A/N: So this is very short. Little bit of fluff. And I just did two one-shots in a day :D

Thanks for reading! And review!

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or the Heroes of Olympus series.

Annabeth was changing out of her dress. She didn't really like to wear dresses. Her best friend Piper had forced her to wear it so she could 'impress Percy with that insanely short dress.' The dress was short, well very short. Piper had said it made her look sexy. Piper usually didn't care what she wore or what anyone else did, but when it comes to her best friends. She is on the go.

Drew Tanaka had poured her chocolate milkshake all over Annabeth's head, which also landed on her dress. The whole cafeteria had been laughing. Well, not the whole cafeteria. Percy wasn't laughing, he was glaring at Drew. So right now she was changing into one of Piper's shirts and jeans. (She didn't even know she carried clothes with her to school.)

No girls were ever in the bathroom when it was lunch so she decided it would be fine to change right there. And the entrance to the bathroom thankfully had a door.

Annabeth took of her shirt and jeans and started changing. But when she was right about just in her underwear and bra. The freaking bathroom door had to open.

And worst of all she recognized those sea green eyes, she saw them every day. It was Percy Jackson who was gaping at her from the door. Percy closed and opened his mouth his eyes wide. Then, he shook his head.

"A-Annabeth, I ju-just wanted to know if you were okay." Annabeth snarled. She was almost nude and Percy was practically perving on her.

"God, Percy, what are you doing in here?"

"What?!" Annabeth shrieked. He was still trailing up and down her body and it was really awkward.

"N-Nothing, I-It's just that-"

"It's just what?" Annabeth questioned. This was well embarrassing enough for her. Her crush, was practically looking up and down her body.

"You're um… in your underwear." He rubbed his neck nervously and she could swear his face was red. Annabeth was embarrassed beyond belief. When she got out of the bathroom she was going to strangle him.

"Ugh…" Annabeth moaned throwing her head down face palming. That groan was probably very inappropriate at that time because Percy seemed to go even redder.

"Just get out," Annabeth demanded.

"Wait, I was going to ask you if you wanted to um-"

"Ask me what?" Annabeth questioned, her eyebrow raising and she bent so her elbows were now resting on the bathroom counter.

"If you wanted to come with me, to the dance tonight," Percy rushed.

"Well, you can ask me when I'm changed and I've eaten at least something," Annabeth said.

Percy seemed to smile a little bit, and his eyes were wide. Probably thinking, 'I just saw Annabeth Chase in panties and a bra. Shit.'

He walked out of the bathroom and looked dazed. Annabeth smiled and shook her head.

"Seaweed brain."

Hope you liked it!

There is some fluff, I tried to add some more fluff in it. And this is the Outcome. And Yes! Two One-Shots in a day :D

Thanks for reading, and review!

xoxo, Abby.