it because it was what he had to do and since he was like me and did not really care too much about it (even mentioned once one time to my mother and I that he wanted to bang his against the wall because nothing ever gets done there.)What this did is lead me to imagine without fear of myself is smacking this so called powerful Magus in the head and saying "Iiiidddiotttt!" really loudly after we are attacked on the plane by poison, magic, or something else. I bet this mama's boy would be surprised at the magic I am capable of.

Which of course in compared to most mages is considered very basic.

Now it is nothing big like shooting fireballs out my hands, commanding Mother Nature to attack my enemies, or my personal favorite turning your must hated enemies into a oven roasted pig. No, the magic I know best is the basic strengthening of one's self and other things called Reinforcement. The old men in the King family, which is Gramps and Dad, always tried to teach me other ways of using magic but I always fell short and couldn't learn them at all. The only other thing I know really well is healing but the most I can do is the visible damage not broken bones, nerves, and muscles.

Anyways, Reinforcement allows me to strengthen my body beyond normal limits, perfect for a guy like me with the job I have had since I was fifteen in order to make money while we were in hiding after the Grail War. I disliked guns thankfully I ever had to bring a stupid gun to work at all; just my bare hands ,my body, and my black leather jacket, red shirt and my black pants. That made me well liked by the non-gun types of clients that were non-magus. Though some of the clients on both sides of the spectrum would like it if I did not dressed so rough. But being six foot, having a somewhat pale complexion, having a well muscled body because of my training in mixed martial arts and wrestling while in high school and, having long enough dark red hair that barely touched my forehead, of course some people would be afraid of me and that is what I want. People too scared to attack me would be too terrified to attack my clients. The people in my business circle in the non-magical side have even come to call me "The Iron Knight" because of my Reinforcement skill though I do not tell them how the bullets do not pierce my flesh and bone fully and steel pipes only leave bruises I just tell them I was just made tough. The magi that were not affiliated with the Association were just as impressed and all and all surprised with my close range tactics.

Though that does not mean that most of them even like me because of my skills and my "tough" body or even my "luck" or skills when on the job. Most of them have even tried to assault or threaten me because of it. The ones that tired to assault me either were both black and blue or woke up in the hospital, sometimes even both. The few that try to kill me I do the same to and let the cops deal with it. I do not kill unless it is hunting or fishing an animal for food in the winter months before I started guarding others and even then I don't enjoy it. I even feel bad for the familiars of the magus I kill or destroy as long as they don't look like zombies or ghost. I like the thrill of battle and the joy of victory but not taking the losing sides lives. I feel that I will lose a part of myself that makes me human if I started to enjoy it and make me closer to the magi that experiment on human bodies or throw away their own family members like thrash if they are not capable of performing the way the family wants.

Anyway, if The ones who threatened me and nothing in physical sense I just tell them to get in the back of the line and it is a huge line ironically enough and I even laugh in their faces when that happens. I do not do this for brownie points with the people I work alongside with. I do it so I can put bread on the table at home.

I am not a complete and selfish ass though as I do some free bodyguard work for those who have been wronged on my days off sometimes. The beaten wives. The abused and orphaned children. I even go to some the food banks in town and make sure no fights and thefts break out. I always help out with the cooking as well when things are peaceful. It is those kinds of jobs that make me enjoy what I do. My mother honestly thinks that I do it to get the ladies though to which I respond with a stupid comment or why does she want a grandchild so early. Sometimes I think the woman is just nutty. Does every guy that becomes twenty-one have to hear their mother wanting grandchildren once every week?

