Chapter Four

It had been two weeks since Tyler first began coming to the cove. Foxy never knew what to expect when Tyler came by. Some days Tyler seemed focused on tuning up his gears, other days he'd work on Foxy's new suit, and some days Tyler would simply be sitting in a corner drawing on a piece of paper. The only thing that was ever consent was Tyler rambles. Today was hardly any different as Tyler continued to stitch together Foxy's suit.

"You know I've been actually looking up old pictures of you, as a reference." Tyler said as he stitch the red suit. "I'm not 100% sure but I think that when I'm done with you, you're going to look fresh out of the box." He gave the fox a smile and continued his work. "I can't wait to see the look on Tony's face."

"Aye" Foxy said softly, at the moment he wasn't quite sure if he should be speaking to the boy. There was a part of the fox that wanted to talk to the boy and have a normal conversation. Yet there was another part of him that was terrified of how the boy would react if he knew that the animatronics were alive. "How can I let 'im know th' truth wit' out scarin' 'im." Foxy thought to himself.

"Alright Foxy I think we're about done." Tyler said proudly as he walked over to the fox and began to put on his new suit. It took a few minutes, but after Tyler finally had everything in place he stepped back and admired his work. "If this business entrepreneur thing doesn't work out for me I think I might go into the costume business." He said in a satisfied tone. "Here" Tyler said as he dusted off a mirror in the corner of the room. "Take look!"

Foxy, slowly walked over to the mirror, a bit annoyed that Tyler had actually dusted off the mirror. "I've been avoiding that thing like the plague." Foxy thought to himself bitterly. It was about a year ago, when Foxy had tried to get the endo security guard back into his suit, that he had caught a glimpse of himself in the office window. After that Foxy hadn't allowed himself anywhere near anything remotely reflective, afraid that he would have to see himself again. Foxy hesitantly looked at the old mirror, only when he finally looked at himself Foxy couldn't believe what he saw.

"See Foxy! It's like your fresh out of your box." Tyler walked over and began to pick up his tools when he noticed that Foxy was still admiring his reflection. "For a 30 year old robot your programing is pretty intense." Tyler said in a curious tone. "I think I'll do a test run on you when I get back from my trip."

"Trip?" Foxy asked nervously. All though Foxy was careful not to say too much, every now and then he'd ask a one worded question.

"Ya," Tyler said eyeing Foxy. "I'm going to this remote place in east asia. It's suppose to be completely isolated, you know, no phone, no email. It's suppose to be relaxing."

"Be sure t' be safe lad" Foxy said trying to sound happy. He didn't want Tyler to leave, but then again he did say that he'd be coming back.

"Well Foxy, I'll be seeing you." Tyler said as he headed out the back door. He hadn't noticed that he had left his files on his chair in the cove, but instead rushed out the door with his usual goodbye wave. "I'll see you in three months."

"I'll be seeing ya laddy." Foxy said quietly, his head and ears drooped.

"Who will you be seeing" A voice said at the cove's door frame. Foxy jumped as Freddy turned the lights on.

"No don't look" Foxy silently begged. For the first time in decades Foxy had his very own friend, and he wasn't quite ready to share him.

"Foxy I've already told you that we need to t-" As Freddy gazed at his old friend he couldn't help but gasp. "F-foxy! Your fixed!"

"Aye" Foxy muttered gently.

"How?" When Foxy didn't reply Freddy only looked around the cove. "Your were talking to someone. Who was it?"

Again no reply came.

"Foxy please," Freddy begged. " You look practically new. We need to know who fixed you." Freddy was nearly ready to begin an interrogation when he noticed a fold-up chair near the corner of the cove. Freddy knew that it didn't belong to the pizzeria, the chair was too new, with no signs of wear or faded color. An outsider had to have brought it in. But then Freddy noticed the files on the chair, with the words "Development" sprawled out in giant red letters. Freddy ignored Foxy's protest as he picked up the file and began to read it.

