Chapter 7


Hello peeps ughhhh disappointing few days I've been sick and it sucksssss! Not only that but one of my favorite soccer teams ( Juventus) lost the Champions League final 3-1 to Barcelona. Good game by the way.. Oh anyway thanks again for the reviews and likes glad to see them! :) So without further ado here is chapter 7! :)

Oh Disclaimer I don't own One Piece I wish I did but I don't.

Chapter 7

'Ringgggggggg' the bell rang for lunch an Nami was beyond worried it's been around 3 hours since she saw Luffy he didn't even come to class well neither did Sanji (much to Vivi's worry) or Zoro (much to Chopper's worry he really wanted to congratulate him for yesterday's game. But Nami was very surprised that Robin was also worried for him.) She wouldn't have noticed but the fact that Robin (after she calmed down from her failed attempts to question Nami) called him out four times even after she knew he wasn't there. 'I'll have to ask her about that and maybe Vivi too. She looked like she missed Sanji.' Nami thought as she started to go to lunch.

"Nami! It's good to see you again!" Vivi and Kaya said as they hugged their best friend. "I thought you came with Luffy." Vivi said as Kaya went with Ussop and held hands as they walked with Chopper slightly behind Nami and Vivi.

"Well we did come to school together but then some fan girls took him away… Well not really it looked like they lost him but I thought he'd come to class. I hope he's okay." Nami said a little worried that she had no idea where her boyfriend is. She tried texting him but he didn't answer her.

"I really thought Zoro would be here, but then again he has a habit of getting loss and stuff usually Robin finds him but she came in without him." Chopper said as they kept on walking.. "Oh Zoro was so cool yesterday don't you think guys? He scored two and assisted for Law's goal he's so awesome!" He said with his eyes shining. Kaya giggled at the young boy.

"He was pretty awesome yesterday wasn't he. I think he's lucky to have a fan like you!" She said patting his head

Chopper started to dance while swaying his arms and blushing and breaking dancing as he told her. "That won't make me happy, you dummy."

"He looks happy" Ussop said as he saw the boy dancing. Kaya just giggled at Chopper's dance and lightly nudged her boyfriend. "He's so cute!" She gushed.

Nami looked at them a little amused as she saw their actions. "So since when is Chopper comfortable around someone else beside us oh and Luffy? ." She asked Vivi (she knew Chopper was a shy around people for being two years younger not only that but he was also small and smart.) Vivi was spacing out so she didn't really pay attention but Chopper spoke.

"Well umm I always thought he was cool. But he really helped me out one day." Chopper said softly.

"Really!?" Nami said a little surprised. "When was this?"

"When you had your week vacation ." Kaya said a little teasingly but let Chopper continue as Nami stared at her with half lidded eyes.

"Well I was going to my after school activities at the school clinic when Wapol and his lackeys Chess and Kuromarimo started picking on me again outside the classrooms because I had forgotten my backpack.

Nami felt her mood darken Wapol and his two lackeys were some of the biggest troublemakers in the school Chess and Kuromarimo were in their year but they were about 3 years older then them. Wapol was a year older but obviously been held back as well. They always picked on the smaller kids and Chooper was one of their favorite victims due to the fact of his father Dr. Hiriluk was supposedly a quack doctor… Well his methods were a bit strange but still he was very respected as well as the school clinic nurse his wife Dr. Kureha. They also picked on Chopper for being small and cute.. And Wapol was plain UGLY.

Chopper was continuing his story. "So they took my backpack away and started to throw it between them playing keep away but I couldn't reach it and that's when Zoro came up behind Chess." He said.

"What are you guys doing outside the gym?" Zoro asked a little confused.

That's when Wapol, Chess, and Kuromarimo all sweat dropped. "We're outside the classrooms! What are you lost?!" They yelled.

"Shut Up!". Zoro said a little embarrassed that he had (well not really lost someone just moved the gym and classrooms.) 'Yeah that's what happened.' Zoro thought. He then started to look around and it felt like the mood darkened. "Oi what do you guys think you're doing?" He asked darkly. Looking that Kuromarimo still had Choppers bag in his hand. "You planning on giving it back to him?" He asked with a bit of steel in his tone.

Kuromarimo looked on a little frightened and put down the backpack Chopper reached down for it but Wapol picked it up. "What do you think you're doing idiot!" Wapol yelled at Kuromarimo. Who later tossed the bag at Chess. "We know who you are Ronaroa Zoro! How do you think it'll look if one of East Blue FC best players is caught fighting on school grounds. So you if you don't want us to tell anything to the press I suggest you just walk away!" Wapol laughed

"Why you bastard!" Zoro said pissed off as he walked towards them. Wapol and his goons stepped back but Chopper stepped forward.