It took about half the day for us travel to London by plane it would have taken even longer if I had not renewed my passport a couple years beforehand just in case a day like this came. I always make sure to be prepared just in case… well, unless it's housework or cleaning though cooking is a little fun when others eat my cooking. Though the big wig who "hired" me did finally introduced himself as Waver Velvet after annoying him half the trip for information on why he was blackmailing me to go to the most likely place for me to stabbed in the back, tortured, or something worse such as being sealed or used as a experiment by some sicko. For some reason or other always seemed to have a displeased expression or at times a scowl on his face when I either mentioned Gramps or specifically the old man. Must have be because of them both being rival Masters in the last War ten years ago. It would seem that my "client" was also prepared before hand and already had thought ahead and had a black car and a driver waiting for us. Humph, I can respect a guy who thinks ahead at he very least. I do not want to be running around chasing taxis all day. That probably would bring a smile to Mr. Velvet's face though since he does seem to be somewhat like a grumpy old man that enjoys it when the people he hates are struggling. Also why is it that I can't help but think of red velvet cake when I think of his name? I should probably just call him Waver as he demanded while on the plane because after saying "Mr. Velvet" so many times as I am getting hungry just thinking of his last name.

As we got into the black car, the driver, who appeared a few years younger than me turned his head slightly in our direction and spoke to Waver, " So Master V, to the usual place?"

I could help but smirk slightly at this as Waver sighed," Yes, Elliot, to the usual place."

After a few minutes of driving I just could not hold myself back anymore. I need to at least have some way to get back at him blackmailing me. Plus this will be really entertaining for me because his reaction will be interesting.

"Sooo…does this mean that I should call you Big V or when I say hi I should say yo, yo Master V?"

Waver's reaction was to face palm his face with his right hand and lament, "Please God no." as I started to laugh at him. Ah god, that was payback well earned.

"Anyways Waver, do you want me to leave after you get dropped off?" I asked after a few seconds of calming myself. I want to at least try to get away from going inside that dungeon after all.

"No. I need you to come inside with me."

"Hmm," I shrugged my shoulders causing my hair on my forehead to bounce slightly as I cursed under my breath," damn it."

A half hour later at about five, six o'clock at my guess , we arrived at the British Museum. If what the old man told me is right the association is underneath this building.

Stepping out of the car, Waver started to walk into the building as took a moment to look at it. It really looks homely and peaceful. Too bad it is filled with the most power-hungry people underneath it. After looking toward where Waver was standing there with even a bigger scowl then usual I took the signal and followed after him. Entering what I assumed was the lobby of the Museum we strided to an elevator and went inside. While inside I saw that Waver hit the "B" button for the basement.

"Why are you doing all this?"

"There is someone I want you to meet."

I wanted start asking questions but the look on Waver's face stopped me. Wait.. does he have a look of sympathy on this face? I think I liked him even more when he had a scowl constantly on his face. This is sort of creeping me out.

The elevator hit it destination and the door opens and suddenly I feel a burning sensation on my skin but it quickly leaves me. I only get that feeling when I use Reinforcement or running into a Bounded Field. It looks like they put a Bounded Field around in this area.

Walking cautiously behind Waver so that I am only a few steps behind him ,I looked around me. It looked like I was in some kind of college laboratory of sorts. But everything seemed to be old-fashioned though like from the last couple of centuries old fashion. The people we passed by also seemed to be dressed really strange. I mean some of them had strange style of dress as some were dressed in robes like priests ,wearing high class clothes with strange designs, or were in modern clothing with laboratory clothes. I am really glad to see that I have a much better fashion sense then these nerds.

I swear I saw one guy making this weird silver liquid metal change into various shapes or this one blond girl with a really strange blue dress making gold and making gemstones glow with a strange light. . A lot of these spells are ones completely different form my family's spells that focus on improvements to the body .Waver himself seemed to slow his pace so I can look around a little. I wonder if he is giving time to prepare myself or maybe perhaps allow time to prepare both of us? His expression at the entrance of the Clock Tower was a bit concerning….

Suddenly we came a hallway and took a right to wooden door which Waver opened the said heavy wooden door that opened with a heavy creak like a dungeon and let me inside. Inside there was large circle table with two other men standing there waiting for us perhaps.

"Lord El-Melloi ll," said a short older man with creases on his face that looked like statue of wood as he looked at me with a dark expression as if wanting to kill me."Is this the boy that is the spawn of Curagh and the grandson of Iomann?