"Oh no"

Tyler hadn't noticed his missing file until the moment he arrived home and tossed his keys on his kitchen table.

"Oh well F^&k me!" Tyler moaned as he flopped on to his bed. He knew that hypothetically if he left the files at the pizzeria and no one came and found them then he'd be golden. But on the off chance that anyone did come in for whatever reason he'd be unbelievably screwed. During these last few days his step father, for whatever reason, had decided to bring him into the "family" business. For years Tyler had know that part of his step father's fortune had been made through scams and very shady business deals, but he never had any proof. Not that he wanted to find any, Tyler was completely content to live in sweat ignorance, but for his step father believed that it was time to let him know the ins and outs of the "real" business.

Tyler was tempted to call on of his siblings and ask them to get the file for him, after all he knew at least five of them would have no problem covering his ass. But the simple fact was if his step father ever found out how badly he had messed us it would be very likely that Tyler could kiss a body part good bye.

Tyler thrashed around his bed for several seconds, screaming into his pillow before he got up and grabbed his keys. "All I got to do is go back, grab that file and burn the s.o.b. Then it's a nice plane ride and three months of relaxation."

As he slid into his car Tyler wondered if he should call one of his siblings. "Just for company." He muttered softly, as much as it pained him to say, Tyler couldn't deny that he was very much afraid of the dark.

"No your a big boy Tyler, you can go into that pizzeria and cover your own butt."

It didn't take long for Tyler to reach the old pizzeria, for once there wasn't traffic towards the out skirts of the city thankfully.

"Alrighty" Tyler huffed as he parked in front of the pizzeria. "Get in, get out, go home happy." But just as he was going to leave his car his phone rang. "Tyler's phone Tyler speaking."

"Hey Ty,Ty" Tony called out cheerfully. "I just wanted to say bye for everyone-" He was interrupted by nearly a dozen people all screaming out bye. "ANY way" Tony continued, clearly annoyed at being cut off. "We know that you don't like long good byes so I'm just gonna hand the phone to everyone, and we can do a quick goodbye."

Tyler rolled his eyes and quietly grunted. It wasn't that he didn't want to say goodbye to his siblings, in fact he was a little sad that they were all busy doing stuff to send him off to the airport; yet as he watched the sunset he knew it would at the very least take a hour for all 21 of his siblings to say goodbye. Not to mention that half of them seemed to be especially chatter, reminding him of what to avoid on his journey.

"Why is my family so paranoid?" Tyler wondered to himself. "It's bad enough that Tony's over protective."

By the time all his siblings had said their goodbyes Tyler noticed that it was nearly 11. Though Tyler never thought himself to be too superstitious the whole midnight concept had always freaked him out.

"Alright Ty,Ty. Where gonna let you go now." Tony said "You take care of yourself alright? I don't want to hear that you did something dumb and they couln't haul your but fast enough to civilizaton okay?"

"Yes mom" Tyler said mockingly

"Alright Ty,Ty be safe we love you."

As soon Tyler heard the phone dial he jumped out of his car with his keys in hand.

"Here file, file" Tyler called out. Using his phone as a flashlight Tyler slowly made his way to the cove. "Dear God this place is creepy at night." The restaurant was nearly pitch black, as well as nearly silent with the exception of Tyler's foot steps. It was needless to say that Tyler was a bit unnerved. "Why are these posters still up?" Tyler grumbled "They make the place that much creepier."

As he approached pirates cove he heard a faint rustle behind him and with near lightning reflexes Tyler spun around to face the noise. Only as he flashed his light he saw nothing, at first.

"Just your imagination" Tyler began

But then he noticed something moving in the very corner of the light. When he moved his light just a little higher it revealed the bear robot that he had seen the other day slumped over on a chair.

"Oh" Tyler said in relief "It's just you-"

Freddy sat up and looked at Tyler, his eyes were pitch black. "It's me"