"Wait Zoro! It's okay! You don't have to worry about me." Chopper said as he started to tear up a bit but quickly held them back. "You have your soccer career to look forward to and you shouldn't get into a fight just because of me. If I was just a little taller and stronger like you I'd be able to stand up to them. But unfortunately I'm not but I can't always be counting on people and being a don't worry about it Zoro." Chopper said trying to put on a brave smile.

Zoro felt his mood soften up a bit as he bent down and he petted his head and told him. "You're not a bother Chopper, none of us think that so you shouldn't think that about yourself." Chopper felt happy for real . "Thanks Zoro tha…"he started

Wapol laughed out load "Haha you really are quack just like your father if you think you aren't a bother. Haha a midget like you couldn't possibly be anything else.!" Chess and Kuromarimo started laughing as well. Chopper pulled his hat down and he started to cry. "Just keep on walking Roranoa if you don't want us to tell the press.!" Wapol said smugly but that quickly went away when he saw Zoro.

"You know something. I just have to make sure you can't make that threat happened." He said while cracking his knuckles and looking at them menacingly. Wapol and his goons started to back off.

"Hey I'm serious! If you put a hand on us we'll tell everyone." Wapol said as he backed into a wall.

"Yeah I heard you but I don't care, I can't see my friends cry or feel helpless. I learned that from someone who never gave up on me.". Zoro said as he remembered his first meeting with the person who would change his life.

Flashback 6 years ago

He remembered a wide grin on his face with his arm stretched out as he helped him up. He had gotten in another fight. It seemed that's all he did after he lost his best friend Kuina they had made a promise to win the World Cup for Japan. She would win it for the women's national team and he would win it for the males national team. She was one of the best players in their youth team (they were coed.) and he really looked up to her. Then the accident happened and all he had to remember her was a green bandana that she gave him a while back. At first he wouldn't talk to anyone he would just be alone , he'd stopped talking to his teammates he didn't listen to his coach anymore. Later on he stopped going to practice. Also in all that time he never cried for her and that's when the fighting started he got into fights almost everyday, his parents were really worried about since he came home with bruises everyday They tried to stop him but he would sneak out. He got into a really bad fight one time with the local bully the 15 year old Morgan and he really did a number on Zoro as he layed on the ground bruised with a spilt lip, a bloody nose, and a swollen eye.

"I don't know who you are kid but you messed with the wrong person." He said as he picked up Zoro to deliver one last blow. 'I guess I messed up.. Sorry Kuina' he thought as Morgan's fist almost reached him but then.

"Stop that!" He heard a voice say. Morgan turned and looked at him as he let Zoro fall to the ground and turned to the new kid who came. Zoro's last thought before he lost consciousness was that this kid was screwed.

"Hey wake up sleepy head. Is that even comfortable." He heard someone say. "Oh also is that hair natural or do you dye it, shishishishi."

"It's natural damn it." Zoro said a little ticked off. He opened his eye and saw the kid bruised and with a broken lip and a cut under his left eye (which would leave a scar later on.) "Where's the other guy. Did you beat him up!" He asked a little in awe. That however was short lived.

"Nope he kicked my ass. Shishishishi." The kid said laughing as he sat down next to the laying Zoro.

"Why is that funny? He kicked your ass." Zoro said a little surprised of this kid.

"Well he didn't really kick my ass. I was still standing just said I wasn't worth his time and left." The kid said a little defensively. (What he didn't know was the Morgan had felt moved by this when he asked why he was helping him if he didn't know him. The kid replied by he could never leave someone that needed help as he shielded Zoro behind him.) "Oh by the way I'm Luffy what's your name." The kid said.

"I'm Zoro." Zoro replied. "Also why did you help me" he asked. As he tried to get back up but couldn't.

"I don't know really I just saw that you were hurt and needed help. So I came to help. No big deal. You know." Luffy said as he stood up and turned and saw something on the ground and he picked it up.

Zoro was a little surprised by his answer he never expected for anyone to help him just because. He tried to sit up again but still couldn't move to well.

"So why were you fighting him." Luffy asked him still turned around looking at the green cloth in his hand then shoved the thing in his pocket.

"Why do you ask?" Zoro asked as he finally managed to sit up. He looked at his surroundings and panicked when he couldn't find his green bandana. 'Where is it?!' He thought.

"I don't know you just don't seem like a person who would pick fights with people."Luffy said as he turned to him.