"Yes. He is Rocco."Waver took a breath and started to speak, "His father was a master in Fith Grail War. He was an honest man. I believe that his son is the same way and would be able to tell us honestly what Iomann did-"

"Woah,woah, woah," I say cutting of this "Lord" El-Melloi ll," You told me just to escort you back to London to this dump for reason. What are you talking about my family for? What the heck does the Grail War have to do with me besides my old man being a Master?"

"Could you be quite?"Said some elite looking guy with red hair and a strong "no nonsense" voice,"We are speaking to Lord El-Melloi, not you yet." These guys are really is annoying me! I am not a child either! I am twenty-one!

Before I could even attempt to talk back though Waver raised his hand toward me to stop me. With a slight shake of his head and a very much tightened jaw he simply mouthed the words "wait" before speaking again. Why the heck does he want to help me?

"As I was saying, he might be able to tell us where Iomann went and how the Einzberns are involed with this."

"I see, "the old guy named Rocco replied back, "So boy, do you know what your grandfather has done?""

"No I don't. Should I?" I answered back quite annoyed with the wooden old man calling me boy.

"I see… allow me to explain then, "Rocco started taking a long breath as he started his story while keeping his glare on me. " Your Grandfather is a brilliant man. Having worked with him for about elven years due to a agreement to give your father one of my artifacts for the fourth Grail War to use as a catalyst. But it would seem that this whole time he has been abusing our agreement."

"Let me take a guess my power hungry and reward seeking snake of a grandfather stole artifacts from you." I spoke out once he was taking a breath. The three men looked at me surprised perhaps knowing I don't like politics of the Association. But they should know though is that I lived with the guy before the last Grail War. While he does about anything for continuing the family line and keeping its members comfortable, he would probably leave one of us out of the rain if would get him a shiny coin or something. What surprised me the most perhaps is that he did not give us up for the past ten years.

The red haired man coughed turning our attention toward him," Anyway please contuie Rocco."

"Ah, yes forgive me Gram perhaps it's my age," Rocco said rubbing his wood like chin thoughtfully." As I was saying your grandfather stole seven artifacts from us including a very rare and powerful one I and my appetencies found in Cornwall and gave them to the Einzberns. We ended up losing Lomann's tracks soon afterward due to the inference form them. We then received an anonymous tip of where you were located and…here we are." Rocco finished by spreading his arm as if signifying our current situation.

I let my displeasure be known after he was finished speaking. Anonymous tip, my butt! The old geezer proabaly sent the info to the association so I would get involved in his mess. Damn him! In my frustration I hit the table with an open hand, the sound attracting the attention of the three men who did not seem fazed by my outburst. I should probably keep calm and take a deep breath. These guys are holding my mother's and my life in their hands after all.

"So, what do want form me?" trying my best to at least not sound furious but was clearly failing since Rocco now had wicked sneers on their faces.

"We want you to be our wild card and summon a Servant in the Grail War in Fuyuki and stop the Einzbern and Iomann King form getting the Grail and getting to the Root." The red head Gram spoke as if ordering a soldier on the battlefield. That would be something the old man would want. Actually that would be what most mages want that enter the Grail War would want according to what I heard about it. I can only imagine what my snake of a grandfather would do with that kind of power.

"Did the Einzbern not summon seven Servants by now?" I looked at Gram questionably." I don't know much about the actual events that take place in the war but isn't there supposed to only be seven Servants and seven Masters?

"The Grail itself has a safety mechanism that allows the summoning of an extra seven Servants," Explained Rocco as he had a wide teeth showing smile. "It would seem that the Einzbern weren't able to stop that from happening.

"And if I refuse…?"

"Then," Waver taking a large sigh obviously not wanting to say it."Your family will be taking the punishment for both your father's and your grandfather's crimes."

"What is my old man's crime?"I asked somewhat surprised because I know my father did something during the Grail War to make the association come after us for seven years. But why?

All "Lord" El-Merroi II did was tighten his jaw and said, "That's not for you to know."

