As promised, here's the second chapter. I hope you enjoy it!

The Ties That Bind

Chapter Two - United We Stand

With the whole den to himself, Scott could enjoy the rare treat of relaxing in true peace and quiet. It felt good to be warm again too. Even if he was still too wired to sleep... yes, it felt good to be warm.

Of course, drinking all this coffee wasn't going to help him settle. Five mugs so far, and... yeah. Yeah, kinda late now to switch to decaff. Besides, decaff tasted as bad as Grandma's gravy.

He must have said that last part aloud, secure in the knowledge that no-one was around to hear him. Of course, he should have known better. Seen or unseen, this family's eyes and ears was always around.

"You know, talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity."

Safely out of reach of any reprisals, John watched his brother's reaction with unmitigated glee. Without any means of propulsion, the supposedly fearless leader of International Rescue had almost shot into orbit. And what kind of brother would he be if he didn't make the most of it?

"Ooh, and nice jump! Give it a bit more effort, you could even make the next Olympics."

Still mentally scraping himself off the ceiling, Scott threw his fiercest glare into his brother's image. If there was a really annoying thing about brothers, it was those who managed to get the drop on you. And when your dignity was on the line... well, all the more reason to re-assert your authority.

"That was not a jump, Thunderbird Five. That was 'a natural, manly reflex to the unexpected'."

In his eyes, of course, it was the perfect response. Unfortunately, a broadening grin told him otherwise.

Thwarted, if just for now, Scott did what all sensible leaders would do in such situations. In the military, it would be called a 'strategic withdrawal.' In politics, it would be a 'pertinent change of subject.'

Here on Tracy Island, the long suffering head of International Rescue called it 'strategic saving of butt.'

"By the way, you were two minutes late on that last pass, so you might want to check your timing. And how'd you know I'd still be up?"

Whether for real, or as a holographic projection, the smirk on John's face was still maddeningly smug. As soon as he saw his brother fold his arms, Scott knew he was beaten.

"Nice try, Scooter, but there was nothing wrong with that last pass. If anything, I was a second ahead of schedule, so you might want to check your time down there instead."

Despite all attempts to hide it, Scott winced. That made it two points to zip. And it was rapidly heading towards three.

"As for knowing you'd still be up... well, you're Scott Tracy. Ace pilot, King of the Dimples... and the world's worst insomniac."

Yep, game over. World's worst insomniac or not, he might just as well give it up now, and go to bed.

Flattered by that first part, if not by the second and third, Scott pulled a face back at him. Well, tried to. Kinda hard to pull off your best, big brother glare when those famous dimples threatened to spoil it.

Of course, John had a few giveaway traits too. Especially when he had a troubled brother on his hands. A change in his eyes, reflecting more serious concern as they measured the tiredness on Scott's face.

All teasing aside, he knew the burden of many new demands weighed solely on his brother's shoulders. That burden would be especially heavy tonight, and... yes. Time to get serious, and try to ease its load.

"Everyone okay?"

'Jeez, and everyone calls me the family worry-wart!'

All flippancy aside, Scott had to admit that being big brothered himself was a comforting thought. A chance for him to talk through the day's emotional aftermath, that he gladly accepted.

"Yeah, John, it's just... well, been a tougher day for some of us than I'd realized."

'For all of us, Scott... and even if you won't say it in front of us, you'll have felt it the most...'

Keeping that thought to himself, John just nodded - all seriousness now, all further teasing, on hold. Bearing the weight of this family's world was all very well, and Scott did so with a selfless courage, without a word of complaint. But every so often, after rallying the rest of them around, their very own Atlas needed a little rallying himself.

Aside from Scott, he knew who would have been affected the most by the day's rollercoastering events. Who would have needed one of their big brother's cheering pep talks.

"Virgil and Gordon?"

Startled by his brother's insight, Scott then smiled - chiding himself that he should have known better. From Virgil's heroics in saving Ben Gatlin and his father, to helping Gordon track that signal - yes, John would have shared the same relief, then hope, then bitter disappointment, that they'd all felt.

What he hadn't heard were the quiet admissions of longing and regret that two moments of brotherly privacy had coaxed into the open. From Virgil first, while he'd studiously checked his 'bird for post-mission damage.

'...watching that kid hug his dad made it all worth it, but... God, Scott, for just a few selfish seconds, I wanted that kid to be me...'

Then from Gordon, when the disappointment over that beacon had changed to an even more disheartening guilt.

'...I - I should have left it alone, Scott... if I'd known I'd be raising all our hopes for nothing, I'd have just left it alone...'

Of course, he'd managed to talk them both around - more easily in Virgil's case than Gordon's. And yes, he knew that Gordon would be fine too. Nothing kept that irrepressible love for life in check for long. But as today had proved, keeping this family going through its own personal loss was still an uphill battle, and -

"We'll find him, Scott. Dad's out there somewhere, I know he is. And we will find him."

- for the second time that night, John Tracy caught his brother off-guard. This time, though, there wasn't any teasing. Just a gentle smile, and the quiet words of advice that he knew Scott needed to hear.

"Now, get yourself to bed. And get Fish-Boy out of the pool, before he sprouts gills and a tail."

"I think we're a bit late for that," Scott grinned, throwing a glance of pure gratitude towards his brother as he stood and walked across to the window. Glancing down at the pool, his smile widened in even greater relief.

The pool was empty. Sitting on its edge, briskly towelling his hair, Gordon had finally worked through his emotions, and was ready to head back inside. On catching sight of his brother, Gordon offered him a cheery wave, before slipping through the doors that led to his room. From such a simple action, Scott knew they'd both sleep more easily tonight.

First, though, a few more words of gratitude for his own guardian counsellor.

"Thanks, John. Let's hope we both get to enjoy a quiet night..."

"...without the need for any more manly reflexes to the unexpected..." John finished for him, still grinning as a perfectly aimed cushion flew threw his face.

Still laughing at his brother's playful salute, Scott broke the connection, then took a final glance around the den. Yes, he was settled enough now to have a decent chance of getting to sleep, and... hmm. Maybe not.

Something he couldn't explain drew him back to the window, to stare out into the darkness beyond. No, scratch that. He could explain it. A bond, a connection, that still held this family together. Its unexpected comfort drew out another, wistful smile. One that held fresh hope. New strength in its determination.

"I know you're out there, Dad. I know you're counting on us to find you," he said at last, making a quiet promise into the night, that carried the hopes of an entire family.

"Wherever you are, Dad, just hold on. We're coming. We're on our way. We're coming to bring you home."