Zoro was surprised he could be read so well. "You're right I just….. I don't know." He said a little awkwardly as he started to tear up. 'What the hell is wrong with me!?' He thought as he started wiping his eyes. "Why are the tears falling now.. When I tried so hard to keep them in…. When I.. When I just didn't want to accept it." He screamed looking at Luffy letting the tears fall freely. "I didn't want to accept my best friend died.. I thought that I would wake up one day and she'll be there, we would practice again and we could fulfill our dream." Zoro said as his tears still flowed but not as much.

"Well." Luffy said "I don't know what it's like to lose someone that important to you. Umm the closest is that I left my best friend and moved to a new city." Luffy said as a flash of Nami's face went through his mind. "But I don't think she'd want you to be sad and get into fights with people and getting hurt." I think she'd want you to keep on going and keep living your life to the fullest because it's not just you fulfilling that dream. You have to make it happen for both of you.!" Luffy said with a wide grin on his face as he stretched out his arm to Zoro to help him up.

Zoro just looked at his hand for a bit until he felt the tears again he always thought of Kuina as the person he looked up to the most. But this boy Luffy changed that.'Hey Kuina thanks for everything…. I'll make our dream come true.! Just you wait!' Zoro thought as he took Luffy's hand and got pulled up.

"Since we're talking about dreams want to hear mine?!" Luffy asked. Zoro nodded and Luffy's grin got wider. "To be the best goalie in Japan.! And lead them to World Cup glory" Luffy yelled as loud as he could with an even wider grin.

"You still have some tears in your eyes… Oh I know you can use this rag I found on the ground to wipe them off." Luffy said as he got the green cloth from his pocket and showed it to Zoro.

"Thanks Luffy! You know you're kinda al…." Zoro started until Luffy gave him the "RAG" and he and felt his anger rise.

"I'm what Zoro.. Shishishisshi you know you need to finish what your saying." Luffy said but then noticed flames around Zoro. "Oi Zoro you okay you look a little pissed." Luffy said will picking his nose. That was when Zoro grabbed Luffy and started to clean himself on Luffy shirt."Wait Zoro stop that's nasty!" Luffy said as Zoro continued to so clean his face and even blow his nose on it..

"You're kinda of an IDIOT!" Zoro yelled as he pushed back from Luffy. "This is a bandana! NOT a rag! This is something my friend left me." Zoro said.

"So it's important to you?" Luffy asked while tilting his head.

"Yes!" Zoro said.

"Oh okay, sorry." Luffy said a little nonchalantly.

"At least try to feel a little sorry…. Ughhhh but that's the best I'm going to get right." Zoro asked as he put his hand to his head. "Kinda feel like I'm going to regret this but do you want to know what our dream was.? Luffy just nodded his head. Then Zoro smiled for the first time since Kuina died… "To win a World Cup for Japan!" He yelled loudly. 'I'll make you proud Kuina!' Zoro thought

"Then I guess that'll make us teammates!" Luffy said as he put his hand out.

"Yeah I guess it does." Zoro said as he shook Luffys hand. Then Luffy let Zoro sling on his shoulder.

"Yosh!" Luffy said as he helped Zoro get to his house.

Flashback ends

"So if you guys still want to mess with him."Zoro said menacingly as he put a hand on the door.. "Then you'll have to mess with me Zoro said as he ripped the door off its his hinges.. Wapol, Chess and Kuromarimo eyes bulged out of their heads as they looked on. Then Zoro looked at then and said "Got it!" The three of them just nodded.. "Then beat it!" He yelled at them Chess and Kuromarimo ran away leaving Wapol all alone.

"Wait up you bastards!" Wapol yelled after them running away as well.

"Zoro, you didn't have to do that. I was okay." Chopper started but noticed that Zoro wasn't listening. "I'm talking to you!" Chopper yelled comically.

"Oi Chopper." Zoro said a little scared. "How much does a door cost." He asked worried.

Chopper looked at him with disbelief. 'Are you kidding me' he thought as he laugh.

"Well whatever lets just get to the gym. Zoro said a little embarrassed of his mistake.

"Okay." Chopper said. "Just follow me." He told Zoro. He started to walk and looked behind him to thank Zoro again when he noticed him going… The wrong way."Wait Zoro you're going the wrong way." Chopper yelled comically.

"You suck at giving directions." Zoro said a little annoyed..

"This isn't my fault!" Chopper yelled.

As Chopper finished telling his story Nami couldn't help but find the humor in it as she started to laugh.

"He was cool!" Chopper said defensive.