"I would think that I would-"

"And I told you that's not for you to know," Waver interrupted me like a teacher scolding a student before looking down at the ground his long hair blocking his face." There are some sins of the father, even accidental ones that the son does not need to know."

Before I could open my mouth to speak Waver continued, "Out of the respect I have for your father I won't tell you. So stop trying and don't try asking them-"

"Actually we will be quite willing to tell you." Said the red head named Gram with a menacing and slightly impatient sneer on his lips as Waver glared at him. "But, only if you win the War for us. What do you say?"

All three of them were now in their seats looking at me now as if waiting for an oracle to speak. But Waver was now glaring at Gram in the corner. Sighing while scratching the back of my head, I really hate being involved in this mess. But I don't have a choice since it is agree or die. Either Gram thinks I am like my grandfather or he is being "nice" to me to mess with Waver or "Lord" El-Mellroi II whatever Waver is called here. Most likely the latter. Either way I'll at least get to find out what happened to the old man or if he is even alive at all. I decided to speak now and accept their "deal"," I'll do as you want form me. So, where do we start?"

Apparently, I would not get a catalyst. I found that out shortly afterward in my agreement with Association. The three told me that they do not have any catalyst that would summon a powerful Servant. I believed they were basically lying to my face, most likely since they did not trust me.

As I said earlier my day has been shitty. The bickering with the other two, Rocco and Gram, made me want to bang my head against a brick wall until I died. It was kind of ironic since my old man wanted to do the same thing when it came to things dealing with the Clock Tower. Waver himself was a bit easier to talk to compared to them. We had talked about my old man for a little while. It would seem that in the Clock Tower when Waver was still just a student my father would help him out once in awhile with research and various studies as a tutor. But, when the topic geared toward the Fourth Grail War Waver would clamp his mouth shut and told me to get out of the office. Geez, someone put a stick way up his butt.

After negotiating a little so I could keep Mom safe and giving an excuse such as safety concern on my part Waver would have one of his students escort the old lady for me and move her to a nice house out in the country in her name in Ireland without the knowhow of most of the Association. Apparently he did not trust the idea of mages going off and murdering his tutor's wife thankfully. So I left for the plane in England to Fuyuki city in Japan after staying in a cheap hotel. Waver himself gave a large sum of money so much that I could probably buy a small house with and a small, palm sized, untitled book that contained even more information about a Holy Grail War. He should have called it "Holy Grail Wars and their Servants for Dummies" as it had about everything one needed to about the summon rituals and a few other things. Plus it was something to do before the plane would land. It also functioned well as a very small pillow since I used my black leather jacket as a make shift blanket.

By the next day I landed there it was already sunset when I landed. So I went to the best place to summon a Servant at according to the book a place where a lot of spiritual energy gathers so a graveyard might be for the best. According to the city map I got at the airport there is one nearby. I mean Sprit-ual Energy! Best place to go right? Right?

….God, I don't want to go there… but it would be the best place it looks like it is closer than the other locations. Since it is close to night it would the best time and I don't to be killed just coming here on the first day by a Servant or something. Okay ….Just need to steel myself first I took a deep breath. I don't know why but when I was five my father thought it would be fine idea to wake me up on Halloween morning, moaning like the ghost in those cheesy horror movies while wearing a bedroom sheet over his black haired head. Let's just say my Mom made sure that said head was hurting really bad after a long lecture. I know it's strange that a guy with my profession being scared of ghost but as long I steel myself first, I am mostly fine. I take another deep breath and head outside the airport with my new metal case holding my red gauntlets and a backpack holding my spare clothes, other necessities, and the small things needed for a Servant summoning.

While I walked though Fuyuki, it looked like any normal city, except for people cosplaying and Japanese culture stuff here and there, it was almost the same as the city I lived in the U.S. . I almost could not believe that this place will be where sev- no… fourteen heroes form past ages will battle. Though it will most likely be very rough dealing with my "teammates" since all of will most likely be like those stuck up mages in the Association but, hopefully they will be a lot more bearable then the mages in the Clock Tower. Ugh, their stares, threats, and everything were so annoying like puppies with no fangs that I was glad to stay in a far away hotel. All and all though my "teammates" are just people I need to put up with. Enough said….for now at least.

Thanks to me thinking of things over and my pointless pondering I arrived at the graveyard that I read in the map I bought at the airport. Throwing the empty container and bottle I bought with the map into a nearby trash can I opened the thick metal gate into the graveyard with the hand that still held the map. Thankfully it was now night so there should not be anyone around. I still went to a dark corner where most of the gravestones where cracked and most of the names where eroded away just to safe. I remember Dad telling me when he taught me and Mom reminding everyday afterward when I started doing my body guarding job at eighteen not to let anyone know magic existed so it is best I do this far away from the public as much as possible since I don't like the thought of having to kill somebody for seeing me perform magic.

Finding a good spot with a broken gravestone and half-dead grass everywhere that was several yards away from the newer grave stones, I begin the summoning process. Opening the book Waver gave me I make the circle as described in the book using blood form some random animal that waver decided to kill and bleed dry into a small enough container that was invisible to people without magic somehow. For some reason now I cannot help but feel that I summoning a demon not a hero because the circle looks demonic like in what you see in the occult stuff. Once that is done I look around the broken gravestone something sharp being careful not to mess with the circle. Finding a small, thin, but sharp shard of the gravestone. I could have just bought a knife somewhere but it would be just a waste of money since I will use it for this and never use it again also I really hate wasting money too. Sucking in a breath I quickly bring the shard across my left palm letting my blood drip onto the circle. It was pretty interesting watching my blood mingle with the circle of animal blood as it started to glow throughout it like in those action movies where fire spreads out and fills in a shape. Suddenly a bright red light comes out of the circle blinding me. Using my non-bleeding hand I rub my eyes trying to regain my sight quickly.

What I see quickly surprises me… did I summon a demon…?

I almost thought I had summoned a demon at first but realized it was a metal helmet with gray horns coming out the sides like a devil. The grey helmet itself completely covered the owners face with only a few thin slits where the eyes were for the person inside to see. I could not see holes for the nose and mouth. I wonder if the person could breathe at all. Every part of the body was covered in grey metal arms, chest, leg, and shoulders were covered in grey metal though in a few places there are red colored at least like on the thin line on the shoulder guards and in-between the joints of the elbow and other places the armor does not cover. This guy really wants to mask himself or completely terrify others.

"…I am of the Berserker class. I ask you are you my Master?" the living mass of armor asks me. Because of the armor I am not able to tell the gender of person inside it. The person inside though must be pretty short though most likely five foot one or five foot two because my six feet of height lets me tower over them.

A Berserker class Servant? I am a little surprised aren't they suppose to be like mute and full of rage or almost a tool to their Master?

"Are you deaf? Or perhaps mute? I asked if you are my Master?" the Servant asks again in an impatient tone.

"Ah…yes, yes I am. Sorry I was just surprised hear you say Berserker," I say shaking myself out of my stupor," did I hear you right?"

"Yes. Do I look like a person to lie to you?" Berserker asked with a slight tilt of a head causing his armor to make a light clinking sound.

"Honestly, you look like a devil that would kill me and devour my soul but yeah you don't look a liar." I say without thinking too much.

The Servant looks at me and straightens himself as I said this and I feel a slight tension flowing from him like a blood thirsty river that tears apart anything in its way. Ah, finally in some familiar territory… I am used to people doing this to me back in wrestling or when I was on the job to see if I would flinch. If someone did they would be a dog that only barks and have no fangs and deemed nothing more than trash. You'll have to do better than that Tin Can!

After a few moments I notice the armor start to shake a little as it makes small clanking sounds. Soon it becomes a full-blown laugh. "I see that I have been summoned by a Master with some guts at least! Good! It would a disappointing and short war if it was not true!"

I start to smile knowing that I am going to enjoy working with this Servant. I can already tell that Berserker as he has called himself can enjoy some of my kind of humor at least.