"You're right I'm sorry for laughing Chopper it's just that he looks scary and stuff but is actually really nice even if a little dumb." Nami said remembering the door incident as she started to wipe the tears from laughing so hard.

"Nami doesn't mean that right Nami?.!' Kaya asked sweetly and smiling. But the smile never reached her eyes. Nami got the hidden message behind them. 'Say anymore and a little birdy will tell your mom about last week.'

"Fine sorry Chopper." Nami said. "He is really cool." Nami said as she ruffled Choppers hair. Chopper looked on happy. "I'm still worried about Luffy though it's be a while." Nami said.

"He's probably with Zoro." Chopper said.

"Do you umm do you think they're with Sanji?" Vivi asked a little shyly as she started to blush. Kaya let go of Ussop and went to grab Vivi holding her left shoulder while Nami grabbed her right shoulder to make sure she won't leave.

"Okay talk Vivi, how long have you liked him?" They said as they continued walking.

"I don't know I guess just the way he's such a gentleman." Vivi said as they both deadpanned her.

"I really wouldn't call him a gentleman more like a pervert. Plus he always going after girls." Nami said as she remembered the few interactions she had with Sanji mainly the flirting and how he flirted with Kaya when he first saw her. Kaya was thinking the same thing but decided not to say anything. Nami was about to say a little more but then noticed the downcast look her friend had as well as her quivering lip and started to feel a little bad. "But he must have some good qualities if someone as amazing as you fell in love with him." Nami said with a wink as her friend lightened up and Kaya just smiled.

"I hate how far Brook sensei class is from the cafeteria" Kaya said in exasperation. "It's always a 10 minute walk luckily we have an hour lunch." She said as she started to go back to Ussop to hold his hand. (Much to his relief his rare disease being to far away from Kaya was acting up when he really just missed being with her.)

Now you would think since they had such a far walk they'd be almost at the end of the line but luckily for the girls they were the most sought out girls in the school. Vivi with her light blue hair that always looked amazing in a ponytail but even better in her princess curls with her hair down that had such great personality and never failed to listen and help when someone had a problem.

As well as Kaya (much to Ussops annoyance) with her golden blond hair (she looks prettier in glasses.) and delicate features that always sees her care for younger kids as well as be a nurses assistant.

But last but not least Nami who with her long orange hair as well as the figure that every time she passes a guy they turn around to take a look at her ass (which she notices and charges them a hundred dollars for each second they looked) and that most women would kill for. As such most boys would allow them to get in front . (Except for Nami she got banned from getting food for always trying to haggle and saying the food is too expensive.) but much to their surprise when they got there they noticed that the cafeteria which was always crowded and loud was now strangely quiet and empty not even the cafeteria workers were there.

"Where is everyone?" Kaya asked a little surprised that nobody was here.

"It seems like they all disappeared." Vivi said as she looked around.

"Did you say…Dis..disa….disappeared!" Nami, Ussop , and Chopper as they turned white with fear. "Is that even possible! Chopper asked as he hid behind Ussop's leg. (The wrong way.) "Stop say such scary things Vivi!" Ussop and Nami said yelling at her with tears falling in their eyes. Vivi just rolled her eyes. 'Scaredy cats.' She thought.

"Yoyohohohohoho." They heard a voice from behind them they were just about to turn around when suddenly the lights turned off..! "Yoho?! The voice said just as surprised.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. A GHOSTTTTTTTTTT! You could hear the shrieking of three people. Ussop and Chopper were so scared they passed out.

"Wait ghost please don't take me I'm too young and pretty. Take my friends instead well maybe just Ussop or something. No wait." As Nami stared to mumble as and was white with fear.

"Wait guys calm down ghosts aren't real!" Vivi said while she was shaking like a leaf As she tried to calm down Nami and Chopper.

"She's right baby! There's no such things as ghosts so show me the brave warrior you are.!" Kaya said to the passed out Ussop.

"My disease that I don't mess with ghosts is acting up." Ussop said as he passed out again.

"Yoho?! A ghost!" Another voice said. "Keep him away from me!"

"Wait what!?" Vivi and Kaya said when the started to hear a laugh.

"Fufufufufu!" Robin laughed as she turned the lights on near the middle of the cafeteria and Brook was shaking like a leaf in front of the cafeteria doors. Vivi and Kaya sweat drooped and thought 'How did she get there?!" As the weakling trio recovered and beat up Brook because he's the one that scared them with the laugh.. (It's not like they are to scared of Robin to do anything to her.)

"So when did you get there.?" Asked Vivi as Kaya tried to save Brook sensei.