"Heh heh, ahh, anyways Master are those creations yours?" Berserker raises his metal covered hand to point out whatever was behind me. Turning around I was greeted with the sight of pale grey skeletons that had no skulls only a weird sort of jaw for a head and holding swords and other weapons. There was a large amount of them as well perhaps about a hundred or so. They were at least thirteen or fourteen feet off as well.

A little creeped out by their appearance I shivered slightly. This is why I do not watch any horror movies or do anything during Halloween or anytime at all. "No, they are not mine." I say without a trace of fear somehow able to hold it back. If I can physically touch them I can punch them as I always say. "What are they, zombies?"

"I am not too sure. Most likely they are familiars created by a magus, " Berserker draws out a large two handed sword and starts walking toward the small army with a small chuckle filled with bloodlust " I will take care them. I don't want the welcome party made for me to go to waste after all."

Before Berserker can pass me I grab him by the shoulder quickly "I think we should retreat. I mean there are about a hundred of them."

The only response I got back was the helmet staring back at me. While I could not tell what kind of expression was being made I could tell that my Servant was not too happy with me now.

"Do you doubt me?" the question the armor asked is filled with barely held back anger toward me.

"No I don't but I think we should retreat for now and then take th-"as I spoke a pitch black fog rolled over the cemetery making it very hard to see where those things are and felt something strange in the air. Taking in the air now suddenly caused me to cough and have trouble breathing! It must be the fog! Damn it this is not good! Taking off my black leather jacket I pull it over my face to try to cover my airways but it does not seem to barely any help at all. We need to get away from here!

Berserker himself though seemed to be unaffected by this poisonous vapor as he began to survey the area as if looking for something. I see… the fog is being used to slow us down and second guess where those bone freaky things are. Suddenly, I see Berserker turn toward me with the large sword ready to be swing to the right. Startled by my Servant's sudden betrayal I start up my nerves in my body with Reinforcement to dive to the left making the sword barely miss me as I dove to the ground but the blade cut off the right sleeve of my leather jacket and case to my black gauntlets broken as they fell out missed form being cut. Hey, that jacket was given to me by the people at the food bank for helping them! You better hope you materialized with money because I want a new one now! I hear dull yet sharp thunk as something sharp digs into the dry ground. Looking toward the ground I saw a very sharp and very deadly looking butcher knife! Well, that explain why Berserker tried to "attack" me...but where did it come from?

"Ohh, we missed…the scary metal person blocked it. But knowing Mother wants to gather information, she might not be too mad at us though." A disappointed yet childish voice ringed out of the fog. Could this voice belong to a Servant or perhaps a Master? Didn't the word mother said very weird also?

"Berserker…the fog…" I managed to cough out. If we want to find this person and get some breathing room we need to get rid of this fog first.

"Hmph, this fog is annoying…"Berserker said slowly in annoyance as he ignored the voice as he raised his blade above his armored head. Suddenly blood red light alight around the sword!

With a battle cry the sword was swung downward and as it touched the ground a bright red light was released and like a ray of hope dispelled the fog that was poisoning me as the force of it knocked me on my back. Catching my breath I got off the ground and looked around for my attacker. When looked upward the one dead tree near the grave stone I was met with a strange little girl with white hair and sliver eyes wearing such a ridiculous black themed outfit that showed too much skin! Why would a child that looked to be about ten to twelve years old wear such a thing?! It's like she wants to attract the wrong kind of attention to herself!

"What a disappointment. I was hoping for a much better opponent like Lancer or Saber first," Berserker spoke angrily looking up toward the girl."Not a low class murderer that hides in the shadows like you Assassin!"

I muttered out in surprised," A Servant..?" This little girl is a Servant? No, I can't really doubt it now considering the skill that she has to aim at me in a foggy environment.

"What does it matter to us?" the Servant Assassin asked back with a childish tilt of the head that would have been considered cute by me if she did not try to kill me earlier. "Mother just wanted us and the toys she made to come and play with you."

"Why you little brat…!" Berserker charged forward only to be met with several of the bone soldiers. But they might have as well been waves against the rocks as the armored demon cut them down like paper and turned into grey dust. But, those few seconds in those actions Assassin disappeared from her perch in the dead tree. Her childish giggles can be heard moving farther away . I guess since she no longer has the element of surprise Assassin is going to let her "toys" do the work for her.

"Damn it!" Berserker was completely enraged at Assassin's disappearance instead turned his attention to one thing that he could see, the grey boned weird headed freaks. I almost felt for them. Almost.

Taking my attention off Berserker for a bit, I looked for my red gauntlets seem them laying near the tree that Assassin was once at. While I might not need them, they do help make my Reinforcement in my hands more powerful and I feel slightly uncormftable fighting without them. Running toward my weapons of choice I meet five stragglers form the groups that berserker was currently destroying. Charging ahead I slid underneath the legs of one like a skilled baseball player and grabbed one of the red gauntlets and slid on my right hand. Putting it on feels like I am putting my best suit or welcoming an old friend. A blade form one of the stragglers descends at the spot I was kneeling at…

I've had to deal with lot stuff the past day or so. Forced and blackmailed into this war because another member of my family wants some more power. Forced to become a dog to a toothless organization that constantly tries to devour itself. The only reason I was able to keep my frustration and anger inside was the promise about information about the old man and safety of my mother. But honestly deep inside I don't even know if they will tell me or leave my family alone either if I win the Grail War. I was stupid for even suggesting a retreat to Berserker… I only suggested it because I wanted to avoid being the Assocation's lapdog a little longer.

But I think it is time for me to let the beast that awaits inside me, waiting for the taste of destruction it craves most, loose for a bit… it's time to get rid of that formality that I keep when I am on a job guarding somebody and go on a rampage!

"Rip and pry…" I spoke my aria as my Reinforcement kicked in.

Raising my reinforced metal covered hand, I catch the blade and throw it and force it to veer off course and crash into the dried and parched ground causing the being to kneel somewhat on the ground completely defenseless. Using the same hand I punched it in the spine backhanded like a hammer causing it shatter into small shards.

"Weak… too weak. "I did my actions actually expecting to take more than one punch to destroy it.

I raise myself up as the remaining four surround me in a circle looking somewhat cautious now. Not making a move the four stood like statues as I pick up the remaining gauntlet and causally put it on. Slowly and carefully I lowered my hips slightly and put my right foot forward while keeping it slightly bent ready to spring in a moment's notice. I raise my hands up but keep my hands open ready to stop, catch, or grab my opponents or their weapons. Finally in my normal stance I spoke to the boned freaks with a wicked smile and an excited voice," I am not going to be here all night, you know? So, come at me already and get torn apart!"

As if my voice was the bell that started a round, two of them raced toward me on my left and right side . Leaping into action with Reinforced arms and legs, I grabbed with my right hand the left arm bone of the offending limb of the one on the right that was trying to cut with a hatchet to the left stopping it. Using it's momentum I threw my leg out causing it to trip and its limb coming out its socket. With one on the ground its ally thinking it could attack me on the left side with its blade thanks to its comrade's sacrifices. Using the left arm of its ally as a weapon with the hatchet still firmly attached to its hand like glue I swung it like a whip effectively severing it's head form it's neck. Not close to finished I used my foot to stomp the first one right in the ribs shattering them into pieces along with the spine. Now for the other two… hmmm where are they?

Feeling a flash of burning instinct, I jump to the left as I felt a stinging sensation on my right arm causing me to drop by temporary weapon. Landing on my feet I saw another one of my enemies with a blade with a red liquid faintly running down the tip of the blade. Looking at my arm I saw thin and long red line go down my arm close to my elbow. Thankfully it was not a deep cut and it barely leaking any blood but it will slow down my punches due to the stinging sensation. My opponent was running toward me, I honestly could not know if they could feel this but, confidently when suddenly a flying sword went though the bone soldier, impaling itself into the dead tree splintering it half like butter.