"Fufufufufufufu. I was actually behind you the whole time if I was an assassin from an underground organization that wanted to takeover a kingdom and you were its princess I could've killed you." Robin said sadistically as Vivi sweat drooped

"Oi! Don't say scary things" Ussop said as he slapped the air and Chopper did as well agreeing with him.

"That was actually very descriptive Miss Robin." Vivi said a little weary as Kaya tried to catch their attention since Brook Sensei was still beat up.

"Yes it was wasn't it but that kind of stuff happens in animes." She then looked at them funny. (Kaya gave up on Brook when he said he wanted to see her panties before his death.) and said. "I was actually curious as to why y'all were going to the cafeteria considering Principal Sengoku's announcement in the class just before lunch."

"Wait what announcement?" Nami asked.

"Oh yeah I remembered that you kept on checking your phone and weren't paying attention to the lesson Nami." Robin said as Nami started to blush as she was texting Luffy and wondering where he was.

"Haha busted.!" Vivi said

That's when Robin said "Also you Vivi were to busy staring longingly to the seat beside you waiting for a certain Mr. Prince to come right?" Vivi stayed quiet almost immediately and started blushing as well while Kaya started to poke her cheeks and looked at her smugly.

"Also you Kaya seemed to be to busy being lovey dovey with Long Nose Kun to even pay attention to my lesson much less the announcement." This got a heavy blush from both Ussop and Kaya.

"Last but not least you Chopper." Robin said. "You need to stop being so cute.!" Robin gushed. While Chopper danced and said happily. "That won't make me happy you bastard." So everyone besides Chopper apologized.

"So what was the announcement?" Nami asked again.

"As it turns out a reporter actually invited the whole school to a banquet in some persons honor. Well actually she wanted to invite just the said person but Principal Sengoku forced her to have it for the whole school or to cancel the whole thing. Said person and reporter didn't want that said person wanted the banquet so he can have all the meat and said reporter wanted said person happy so it's going to be in the courtyard." Robin explained as she stated to leave the cafeteria.

'How did we miss all that!' They all thought shocked as they started to walk behind Robin. (Brook sensei was long forgotten as his last words were panties..)

"Oi hurry up." Ussop said as he rushed the exaggerating teacher.

"But why would someone want give a person a banquet in someone's honor or better yet why would anyone want a banquet in their honor in the first place? Doesn't that sound a little selfish, greedy, and egotistic? Nami started but then stopped when she saw the looks her friends and big sister figure were giving her.

"Selfish!" Said Kaya

"Greedy!" Said Ussop

"Egotistic!" Said Vivi

"Nami did you hire a reporter to throw you a banquet in your honor.!?" Asked Robin with a deadpanned look on her face.

"Do you guys want to get charged and hit!" Nami said with shark teeth and fire around her.

"Well joking aside." Said Robin. "A reporter would only come to a school or even be here for a purpose. So that narrows it down to three people a reporter would be here for." Explained Robin.

"You don't mean them right!?" Nami and Vivi said.

"I pretty sure that's your answer and also for who this whole thing is for. Fufufufu." Robin said as she pointed at statues of….. Luffy!? All in different poses as he makes save after save or when he's celebrating a goal and when they win a game all those statues around three tables , two long feast tables that holds all the students of the school , you can see the students enjoying themselves.. Wait scratch that trying to enjoy themselves as they look longingly at the table in the middle of the two that's a lot smaller then the other two and seats by the looks of it only four people and few feet behind them is another statue of Luffy kissing someone after another one of their victories. The green haired one is just enjoying his food and drinking what is hopefully water. While The blond haired being the love struck fool that he is trying to get the attention of the black long haired love struck women that Nami remembers as the reporter that, as she looked at the statute again as the one that kissed Luffy after the game. But his advances are bearing no fruit as she is interested in feeding with her fork as well as be to close to him and is basically almost on his lap while she is lacing her free arm around his so she could put them close to her breasts to the black haired boy that Nami has been wondering where he went as well as worrying for, for almost half the day. Her loveable idiot.!

"Luffy!" Nami yelled at him!

Well that was a lot longer and later then I expected… Really sorry about that people I was actually working on it since May and well now it's been around 6 months because we're in November… Wow….. Sorry again people really glad that the story was still doing good even though I was slackening I promise it won't take 6 months to update the next one. Also I would like to apologize for the quality of the chapter I had stopped writing for like 3 months so when I started I then took another 2 months off so I'm pretty sure I'm hella rusty but again sorry I'm pretty sure it might be a little confusing cause I sorta had an inception thing going on a flashback within a flashback.? Ya feel? But again sorry please continue to review and thanks for sticking with me. Y'all are the best people's :)