"Master, you shouldn't leave your back open like that, "I heard a hollow voice speak to me as I heard a crunching sound of a skeleton familiar being destroyed," if you die I will too so watch yourself next time."

"I had them where I wanted them," I spoke to Berserker confidently as he went to pick up his sword form the destroyed tree. "Besides what happened to the ones you were taking care of?"

Berserker did a bored yawn and pointed at the piles of dust and small fragments that littered the graveyard. "So, Master what did you think?"

"Think of what?" I asked back with a questioning look.

Berserker sighed as if answering a question like why the sky was blue to a child;" I mean what do you think of my skills in battle."

"Well, honestly I could not see much since I was fighting for my lif-"

"So you think that my skills to inadequate to win this war?" Berserker said with crossed arms after his two- handed sword disappeared, almost sounding like a wounded puppy. Well, an armored puppy but still a puppy. How the heck did he immediately start thinking I was disappointed in his skills? He even looks slightly depressed almost with his shoulders slightly slumped down.

"What I am trying to say is that I did not get to see much of your power, Berserker," I quickly say raising my still stinging left hand that most likely had three Command Spells burned onto it." But, I have to say what I felt was impressive."

I think the Berserker I summoned may be almost like me when I have to fight as well. We both take great pleasure in battle for one. Hell, I think that we were both influencing each other like rapid wolves chasing down the prey thanks to this link as Master and Servant. It would seem we were both born with the disease for the love of battle. But our love for it while similar is very different. I felt Berserker's joy and bloodlust increase as he destroyed more of those pale bone soldiers while mine felt more controlled when compared to his. My joy would have rotted away like a flower during winter if these familiars were made with flesh and nerves attached to them though. I have a feeling that my Servant's would have contuied to rise if that happened. I cannot allow myself to fall like Berserker most likely has. If I do would I lose the quality of being human?

Anyway…what is this burning feeling in my chest when I felt Berserker's rage and bloodlust? My brain is begging me to find out what this emotion is…but I can't name it. Joy? Rage? Amusement? Envy? I am honestly stumped.

"Of course, Master, for you have summoned the greatest of all Heroic Sprits!" Berserker stood proudly with his armored chest puffed out with pride.

I could not help but let out a small laugh at Berserker's child like response. It is probably best for now to leave these thoughts and my personal questions for Berserker alone for now until we know we are completely safe and don't have to worry about being watched. Assassin could probably still be watching us and waiting for us to slip up. It would be best to leave for now and find a well-populated place for us to stay at for the night until we locate our "allies". Or they locate us…one of the two.

"Berserker let leave this graveyard." Sounding actually excited for the coming battles as I spoke to Berserker "I don't want to be arrested for vandalism before the War starts after all." Berserker responded with an equally excited nod and a distorted snort of amusement as vanished in blue light. Grabbing what undamaged items that remained of my supplies in my suitcase in my scratched arm, I climbed the fence that was several feet away from my current location while ignoring my wound on my right arm. Toward my reward for finding out about my father, and what happened to him.

A/N:Well first I have to give a great thank you to my beta Sliverbug28, who's suggestions and I ideas for this story made it possible for me to write it. I also want to give thanks to the people who have read my other story Innocent Monster, a Fire Emblem Fanfic, and enjoyed it as well. I will still be writing Innocent Monster so don't worry about that. I will most likely transition between the two a chapter or two at a time once I am done editing Innocent Monster.

Anyway I hope Berserker and Assassin are in character for you. I did my best to research about their personality and their capabilities as Servants. I will let you know now though that all the Masters will be OC's because this is an AU that is a combination of the Stay/Night and Apocrypha series.

If you guess have any question or criticism please be sure to either review or send a PM. I will be sure to read it!

Ah, Also be sure to read Sliverbug28's Genderbent Emperors and Gallivanting Eccentrics! If you like some dark or humor be sure to check it out!

A peek at the Title of the next chapter (in the works title):

En-Cake-du: The Childish Cake